Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with liesk

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.
Show me the preachers preaching hate of homosexuals?

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Just b/c you are not aware of them doesn't mean they don't exist. Start with Preacher Kevin Swason. You should be able to find more than enough stories about this loon. Ted Cruz spoke at even he held recently.
Show me proof .... I get tired of the bullshit you guys use. Regressives ether greatly exaggerate something or down right lie about it and never once show proof.... show proof

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GOP Candidates Really Don't Want To Talk About 'Kill The Gays' Conference
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 11/18/2015 2:50 pm
A couple of weeks ago, we reported extensively on a conference in Iowa organized by extremist pastor Kevin Swanson, at which three Republican presidential candidates joined Swanson on stage shortly before he went off on a series of rants about how the biblical punishment for homosexuality is death, Harry Potter is bringing God’s judgment on America, and how if your gay child gets married you should show up to the wedding covered in cow manure.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow ran a segment on the conference, but other than that, as a number of commentators have noted, the media has been strangely silent on the Republican candidates’ participation in this event.

Today, Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu reports that she reached out to the campaigns of the three candidates, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal (who has since dropped out of the presidential race), and found them rather reluctant to talk about it.

- See more at: GOP Candidates Really Don't Want To Talk About 'Kill The Gays' Conference

The Year In Homophobia: The Right-Wing's Anti-Gay Meltdown In 2015
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 12/22/2015 2:30 pm
The fall of marriage equality bans in all 50 states following the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision was a disaster for the conservative movement, whose leaders have spent years demonizing same-sex couples and warning that the legal recognition of their marriages will unleash a wave of terror on the nation.

While Obergefell was a major setback for the Religious Right, the 2016 presidential campaign proves that the movement’s anti-gay crusade is far from over. Several GOP presidential candidates have vowed to enshrine anti-gay discrimination into law and to turn the government into an arm of the anti-gay movement. At the same time, more and more conservative leaders are insisting that government officials should simply ignore decisions they don’t like, such as Obergefell.

- See more at: The Year In Homophobia: The Right-Wing's Anti-Gay Meltdown In 2015
Again more lies

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I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.
Show me the preachers preaching hate of homosexuals?

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Just b/c you are not aware of them doesn't mean they don't exist. Start with Preacher Kevin Swason. You should be able to find more than enough stories about this loon. Ted Cruz spoke at even he held recently.
Show me proof .... I get tired of the bullshit you guys use. Regressives ether greatly exaggerate something or down right lie about it and never once show proof.... show proof

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Kevin Swason has proudly stated that he wants to kills gays. Guy is a loon. Do a dash of research if you don't believe me.
One person and one not a preacher

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I am sorry if Pastor Kevin Swanson is inconvenient to your narrative. You can pretend that these people do not exist all you wish but the rest of us are under no such obligation.
Children came from a hetrosexual union, parental rights should stem from that. That isn't a bias aymore than the compass needle pointing North. Artifice of political correctness won't make gay marrige normal or neccesary...
Show me the preachers preaching hate of homosexuals?

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Just b/c you are not aware of them doesn't mean they don't exist. Start with Preacher Kevin Swason. You should be able to find more than enough stories about this loon. Ted Cruz spoke at even he held recently.
Show me proof .... I get tired of the bullshit you guys use. Regressives ether greatly exaggerate something or down right lie about it and never once show proof.... show proof

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Kevin Swason has proudly stated that he wants to kills gays. Guy is a loon. Do a dash of research if you don't believe me.
One person and one not a preacher

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I am sorry if Pastor Kevin Swanson is inconvenient to your narrative. You can pretend that these people do not exist all you wish but the rest of us are under no such obligation.
Says who?

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Except that stripping a child even of the hope of a mother or father FOR LIFE (gay marriage) is an act of cruelty to children.
Having said that, please answer a couple of easy questions as honestly as you can.

1. How long would you allow a child to remain in the foster care system waiting for a "traditional " couple to adopt him, knowing that the older they get, the less chance there is for anyone adopting them ?

2. What would you do about all of those children who are the biological offspring of a gay person and by virtue of that fact, has no chance of having a mother and a father, but does have a chance to have married parents who both are legally responsible?

1. Single people can adopt because that still provides the hope that the child will one day have a mother and father. That person in fact would be more likely to marry than not, having a child to raise on one's own would inspire anyone to find a mate to help. Gays will NEVER bring either the missing father or mother into the child's life. That is a final statement and eradication of hope for the child.

OK, Nice attempt at avoidance but it won’t work. Allow me to restate the question IF NO ONE who is willing and qualified to adopt came forward… how long should we wait before allowing a gay couple to adopt? Should we wait until the child is 8? Ten? Twelve? How fucking long? Answer the question and stop being such a coward!

2. The poor unfortunate children caught up in gay lifestyles will likely indeed be stripped of all hope of a balanced parentage for their best psychological development. But we don't make unfortunate exceptions 'the new rule" just because some are suffering. Other children not currently in existence have to be thought of as well. You know, the future and where it's heading with this new psychological prison for children...?

Another horseshit answer that proves that you don’t give a fuck about the kids. You are willing to sacrifice those children to a life of marginalization, and for what? That is so fucking stupid . You assume that there will not always be more children in that situation? That is ridiculous! How the fuck will you prevent it. Are you willing to promote policies that prohibit gays from having children or even removing children from the care of gay people? Yes, that is a new question. I dare you to answer it honestly. With each of your responses, you reveal yourself to be more bizarre, hateful and hypocritical than before.
Says who?

You only don't want to believe he a pastor b/c it runs counter to your narrative. I really don't care if you believe he is a pastor or not as I can't force you to accept facts.
I don't believe it because he isn't one.

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Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.
Says who?

You only don't want to believe he a pastor b/c it runs counter to your narrative. I really don't care if you believe he is a pastor or not as I can't force you to accept facts.
I don't believe it because he isn't one.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.
Saying you are a pastor doesn't make you one.

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Saying you are a pastor doesn't make you one.

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But being the pastor of a church does - well - make you the pastor of a church.

Kevin Swanson

Pastor Kevin and his wife Brenda have lived in Elbert County for almost 20 years. This is where they raised their five children, homeschooling them the whole way. Kevin has always had an interest in education, teaching in public schools, Christian schools, colleges, and home schools. He has hosted a daily radio program for ten years, in which he teaches on biblical worldview, Christian education, family discipleship, and cultural discernment of modern music and movies.

Church Officers - Reformation Church of Elizabeth

Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.

It would be fun to let your strawman "this is about religion" stay put. But I'm not going to indulge you.

Instead, we will return to the fact that New York vs Ferber (1982) was about a SECULAR situation where Ferber was trying to peddle child porn as a matter of "his free speech"...which was affirmed, then denied, then appealed and lost at the SCOTUS level. And the reason it lost was the key finding in the Obergefell problem. "Adults' constitutional rights cannot result in the physical or psychological harm to children".

Period. And since gay marriage strips children even of the hope of the missing mother or father coming into their lives..FOREVER...single parents would be better because at least the state can keep enticing the benefits for children they see later (marriage tax breaks) and that parent will eventually bring the vital missing parent in.

Obergefell, even if it was a rock-solid and fair-won Constitutional right (it wasn't, about 8 ways to Sunday), cannot exist to the detriment of children.

Now, gays may have children wrapped up in their lives, but we don't make the suffering of some children an extension to guarantee the suffering of many many more yet to come. ie: we don't allow gays to physically deconstruct the skeleton of marriage (which was still adhered to in Loving v Virginia) so that their children won't have to bear the stigma.

The stigma isn't actually parents not being married...since there are quite a lot of those aren't there? Hardly standing out in a crowd if you're a child of unmarried parents. The stigma is having two dads instead of a mom and dad...or two moms instead of a mom and dad...and THAT stigma still exists. "Gay marriage" did nothing to remove that. And the worst sting of all is felt by the children caught up in that stigma that has not been remedied by "gay marriage". Because they are keenly aware they are stuck there for life once the ink is dry on that marriage certificate.. Marriage is a declaration of "for life". It is not an exaggeration to say, therefore, that gay marriage upped the cruelty factor to children involved, not diminished it...
Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.

It would be fun to let your strawman "this is about religion" stay put. But I'm not going to indulge you.

Instead, we will return to the fact that New York vs Ferber (1982) was about a SECULAR situation where Ferber was trying to peddle child porn as a matter of "his free speech"...which was affirmed, then denied, then appealed and lost at the SCOTUS level. And the reason it lost was the key finding in the Obergefell problem. "Adults' constitutional rights cannot result in the physical or psychological harm to children".

Period. And since gay marriage strips children even of the hope of the missing mother or father coming into their lives..FOREVER...single parents would be better because at least the state can keep enticing the benefits for children they see later (marriage tax breaks) and that parent will eventually bring the vital missing parent in.

Obergefell, even if it was a rock-solid and fair-won Constitutional right (it wasn't, about 8 ways to Sunday), cannot exist to the detriment of children.

Now, gays may have children wrapped up in their lives, but we don't make the suffering of some children an extension to guarantee the suffering of many many more yet to come. ie: we don't allow gays to physically deconstruct the skeleton of marriage (which was still adhered to in Loving v Virginia) so that their children won't have to bear the stigma.

The stigma isn't actually parents not being married...since there are quite a lot of those aren't there? Hardly standing out in a crowd if you're a child of unmarried parents. The stigma is having two dads instead of a mom and dad...or two moms instead of a mom and dad...and THAT stigma still exists. "Gay marriage" did nothing to remove that. And the worst sting of all is felt by the children caught up in that stigma that has not been remedied by "gay marriage". Because they are keenly aware they are stuck there for life once the ink is dry on that marriage certificate.. Marriage is a declaration of "for life". It is not an exaggeration to say, therefore, that gay marriage upped the cruelty factor to children involved, not diminished it...

I am not the one that brought it up, ding dong.

Nobody cares what legal nonsense you craft in a lame attempt to harm gay people and their families. Gay marriage is legal in all 50 states despite your foot stomping hissy. You're irrelevant and the sooner you make peace with that fact the better.
Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.

It would be fun to let your strawman "this is about religion" stay put. But I'm not going to indulge you.

Instead, we will return to the fact that New York vs Ferber (1982) was about a SECULAR situation where Ferber was trying to peddle child porn as a matter of "his free speech"...which was affirmed, then denied, then appealed and lost at the SCOTUS level. And the reason it lost was the key finding in the Obergefell problem. "Adults' constitutional rights cannot result in the physical or psychological harm to children".

Period. And since gay marriage strips children even of the hope of the missing mother or father coming into their lives..FOREVER...single parents would be better because at least the state can keep enticing the benefits for children they see later (marriage tax breaks) and that parent will eventually bring the vital missing parent in.

Obergefell, even if it was a rock-solid and fair-won Constitutional right (it wasn't, about 8 ways to Sunday), cannot exist to the detriment of children.

Now, gays may have children wrapped up in their lives, but we don't make the suffering of some children an extension to guarantee the suffering of many many more yet to come. ie: we don't allow gays to physically deconstruct the skeleton of marriage (which was still adhered to in Loving v Virginia) so that their children won't have to bear the stigma.

The stigma isn't actually parents not being married...since there are quite a lot of those aren't there? Hardly standing out in a crowd if you're a child of unmarried parents. The stigma is having two dads instead of a mom and dad...or two moms instead of a mom and dad...and THAT stigma still exists. "Gay marriage" did nothing to remove that. And the worst sting of all is felt by the children caught up in that stigma that has not been remedied by "gay marriage". Because they are keenly aware they are stuck there for life once the ink is dry on that marriage certificate.. Marriage is a declaration of "for life". It is not an exaggeration to say, therefore, that gay marriage upped the cruelty factor to children involved, not diminished it...
President Obama Opens Up About His Hope For LGBT Acceptance

President Obama sat down for his annual YouTube interview in the East Room of the White House last month, where Internet stars Destin Sandlin, Ingrid Nilsen and Adande Thorne had a chance to pose the kind of questions the mainstream media often doesn't think to ask.

Responding to a question by Ingrid Nilson, who came out as lesbian last June, President Obama revealed the one thing that makes him the most hopeful about the future for America's gays and lesbians. It is talking to his daughters, Sasha, 14 and Malia, 17, who will head out to college next year.

"The best thing," the president told Ms. Nilson, "the thing that makes me most hopeful, is when I talk to Malia and Sasha, young people of your generation – their attitudes are so different, and the notion that you’d discriminate against someone because of sexual orientation is so out of sync with how most young people think – including young Republicans, young Democrats – I think it’s it’s across some of the usual political lines.

The president also talked about Alabama Judge Roy Moore and the problem of bullying faced by LGBT teens.

"For young people, making sure they’re not bullied, that requires the participation of all of us.

"We’re not there yet," admitted President Obama, "but on the other hand, I’ve got to tell you, just to watch the amazing strides that we’ve made over the last five years, ten years, all as a result of the incredible courage of people who had the courage to come out and say ‘here’s who I am’, but who did it 20-30 years ago when it was incredibly tough."
Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.

It would be fun to let your strawman "this is about religion" stay put. But I'm not going to indulge you.

Instead, we will return to the fact that New York vs Ferber (1982) was about a SECULAR situation where Ferber was trying to peddle child porn as a matter of "his free speech"...which was affirmed, then denied, then appealed and lost at the SCOTUS level. And the reason it lost was the key finding in the Obergefell problem. "Adults' constitutional rights cannot result in the physical or psychological harm to children".

Period. And since gay marriage strips children even of the hope of the missing mother or father coming into their lives..FOREVER...single parents would be better because at least the state can keep enticing the benefits for children they see later (marriage tax breaks) and that parent will eventually bring the vital missing parent in.

Obergefell, even if it was a rock-solid and fair-won Constitutional right (it wasn't, about 8 ways to Sunday), cannot exist to the detriment of children.

Now, gays may have children wrapped up in their lives, but we don't make the suffering of some children an extension to guarantee the suffering of many many more yet to come. ie: we don't allow gays to physically deconstruct the skeleton of marriage (which was still adhered to in Loving v Virginia) so that their children won't have to bear the stigma.

The stigma isn't actually parents not being married...since there are quite a lot of those aren't there? Hardly standing out in a crowd if you're a child of unmarried parents. The stigma is having two dads instead of a mom and dad...or two moms instead of a mom and dad...and THAT stigma still exists. "Gay marriage" did nothing to remove that. And the worst sting of all is felt by the children caught up in that stigma that has not been remedied by "gay marriage". Because they are keenly aware they are stuck there for life once the ink is dry on that marriage certificate.. Marriage is a declaration of "for life". It is not an exaggeration to say, therefore, that gay marriage upped the cruelty factor to children involved, not diminished it...


Being Gay Isn’t A Choice, But Religious Intolerance Is
Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.

It would be fun to let your strawman "this is about religion" stay put. But I'm not going to indulge you.

Instead, we will return to the fact that New York vs Ferber (1982) was about a SECULAR situation where Ferber was trying to peddle child porn as a matter of "his free speech"...which was affirmed, then denied, then appealed and lost at the SCOTUS level. And the reason it lost was the key finding in the Obergefell problem. "Adults' constitutional rights cannot result in the physical or psychological harm to children".

Period. And since gay marriage strips children even of the hope of the missing mother or father coming into their lives..FOREVER...single parents would be better because at least the state can keep enticing the benefits for children they see later (marriage tax breaks) and that parent will eventually bring the vital missing parent in.

Obergefell, even if it was a rock-solid and fair-won Constitutional right (it wasn't, about 8 ways to Sunday), cannot exist to the detriment of children.

Now, gays may have children wrapped up in their lives, but we don't make the suffering of some children an extension to guarantee the suffering of many many more yet to come. ie: we don't allow gays to physically deconstruct the skeleton of marriage (which was still adhered to in Loving v Virginia) so that their children won't have to bear the stigma.

The stigma isn't actually parents not being married...since there are quite a lot of those aren't there? Hardly standing out in a crowd if you're a child of unmarried parents. The stigma is having two dads instead of a mom and dad...or two moms instead of a mom and dad...and THAT stigma still exists. "Gay marriage" did nothing to remove that. And the worst sting of all is felt by the children caught up in that stigma that has not been remedied by "gay marriage". Because they are keenly aware they are stuck there for life once the ink is dry on that marriage certificate.. Marriage is a declaration of "for life". It is not an exaggeration to say, therefore, that gay marriage upped the cruelty factor to children involved, not diminished it...

Again, it doesn't matter what you believe as he a pastor regardless of your disbelief. Either way, it has been shown to you that there are pastors that preach hate and sometimes even death about gays. You can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest know better.

It would be fun to let your strawman "this is about religion" stay put. But I'm not going to indulge you.

Instead, we will return to the fact that New York vs Ferber (1982) was about a SECULAR situation where Ferber was trying to peddle child porn as a matter of "his free speech"...which was affirmed, then denied, then appealed and lost at the SCOTUS level. And the reason it lost was the key finding in the Obergefell problem. "Adults' constitutional rights cannot result in the physical or psychological harm to children".

Period. And since gay marriage strips children even of the hope of the missing mother or father coming into their lives..FOREVER...single parents would be better because at least the state can keep enticing the benefits for children they see later (marriage tax breaks) and that parent will eventually bring the vital missing parent in.

Obergefell, even if it was a rock-solid and fair-won Constitutional right (it wasn't, about 8 ways to Sunday), cannot exist to the detriment of children.

Now, gays may have children wrapped up in their lives, but we don't make the suffering of some children an extension to guarantee the suffering of many many more yet to come. ie: we don't allow gays to physically deconstruct the skeleton of marriage (which was still adhered to in Loving v Virginia) so that their children won't have to bear the stigma.

The stigma isn't actually parents not being married...since there are quite a lot of those aren't there? Hardly standing out in a crowd if you're a child of unmarried parents. The stigma is having two dads instead of a mom and dad...or two moms instead of a mom and dad...and THAT stigma still exists. "Gay marriage" did nothing to remove that. And the worst sting of all is felt by the children caught up in that stigma that has not been remedied by "gay marriage". Because they are keenly aware they are stuck there for life once the ink is dry on that marriage certificate.. Marriage is a declaration of "for life". It is not an exaggeration to say, therefore, that gay marriage upped the cruelty factor to children involved, not diminished it...

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

  • An estimated two million GLB people are interested in adopting.
  • An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.
  • More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.
  • Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
  • Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.
Note: Stay up-to-date on gay adoption and other adoption & foster care issues with my weekly newsletter. How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?
President Obama Opens Up About His Hope For LGBT Acceptance ...President Obama sat down for his annual YouTube interview...
...President Obama revealed the one thing that makes him the most hopeful about the future for America's gays and lesbians.
..The president also talked about Alabama Judge Roy Moore and the problem of bullying faced by LGBT teens.
..."For young people, making sure they’re not bullied, that requires the participation of all of us...

When did Obama get his degree in child developmental psychology to where he could give a complete pass to the higher depression, drug abuse and suicidal thoughts of kids raised without a parent of their gender? I notice that when the topic of stripping a child of either a mother or father for life (gay marriage) comes up...not even the hope remains...the topic gets switched to "gay teen suicides"...when that causal agent has not been proven.

My friend who was molested, became promiscuously gay as a result of untreated childhood wounds, went out and "committed suicide" by being promiscuous without protection, getting HIV and dying of AIDS. But not before he went out after his HIV diagnosis and infected many hundreds (thousands?) more like him in an unresolved vendetta of "those that did this to him"..

Gay teen suicide...gotta wonder about that.... I submit that people could line up and throw rose petals at the feet of "gay" teens and they'd still be killing themselves...
President Obama Opens Up About His Hope For LGBT Acceptance ...President Obama sat down for his annual YouTube interview...
...President Obama revealed the one thing that makes him the most hopeful about the future for America's gays and lesbians.
..The president also talked about Alabama Judge Roy Moore and the problem of bullying faced by LGBT teens.
..."For young people, making sure they’re not bullied, that requires the participation of all of us...

When did Obama get his degree in child developmental psychology to where he could give a complete pass to the higher depression, drug abuse and suicidal thoughts of kids raised without a parent of their gender? I notice that when the topic of stripping a child of either a mother or father for life (gay marriage) comes up...not even the hope remains...the topic gets switched to "gay teen suicides"...when that causal agent has not been proven.

My friend who was molested, became promiscuously gay as a result of untreated childhood wounds, went out and "committed suicide" by being promiscuous without protection, getting HIV and dying of AIDS. But not before he went out after his HIV diagnosis and infected many hundreds (thousands?) more like him in an unresolved vendetta of "those that did this to him"..

Gay teen suicide...gotta wonder about that.... I submit that people could line up and throw rose petals at the feet of "gay" teens and they'd still be killing themselves...

I am pleased to see that you are capable of displaying some degree of humanity by talking about your friend who needlessly and unfortunately died. I am sorry for your loss. However, I have to say that he didn’t “became promiscuously gay as a result of untreated childhood wounds” That is just more of your typical ignorance. He was gay but you can’t accept that. And if he was promiscuous and suicidal, is was because of discrimination, and marginalization by people like you. I have to wonder what kind of a friend you were to him and if you shared your extreme bigoted and hateful views.

I will add that the teen suicides among gays that you lament are in fact a result of the same intolerance and hatred that you promote and that has is fact been proven. YOU have blood on your hands! Admit it. Your assessment about why gay teens kills themselves is callous, and moronic.

Cut the crap about kids needing a mother and a father and that banning gay marriage will somehow ensure that they all have a mother and a father. That is as stupid as stupid gets. I maintain that you really do not give a fuck about the kids or much of anything else besides your crusade against gay rights.

Oh, and when did you get your degree in child developmental psychology? You are by far the most bizarre, hateful and stupid bigot that I have ever encountered on this or any forum, and there have been many. Let’s recap;

  1. You prefer to allow children to languish in the foster care system as wards of the state- while they are shuffled among foster homes, group homes and shelters- which does unspeakable damage to them- rather than have them adopted by a same sex couple who will provide a stable, secure and permeant home for them.

  2. You refused to acknowledge or you are to stupid to understand that children who are available for adoption have already lost BOTH a mother and a father and that is not because of gays or gay marriage.

  3. You would not allow second parent adoption for children-biological or adopted- already in the care of a gay person- affording them the security of having two legal parents, because you moronically think ( although you can’t explain how) that doing so will somehow prevent other children down the road from being in that situation.

  4. You oppose marriage equality, ostensibly because you oppose gay parenting, but will not acknowledge that fact that gay folks have children in their care regardless of their ability to marry and that having married parents benefits children.

  5. You stubbornly refuse to address the reams of data that I presented that show beyond a doubt that children in the care of gays do just as well as others.
It is quite apparent that your hatred of gays far exceeds your concern for children and that you are a hopeless and shameless hypocrite.
Last edited:
Saying you are a pastor doesn't make you one.

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But being the pastor of a church does - well - make you the pastor of a church.

Kevin Swanson

Pastor Kevin and his wife Brenda have lived in Elbert County for almost 20 years. This is where they raised their five children, homeschooling them the whole way. Kevin has always had an interest in education, teaching in public schools, Christian schools, colleges, and home schools. He has hosted a daily radio program for ten years, in which he teaches on biblical worldview, Christian education, family discipleship, and cultural discernment of modern music and movies.

Church Officers - Reformation Church of Elizabeth

So you can call my house the church of doo doesn't make it so

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