Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Saying you are a pastor doesn't make you one.

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But being the pastor of a church does - well - make you the pastor of a church.

Kevin Swanson

Pastor Kevin and his wife Brenda have lived in Elbert County for almost 20 years. This is where they raised their five children, homeschooling them the whole way. Kevin has always had an interest in education, teaching in public schools, Christian schools, colleges, and home schools. He has hosted a daily radio program for ten years, in which he teaches on biblical worldview, Christian education, family discipleship, and cultural discernment of modern music and movies.

Church Officers - Reformation Church of Elizabeth

So you can call my house the church of doo doesn't make it so

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Clearly there is no degree of evidence that can be provided to you over the internet you will accept which shows Kevin Swanson is a pastor.

I'm curious why; it isn't as though a single example of a pastor being hateful toward gays (assuming he is) somehow condemns all pastors.

You've been given what seems to me to be a preponderance of evidence that the man is a church pastor. I imagine you can find more with a web search, and you can always call the church to ask them about it (not that I think there is any chance of that). Instead you make snide comments about making up a church name for your home to throw doubt on the idea the man is a pastor, making me think you are just trolling.
When did Obama get his degree in child developmental psychology to where he could give a complete pass to the higher depression, drug abuse and suicidal thoughts of kids raised without a parent of their gender? I notice that when the topic of stripping a child of either a mother or father for life (gay marriage) comes up...not even the hope remains...the topic gets switched to "gay teen suicides"...when that causal agent has not been proven.

My friend who was molested, became promiscuously gay as a result of untreated childhood wounds, went out and "committed suicide" by being promiscuous without protection, getting HIV and dying of AIDS. But not before he went out after his HIV diagnosis and infected many hundreds (thousands?) more like him in an unresolved vendetta of "those that did this to him"..

Gay teen suicide...gotta wonder about that.... I submit that people could line up and throw rose petals at the feet of "gay" teens and they'd still be killing themselves...
Let’s recap; vv

  1. You prefer to allow children to languish in the foster care system as wards of the state- while they are shuffled among foster homes, group homes and shelters- which does unspeakable damage to them- rather than have them adopted by a same sex couple who will provide a stable, secure and permeant home for them.
  2. You refused to acknowledge or you are to stupid to understand that children who are available for adoption have already lost BOTH a mother and a father and that is not because of gays or gay marriage.
  3. You would not allow second parent adoption for children-biological or adopted- already in the care of a gay person- affording them the security of having two legal parents, because you moronically think ( although you can’t explain how) that doing so will somehow prevent other children down the road from being in that situation.
  4. You oppose marriage equality, ostensibly because you oppose gay parenting, but will not acknowledge that fact that gay folks have children in their care regardless of their ability to marry and that having married parents benefits children.
  5. You stubbornly refuse to address the reams of data that I presented that show beyond a doubt that children in the care of gays do just as well as others.
It is quite apparent that your hatred of gays far exceeds your concern for children and that you are a hopeless and shameless hypocrite.
~Progressive Patriot

1. Nobody is languishing anywhere as a result of people doing gay stuff not being married. And even if children are languishing, adopting them is the hope that they'll have a mother and father. "Gay marriage" extinguishes that hope...for life...without the possibility of parole.. by its very structure.... So gay marriage is the LAST thing helping languishing children anywhere..

2. Yes, you've finally figured out biology! It's impossible for two people of the same gender using the anus as an artificial vagina (closeted issues anyone?) to conceive a child. Very good! Orphans have no mother and father IN THEIR LIVES. That's what they're hoping for though in adoption...even to single heteros who one day might be married. Gay marriage amputates that hope forever.

3. The fallout from protecting children from being imprisoned away from either a father or mother for life may win you temporary sympathy...however..New York vs Ferber says we must consider ALL children, not just some in that hypothetical you offered. The law is meant to cover a broad swath as it is crafted. You don't craft law from narrow exceptions to the detriment of the "more"..

4. People having children under non- father/mother weird circumstances does not set the law for the "more" (see #3). Otherwise you'd need to extend married tax breaks to hetero singles "just because they have children". Your logic is absurd.

5. There are no "reams" of data showing that boys growing up without fathers or vice versa results in "statistically just as well as mother/father homes". In fact, there are reams of data to the opposite. Ever hear of the million man march? Do you remember why it happened? To keep fathers in the lives of their sons for the betterment of black society..

I had heeded the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s call for black men to attend the Million Man March, a day of reconciliation and atonement. They came from the four corners of earth, wealthy and poor, fathers, husbands, grandfathers and young men....Minister Farrakhan urged to the crowd to repeat after him a pledge which millions of black men repeated. The pledge, known as the Million Man pledge, urged us to return home and be better fathers, husbands and sons, One in a million: Justice or Else -

Hard to be a good father if you're absent from your son's life... Just ask this poor little fellow: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl
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When did Sil get her degree in developmental psychology? Ironically, when studies are shown to you by qualified professionals you dismiss them outright as they don't buttress your anti-gay narrative.
When thousands of studies exist showing the detriment particularly to young males having grown up without a father, I'll rely on the degreed people who did those studies instead. Fair enough mdk? Or maybe the Prince's Trust 2010 survey showing both boys and girls feeling depressed, turning to drugs and having suicidal tendencies born from a "feeling of not belonging", having grown up without a mom or dad around (the parent of their gender)? PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY
When thousands of studies exist showing the detriment particularly to young males having grown up without a father, I'll rely on the degreed people who did those studies instead. Fair enough mdk? Or maybe the Prince's Trust 2010 survey showing both boys and girls feeling depressed, turning to drugs and having suicidal tendencies born from a "feeling of not belonging", having grown up without a mom or dad around (the parent of their gender)? PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

Every time you trot out the Prince's Trust survey you lie about it.

The survey does not talk about growing up without a mom or dad. Instead it looks at youths growing up without a positive role model. You ignore this fact every time it is pointed out to you.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mdk
When thousands of studies exist showing the detriment particularly to young males having grown up without a father, I'll rely on the degreed people who did those studies instead. Fair enough mdk? Or maybe the Prince's Trust 2010 survey showing both boys and girls feeling depressed, turning to drugs and having suicidal tendencies born from a "feeling of not belonging", having grown up without a mom or dad around (the parent of their gender)? PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY

If your points were valid you wouldn't have to lie about the findings in The Prince's Trust. Please don't bullshit me as if you care the slightest of shits about children. You only care about finding a way to smear/harm gay people. and their families.

I take comfort in knowing that your life's work as been an abject and miserable failure.
When did Obama get his degree in child developmental psychology to where he could give a complete pass to the higher depression, drug abuse and suicidal thoughts of kids raised without a parent of their gender? I notice that when the topic of stripping a child of either a mother or father for life (gay marriage) comes up...not even the hope remains...the topic gets switched to "gay teen suicides"...when that causal agent has not been proven.

My friend who was molested, became promiscuously gay as a result of untreated childhood wounds, went out and "committed suicide" by being promiscuous without protection, getting HIV and dying of AIDS. But not before he went out after his HIV diagnosis and infected many hundreds (thousands?) more like him in an unresolved vendetta of "those that did this to him"..

Gay teen suicide...gotta wonder about that.... I submit that people could line up and throw rose petals at the feet of "gay" teens and they'd still be killing themselves...
Let’s recap; vv

  1. You prefer to allow children to languish in the foster care system as wards of the state- while they are shuffled among foster homes, group homes and shelters- which does unspeakable damage to them- rather than have them adopted by a same sex couple who will provide a stable, secure and permeant home for them.
  2. You refused to acknowledge or you are to stupid to understand that children who are available for adoption have already lost BOTH a mother and a father and that is not because of gays or gay marriage.
  3. You would not allow second parent adoption for children-biological or adopted- already in the care of a gay person- affording them the security of having two legal parents, because you moronically think ( although you can’t explain how) that doing so will somehow prevent other children down the road from being in that situation.
  4. You oppose marriage equality, ostensibly because you oppose gay parenting, but will not acknowledge that fact that gay folks have children in their care regardless of their ability to marry and that having married parents benefits children.
  5. You stubbornly refuse to address the reams of data that I presented that show beyond a doubt that children in the care of gays do just as well as others.
It is quite apparent that your hatred of gays far exceeds your concern for children and that you are a hopeless and shameless hypocrite.
~Progressive Patriot

1. Nobody is languishing anywhere as a result of people doing gay stuff not being married. And even if children are languishing, adopting them is the hope that they'll have a mother and father. "Gay marriage" extinguishes that hope...for life...without the possibility of parole.. by its very structure.... So gay marriage is the LAST thing helping languishing children anywhere..

2. Yes, you've finally figured out biology! It's impossible for two people of the same gender using the anus as an artificial vagina (closeted issues anyone?) to conceive a child. Very good! Orphans have no mother and father IN THEIR LIVES. That's what they're hoping for though in adoption...even to single heteros who one day might be married. Gay marriage amputates that hope forever.

3. The fallout from protecting children from being imprisoned away from either a father or mother for life may win you temporary sympathy...however..New York vs Ferber says we must consider ALL children, not just some in that hypothetical you offered. The law is meant to cover a broad swath as it is crafted. You don't craft law from narrow exceptions to the detriment of the "more"..

4. People having children under non- father/mother weird circumstances does not set the law for the "more" (see #3). Otherwise you'd need to extend married tax breaks to hetero singles "just because they have children". Your logic is absurd.

5. There are no "reams" of data showing that boys growing up without fathers or vice versa results in "statistically just as well as mother/father homes". In fact, there are reams of data to the opposite. Ever hear of the million man march? Do you remember why it happened? To keep fathers in the lives of their sons for the betterment of black society..

I had heeded the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s call for black men to attend the Million Man March, a day of reconciliation and atonement. They came from the four corners of earth, wealthy and poor, fathers, husbands, grandfathers and young men....Minister Farrakhan urged to the crowd to repeat after him a pledge which millions of black men repeated. The pledge, known as the Million Man pledge, urged us to return home and be better fathers, husbands and sons, One in a million: Justice or Else -

Hard to be a good father if you're absent from your son's life... Just ask this poor little fellow: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

You just keep showing what an ignorant, hateful and I'm sure miserable person you are. And a hypocrite fro claiming that you care about children. It is obvious that no amount of facts or logit will penetrate your thick skull. Lastly, you are too stupid to know that heterosexual singles do in fact get tax credits for children and that married people do not necessarily pay less taxes. They just get to file a joint return. Who is a single person going to file a joint return with?.
Liberals hate traditional. That means traditional values, marriage, you name it liberals hate it. They hate life, which is why they blame Humans for Climate Change(even though climate change has been happening since the beginning of time), they hate their parents(or parent mostly) for bringing their sorry asses into the world. They hate religion because it prevents them from doing immoral things, like a man looking at another man's ass, and saying "hmmm, now that looks delicious". They hate happiness, for a liberal can never be happy,(see parents) so must infringe on the happiness of others, trying to put GUILT on that happy person by saying "How can you be happy when this miserable(liberal) wrech, cant be happy like you. So the liberal must use the GOVERNMENT to insult, intimidate, to go against the will of the people, forcing US to bow down to them(liberals). Just look at Hitler and Stalin, both flaming liberals who had much going for them, but it wasn't enough and they wanted more, even to the point it ended up killing them and their people. That is what liberalism does, kills people, in the millions. Just see Avatar below.
Liberals hate traditional. That means traditional values, marriage, you name it liberals hate it. They hate life, which is why they blame Humans for Climate Change(even though climate change has been happening since the beginning of time), they hate their parents(or parent mostly) for bringing their sorry asses into the world. They hate religion because it prevents them from doing immoral things, like a man looking at another man's ass, and saying "hmmm, now that looks delicious". They hate happiness, for a liberal can never be happy,(see parents) so must infringe on the happiness of others, trying to put GUILT on that happy person by saying "How can you be happy when this miserable(liberal) wrech, cant be happy like you. So the liberal must use the GOVERNMENT to insult, intimidate, to go against the will of the people, forcing US to bow down to them(liberals). Just look at Hitler and Stalin, both flaming liberals who had much going for them, but it wasn't enough and they wanted more, even to the point it ended up killing them and their people. That is what liberalism does, kills people, in the millions. Just see Avatar below.
You are obviously a very disturbed and confused young man living on the fringes of reality. Please get your self some help!
Liberals hate traditional. That means traditional values, marriage, you name it liberals hate it. They hate life, which is why they blame Humans for Climate Change(even though climate change has been happening since the beginning of time), they hate their parents(or parent mostly) for bringing their sorry asses into the world. They hate religion because it prevents them from doing immoral things, like a man looking at another man's ass, and saying "hmmm, now that looks delicious". They hate happiness, for a liberal can never be happy,(see parents) so must infringe on the happiness of others, trying to put GUILT on that happy person by saying "How can you be happy when this miserable(liberal) wrech, cant be happy like you. So the liberal must use the GOVERNMENT to insult, intimidate, to go against the will of the people, forcing US to bow down to them(liberals). Just look at Hitler and Stalin, both flaming liberals who had much going for them, but it wasn't enough and they wanted more, even to the point it ended up killing them and their people. That is what liberalism does, kills people, in the millions. Just see Avatar below.
You are obviously a very disturbed and confused young man living on the fringes of reality. Please get your self some help!
Nope not disturbed at all, nor living on the fringes of reality, but this explains why liberals act the way they do. Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
At one time, mentally challenged individuals were put into places so they could be taken care of. But now that those inmates have taken over the government, there is no place safe for the normal person to live. NYC, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and other liberal cities are prime examples of how immoral people screw the lives of those who just want to live their lives in peace and happiness.
Liberals hate traditional. That means traditional values, marriage, you name it liberals hate it. They hate life, which is why they blame Humans for Climate Change(even though climate change has been happening since the beginning of time), they hate their parents(or parent mostly) for bringing their sorry asses into the world. They hate religion because it prevents them from doing immoral things, like a man looking at another man's ass, and saying "hmmm, now that looks delicious". They hate happiness, for a liberal can never be happy,(see parents) so must infringe on the happiness of others, trying to put GUILT on that happy person by saying "How can you be happy when this miserable(liberal) wrech, cant be happy like you. So the liberal must use the GOVERNMENT to insult, intimidate, to go against the will of the people, forcing US to bow down to them(liberals). Just look at Hitler and Stalin, both flaming liberals who had much going for them, but it wasn't enough and they wanted more, even to the point it ended up killing them and their people. That is what liberalism does, kills people, in the millions. Just see Avatar below.

Global warming, hating religion, values, marriage, Hitler, Stalin... lol

Wow. Your post is a buffet of bullshit.
Liberals hate traditional. That means traditional values, marriage, you name it liberals hate it. They hate life, which is why they blame Humans for Climate Change(even though climate change has been happening since the beginning of time), they hate their parents(or parent mostly) for bringing their sorry asses into the world. They hate religion because it prevents them from doing immoral things, like a man looking at another man's ass, and saying "hmmm, now that looks delicious". They hate happiness, for a liberal can never be happy,(see parents) so must infringe on the happiness of others, trying to put GUILT on that happy person by saying "How can you be happy when this miserable(liberal) wrech, cant be happy like you. So the liberal must use the GOVERNMENT to insult, intimidate, to go against the will of the people, forcing US to bow down to them(liberals). Just look at Hitler and Stalin, both flaming liberals who had much going for them, but it wasn't enough and they wanted more, even to the point it ended up killing them and their people. That is what liberalism does, kills people, in the millions. Just see Avatar below.

Global warming, hating religion, values, marriage, Hitler, Stalin... lol

Wow. Your post is a buffet of bullshit.
Must really irk you when the truth is presented about your lifestyle. I mean it was your CHOICE and now you have to live with it. Sorry to be you.
Must really irk you when the truth is presented about your lifestyle. I mean it was your CHOICE and now you have to live with it. Sorry to be you.

And by truth, you mean your subjective opinion that you're passing off as truth. Too funny.

It wasn't an entirely pointless rant as it was a comical read. Cheers!
Lucky? Hillary Clinton Wins All 6 Coin Tosses In Iowa, Taking Narrow Delegate Lead - Breitbart
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

voters will not be amused to learn that the Democratic National Committee awarded six deadlocked precincts, out of 99 precincts total, to Hillary Clinton with a literal coin toss.
Yes, must suck to be liberal, they even cheat amongst themselves. Vote for the Vagina, or else.

My friend who was molested, became promiscuously gay as a result of untreated childhood wounds, went out and "committed suicide" by being promiscuous without protection, getting HIV and dying of AIDS. But not before he went out after his HIV diagnosis and infected many hundreds (thousands?) more like him in an unresolved vendetta of "those that did this to him"...

Your murderous 'friend' is no excuse for your war on homosexuals.

You are no better than he was- since you attack the welfare of children.
Liberals hate traditional.

Based merely upon your posts, I could easily say that 'Conservatives hate the truth'

But that is just you- you are the one responsible for your lies- not all Conservatives.
Now that you have called me a liar, now prove that I have lied. And don't give me the shit that I have to prove myself, which I already did. Show me how I lied, you dumber than a box of rocks(I would say moron but don't want to insult a moron by comparing their intelligence to a liberal).
Liberals hate traditional.

Based merely upon your posts, I could easily say that 'Conservatives hate the truth'

But that is just you- you are the one responsible for your lies- not all Conservatives.
Now that you have called me a liar, now prove that I have lied. And don't give me the shit that I have to prove myself, which I already did. Show me how I lied, you dumber than a box of rocks(I would say moron but don't want to insult a moron by comparing their intelligence to a liberal).
Here are some fine, upstanding shit for brains conservatives that I'm sure you relate to, bubba
Michele Bachmann: Obama Seeks Global Domination As Battle Of Armageddon Approaches
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/1/2016 2:00 pm
Former Minnesota Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann said on Saturday that the Syrian Civil War is paving the way for an apocalyptic war between Israel and foreign powers.

Bachmann, who has previously claimed that President Obama and the gay rights movement are ushering in the Last Days, told radio hosts Jan Markell and Eric Barger that “the world is about to give legitimacy to the Islamic State” while, at the same time, Russian and Iranian military intervention in Syria on behalf of its dictator Bashar Assad has paved the way for a future invasion of Israel by the two countries in order to seize its energy resources, just as laid out in the Bible.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 1:30 pm
Before winning the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Ted Cruz won a straw poll of Religious Right leaders who were determined to coalesce behind a single candidate before voting went underway. Since then, hardly a week has gone by without the Cruz campaign announcing the support of a new right-wing leader, on top of the campaign’s frequent suggestions that the Texas Republican has divine support for his presidential bid.

It seems that no figure is too extreme to be embraced by Cruz, including those who would wish to see the government putting their adversaries to death

Mike Huckabee Quits Presidential Race, Can Now Spend More Time Peddling Bogus Diabetes Cures
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 11:15 am
Mike Huckabee suspended his campaign last night after winning the support of less than two percent of Iowa caucus-goers.

But even before he officially dropped out of the race, the former Arkansas governor and 2008 caucus winner had begun lashing out at the Religious Right leaders who had almost completely coalesced behind Ted Cruz.

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