Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

The movement for marriage equality begin with Will and Grace?! Excuse me for a second...:lmao:
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’ At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his church at a foreclosure auction.

DNAInfo reported that a state judge ordered Pastor David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to be sold at auction to pay over $1 million in taxes and other debts. Manning insisted that his church was exempt from most of the debt, and that he would fight the order.

Rivers of Living Water Ministries, an LGBT spiritual group, announced last week that it had launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the church and replace it with an inclusive ministry.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACEH]

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.

Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
She must truly be fucked up in the brain if she is your child. I guess she can come to you at any time and say she wants to be a "BOY" and you would say, yes dear, you are now Caitlin. (even though with XX chromosomes, her DNA will never change her as being a girl). ROTFLMAO.
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The movement for marriage equality begin with Will and Grace?! Excuse me for a second...:lmao:
Don't bother, you are already about 6 posts behind the time, and it will take you years to catch up. Go back to your parents basement, light up a joint, and bitch and moan how no one wants to be with you.
The movement for marriage equality begin with Will and Grace?! Excuse me for a second...:lmao:
Don't bother, you are already about 6 posts behind the time, and it will take you years to catch up. Go back to your parents basement, light up a joint, and bitch and moan how no one wants to be with you.

I hope I can pick up the shattered pieces of my life after that chiding. :crybaby:
I can't believe you idiots are still arguing over this . Homosexual marriage is here. It was unconstitutional how it came about but no one is gonna really challenge it. Move on. This is small potatoes.

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I can't believe you idiots are still arguing over this . Homosexual marriage is here. It was unconstitutional how it came about but no one is gonna really challenge it. Move on. This is small potatoes.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Because liberals cannot stop pushing their agenda upon US. Even when they win, they aren't happy, so they double down, until we are all subjugated to their will. Unfortunately for them, millions of US wont allow that to happen, because of our 2nd amendment rights. They know it and they HATE US for it.
Once again- the only children affected by homosexuals marrying are the children of homosexual couples.
Before their parents are married, they are the children of unmarried parents- and suffer legal and economic harm.
After their parents are married, they are the children of married parents- and benefit from that.

No children are harmed by gay marriage- the only children harmed- are those who you would deny married parents.

Then by your argument all children's parents should receive the benefits and ability to marry, including polygamists and monosexuals (single parents) as well as incest parents (brother and sister). Anything less would be you "hating their children"...

LOL- again with 'monosexuals'

A single parent is not a 'monosexual'- at least not every single parent- most are heterosexuals. And they can change their status any time that they choose by availing themselves of legal marriage.

You can dance with your incest and polygamy straw men as much as you want- but you cannot deny that you intentionally want to harm the children of gay parents by denying them married parents.
Since BRUCE JENNER identifies himself as a woman, do the kids now see themselves the children of homosexual female parents? .

Do you enjoy dancing with a straw man painted like Bruce Jenner?
I can't believe you idiots are still arguing over this . Homosexual marriage is here. It was unconstitutional how it came about but no one is gonna really challenge it. Move on. This is small potatoes.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Because liberals cannot stop pushing their agenda upon US. Even when they win, they aren't happy, so they double down, until we are all subjugated to their will. .

Who is forcing you into a gay marriage?
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACEH]

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.

Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
She must truly be fucked up in the brain if she is your child. .

She is a delightful child- and rejects the hate spewed forth by hateful bastards like you. She looks at people like you in the same way that she looks at those who spit on black customers in the 1960's- and she is right.
Non sequitur - You keep asking the same question that is irrelevant to the conversation. Why should my daughter who wants to marry a man be called Partner #1 or Partner #2, when she willingly wants to be wife and married to her husband? If she is delegated to Partner #2, does that demean her? You are dumber than a box of rocks.
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACEH]

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.

Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
She must truly be fucked up in the brain if she is your child. .

She is a delightful child- and rejects the hate spewed forth by hateful bastards like you. She looks at people like you in the same way that she looks at those who spit on black customers in the 1960's- and she is right.
Back then it was Southern White Democrats who spat on black people who wanted to be equal. Today, if a man wants to be a horse, does that mean he is a horse? If a woman wants to marry a bottle nose porpoise, should that be allowed? How about a woman who wants to marry her dog?
You didn't answer my question about what you would do if she decided to say she was a boy? Are you ashamed of her if she on the outside becomes a man, while inside her DNA says she is a woman? You have some real issues, that you don't want to deal with.

Woman marries dolphin - World -

British Woman Amanda Rodgers Marries Her Dog, Sheba: ‘We Were Meant To Be’

You liberals are fucked in the brain, and want everyone else to be that way too. Even to the point of bringing up your children to be that way also.
You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.
Some of US have drawn a line, and we wont allow you to cross it and that makes you rant and rave.

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.

Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
She must truly be fucked up in the brain if she is your child. .

She is a delightful child- and rejects the hate spewed forth by hateful bastards like you. She looks at people like you in the same way that she looks at those who spit on black customers in the 1960's- and she is right.
Back then it was Southern White Democrats who spat on black people ]

No- it was Southern White Conservatives- mostly Democrats, but included the few Republicans in the South too.

Yeah- she looks at haters like you like she looks at old photo's of those bigots.

And she is right- birds of a feather.
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.

Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
She must truly be fucked up in the brain if she is your child. .

She is a delightful child- and rejects the hate spewed forth by hateful bastards like you. She looks at people like you in the same way that she looks at those who spit on black customers in the 1960's- and she is right.
Back then it was Southern White Democrats who spat on black people ]

No- it was Southern White Conservatives- mostly Democrats, but included the few Republicans in the South too.

Yeah- she looks at haters like you like she looks at old photo's of those bigots.

And she is right- birds of a feather.
Ah there you liberals go again trying to change history.
Conservatives - Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
Liberals - Abortion on Demand in or out of the womb, Government control of the masses, and no one can be happy, because liberals cant ever be happy, even when they win.
But race and lifestyles have nothing whatsoever to do with each other in a plain common sense or legally..
Here's a line from the Court's Opinion on New York vs Ferber, regarding the constitutional right to free speech vs the where the Court must find in future challenges with respect to children being systematically deprived of either a mother or father for life in the brand-new retooling of the marriage contract the Court says all states must follow:
"It is irrelevant to the child [who has been abused] whether or not the material . . . has a literary, artistic, political or social value." We therefore cannot conclude that the Miller standard is a satisfactory solution to the child pornography problem.

One could also say "It is irrelevant to the child (who has been stripped of either a mother or father for life, as an institution) whether or not gay marriage....has social, compassionate or convenience value. We therefore canot conclude that the Obergefell standard is a satisfactory solution to the need of a child for both his mother and father."
Here's a line from the Court's Opinion on New York vs Ferber, regarding the constitutional right to free speech vs the where the Court must find in future challenges with respect to children being systematically deprived of either a mother or father for life in the brand-new retooling of the marriage contract the Court says all states must follow:
"It is irrelevant to the child [who has been abused] whether or not the material . . . has a literary, artistic, political or social value." We therefore cannot conclude that the Miller standard is a satisfactory solution to the child pornography problem.

One could also say "It is irrelevant to the child (who has been stripped of either a mother or father for life, as an institution) whether or not gay marriage....has social, compassionate or convenience value. We therefore canot conclude that the Obergefell standard is a satisfactory solution to the need of a child for both his mother and father."

Going to try implying that a child not having either a mother or a father is abusive now, huh? Good luck with that.

I wonder how you are going to dance around 'the need of a child for both his mother and father' as it relates to divorce and single parents this time. :popcorn:
Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
She must truly be fucked up in the brain if she is your child. .

She is a delightful child- and rejects the hate spewed forth by hateful bastards like you. She looks at people like you in the same way that she looks at those who spit on black customers in the 1960's- and she is right.
Back then it was Southern White Democrats who spat on black people ]

No- it was Southern White Conservatives- mostly Democrats, but included the few Republicans in the South too.

Yeah- she looks at haters like you like she looks at old photo's of those bigots.

And she is right- birds of a feather.
Ah there you liberals go again trying to change history..

Oh I do enjoy the RWNJ's attempts to paint the old South as some bastion of "Liberals"- but as you know- people like you- Conservative bigots- were the ones who spit on black people- just as you 'spit' on homosexuals today.

Yeah- she looks at haters like you like she looks at old photo's of those bigots.

And she is right- birds of a feather
We therefore canot conclude that the Obergefell standard is a satisfactory solution to the need of a child for both his mother and father."

You conclude all sorts of nutty crap.

Meanwhile Ferber- an unrelated prior Supreme Court decision- does not overrule the more recent- and unrelated- Obergefell.

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