Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Liberals hate traditional.

Based merely upon your posts, I could easily say that 'Conservatives hate the truth'

But that is just you- you are the one responsible for your lies- not all Conservatives.
Now that you have called me a liar, now prove that I have lied. And don't give me the shit that I have to prove myself, which I already did. Show me how I lied, you dumber than a box of rocks(I would say moron but don't want to insult a moron by comparing their intelligence to a liberal).
Here are some fine, upstanding shit for brains conservatives that I'm sure you relate to, bubba
Michele Bachmann: Obama Seeks Global Domination As Battle Of Armageddon Approaches
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/1/2016 2:00 pm
Former Minnesota Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann said on Saturday that the Syrian Civil War is paving the way for an apocalyptic war between Israel and foreign powers.

Bachmann, who has previously claimed that President Obama and the gay rights movement are ushering in the Last Days, told radio hosts Jan Markell and Eric Barger that “the world is about to give legitimacy to the Islamic State” while, at the same time, Russian and Iranian military intervention in Syria on behalf of its dictator Bashar Assad has paved the way for a future invasion of Israel by the two countries in order to seize its energy resources, just as laid out in the Bible.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 1:30 pm
Before winning the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Ted Cruz won a straw poll of Religious Right leaders who were determined to coalesce behind a single candidate before voting went underway. Since then, hardly a week has gone by without the Cruz campaign announcing the support of a new right-wing leader, on top of the campaign’s frequent suggestions that the Texas Republican has divine support for his presidential bid.

It seems that no figure is too extreme to be embraced by Cruz, including those who would wish to see the government putting their adversaries to death

Mike Huckabee Quits Presidential Race, Can Now Spend More Time Peddling Bogus Diabetes Cures
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 11:15 am
Mike Huckabee suspended his campaign last night after winning the support of less than two percent of Iowa caucus-goers.

But even before he officially dropped out of the race, the former Arkansas governor and 2008 caucus winner had begun lashing out at the Religious Right leaders who had almost completely coalesced behind Ted Cruz.
Better check now , but the Junior Varsity team of ISIS is showing up at our doorsteps.
You call Ted Cruz an extremist, yet Bernie Sanders who is devout SOCIALIST, finished tied with the Vagina and is more extreme than any conservative. Your lack of intelligence is showing.
Martin O'Malley, a white guy from Maryland, failed to get 1% of the vote because he ruined the state of Maryland, he has suspended his campaign and cant do anything except return the furniture he stole from the governors mansion. You say you are a progressive patriot, but the 2 words contradict each other because if you are progressive, you want big government, and the patriots are those that oppose repressive governments. Maybe you should spend some time furthering your education beyond the 2nd grade and find out who the REAL ENEMIES of America are.
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness
Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.
You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
Liberals hate traditional.

Based merely upon your posts, I could easily say that 'Conservatives hate the truth'

But that is just you- you are the one responsible for your lies- not all Conservatives.
Now that you have called me a liar, now prove that I have lied. And don't give me the shit that I have to prove myself, which I already did. Show me how I lied, you dumber than a box of rocks(I would say moron but don't want to insult a moron by comparing their intelligence to a liberal).
Here are some fine, upstanding shit for brains conservatives that I'm sure you relate to, bubba
Michele Bachmann: Obama Seeks Global Domination As Battle Of Armageddon Approaches
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/1/2016 2:00 pm
Former Minnesota Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann said on Saturday that the Syrian Civil War is paving the way for an apocalyptic war between Israel and foreign powers.

Bachmann, who has previously claimed that President Obama and the gay rights movement are ushering in the Last Days, told radio hosts Jan Markell and Eric Barger that “the world is about to give legitimacy to the Islamic State” while, at the same time, Russian and Iranian military intervention in Syria on behalf of its dictator Bashar Assad has paved the way for a future invasion of Israel by the two countries in order to seize its energy resources, just as laid out in the Bible.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 1:30 pm
Before winning the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Ted Cruz won a straw poll of Religious Right leaders who were determined to coalesce behind a single candidate before voting went underway. Since then, hardly a week has gone by without the Cruz campaign announcing the support of a new right-wing leader, on top of the campaign’s frequent suggestions that the Texas Republican has divine support for his presidential bid.

It seems that no figure is too extreme to be embraced by Cruz, including those who would wish to see the government putting their adversaries to death

Mike Huckabee Quits Presidential Race, Can Now Spend More Time Peddling Bogus Diabetes Cures
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 11:15 am
Mike Huckabee suspended his campaign last night after winning the support of less than two percent of Iowa caucus-goers.

But even before he officially dropped out of the race, the former Arkansas governor and 2008 caucus winner had begun lashing out at the Religious Right leaders who had almost completely coalesced behind Ted Cruz.
Better check now , but the Junior Varsity team of ISIS is showing up at our doorsteps.
You call Ted Cruz an extremist, yet Bernie Sanders who is devout SOCIALIST, finished tied with the Vagina and is more extreme than any conservative. Your lack of intelligence is showing.
Martin O'Malley, a white guy from Maryland, failed to get 1% of the vote because he ruined the state of Maryland, he has suspended his campaign and cant do anything except return the furniture he stole from the governors mansion. You say you are a progressive patriot, but the 2 words contradict each other because if you are progressive, you want big government, and the patriots are those that oppose repressive governments. Maybe you should spend some time furthering your education beyond the 2nd grade and find out who the REAL ENEMIES of America are.

WATCH: Duck Dynasty Star Calls Marriage Equality 'Evil' at Ted Cruz Rally WATCH: 'Duck Dynasty' Star Calls Marriage Equality 'Evil' at Ted Cruz Rally |


Is this you bro??
Liberals hate traditional.

Based merely upon your posts, I could easily say that 'Conservatives hate the truth'

But that is just you- you are the one responsible for your lies- not all Conservatives.
Now that you have called me a liar, now prove that I have lied. And don't give me the shit that I have to prove myself, which I already did. Show me how I lied, you dumber than a box of rocks(I would say moron but don't want to insult a moron by comparing their intelligence to a liberal).
Here are some fine, upstanding shit for brains conservatives that I'm sure you relate to, bubba
Michele Bachmann: Obama Seeks Global Domination As Battle Of Armageddon Approaches
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 2/1/2016 2:00 pm
Former Minnesota Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann said on Saturday that the Syrian Civil War is paving the way for an apocalyptic war between Israel and foreign powers.

Bachmann, who has previously claimed that President Obama and the gay rights movement are ushering in the Last Days, told radio hosts Jan Markell and Eric Barger that “the world is about to give legitimacy to the Islamic State” while, at the same time, Russian and Iranian military intervention in Syria on behalf of its dictator Bashar Assad has paved the way for a future invasion of Israel by the two countries in order to seize its energy resources, just as laid out in the Bible.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 1:30 pm
Before winning the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Ted Cruz won a straw poll of Religious Right leaders who were determined to coalesce behind a single candidate before voting went underway. Since then, hardly a week has gone by without the Cruz campaign announcing the support of a new right-wing leader, on top of the campaign’s frequent suggestions that the Texas Republican has divine support for his presidential bid.

It seems that no figure is too extreme to be embraced by Cruz, including those who would wish to see the government putting their adversaries to death

Mike Huckabee Quits Presidential Race, Can Now Spend More Time Peddling Bogus Diabetes Cures
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 2/2/2016 11:15 am
Mike Huckabee suspended his campaign last night after winning the support of less than two percent of Iowa caucus-goers.

But even before he officially dropped out of the race, the former Arkansas governor and 2008 caucus winner had begun lashing out at the Religious Right leaders who had almost completely coalesced behind Ted Cruz.
Better check now , but the Junior Varsity team of ISIS is showing up at our doorsteps.
You call Ted Cruz an extremist, yet Bernie Sanders who is devout SOCIALIST, finished tied with the Vagina and is more extreme than any conservative. Your lack of intelligence is showing.
Martin O'Malley, a white guy from Maryland, failed to get 1% of the vote because he ruined the state of Maryland, he has suspended his campaign and cant do anything except return the furniture he stole from the governors mansion. You say you are a progressive patriot, but the 2 words contradict each other because if you are progressive, you want big government, and the patriots are those that oppose repressive governments. Maybe you should spend some time furthering your education beyond the 2nd grade and find out who the REAL ENEMIES of America are.

WATCH: Duck Dynasty Star Calls Marriage Equality 'Evil' at Ted Cruz Rally WATCH: 'Duck Dynasty' Star Calls Marriage Equality 'Evil' at Ted Cruz Rally |


Is this you bro??
Like you give a shit about homosexuals. ...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness
Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.
You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his church at a foreclosure auction.

DNAInfo reported that a state judge ordered Pastor David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to be sold at auction to pay over $1 million in taxes and other debts. Manning insisted that his church was exempt from most of the debt, and that he would fight the order.

Rivers of Living Water Ministries, an LGBT spiritual group, announced last week that it had launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the church and replace it with an inclusive ministry.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”
Ted Cruz Just Won The Iowa Caucus. This Is His Radical Agenda For America.

Sen. Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus with about 28 percent of caucusgoers’ votes, edging out Donald Trump by 4 percentage points. His fellow senator, Marco Rubio, received 23 percent.

Cruz was hammered in Iowa for his stance against ethanol subsidies, a major boon to the corn-heavy state, but also netted endorsements from prominent Iowa conservatives like Bob Vander Plaats, an anti-LGBT activist who heads the Iowan organization The FAMiLY Leader.

Though Trump has grabbed headlines for his racist and bombastic rhetoric, the senator from Texas holds some of the most extreme policy ideas in the race. Here are some of the key policies Iowa Republicans have endorsed with their ballots tonight:

Women’s Health
Cruz is staunchly anti-abortion and has worked in Texas to make it harder for women to receive abortions. As solicitor general of the state, he defended a federal law that bans partial birth abortion. He has helped lead the Senate crusade to defund Planned Parenthood and he has also said that one of the first things he will do in office is launch a federal investigation into the women’s health organization.

Read it all, at the link above
[d find out who the REAL ENEMIES of America are.

Those who preach hate in America are the real enemies in America.

You know- like you.
Bigots like you are the ones who HATE. Just look at how you and your lacky president don't give a rats ass, how Christians FEEL. You trounce all over our rights, by forcing your agenda upon US saying we have to accept your immoral lifestyles. Then when we don't accede your demands you sick the IRS or burn down our churches. Real nice of you.
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness
Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.
You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his church at a foreclosure auction.

DNAInfo reported that a state judge ordered Pastor David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to be sold at auction to pay over $1 million in taxes and other debts. Manning insisted that his church was exempt from most of the debt, and that he would fight the order.

Rivers of Living Water Ministries, an LGBT spiritual group, announced last week that it had launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the church and replace it with an inclusive ministry.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACE and demand that I accept their immoral behavior as normal(which up to 1973 was insane). But since liberals love to "work for the downtrodden", they changed the rules, which they always do, then go after the normal people, calling them names, to get them to back down. But after 40 years of name calling, people start to get immune to the charges and start using name calling back at the liberals. When Rules for Radicals get used back on a liberal, then the liberal starts to show FAUX indignation, gets angry, uses more name calling, then runs away and cries like a little girl.

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As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACE and demand that I accept their immoral behavior as normal(which up to 1973 was insane). But since liberals love to "work for the downtrodden", they changed the rules, which they always do, then go after the normal people, calling them names, to get them to back down.

Exactly, what they do in private, fine. No problems. It's when they try to involve children (gay marriage) legally stripping them even of the hope of having both a mother and father...FOR LIFE is where a decent society draws the line. An indecent or perverse that is lax...that ignores the cries of even its own children ( PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY & ‘Quartet of Truth’: Adult children of gay parents testify against same-sex ‘marriage’ at 5th Circuit ) will turn a blind eye and allow a cult to take over even our Court Rulings (New York vs Ferber). That Ruling said "Constitutional rights shall not include any that cause children to suffer"..

Boys suffer (yes we have many studies) without a father. Girls suffer without a mother..

The difference between gay civil unions and "gay marriage" is that their civil unions didn't give them the right to adopt children legally alongside heteros. This is their true goal because in a civil union, they could draw up literally any arrangement to cover all the woes they expressed (not being able to visit in hospitals, not being able to legally inherit their partner's money). Clever lawyers can draw up any contract on earth between two people..and the states could bend and flex for their inheritance etc.

The problem comes when states are required to incentivize a lesser social situation for children (marriage tax breaks) when doing so will statistically gain them an inferior return for their investment. The Prince's Trust Survey of 2010, for instance (link above) tells us that boys who grow up without fathers and girls without mothers suffer indigence, depression, drug use, suicidal thoughts and a general feeling of "not belonging" to the adult world. How could they feel like they belong when the daily message to them was "your gender isn't really necessary in an adult functioning world.."?

And, the problem comes also when adoption agencies are "legally required" to release their already at-risk wards into what amounts to a psychological prison for life without the possibility of parole.

..At least with single hetero parents, children can hold out hope for the missing gender to arrive. With "gay marriage" it is one and the same as the formal decree of the extinguishing of all hope. And don't think kids can't/won't pick up on that decree. It is an insidious silent slap in the face to all children caught up in gay adult LIFESTYLES..

Should we feel sorry for the children caught up in gay lifestyles? Yes. Should we rewrite the rules to embrace them at the expense of untold numbers of children into the future who rely on our good judgment? No. If people want to do the gay thing, fine. But there are consequences to every chosen lifestyle. If someone wants to shoot up heroin, fine. But should they insist on public-square glass enclosed heroin shooting dens to be paid for with public funds? No. They will have to live their lifestyle on their own dime and in private. We don't want children seeing that society approves of heroin use.. We don't want society seeing that "it's OK" to strip boys of fathers and girls of mothers as a lifelong institution they'll "just have to buck up and deal with" as a convenience to an adult lifestyle.

So says New York vs Ferber (1982)
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Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness
Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.
You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his church at a foreclosure auction.

DNAInfo reported that a state judge ordered Pastor David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to be sold at auction to pay over $1 million in taxes and other debts. Manning insisted that his church was exempt from most of the debt, and that he would fight the order.

Rivers of Living Water Ministries, an LGBT spiritual group, announced last week that it had launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the church and replace it with an inclusive ministry.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACEH]

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACE and demand that I accept their immoral behavior as normal(which up to 1973 was insane). But since liberals love to "work for the downtrodden", they changed the rules, which they always do, then go after the normal people, calling them names, to get them to back down.

Exactly, what they do in private, fine. No problems. It's when they try to involve children (gay marriage)2)

Once again- the only children affected by homosexuals marrying are the children of homosexual couples.
Before their parents are married, they are the children of unmarried parents- and suffer legal and economic harm.
After their parents are married, they are the children of married parents- and benefit from that.

No children are harmed by gay marriage- the only children harmed- are those who you would deny married parents.
Once again- the only children affected by homosexuals marrying are the children of homosexual couples.
Before their parents are married, they are the children of unmarried parents- and suffer legal and economic harm.
After their parents are married, they are the children of married parents- and benefit from that.

No children are harmed by gay marriage- the only children harmed- are those who you would deny married parents.

Then by your argument all children's parents should receive the benefits and ability to marry, including polygamists and monosexuals (single parents) as well as incest parents (brother and sister). Anything less would be you "hating their children".

And ALL children into the future are affected by gay marriage because it is a new institution which strips children even of the hope of having a mother or father FOR LIFE. Think, not just your natural children you had with the opposite gender (???!) but the ones your ranks are seeking to force adoption agencies to hand over to you. We make laws to protect THEM as well...and most especially...since they are already at-risk..
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness
Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.
You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his church at a foreclosure auction.

DNAInfo reported that a state judge ordered Pastor David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to be sold at auction to pay over $1 million in taxes and other debts. Manning insisted that his church was exempt from most of the debt, and that he would fight the order.

Rivers of Living Water Ministries, an LGBT spiritual group, announced last week that it had launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the church and replace it with an inclusive ministry.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACEH]

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.
Once again- the only children affected by homosexuals marrying are the children of homosexual couples.
Before their parents are married, they are the children of unmarried parents- and suffer legal and economic harm.
After their parents are married, they are the children of married parents- and benefit from that.

No children are harmed by gay marriage- the only children harmed- are those who you would deny married parents.

Then by your argument all children's parents should receive the benefits and ability to marry, including polygamists and monosexuals (single parents) as well as incest parents (brother and sister). Anything less would be you "hating their children"...

LOL- again with 'monosexuals'

A single parent is not a 'monosexual'- at least not every single parent- most are heterosexuals. And they can change their status any time that they choose by availing themselves of legal marriage.

You can dance with your incest and polygamy straw men as much as you want- but you cannot deny that you intentionally want to harm the children of gay parents by denying them married parents.
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
Transgender Girl Scout stands up to bully who wouldn’t buy cookies ‘from a boy in a dress’
At one time Girl Scouts used to mean , unity, honesty, integrity and leadership. Today the Girl Scouts stand for Abortion on demand, free birth control, allowing boys to dress up as girls, what a mess GSA has become and I do not participate in their cookie sales. Someone needs to get to the parents of this mentally challenged child and take them out back and beat them for not being parents. That is the problem with liberals, they allow little johnny to dictate who the boss is in the house, and goes right along with it. I wonder what the parents would of done if the boy said he wanted to be a dolphin and swim out to sea? Would those idiots say "yes Johnny, you are a dolphin so swim out to sea"?

When homosexuality was mental illness
Until 1973 homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. Originally listed as a "sociopathic personality disturbance" in the first edition of DSM in 1953, homosexuality was "upgraded" to a mere "sexual deviation" in 1968 with the release of DSM-II.
You can blame the liberal Hollywood elite for getting homosexuals off the mental illness chart. Money talks, and they had a lot of money.
I bet you can't out -hate this hater. Or maybe you can.
Harlem pastor: Gays can’t foreclose on my church until they birth babies ‘through their anus’

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his church at a foreclosure auction.

DNAInfo reported that a state judge ordered Pastor David Manning’s Atlah Worldwide Church to be sold at auction to pay over $1 million in taxes and other debts. Manning insisted that his church was exempt from most of the debt, and that he would fight the order.

Rivers of Living Water Ministries, an LGBT spiritual group, announced last week that it had launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the church and replace it with an inclusive ministry.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”
As for what an individual does, I don't care if they fudge pack or muff dive. It is when those bigots GET IN MY FACEH]

And when has that happened?

Exactly- when has anyone stepped up to you and demanded that you marry them? Or have sex with them?
All the time, it started with Will and Grace, and then proceeded at an alarming rate to "courage"(my ass) on Bruce Jenner's tits implants, to this little boys sexcapades into the girl scouts. You liberals are the laziest tards on the planet, yet you bring a child into the world, and don't do anything but fuck up their minds. Then try to pawn them on the rest of US when you lose control. I do believe in liberal abortions as that stops the spread of stupidity gene pools.

Poor, poor Right Wing Nut Job Andie.

Who exactly forced you to watch "Will and Grace"? Or did you watch every episode just to feel your outrage grow and grow?

As a happily married father and husband, my amazing child is a fine student and excellent person- she rejects hatred and bigotry like you spout- and I am proud of her for it.

The hatred in your heart will just continue to poison your life.
Once again- the only children affected by homosexuals marrying are the children of homosexual couples.
Before their parents are married, they are the children of unmarried parents- and suffer legal and economic harm.
After their parents are married, they are the children of married parents- and benefit from that.

No children are harmed by gay marriage- the only children harmed- are those who you would deny married parents.

Then by your argument all children's parents should receive the benefits and ability to marry, including polygamists and monosexuals (single parents) as well as incest parents (brother and sister). Anything less would be you "hating their children"...

LOL- again with 'monosexuals'

A single parent is not a 'monosexual'- at least not every single parent- most are heterosexuals. And they can change their status any time that they choose by availing themselves of legal marriage.

You can dance with your incest and polygamy straw men as much as you want- but you cannot deny that you intentionally want to harm the children of gay parents by denying them married parents.
Since BRUCE JENNER identifies himself as a woman, do the kids now see themselves the children of homosexual female parents? Back in the 1980's something like this would be on the science fiction theater, today it is front line liberalism in full display.

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