Is god a bigot?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If Sodom and Gomorrah were around today it would be an exemplary city according to the majority of the leaders of this nation. A sanctuary city for homosexuals?

Why did GOD destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Genesis 19;4-15
4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom--both young and old-surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."[/I]

It was shortly after this that the angels led Lot out of the city and destroyed it.

15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished."

Is GOD a bigot? Because that is what MSNBC and supporters of same sex marriage call people who oppose same sex marriage?

If Sodom and Gomorrah were around today it would be an exemplary city according to the majority of the leaders of this nation. A sanctuary city for homosexuals?

Why did GOD destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Genesis 19;4-15
4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom--both young and old-surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."[/I]

It was shortly after this that the angels led Lot out of the city and destroyed it.

15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished."

Is GOD a bigot? Because that is what MSNBC and supporters of same sex marriage call people who oppose same sex marriage?

I am no proponent of gay marriage, but to be fair, those in Sodom were not just gay, they were vile rapists. And that was probably their better qualities.

If Sodom and Gomorrah were around today it would be an exemplary city according to the majority of the leaders of this nation. A sanctuary city for homosexuals?

Why did GOD destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Genesis 19;4-15
4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom--both young and old-surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."[/I]

It was shortly after this that the angels led Lot out of the city and destroyed it.

15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished."

Is GOD a bigot? Because that is what MSNBC and supporters of same sex marriage call people who oppose same sex marriage?

I am no proponent of gay marriage, but to be fair, those in Sodom were not just gay, they were vile rapists. And that was probably their better qualities.

If Sodom and Gomorrah were around today it would be an exemplary city according to the majority of the leaders of this nation. A sanctuary city for homosexuals?

Why did GOD destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Genesis 19;4-15
4Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom--both young and old-surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."[/I]

It was shortly after this that the angels led Lot out of the city and destroyed it.

15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished."

Is GOD a bigot? Because that is what MSNBC and supporters of same sex marriage call people who oppose same sex marriage?

Sodom and Gomorrah were not destroyed because of homosexuality. That was just a symptom of the deeper sin of pride and selfishness and an unwillingness to repent of it.

"Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy." Eze. 16:49


Whose GOD are we talking about?

The Old Testament GOD or the New Testament GOD.

CLEARLY they are two very different deities.

No they're not. The old and new covenants merely reflect different aspects of the same deity. One demonstrates His judgments and the other His loving forgiveness. Those are not mutually exclusive.

For instance, are you the parent who disciplines his children, or the one who forgives them? You're both, right? You are not one or the other. Neither is God.
God ( in this case the Judeo-Christian god), as well as other conceptions of gods are no more or less bigoted than the cultures which invented them.

People should recognize that the postulation of gods raises paradoxes most people choose not to address. Human logic is the only mechanism available to recognize and to address the paradox. Is there a supernatural logic that we can access to address supernatural paradoxes? The flaws with ideological conceptions of supernatural gods is that they require an unsolvable paradox to exist because that relieves believers of the burdensome task of taking responsibility for their actions and the world they create. It requires you to abdicate reason in the face of fear. Any god who rewards fear over reason is not worthy of worship.

So, the believers' testimony is that an unknowable, unfathomable god (which believers assign with various human attributes), has a plan for us. Let’s see the preponderance of evidence, and let's apply critical thinking to it and see if it withstands scrutiny. As a matter of course, everything that believers delineate in their appeals to gods we must also (in order to be fair) hold supernaturalism against by way of standard.

It all becomes completely harmonious when you take the gods out of the equation. No issues at all -- not a single paradox. We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands and is imperfect because we are imperfect, and thus changes-- exactly as it is playing out -- I'd say all concerns are satisfied once you abdicate the notion that there's a "guiding intelligence" from a supernatural realm involved with our existence.
God ( in this case the Judeo-Christian god), as well as other conceptions of gods are no more or less bigoted than the cultures which invented them.

People should recognize that the postulation of gods raises paradoxes most people choose not to address. Human logic is the only mechanism available to recognize and to address the paradox. Is there a supernatural logic that we can access to address supernatural paradoxes? The flaws with ideological conceptions of supernatural gods is that they require an unsolvable paradox to exist because that relieves believers of the burdensome task of taking responsibility for their actions and the world they create. It requires you to abdicate reason in the face of fear. Any god who rewards fear over reason is not worthy of worship.

So, the believers' testimony is that an unknowable, unfathomable god (which believers assign with various human attributes), has a plan for us. Let’s see the preponderance of evidence, and let's apply critical thinking to it and see if it withstands scrutiny. As a matter of course, everything that believers delineate in their appeals to gods we must also (in order to be fair) hold supernaturalism against by way of standard.

It all becomes completely harmonious when you take the gods out of the equation. No issues at all -- not a single paradox. We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands and is imperfect because we are imperfect, and thus changes-- exactly as it is playing out -- I'd say all concerns are satisfied once you abdicate the notion that there's a "guiding intelligence" from a supernatural realm involved with our existence.

If that's so, let's consider the issue of death.

Why do things die? Who willed that? Is it just happenstance and, if so, can it be avoided by trying harder, by controlling your life and hence controlling the outcome? Do you have enough free will choices to avoid it?
God ( in this case the Judeo-Christian god), as well as other conceptions of gods are no more or less bigoted than the cultures which invented them.

People should recognize that the postulation of gods raises paradoxes most people choose not to address. Human logic is the only mechanism available to recognize and to address the paradox. Is there a supernatural logic that we can access to address supernatural paradoxes? The flaws with ideological conceptions of supernatural gods is that they require an unsolvable paradox to exist because that relieves believers of the burdensome task of taking responsibility for their actions and the world they create. It requires you to abdicate reason in the face of fear. Any god who rewards fear over reason is not worthy of worship.

So, the believers' testimony is that an unknowable, unfathomable god (which believers assign with various human attributes), has a plan for us. Let’s see the preponderance of evidence, and let's apply critical thinking to it and see if it withstands scrutiny. As a matter of course, everything that believers delineate in their appeals to gods we must also (in order to be fair) hold supernaturalism against by way of standard.

It all becomes completely harmonious when you take the gods out of the equation. No issues at all -- not a single paradox. We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands and is imperfect because we are imperfect, and thus changes-- exactly as it is playing out -- I'd say all concerns are satisfied once you abdicate the notion that there's a "guiding intelligence" from a supernatural realm involved with our existence.

How can you speak of a God that you claim doesn't exist?
God ( in this case the Judeo-Christian god), as well as other conceptions of gods are no more or less bigoted than the cultures which invented them.

People should recognize that the postulation of gods raises paradoxes most people choose not to address. Human logic is the only mechanism available to recognize and to address the paradox. Is there a supernatural logic that we can access to address supernatural paradoxes? The flaws with ideological conceptions of supernatural gods is that they require an unsolvable paradox to exist because that relieves believers of the burdensome task of taking responsibility for their actions and the world they create. It requires you to abdicate reason in the face of fear. Any god who rewards fear over reason is not worthy of worship.

So, the believers' testimony is that an unknowable, unfathomable god (which believers assign with various human attributes), has a plan for us. Let’s see the preponderance of evidence, and let's apply critical thinking to it and see if it withstands scrutiny. As a matter of course, everything that believers delineate in their appeals to gods we must also (in order to be fair) hold supernaturalism against by way of standard.

It all becomes completely harmonious when you take the gods out of the equation. No issues at all -- not a single paradox. We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands and is imperfect because we are imperfect, and thus changes-- exactly as it is playing out -- I'd say all concerns are satisfied once you abdicate the notion that there's a "guiding intelligence" from a supernatural realm involved with our existence.

If that's so, let's consider the issue of death.

Why do things die? Who willed that? Is it just happenstance and, if so, can it be avoided by trying harder, by controlling your life and hence controlling the outcome? Do you have enough free will choices to avoid it?

Why do you propose that a "who" willed death? The " who " being supernatural suggests you must have some Insight Into a supernatural realm to assess the "who".
God ( in this case the Judeo-Christian god), as well as other conceptions of gods are no more or less bigoted than the cultures which invented them.

People should recognize that the postulation of gods raises paradoxes most people choose not to address. Human logic is the only mechanism available to recognize and to address the paradox. Is there a supernatural logic that we can access to address supernatural paradoxes? The flaws with ideological conceptions of supernatural gods is that they require an unsolvable paradox to exist because that relieves believers of the burdensome task of taking responsibility for their actions and the world they create. It requires you to abdicate reason in the face of fear. Any god who rewards fear over reason is not worthy of worship.

So, the believers' testimony is that an unknowable, unfathomable god (which believers assign with various human attributes), has a plan for us. Let’s see the preponderance of evidence, and let's apply critical thinking to it and see if it withstands scrutiny. As a matter of course, everything that believers delineate in their appeals to gods we must also (in order to be fair) hold supernaturalism against by way of standard.

It all becomes completely harmonious when you take the gods out of the equation. No issues at all -- not a single paradox. We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands and is imperfect because we are imperfect, and thus changes-- exactly as it is playing out -- I'd say all concerns are satisfied once you abdicate the notion that there's a "guiding intelligence" from a supernatural realm involved with our existence.

If that's so, let's consider the issue of death.

Why do things die? Who willed that? Is it just happenstance and, if so, can it be avoided by trying harder, by controlling your life and hence controlling the outcome? Do you have enough free will choices to avoid it?

Why do you propose that a "who" willed death? The " who " being supernatural suggests you must have some Insight Into a supernatural realm to assess the "who".

I didn't propose it. You did:

"We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands..."

If that's truly so, then somewhere, at some time, somebody decided he must die and we have just sort of fallen in with that idea. If we all are captains of our fate and masters of our soul, if we can control our own destiny, why can't we simply will ourselves not to die?
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Whose GOD are we talking about?

The Old Testament GOD or the New Testament GOD.

CLEARLY they are two very different deities.

No they're not. The old and new covenants merely reflect different aspects of the same deity. One demonstrates His judgments and the other His loving forgiveness. Those are not mutually exclusive.

For instance, are you the parent who disciplines his children, or the one who forgives them? You're both, right? You are not one or the other. Neither is God.

I don't think you know the OT if you imagine that your response addresses my point.
If that's so, let's consider the issue of death.

Why do things die? Who willed that? Is it just happenstance and, if so, can it be avoided by trying harder, by controlling your life and hence controlling the outcome? Do you have enough free will choices to avoid it?

Why do you propose that a "who" willed death? The " who " being supernatural suggests you must have some Insight Into a supernatural realm to assess the "who".

I didn't propose it. You did:

"We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands..."

If that's truly so, then somewhere, at some time, somebody decided he must die and we have just sort of fallen in with that idea. If we all are captains of our fate and masters of our soul, if we can control our own destiny, why can't we simply will ourselves not to die?

I never proposed a supernatural agent controls our lives. That is why I used the term "we":
"We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands..."

I enclosed "plan" in quotes to denote that we plan our lives. We are responsible for the world we live in.

So... getting back to the thread topic, why do you think that gods are so frequently and liberally slathered with human attributes? Such emotions as anger, rage, frustration, loving, jealous, caring, bigoted, etc., are some of the attributes that define humanity and in some cases, animal species.

We humans even portray images of the gods as reflections (physical appearances) of the cultures which invent them. Doesn't a tall, light skinned, light hair, blue-eyed hey-zeus strike you as a bit .... odd?
I never proposed a supernatural agent controls our lives.

I never said you did. You pretty clearly said there is no supernatural agent, that we are, in effect, our own gods.

"We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands..."

If that's so, then why can we not will ourselves not to die? How far do our "powers" to determine the future go and what limits them?
I never proposed a supernatural agent controls our lives.

I never said you did. You pretty clearly said there is no supernatural agent, that we are, in effect, our own gods.

"We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands..."

If that's so, then why can we not will ourselves not to die? How far do our "powers" to determine the future go and what limits them?

To your first comment, what point is there in suggesting that "we are, in effect, our own gods"?

Your comment seems to beg some unasked question or to press some unnamed agenda.

I have no requirement for gods. It appears that nature functions with complete independence from your gods or anyone else's gods.

If you have a desire to be your own god, have at it.

Human culture has a history of inventing supernatural entities to explain that which we didn't understand or that which we could not readily explain. When there was a gap in our knowledge of processes or mechanisms, it was tempting for societies or cultures to abandon pressing deeper for knowledge and to accept the easy (and lazy) alternative of defeat and say 'god did it' (or more often 'the gods did it').

As to your second comment, I'd suggest biology 101. Cell biology is plagued by replication errors and faulty coding. Doesn't that speak to an Incompetent "designer" as oppossed to an Imperfect nature?

Honestly, you could easily have done your own homework and discovered these answers.
I never proposed a supernatural agent controls our lives.

I never said you did. You pretty clearly said there is no supernatural agent, that we are, in effect, our own gods.

"We have free will, we write our own destiny as we move through linear time, we are responsible for the kind of world we live in, the "plan" is within our hands..."

If that's so, then why can we not will ourselves not to die? How far do our "powers" to determine the future go and what limits them?

To your first comment, what point is there in suggesting that "we are, in effect, our own gods"?

Your comment seems to beg some unasked question or to press some unnamed agenda.

I have no requirement for gods. It appears that nature functions with complete independence from your gods or anyone else's gods.

If you have a desire to be your own god, have at it.

Human culture has a history of inventing supernatural entities to explain that which we didn't understand or that which we could not readily explain. When there was a gap in our knowledge of processes or mechanisms, it was tempting for societies or cultures to abandon pressing deeper for knowledge and to accept the easy (and lazy) alternative of defeat and say 'god did it' (or more often 'the gods did it').

As to your second comment, I'd suggest biology 101. Cell biology is plagued by replication errors and faulty coding. Doesn't that speak to an Incompetent "designer" as oppossed to an Imperfect nature?

Honestly, you could easily have done your own homework and discovered these answers.

So, we make our own plan, determine our own fate, build our own world...up to the point of death. THAT we have no control over, but everything else we do. We create our own reality.

I've known an awful lot of people who subscribed to that theory, whether they could verbalize it or not, and most of them invariably ended up staring off into space and wondering what the hell happened. They had it all figured out, had their lives planned to T, but somewhere along the way it all fell apart and left them empty. Even those few who managed to succeed, against all the odds and the vagaries of time and fate, still got to the end of their lives and found they'd accomplished....nothing. Having won all the battles and collected all the toys, they stared into the open grave and wondered if they'd wasted their lives in the vain pursuit of selfish goals. The answer is yes, they did.

But, you don't see that yet. I'm guessing you're fairly young, or old and still terribly naive, and have not yet butted up against the reality that in truth, you control very little. Control is an illusion, a tempting and satisfying illusion, but still a just mirage.

Good luck. I hope I live long enough to see how it turns out for you. If I'm not here when the lie of control is finally revealed, please do what millions before you have done when their path stopped at a dead end: turn to someone of Faith. They'll have the answers you need then, and only them.

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