Is God both omniscient and omnipotent?


Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.
The answer is in the Bible.
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.

As always, SMBC has already tackled this most pressing of questions...

I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.
If there is some form of life, indescribable using our brains, that exists, for lack of an accurate term, "around"'s logical to understand that we can't possibly understand, or even define it.

So we can't be sure it's a delusion.

Do I find the idea that God is Jesus's dad far fetched? sure, and more accurately just antiquated. But then there is nothing newer, so......

I guess my conclusion is "who knows"

But the act of praying to someone for guidance has benefits for me.
Man cannot even figure out what Woman is, and what she thinks, and why she does what she does. So how are we supposed to figure out God?
Remember, words are an invention of the mind of man. They serve a very great purpose and are 'miraculously' useful. They have very strict limits, though. We can create questions and grammatically correct verbal situations that may have nothing to do with possibility.
Nouns are names for things, but they are not the thing.
Our thinking becomes so enmeshed in our language that we cannot even think outside it, we cannot imagine in our own minds without forming words.
'God' and such are symbolic of intuitive senses we have of the universe, which is a place full of the as yet unexplained. You don't have to be mystical or religious to allow for a 'something' other than physics and the material. Just look at consciousness, creativity. Where are these in the universe, other than in the mind of man? There is nothing in science to explain how these could come to be. Some physicists even conjecture that we might have to pose the question of whether or not consciousness really is from the known universe, or from outside it, to use a term.
We create this reality, we bring it into being in this universe. Where was Michaelangelo's David before he made it? Perhaps the stone was there, but the work was not. How much more music and the other performing arts, essence of the ephemeral!
People seek to find answers, but sometimes they are to the wrong questions. Religions seek to provide answers, but they often seek so hard that they provide blinders instead.
If 'God' exists, it is in a way we cannot conceive. God would certainly not be contained by our little world of linguistic slavery. Describing God would be fruitless, though every religion does it. A person can only have direct contact or none at all. If one looks and finds, that is enough, and can be transmitted to no one else. For those who don't find, they don't, but they cannot take away from another.
The very most a religion can do is point in a direction. That they try to do so much more destroys much of what the human experience could and should be.
Dawkins is a blindingly brilliant person, far beyond my capacities in many regards. He does not understand the function of words and the mind any better, though. Proving contradictions about God is an exercise in semantic gymnastics, and nothing more.
Claiming that all answers are in the Bible is even less of a help.
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.

Infinity - all potential possibilities exist and re-occur continuously on a infinite basis in what can best be described as parallel universes. In this reality there is no divine intervention when x occurs in order to achieve the end result of Z - however in another parallel reality, divine intervention occurs in order to achieve the end result of Y

" In this eternal present, our sense of the passage of time is nothing more than a giant cosmic illusion. Basically this whole existence we are experiencing at this moment is little more than a training ground for our future existence, at a timeless time where there is no time. " End of Time
God already knows my fate, which means that it is preordained. Cons equently, I have no decisions to make. Kind of nice, really!
God knows what you will decide. He didn't determine your choices for you. However, God will not allow your choices thwart His eternal plan.
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.

Don't insult God Almighty. Say "He" rather than "he".

This argument you present is absolute nonsense. There is no such thing as changing the course of history. God did history, at all levels from the big bang to the movings of an ant. He may decide to change and act in a way it was unlikely He would. He knew He would change, and He did, because there are purposes in each of His undertakings.

He is Omniscient and Omnipotent. Both are among His 99 commonly known Names to Muslims. The All Knowing (Al Aleem) in Arabic, the "Able" (my translation of Al Qaadir) and the All Powerful (my translation of Al Muqtadir).
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.

Didn't seem omniscient in Genesis when he walks through the garden asking where Adam and Eve were.

Didn't seem omnipotent when he needed human armies to bring down the walls of Jericho. Or any of the endless other examples of human beings doing the grunt work. Couldn't he just have magically transported the Egyptian Jews from there to Israel, without the LoTR movies of walking in-between?

A better explanation is God doesn't exist. Let him strike me dead if I'm wrong...
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.
If there is some form of life, indescribable using our brains, that exists, for lack of an accurate term, "around"'s logical to understand that we can't possibly understand, or even define it.

So we can't be sure it's a delusion.

Do I find the idea that God is Jesus's dad far fetched? sure, and more accurately just antiquated. But then there is nothing newer, so......

I guess my conclusion is "who knows"

But the act of praying to someone for guidance has benefits for me.

It is a fact that asking of God does not go unnoticed, whether it is "O God...." or "O God who is human and has a human son...". God is generous to you, but He is above any form of humanness.

Man cannot even figure out what Woman is, and what she thinks, and why she does what she does. So how are we supposed to figure out God?

In Islam, we seek knowledge and we strive and strive in different ways, so that we may ultimately acquire the magnificent and sublime knowledge of Allah (knowledge of God, to know God).

Remember, words are an invention of the mind of man. They serve a very great purpose and are 'miraculously' useful. They have very strict limits, though. We can create questions and grammatically correct verbal situations that may have nothing to do with possibility.
Nouns are names for things, but they are not the thing.
Our thinking becomes so enmeshed in our language that we cannot even think outside it, we cannot imagine in our own minds without forming words.
'God' and such are symbolic of intuitive senses we have of the universe, which is a place full of the as yet unexplained. You don't have to be mystical or religious to allow for a 'something' other than physics and the material. Just look at consciousness, creativity. Where are these in the universe, other than in the mind of man? There is nothing in science to explain how these could come to be. Some physicists even conjecture that we might have to pose the question of whether or not consciousness really is from the known universe, or from outside it, to use a term.
We create this reality, we bring it into being in this universe. Where was Michaelangelo's David before he made it? Perhaps the stone was there, but the work was not. How much more music and the other performing arts, essence of the ephemeral!
People seek to find answers, but sometimes they are to the wrong questions. Religions seek to provide answers, but they often seek so hard that they provide blinders instead.
If 'God' exists, it is in a way we cannot conceive. God would certainly not be contained by our little world of linguistic slavery. Describing God would be fruitless, though every religion does it. A person can only have direct contact or none at all. If one looks and finds, that is enough, and can be transmitted to no one else. For those who don't find, they don't, but they cannot take away from another.
The very most a religion can do is point in a direction. That they try to do so much more destroys much of what the human experience could and should be.
Dawkins is a blindingly brilliant person, far beyond my capacities in many regards. He does not understand the function of words and the mind any better, though. Proving contradictions about God is an exercise in semantic gymnastics, and nothing more.
Claiming that all answers are in the Bible is even less of a help.

God exists and is accessible to those who arrived to Him thanks to striving in seeking Him. Islam indicates clearly how to reach Him. The saints of Islam guide their followers until they arrive to Him, to His Inner Court, to His intimacy.

God already knows my fate, which means that it is preordained. Consequently, I have no decisions to make. Kind of nice, really!

Events are predestined. It does not mean you sit idle and wait for things to happen. It simply means you act, and whatever was predestined for you will be made easy.
I just read Richard Dawkins book' the God delusion' and he says the following.
If God is omniscient (all knowing) he must already know how he is going to intervene to change the course of history using his omnipotence. ( being all powerful) But that means he can't change his mind about his intervention, which means he is not omnipotent.
if he was omniscient why would he need to change his mind?......looks like Dawkin's argument is a major fail.....
God already knows my fate, which means that it is preordained. Consequently, I have no decisions to make. Kind of nice, really!
lol.....haven't thought this through, have you......since he hasn't told you what he knows about your fate, you're still stuck with the necessity of making the decision.......sorry.....

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