Is health care a right?

Is health care a right?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • no

    Votes: 28 71.8%
  • dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • don't care

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
Well? If so why?
I think healthcare is a right. I think high functioning societies need to provide healthcare for everyone in some way or another. I think healthcare is a as fundamental as clean water and police services, however in the modern age we have been duped into turning it into a luxury. We provide healthcare to prisoners and to POWs exactly because it is a vital service. The reason healthcare has become so expensive is because we have made incentive for it to get expensive, there is no reason for private sellers to facilitate lower prices because people will pay through the teeth to be healthy and to survive. I would argue that every man alive would give away every cent to stay alive, we have allowed greed to take advantage of all of us. There was a time where a person could be sick and be cared for based upon higher reasons than money, but Americans are trained to perceive healthcare as a luxury. We however have not been trained to see the military in the same light, even though it is more likely you die from illness than a foreigner.

I think America have plenty of private industry to ensure a very strong capitalist basis, changing one critical industry into a non for profit, public system would not destroy the vast market that exists outside of the healthcare niche. I also think there still should be private options, furthermore I think the new system should be opt out and paid for through income tax.

If you consider healthcare a right, would you say that I have a right to come to your house as you're about to leave for work and demand that you, say, stitch up a wound I have, or demand money from you to pay for someone else to do it in your place?

The right to healthcare means to me that all Americans will have access to basic healthcare regardless of their personal ability to pay,

much like public education is provided to children regardless of the ability of their families to pay.

Rights don't require that people do something for you or provide something for you to. Rights require that people don't do something TO you or take something FROM you.

No one is obliged to provide me with healthcare. Thus it's not a right.

No one is obliged to provide you a gun.

Correct. No one is obliged to provide me with a gun. That's because I don't have a right to the property of others. They have a right to their property, which means that I am obliged not to take it from them.

Notice how conservatives are always trying to RESTRICT rights?

No, I haven't noticed them trying to do so. Why?
If it's fair for greedy to chip in, socialist liberal regressives should pay a lot more taxes.

You're an idiot. I hate to break it to you but your perverted notions of how a country should operate will never come to pass. Enjoy your misery until you're dead.
Wait, you just said chip in, you indicated that everyone should be paying. Why is he and idiot for agreeing with you.
or, are you saying that by extension, you too are an idiot.

Why would a family getting food stamps and Medicaid, for example, because of their low income,

pay taxes? It doesn't make any sense.

If you think they should 'chip in' then take their Medicaid away from them. Let them go without affordable healthcare.
Why is that family betting food stamps and Medicaid in the first place? why would someone that cant afford to feed their own self have kids. What is fair about other paying for their bad life choices.

Ok, so you want take food stamps and Medicaid away from the working poor. How about taking free education away from them? They certainly aren't paying their 'fair share' in school taxes.

Why aren't conservative candidates running on your agenda? Or are they?

Dude, your appeals to feelz don't work. Everyone knows what's up, people just want free shit. You should be ashamed. Good luck finding that one person who thinks public schools have any clue on how to teach people. It's possibly pay worthy just to avoid that embarrassing experience.

The rich old retirees definitely can handle not enslaving their kids with ever growing social security taxes. Just as a hint, the retirement taxes where I live are 30% of income. Why do you want to enslave your kids? This is what happens when economically illiterate liberals set up a ponzi scheme and get away with it. Oops... The failure should be admitted and the regressives thrown out.

Why aren't republicans saying this? Because unlike Trump they are pussies, and fear the wrath of single moms who have completely screwed up their and their kids life hooked up on this stuff. That's fact...
Shocking! seeing the results of this poll. The GOP go on about the right to life doesn't this include Americans after they've been born? You can't preach anti-abortion but then say we don't care if you drop dead! Healthcare is fundamental for any civilized country, this right isn't afforded many people in poor countries. No one should die in a rich developed country because they can't afford healthcare. Therefore it should be a right.
No - healthcare is NOT a "right". Anymore than driving is a "right". Funny, I've had healthcare all my life and, at 72, I STILL have healthcare. You don't have healthcare? I couldn't care less. Get a job.
Shocking! seeing the results of this poll. The GOP go on about the right to life doesn't this include Americans after they've been born? You can't preach anti-abortion but then say we don't care if you drop dead! Healthcare is fundamental for any civilized country, this right isn't afforded many people in poor countries. No one should die in a rich developed country because they can't afford healthcare. Therefore it should be a right.
The right to life means that people may not TAKE your life. They are not obliged to give you their property or to provide you services for free, so that you can sustain your life. They have a right to the resources they own; you don't.
No - healthcare is NOT a "right". Anymore than driving is a "right". Funny, I've had healthcare all my life and, at 72, I STILL have healthcare. You don't have healthcare? I couldn't care less. Get a job.

What if someone loses their job and their healthcare? Whats bizarre is that the USA is one of the most religious developed countries, yet many seem to not practice what they preach. So you wouldn't care if your fellow citizens were dropping dead because they couldn't afford healthcare? Why this meanness of spirit? I simply cannot understand how people can go to church espouse Christian values but then turn around and not give a fig about their fellow citizens.
No - healthcare is NOT a "right". Anymore than driving is a "right". Funny, I've had healthcare all my life and, at 72, I STILL have healthcare. You don't have healthcare? I couldn't care less. Get a job.

What if someone loses their job and their healthcare? Whats bizarre is that the USA is one of the most religious developed countries, yet many seem to not practice what they preach. So you wouldn't care if your fellow citizens were dropping dead because they couldn't afford healthcare? Why this meanness of spirit? I simply cannot understand how people can go to church espouse Christian values but then turn around and not give a fig about their fellow citizens.

Even if someone loses his job, he still doesn't have a right to the person or property of other people. They have a right to their person and property, not him. However, the fact that he has no such right doesn't mean that people who care aren't free to voluntarily help him.
No - healthcare is NOT a "right". Anymore than driving is a "right". Funny, I've had healthcare all my life and, at 72, I STILL have healthcare. You don't have healthcare? I couldn't care less. Get a job.

What if someone loses their job and their healthcare? Whats bizarre is that the USA is one of the most religious developed countries, yet many seem to not practice what they preach. So you wouldn't care if your fellow citizens were dropping dead because they couldn't afford healthcare? Why this meanness of spirit? I simply cannot understand how people can go to church espouse Christian values but then turn around and not give a fig about their fellow citizens.

I had healthcare as a child. I had healthcare after I retired from the military and took a civilian job. I kept my healthcare after I retired from my civilian job. It's NOT up to me to provide healthcare for anyone but my family. I have done a great job of doing that. I have never asked anyone to provide my healthcare. Again - if you don't want to work at a job that provides healthcare - I don't know what the hell to tell you. Lastly - take care of your own house and stop expecting everyone else to take care of you.
Actually, the Constitution says "life, liberty and property." You're quoting the Declaration of Independence. And property means you have the right to your own property, not someone else's property

Oh the irony of you CONSTANTLY accusing others of reading comprehension issues...

I didn't say I was quoting our Constitution. I said other countries had it in theirs.

I said that we are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right.

You said "we are guaranteed a right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' " Which is in the Declaration of Independence. You are saying you think the Declaration of Independence is what exactly then? It's not the Constitution, but it guarantees rights?

that's just stupid. You should have stuck with that you don't have reading comprehension, that's better than that you think the Declaration of Independence "guarantee(s)" a right to health care

Life is listed as an inalienable right...exactly as I stated, Hack.

Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Oh the irony of you CONSTANTLY accusing others of reading comprehension issues...

I didn't say I was quoting our Constitution. I said other countries had it in theirs.

I said that we are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right.

You said "we are guaranteed a right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' " Which is in the Declaration of Independence. You are saying you think the Declaration of Independence is what exactly then? It's not the Constitution, but it guarantees rights?

that's just stupid. You should have stuck with that you don't have reading comprehension, that's better than that you think the Declaration of Independence "guarantee(s)" a right to health care

Life is listed as an inalienable right...exactly as I stated, Hack.

Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.
You said "we are guaranteed a right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' " Which is in the Declaration of Independence. You are saying you think the Declaration of Independence is what exactly then? It's not the Constitution, but it guarantees rights?

that's just stupid. You should have stuck with that you don't have reading comprehension, that's better than that you think the Declaration of Independence "guarantee(s)" a right to health care

Life is listed as an inalienable right...exactly as I stated, Hack.

Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.

That's what I said, you said it came from the Declaration of Independence. You said, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," which is from the Declaration of Independence. While being a major document in American history, it doesn't grant us "rights"
You said "we are guaranteed a right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' " Which is in the Declaration of Independence. You are saying you think the Declaration of Independence is what exactly then? It's not the Constitution, but it guarantees rights?

that's just stupid. You should have stuck with that you don't have reading comprehension, that's better than that you think the Declaration of Independence "guarantee(s)" a right to health care

Life is listed as an inalienable right...exactly as I stated, Hack.

Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.

Here you go:

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

The Constitution says "life, liberty and property." And that means government cannot take those from you without "due process of law."

Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

It says government cannot take those from you. That government has to take property from other citizens and give it to you is clearly not there. It says government cannot take those from you, without due process of law
Life is listed as an inalienable right...exactly as I stated, Hack.

Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.

Here you go:

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

The Constitution says "life, liberty and property." And that means government cannot take those from you without "due process of law."

Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

It says government cannot take those from you. That government has to take property from other citizens and give it to you is clearly not there. It says government cannot take those from you, without due process of law

So? I wasn't quoting the Constitution so what does it have to do with anything? I said, and I repeat, we are guaranteed life as an inalienable right. I never said where we are guaranteed it. Since I mentioned that some countries actually put it in their Constitutions, you assumed that I was also talking about ours. I wasn't.

Of course, you're just a partisan hack so I might as well be talking to the wall.
I have no right to health care but I have a right to earn health care, just like everyone else...
Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.

Here you go:

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

The Constitution says "life, liberty and property." And that means government cannot take those from you without "due process of law."

Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

It says government cannot take those from you. That government has to take property from other citizens and give it to you is clearly not there. It says government cannot take those from you, without due process of law

So? I wasn't quoting the Constitution so what does it have to do with anything? I said, and I repeat, we are guaranteed life as an inalienable right. I never said where we are guaranteed it. Since I mentioned that some countries actually put it in their Constitutions, you assumed that I was also talking about ours. I wasn't.

Of course, you're just a partisan hack so I might as well be talking to the wall.

You can't admit you're wrong no matter how blatantly obviously it's presented to you, can you, Joe? Is that true in your real life too?

As for guaranteed "life," do you understand that means government cannot deprive you of it without due process of law? Government cannot take your life, it's not government's job to go out and figure out how to give it to you by plundering other people for you.

Do you understand the difference or not? Do you know what due process of law means? Do you really want the next generation to get the crappy government education that you did that you can't coherently engage in simple conversations? I can't dumb this down any more, we're at the point you have to grasp the point
You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.

I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.

Here you go:

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

The Constitution says "life, liberty and property." And that means government cannot take those from you without "due process of law."

Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

It says government cannot take those from you. That government has to take property from other citizens and give it to you is clearly not there. It says government cannot take those from you, without due process of law

So? I wasn't quoting the Constitution so what does it have to do with anything? I said, and I repeat, we are guaranteed life as an inalienable right. I never said where we are guaranteed it. Since I mentioned that some countries actually put it in their Constitutions, you assumed that I was also talking about ours. I wasn't.

Of course, you're just a partisan hack so I might as well be talking to the wall.

You can't admit you're wrong no matter how blatantly obviously it's presented to you, can you, Joe? Is that true in your real life too?

As for guaranteed "life," do you understand that means government cannot deprive you of it without due process of law? Government cannot take your life, it's not government's job to go out and figure out how to give it to you by plundering other people for you.

Do you understand the difference or not? Do you know what due process of law means? Do you really want the next generation to get the crappy government education that you did that you can't coherently engage in simple conversations? I can't dumb this down any more, we're at the point you have to grasp the point

There's nothing to admit to. You assumed incorrectly. You do that a lot...because you're a partisan hack.
I'm assuming nothing. You said we have a "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is in the Declaration of Independence. You denied not knowing that, and you denied thinking the Declaration of Independence give us "rights."

One of those is a lie because they can't both be true. You can say which is the lie
Yes...I said we are guaranteed "life" as an inalienable right. I never said it came from our constitution. That's your wrong assumption because you're a hack.

Here you go:

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

The Constitution says "life, liberty and property." And that means government cannot take those from you without "due process of law."

Fifth Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

It says government cannot take those from you. That government has to take property from other citizens and give it to you is clearly not there. It says government cannot take those from you, without due process of law

So? I wasn't quoting the Constitution so what does it have to do with anything? I said, and I repeat, we are guaranteed life as an inalienable right. I never said where we are guaranteed it. Since I mentioned that some countries actually put it in their Constitutions, you assumed that I was also talking about ours. I wasn't.

Of course, you're just a partisan hack so I might as well be talking to the wall.

You can't admit you're wrong no matter how blatantly obviously it's presented to you, can you, Joe? Is that true in your real life too?

As for guaranteed "life," do you understand that means government cannot deprive you of it without due process of law? Government cannot take your life, it's not government's job to go out and figure out how to give it to you by plundering other people for you.

Do you understand the difference or not? Do you know what due process of law means? Do you really want the next generation to get the crappy government education that you did that you can't coherently engage in simple conversations? I can't dumb this down any more, we're at the point you have to grasp the point

There's nothing to admit to. You assumed incorrectly. You do that a lot...because you're a partisan hack.

You said "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and I "assumed incorrectly" you were referring to the Declaration of Independence?

OK, Sport, what were you quoting then? It wasn't the Constitution which doesn't say that
There's nothing to admit to. You assumed incorrectly. You do that a lot...because you're a partisan hack.

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

So I'm saying there are four things wrong with you making this statement. Explain it all, Clarissa, and tell me what I "assumed incorrectly"

1) This is in the Declaration of Independence, which is a historical document, not a document that "guaranteed" rights

2) This is not in the Constitution that does guarantee rights

3) However, the Bill of Rights limits government, it doesn't enable it, it's protecting our rights FROM government and no one is talking in this discussion about government taking our lives

4) I'd feel sorry for you for the crappy government education you got, but you want to inflict the same thing on our children
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Shocking! seeing the results of this poll. The GOP go on about the right to life doesn't this include Americans after they've been born?

Another leftist who doesn't understand the most basic law of the land. The right to life is a Bill of Rights protection from government, not a power granted to government. Government cannot take your life without due process of law. read the fifth amendment. What grade did you stop going to school? Sixth? Eighth?

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