Is health care a right?

Is health care a right?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • no

    Votes: 28 71.8%
  • dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • don't care

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me, my friend and a woman voted and agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?
I certainly think that everyone has a right to health care, just like I have the right to live in a mansion with Italian sports cars out front. The fact that I cant afford it is not in anyway affecting my right to have it.
All I need to do is figure out how to pay for it and its mine.
Same with insurance. You are only denying a right if you suggest someone cant have it even if they can pay for it.
Like contraceptives for women, nobody is denying contraception by saying that they have to pay for it themselves.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.
government would most likely be more efficient and not waste as much money.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals. The whole point is that the government aka. rape would NOT function without the taxes. That's good ain't it? Secondly, I just claimed that this is a forcible taking (which it is), and your point doesn't refute that regardless.
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If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals.
according to Bernie, rape is a fantasy of women, and according to Hillary rape is something that people should not be punished for.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals. The whole point is that the government aka. rape would NOT function without the taxes. That's good ain't it? Secondly, I just claimed that this is a forcible taking (which it is), and your point doesn't refute that regardless.

Since we have laws against rape, your example makes no sense. In your world, rape, and getting away with it, would be facilitated because in a voluntary tax system there wouldn't be enough revenue to maintain a criminal justice system, including law enforcement.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.
government would most likely be more efficient and not waste as much money.

There would be no government.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.
government would most likely be more efficient and not waste as much money.

There would be no government.
I can see certain benefit to that.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals. The whole point is that the government aka. rape would NOT function without the taxes. That's good ain't it? Secondly, I just claimed that this is a forcible taking (which it is), and your point doesn't refute that regardless.

Since we have laws against rape, your example makes no sense. In your world, rape, and getting away with it, would be facilitated because in a voluntary tax system there wouldn't be enough revenue to maintain a criminal justice system, including law enforcement.

This is truly a world class regressive we are dealing with here. I was giving you a hypothetical and now you are talking about something completely different. In your mind forcible taking of money is voluntary. My only point was that it's not voluntary, and is not made voluntary by voting for it. Any more than rape is made voluntary by voting about it. is this really so difficult to get? Hint: if there is a prison sentence for not doing it, it's probably not voluntary. Holy hell people these people lack IQ.

Calling spade a spade does not mean I have to answer your stupid questions regarding criminal systems. Nothing to do with it. But, at least taxing for criminal systems is supposed to prevent crime so you are replacing more crime with less (if you accept the argument). With health care it's just outright theft in order for bureaucrats to carry out their outlandishly inefficient business ideas which no one in their right mind would fund voluntarily.
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Is life a right?

Life is a right. And health care is not necessarily needed to sustain life. BUT, food and water, why are those items not provided to everyone?

We have a food stamp program, dumbass.

That's true, you stupid pile of pus. But, according to the Left, the government should provide for us, so ALL food should be free.

Give us 10 prominent names in America who are demanding that all food be free.

Why? If government is supposed to ensure our rights and life is a right and food and water are necessary to life, why isn't it free? If you can't answer the question, at least stop trying to distract.
Depends on where you live. Some countries have written it into their Constitutions. Guess it's a right there.

We are guaranteed a right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". It could be argued that it falls in there somewhere.

Was it a slow news day that the "is healthcare a right" "go to" had to be gone to? This is the "is it raining where you are" question.

Actually, the Constitution says "life, liberty and property." You're quoting the Declaration of Independence. And property means you have the right to your own property, not someone else's property

Oh the irony of you CONSTANTLY accusing others of reading comprehension issues...

I didn't say I was quoting our Constitution. I said other countries had it in theirs.

I said that we are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as an inalienable right.

You said "we are guaranteed a right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' " Which is in the Declaration of Independence. You are saying you think the Declaration of Independence is what exactly then? It's not the Constitution, but it guarantees rights?

that's just stupid. You should have stuck with that you don't have reading comprehension, that's better than that you think the Declaration of Independence "guarantee(s)" a right to health care

Life is listed as an inalienable right...exactly as I stated, Hack.

Yes, but you don't know what that means.

That does mean that government cannot take your life without due process of law (the fifth amendment).

It does not mean that government has to give you other people's money for your life.

Seriously, you're an American, you served in the military, now you work to support your family, and you never learned what the Constitution is?

You quote the Declaration of Independence thinking that's the Constitution, then you say no you didn't, which would mean you think the Declaration of Independence guarantees rights, and then you don't know what the right to life even means? Learn how your own country's laws work, it's just sad

You're assuming incorrectly...but that's because you're such a hack.
If your real question is "should government forcibly take money from people to fund health care for everyone", then the answer is no.

I live in a country with public health care, it's a complete disaster, as would be expected. But once you say to a liberal the magic words "free things", they just can't resist it.

We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals. The whole point is that the government aka. rape would NOT function without the taxes. That's good ain't it? Secondly, I just claimed that this is a forcible taking (which it is), and your point doesn't refute that regardless.

Since we have laws against rape, your example makes no sense. In your world, rape, and getting away with it, would be facilitated because in a voluntary tax system there wouldn't be enough revenue to maintain a criminal justice system, including law enforcement.
Bernie disagrees with you, he said people wouldn't mind paying more tax than they already do.
If Bernie isn't lying, then doesn't that mean that there should be even more revenue for the government's use?
We don't forcibly take away money. We vote. Yes there are those in this country who think all taxes should be voluntary.

They're our nuts on the fringe.

Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals. The whole point is that the government aka. rape would NOT function without the taxes. That's good ain't it? Secondly, I just claimed that this is a forcible taking (which it is), and your point doesn't refute that regardless.

Since we have laws against rape, your example makes no sense. In your world, rape, and getting away with it, would be facilitated because in a voluntary tax system there wouldn't be enough revenue to maintain a criminal justice system, including law enforcement.
Bernie disagrees with you, he said people wouldn't mind paying more tax than they already do.
If Bernie isn't lying, then doesn't that mean that there should be even more revenue for the government's use?

I thought conservative were donating billions for charity healthcare...
Wow, me and my friend voted and we agreed, we should rape that woman.

It's not forcible, we voted!!

Do I smell a regressive?

You and your friend are not a government.

You tell us how our government would function if all taxes were voluntary.

Okay, replace us with the government.

The rape becomes love making then?

Damn these regressives. Absolutely no morals. The whole point is that the government aka. rape would NOT function without the taxes. That's good ain't it? Secondly, I just claimed that this is a forcible taking (which it is), and your point doesn't refute that regardless.

Since we have laws against rape, your example makes no sense. In your world, rape, and getting away with it, would be facilitated because in a voluntary tax system there wouldn't be enough revenue to maintain a criminal justice system, including law enforcement.
Bernie disagrees with you, he said people wouldn't mind paying more tax than they already do.
If Bernie isn't lying, then doesn't that mean that there should be even more revenue for the government's use?

I thought conservative were donating billions for charity healthcare...
Used to donate all kinds of stuff until it became mandatory to do it through the theft of their income by way of taxes.

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