Is Herman Cain performance art? Rachel Maddow seems to think so..

It's my opinion that he's bizarre? Or it's my opinion that he provides comedy gold?

Methinks you're being a touch sensitive by insisting I identify those as 'Opinions.' When subjective statements such as those are stated it goes without saying that they're opinions. It's implied.

i think anyone who thinks someone who calls uzbekistan "uz bekki bekki bekki stan stan" and prides himself on being ignorant is qualified to be president is merely stating an opinion, too.

so there ya go.

And this is what I don't get. He's not a "real" politician. And he makes no bones about it. He's never been elected to anything and if you drill down on his record, his "qualifications" seem to be "He's good at math". What the heck does that help with? He's good at math and was able to test ballistics for the navy. Great. Made for some great charts to buttress research in the development of munitiions. Great. Made for a good plan in order to turn a crappy pizza company profitable again, by cutting labor and going for cheaper ingredients.

He has no history of getting consenus. No history of tackling big problems that have nothing to do with math. He failed before when he ran for various offices.

At least Bush won something. And knew a little bit about politics. And HE turned out to be an absolute disaster as a President. 9/11 is what failure really looks like. TARP is what failure really looks like. Market crashes are what failure really looks like. Iraq is what a failure really looks like. Afghanistan is what a failure really looks like.

It's atrocious Republicans keep sending this sort of non-politician, politicians into the fray. Because the results are horrible if they wind up winning. Like the 2010 house race.

9.11 is failure to the extent that he ignored the PDB. i'm not sure i'd lay the entire thing at his doorstep. there was an awful lot of failure in that regard... more than enough to go around.

as to the rest... yes, i agree. and while i understand the extreme right's affection for people not affiliated with a government they hate, people they put up for office should have certain basic knowledge. it's like they found palin, who was an embarrassment and then decided to up the ante and find someone who didn't know that china's had nukes for more than 40 years.
i think anyone who thinks someone who calls uzbekistan "uz bekki bekki bekki stan stan" and prides himself on being ignorant is qualified to be president is merely stating an opinion, too.

so there ya go.

And this is what I don't get. He's not a "real" politician. And he makes no bones about it. He's never been elected to anything and if you drill down on his record, his "qualifications" seem to be "He's good at math". What the heck does that help with? He's good at math and was able to test ballistics for the navy. Great. Made for some great charts to buttress research in the development of munitiions. Great. Made for a good plan in order to turn a crappy pizza company profitable again, by cutting labor and going for cheaper ingredients.

He has no history of getting consenus. No history of tackling big problems that have nothing to do with math. He failed before when he ran for various offices.

At least Bush won something. And knew a little bit about politics. And HE turned out to be an absolute disaster as a President. 9/11 is what failure really looks like. TARP is what failure really looks like. Market crashes are what failure really looks like. Iraq is what a failure really looks like. Afghanistan is what a failure really looks like.

It's atrocious Republicans keep sending this sort of non-politician, politicians into the fray. Because the results are horrible if they wind up winning. Like the 2010 house race.

9.11 is failure to the extent that he ignored the PDB. i'm not sure i'd lay the entire thing at his doorstep. there was an awful lot of failure in that regard... more than enough to go around.
as to the rest... yes, i agree. and while i understand the extreme right's affection for people not affiliated with a government they hate, people they put up for office should have certain basic knowledge. it's like they found palin, who was an embarrassment and then decided to up the ante and find someone who didn't know that china's had nukes for more than 40 years.

Oh it was much more then that. Anyone paying attention to the Bush campaign could see two things emerging as far as foreign policy was going to go. First, they desperately wanted to attack Iraq. Second, they wanted to increase military spending. Well the first thing wasn't going to happen, because there was no real reason too. It wasn't for lack of trying, Bush was sounding the WMDs meme well before 9/11, it just wasn't going anywhere. The second thing could be accomplished by villifying China and Russia again. And that was the focus. That's why people like Condi Rice were brought aboard..because her focus was on Russia. They wanted to kick off the anti-nuke missile program again. And it's the type of program the military industrialist love because it really doesn't have to show any results. And as evidence of this..the RNC kick off was a really nutty speech by Zell Miller, lambasting the Clinton cuts to military spending. Once Bush was elected? Welp the military treaties on anti-nuke missile defense went buh-bye. And a US spy plane was ditched into the China seas. There was no focus on terrorism..and that was in spite of dire warnings from the previous administration. Heck..look how it wound up. The focus was off Afghanistan and Al Qaeda..and on Iraq. That was the prize. Along with over a trillion dollars on weapon spending.
Why do you guys watch Madcow, she is on par with Beck and Rush. John Stewart had to tell her over and over "you are not me."
I've been saying that Cain is just trollin' y'all for a lil while now.

I said a long time ago he was just a rich guy playing fantasy presidential candidate. The funny part is that the loony right thinks he's a real candidate.

It reminds me of the bit in the old Barney Miller show, when Sgt. Harris gave Barney a bolo tie for a gag gift,

and the next day Barney wears it to work.:lol:
...going to send someone like that to a G20 conference? How about negotiating with China? Or Russia? Or just about anything?

He’ll just send his ‘advisors.’ Cain’s plan is to return the presidency to the Gilded Age

And this is what I don't get. He's not a "real" politician. And he makes no bones about it.

Which is why he’s loved by the far right, TPM, and quasi-libertarians, Cain conforms to their naïve, reactionary perception of the presidency and government. Electing Cain is the far right’s ultimate act of contempt for the ‘Federal government.’
I've been saying that Cain is just trollin' y'all for a lil while now.

I said a long time ago he was just a rich guy playing fantasy presidential candidate. The funny part is that the loony right thinks he's a real candidate.

It reminds me of the bit in the old Barney Miller show, when Sgt. Harris gave Barney a bolo tie for a gag gift,

and the next day Barney wears it to work.:lol:

more like cain's whole campaign is a $1 bet between the koch brothers......
I've been saying that Cain is just trollin' y'all for a lil while now.

I said a long time ago he was just a rich guy playing fantasy presidential candidate. The funny part is that the loony right thinks he's a real candidate.

It reminds me of the bit in the old Barney Miller show, when Sgt. Harris gave Barney a bolo tie for a gag gift,

and the next day Barney wears it to work.:lol:

more like cain's whole campaign is a $1 bet between the koch brothers......
This is what happens when black men wants a better life than the Dem Plantation offers
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This is what happens when black men wants a better life than the Dem Plantation offers.

This nonsense is never going to fly – whatever the left’s failings or faults, racism was never among them.
This is what happens when black men wants a better life than the Dem Plantation offers.

This nonsense is never going to fly – whatever the left’s failings or faults, racism was never among them.

Lying fucking retard

"Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." -- US Senator Robert Byrd

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years." -- Lyndon B. Johnson
Is Herman Cain performance art?

Cain is ‘performance art’ in the sense that he’s failed to convince independents, democrats, and some republicans he’s a serious candidate.

Again, Cain is his own worst enemy; he has only himself to blame, he alone is responsible for the things he says and does.

As an aside, it’s telling how the right – whose doctrine advocates ‘personal responsibility’ – is quick to deflect blame from Cain to other GOP candidates or the ‘liberal slant’ media.
Oh, c'mon. Ritchie was probably just upset because somebody swiped her strap-on.
An interesting take.

She pointed out that Hermain Cain closed the first debate with a line he quoted from "a great poet" but was really from a verse of the first Pokemon movie theme song.

Herman Cain had no idea what the "right of return" was..but fudged it anyway and said it had to be negotiated (By the way..this will definitely lose the one-issue jewish vote in Florida and New York).

Herman Cain's commercials are bizzare to say the least.

Herman Cain 999 plan may have come from the SimCity video game. And his court settlement on the sexual harrassment suit was on 9/99. He also had a chapter in his book called something like "The number 45 is is favorite number". That equals nine.

He had a bizzare interview on FOX about abortion..which left the FOX interviewers with their mouth's open.

He noted that he will be doing a book tour during the campaign.

He said he was a "Koch brother from another mother".

She compared it to the Carl Paladino campaign in New York...which was in itself really nuts. But I thought that was more an example of a rich guy meltdown..and an indulgent Republican party.

But what the may explain alot!

That said..I really hope he gets the nod! :lol:

Cain wasn't the first.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

May I introduce to you, Pat Paulsen, Presidential Performance Artist:

[ame=]Pat Paulson For President pt 1 of 6 - YouTube[/ame]
So a white left wing pop-culture chick thinks a Black man is less than a man and just ...performance art? Racism is just as alive in the left wing world as it was in the 1860's and the 1960's.
Racism? Nonsense!

This is a unique situation in that the same people who supported Obama are being accused of racism because they regard Cain as a stereotypical Black bullshit artist. What amazes me most is the fact that this con man has managed to rise to such prominence in the first place. The only possible reason for it is the perverse political partisanship of the right wing. These people would vote for Idi Amin if he were running for President as a Republican.

The Cain candidacy is a joke that becomes less funny every day. In fact the whole Republican ticket is ridiculous.

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