Is Herman Cain performance art? Rachel Maddow seems to think so..


For someone to claim she is smart shows the failure of our education system.

She was a Rhodes Scholar, and has earned her PH.D. Now I know in right wing dingleberry land, this is a defect, but in the rest of the world, it's not.

You may forcefully disagree with her politics, but the woman is not stupid.
Ahhh, she spent her undergrad years sucking up to the political Rhodes Scholar spot, I'm impressed. Oh, a PhD....that is next for me or a JD after I finish my second Masters degree, but I've been working full-time since I got that undergrad degree, so I'm taking my time.

Oh, she is an idiot and you might be too if you think she is smart.


For someone to claim she is smart shows the failure of our education system.

She was a Rhodes Scholar, and has earned her PH.D. Now I know in right wing dingleberry land, this is a defect, but in the rest of the world, it's not.

You may forcefully disagree with her politics, but the woman is not stupid.
Lookie here boys..a bonafide 2nd Degree Black Belt in Masterology! Betcha he's dating some super model while typing this out on his super yacht in Monaco!
Ahhh, she spent her undergrad years sucking up to the political Rhodes Scholar spot, I'm impressed. Oh, a PhD....that is next for me or a JD after I finish my second Masters degree, but I've been working full-time since I got that undergrad degree, so I'm taking my time.

Oh, she is an idiot and you might be too if you think she is smart.


For someone to claim she is smart shows the failure of our education system.

She was a Rhodes Scholar, and has earned her PH.D. Now I know in right wing dingleberry land, this is a defect, but in the rest of the world, it's not.

You may forcefully disagree with her politics, but the woman is not stupid.
I just reviewed your post history.
Tells me all I need to know about you.
....and you with your local JC AA degree.

But you do get to fix washing machines with your degree and you know how to get the coins out of those soda machines.

No wonder you sit in your trailer at night watching that dumb bitch on TV thinking she is smart and telling you da troooof.

Lookie here boys..a bonafide 2nd Degree Black Belt in Masterology! Betcha he's dating some super model while typing this out on his super yacht in Monaco!
I'd say your avatar sums you up.

Guys that post pics like that of women on the internet don't get those type of women or if you are a are the 400 lbs version trying to project yourself through that pic.

Now, if you can only get her face off the internetS and tape it to your blow-up doll....then it is party time tonight.:eusa_shhh:

Ahhh, she spent her undergrad years sucking up to the political Rhodes Scholar spot, I'm impressed. Oh, a PhD....that is next for me or a JD after I finish my second Masters degree, but I've been working full-time since I got that undergrad degree, so I'm taking my time.

Oh, she is an idiot and you might be too if you think she is smart.

She was a Rhodes Scholar, and has earned her PH.D. Now I know in right wing dingleberry land, this is a defect, but in the rest of the world, it's not.

You may forcefully disagree with her politics, but the woman is not stupid.
I just reviewed your post history.
Tells me all I need to know about you.
Lookie here boys..a bonafide 2nd Degree Black Belt in Masterology! Betcha he's dating some super model while typing this out on his super yacht in Monaco!
Glenn Beck University will let anyone in these days.
I mean Obama admitted IN HIS BOOK to snorting cocaine on a regular basis. The leftist media BARELY reported on this during the election. Hypocrisy at it's best!
What you nitwits on the right fail to understand is that whatever failings or wrongs committed by the media don’t mitigate the fact that Cain has said and done some idiotic things which he is alone responsible for. Blaming an ‘unfair’ media doesn’t address legitimate concerns as to Cain’s fitness to be president.

Rachel Madcow is a TV failure, a wacked out lesbo and a left-wing political hack....all rolled up in a she-boy body.

You represent conservatives well.

This kind of ad hominem attack is what I've come to expect from conservatives whenever the world presents facts, or issues, or people, or events that they just can't seem to handle.

Guys, I hate to be the one to have to point this out, but Herman Cain is a stupid ******.
Well one of the accusers came out in a very strange conference. From what I saw, it was first "punked" by a Howard Stern associate named "Benjy" for over 10 minutes. Then she came out. Man, if you looked up the word "floozy" in the dictionary..this would be the picture.

[ame=]4th Cain Accuser Comes Forward - YouTube[/ame]

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