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Is Hillary's e-mail scandal falling apart?

What's amusing is that you think Barry Obama has the "skills, intellect, knowledge and understanding" to be POTUS but that Donald Trump has none of those things!

What exactly has Obama done in his life besides be fortunate enough to be "Johnny on the spot" when Harvard needed to send a signal that they were not a racist institution and decided that the easiest way to do that would be to name a black man as the first President of the Harvard Law Review?

If you REALLY look at the man's accomplishments before and since then...he's been (to use your own description!) nothing more than "adequate" at every thing he's done in life. He was a mediocre lawyer. He was a run of the mill college instructor. He was an abysmal legislator.

Now compare that to Trump. You may not like the man. I don't particularly like him myself but only a fool would say that he doesn't have skill, intellect, knowledge and understanding! He has all of those in spades.
OMG It is amazing. Only a fool would think Donald Trump is worthy of a position as US president. He is a buffoon. Plain and simple. He's like Palin on steroids. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You all think Palin is so cool and that she's viable as a presidential candidate. Too funny.
Have you seen the democratic candidats?
A socialist
A murderer
And a buffoon.
I mean damn

I repeat.....with Trump breathing, the GOP cannot win in 2016. It does not matter who is the Dem. pick......just a fact. He is in the process of screwing the your party over. Nothing that you can do about it. Sit back and watch.

You keep spewing this as if you believe it so I will assume you do. Here's some free education, if Trump is the nominee he'll win...and that scares the crap out of me as a Democrat.
OMG I didn't think you were that stupid.

No? I am a realist and if he is the nominee that is something that should scare the shit out of you. If it doesn't then you have lost whatever ability to think you had.
What's amusing is that you think Barry Obama has the "skills, intellect, knowledge and understanding" to be POTUS but that Donald Trump has none of those things!

What exactly has Obama done in his life besides be fortunate enough to be "Johnny on the spot" when Harvard needed to send a signal that they were not a racist institution and decided that the easiest way to do that would be to name a black man as the first President of the Harvard Law Review?

If you REALLY look at the man's accomplishments before and since then...he's been (to use your own description!) nothing more than "adequate" at every thing he's done in life. He was a mediocre lawyer. He was a run of the mill college instructor. He was an abysmal legislator.

Now compare that to Trump. You may not like the man. I don't particularly like him myself but only a fool would say that he doesn't have skill, intellect, knowledge and understanding! He has all of those in spades.
OMG It is amazing. Only a fool would think Donald Trump is worthy of a position as US president. He is a buffoon. Plain and simple. He's like Palin on steroids. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You all think Palin is so cool and that she's viable as a presidential candidate. Too funny.
Have you seen the democratic candidats?
A socialist
A murderer
And a buffoon.
I mean damn

I repeat.....with Trump breathing, the GOP cannot win in 2016. It does not matter who is the Dem. pick......just a fact. He is in the process of screwing the your party over. Nothing that you can do about it. Sit back and watch.

You keep spewing this as if you believe it so I will assume you do. Here's some free education, if Trump is the nominee he'll win...and that scares the crap out of me as a Democrat.

Have you been on Mars? He has lost the Hispanic vote, he can't win the black vote and most true conservatives hate him. HE WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT!

Yeah? So? When was the last time the Repub nominee had those? Here's a bit of free education for you.....the Repubs NEVER get the black or Hispanic vote....EVER! They live and die on the white vote and no matter what propaganda you listen too the whites are still in the majority in this country.

The problem for the Repubs is they choose to not vote. Trump is the type of polarizing candidate that gets people to the poles. That means all those white people who stayed home last time will come out and we will lose.
So the fact that Hillary Clinton drew down the number of security personnel in Libya despite repeated requests from Christopher Stevens to maintain the same level absolves Clinton from blame for the subsequent deaths of Stevens and the other three men? You talk about the "truth", Huggy but then you buy the lies that the Clinton State Department hid behind so that she wouldn't be held responsible for those deaths.

It was Hillary Clinton that frantically put out the narratives about YouTube videos causing a demonstration that escalated into a full on attack...it was Hillary Clinton that floated the trial balloon attempting to blame the GOP's cuts to the State Department budget for the woeful security. It was Hillary Clinton that lied to the parents of those slain men. It was Hillary Clinton that hid documents and communications from Congressional investigators and then asked "What difference does it make!" when Congress attempted over and over again to get to the bottom of what happened in Libya.

Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.
Have you seen the democratic candidats?
A socialist
A murderer
And a buffoon.
I mean damn

I repeat.....with Trump breathing, the GOP cannot win in 2016. It does not matter who is the Dem. pick......just a fact. He is in the process of screwing the your party over. Nothing that you can do about it. Sit back and watch.

You keep spewing this as if you believe it so I will assume you do. Here's some free education, if Trump is the nominee he'll win...and that scares the crap out of me as a Democrat.

Have you been on Mars? He has lost the Hispanic vote, he can't win the black vote and most true conservatives hate him. HE WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT!
He won't be the nominee either. He is making the true conservatives hate him even more each day, and as he gets more air time, the trumpbots will see him for what he truly is. By december he will be Donald Who?
He will never get the GOP nomination, but if he continues garnering the support he's getting from the extreme RW, he will go out on his own, cut the party in two, and guarantee that the Democratic candidate will win the election. It's all good.
He and Cruz will unite and slam into the championship like the man he is.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.
You are extremely progressive and a liar to boot

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Liar. You don't have a clue what you are talking about. Hating the actions of one party does not make that individual the opposite. I just hate liars. The GOP has been taken over by liars. It and my politics are just that simple.

As far as my personal heroes in politics they are Eisenhower and Goldwater. If THAT makes me a liberal then go ahead and call me an Eisenhower/Goldwater liberal... [emoji38]

You people are ridiculous.
Nothing to do with you hating the GOP . Has to do with what you post.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Of course it does. The fact of the matter is that Hillary's e-mails is not a real scandal nor was Benghazi. The new GOP just makes things up they think will play well in the press and beats these dead horses relentlessly.

Many Americans hate what the GOP has become under the leadership of the Christian phony's.

I have every right to point out the traitorous actions and words of my former party.
Awe look at you lick Clinton ass and deny you are progressive lmao .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
So the fact that Hillary Clinton drew down the number of security personnel in Libya despite repeated requests from Christopher Stevens to maintain the same level absolves Clinton from blame for the subsequent deaths of Stevens and the other three men? You talk about the "truth", Huggy but then you buy the lies that the Clinton State Department hid behind so that she wouldn't be held responsible for those deaths.

It was Hillary Clinton that frantically put out the narratives about YouTube videos causing a demonstration that escalated into a full on attack...it was Hillary Clinton that floated the trial balloon attempting to blame the GOP's cuts to the State Department budget for the woeful security. It was Hillary Clinton that lied to the parents of those slain men. It was Hillary Clinton that hid documents and communications from Congressional investigators and then asked "What difference does it make!" when Congress attempted over and over again to get to the bottom of what happened in Libya.

Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

I hate to burst your stereotype bubble, Huggy but I'm an agnostic. I don't "hide" behind the bible.

I'm always amused by how all of the liberals on this board go absolutely apoplectic any time someone accuses them of being a liberal. It's amazing...you all espouse liberal positions...but NONE of you are liberals!
I've been saying this since day one. Every SOT and even the president had private servers or emails. Obama closed that gap two years after Mrs. Clinton left office. One wonders if she lets this drag out just to make the GOP look more foolish than usual.

Did every Secretary of State conduct ALL of their business through their private servers like Hillary Clinton did? Did every Secretary of State hide the existence of e-mails on those private servers when Congressional investigators demanded to see everything that was relevant to what they were investigating?

This narrative that Hillary was simply doing something that OTHER people before her have done is nothing more than a blatant attempt to obscure the fact that Hillary broke established procedures by conducting official business on private servers and subsequently hid the existence of those servers from Congress.
What's more disturbing is that there is a pattern of this type of behavior taking place in the Obama Administration. You've got people in leadership positions at the EPA, at the IRS and at the State Department all conducting official business through private e-mail servers so that what it is that they are doing can't be scrutinized by Congressional watchdogs and then hiding the existence of those private servers or accounts from people making sure they were conducting themselves appropriately.

This from the group of people who came into office promising that THEY would be the most transparent Administration ever!
The obvious question that needs answering is whether it's simply a "coincidence" that all these government officials were working on private servers hidden away from scrutiny...or whether there was someone suggesting that this might be the way to do things so that nobody is the wiser about what it is they are doing?
Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.
That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.
So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

And you are a liberal Democrat? Sounds like Hillary is not the only one lying...
That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

You really can't admit that Hillary Clinton has been caught telling one lie after another, can you, Huggy?

Do you not get how ridiculous that makes you appear?
So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

With all due respect...Valerie Plame outed herself when she and her hubby decided to write an op-ed piece in the New York Times...probably the most widely read newspaper on the planet...attempting to "knee cap" George W. Bush's reelection campaign right before the election. The Bush Administration was really left with no choice but to discredit her and her husband by addressing what really took place in Africa.

When all was said and done it was Joe Wilson who was forced to admit that HE was the one who lied about what he knew and when he knew it.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

With all due respect...Valerie Plame outed herself when she and her hubby decided to write an op-ed piece in the New York Times...probably the most widely read newspaper on the planet...attempting to "knee cap" George W. Bush's reelection campaign right before the election. The Bush Administration was really left with no choice but to discredit her and her husband by addressing what really took place in Africa.

When all was said and done it was Joe Wilson who was forced to admit that HE was the one who lied about what he knew and when he knew it.

Good grief, another history revisionist. When will you people stop defending the criminal acts of the Booooosh administration? Obviously the establishment republicans realize what a liability he is. I don't see any of the GOP hopefuls asking him for advise.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

And you are a liberal Democrat? Sounds like Hillary is not the only one lying...

Yes, I'm a liberal Democrat with a brain, and ethics. Something you clearly lack. here's the deal... when you turn a blind eye at the criminal behavior of poliicians on your side, they take ever more till finally there is nothing left for you. You're ignorant so I will give you a pass for now but progressive politicians have done more harm to the middle class than even the repubs have. And your lack of ethics allows the to do it.

Wake up and demand better of our representatives.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

With all due respect...Valerie Plame outed herself when she and her hubby decided to write an op-ed piece in the New York Times...probably the most widely read newspaper on the planet...attempting to "knee cap" George W. Bush's reelection campaign right before the election. The Bush Administration was really left with no choice but to discredit her and her husband by addressing what really took place in Africa.

When all was said and done it was Joe Wilson who was forced to admit that HE was the one who lied about what he knew and when he knew it.

This is sort of true. Armitage told Novak about her husband first, and then her role came out as well. All of this occurred about the time that her husband was writing the Op-Ed.
You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

With all due respect...Valerie Plame outed herself when she and her hubby decided to write an op-ed piece in the New York Times...probably the most widely read newspaper on the planet...attempting to "knee cap" George W. Bush's reelection campaign right before the election. The Bush Administration was really left with no choice but to discredit her and her husband by addressing what really took place in Africa.

When all was said and done it was Joe Wilson who was forced to admit that HE was the one who lied about what he knew and when he knew it.

Good grief, another history revisionist. When will you people stop defending the criminal acts of the Booooosh administration? Obviously the establishment republicans realize what a liability he is. I don't see any of the GOP hopefuls asking him for advise.

What "criminal acts" are you referring to in regards to Valerie Plame? Do you even know?

George W. Bush retired to his ranch in Texas when he finished his second term. He seldom chimes in on ANY political discussions by choice.
You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

I don't support Hillary. Although I do not share your belief that she is a liar. At least not anywhere near the extent of the current GOP representatives in congress.

She handled the Benghazi description in a clumsy way true, but the venom you people spew towards her is beyond the pale. I don't particularly support Obama either but the villification generated by the RWers is not only untrue ..it is traitorous in it's effect.
You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

RWers have no business calling anyone a liar. Bush lied us into two wars and his daddy lied to Saddam about Kuaitt. Several hundred thousand human beings slaughtered because of the Bush's lies. Several million displaced. Lies upon lies murder upon murder and you people have the nerve to piss your panties because of a fumbled press conference about Benghazi? And these e-mails... Who cares? What on earth is the big deal? You people are seriously mentally defective if you think the stupid e-mail thing and how Benghazi was reported amounts to jack shit. Just one lie by Bush, Rove and Cheney outing the CIA operative was a thousand times more destructive than ANYTHING Hillary has done.

I can't take you seriously. Your perspective is cartoon like. You people make things up at will and one more lie is more ridiculous than the last and the next.

Ummm Valerie Plame was outed by Richard Armitage, a Colin Powell operative. At least use real facts and don't make them up. I'm a liberal Democrat and all I ask is that everyone be treated the same. Bush was LIED TOO, of that their is no doubt. The question though is who lied to him.

Hillary though, she lies for her personal advantage at the expense of the American people, and that is unforgivable.

With all due respect...Valerie Plame outed herself when she and her hubby decided to write an op-ed piece in the New York Times...probably the most widely read newspaper on the planet...attempting to "knee cap" George W. Bush's reelection campaign right before the election. The Bush Administration was really left with no choice but to discredit her and her husband by addressing what really took place in Africa.

When all was said and done it was Joe Wilson who was forced to admit that HE was the one who lied about what he knew and when he knew it.

This is sort of true. Armitage told Novak about her husband first, and then her role came out as well. All of this occurred about the time that her husband was writing the Op-Ed.

Be honest here, Westwall...Joe Wilson was introducing his wife to people at Washington cocktail parties and telling them that she worked at the CIA long before they wrote that op-ed. To say that Armitage, Novak or anyone else "outed" her, always bordered on farce. The whole "the Bushies outed Valerie because we blew the whistle on them" was the fallback position that Wilson and Plame took when their op-ed didn't get the results they were looking for and they were both not going to get rewarded by a grateful Kerry Administration. The truth is...they both played hardball politics with that op-ed and they failed to pull it off. What do you do at that point? Well your careers in government obviously aren't going anywhere with Bush still in office! So the only thing left to do is paint yourselves as victims and try and make some money selling your story.
Chris Stevens was in no position to dictate personnel levels for the state department. Congress set spending levels not in field ambassadors.

That's laughably inaccurate, Huggy! The State Department made a request for a certain number. As with ALL government entities they asked for more than they really need because that's the way the game is played. You ask for a million...they approve you for nine hundred thousand. That's the way it works whether Congress is run by the GOP or the Democrats and I can very easily show you that the State Department's budget request when the Democrats controlled the Congress was NEVER granted in full either!

You see that lower amount as a "cut" when in reality it's almost ALWAYS an increase to an agency's budget...just not as big of an increase as they asked for. If you were to ask an agency head off the record if he or she ever expected to get fully funded for the amount they asked for they'd laugh their heads off and admit that they'd be SHOCKED if they had received what they asked for!

As for Chris Stevens being in a position to "dictate" personnel levels? Obviously he was not in that position because if he WAS then his requests that his security detail not be decreased would have been approved. The person that WAS in a position to "dictate" personnel levels is the Secretary of State...a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton! She's the one who decides where State Department funds get spent. She's the one who decided that they wouldn't be spent in Libya because she was the one who decided that the "optics" of having a heavily armed "bunker" of a consulate didn't match the narrative that the Obama White House was putting out that they had Al Queda "on the run".

So Benghazi and e-mails are your best chance of winning the white house house in 2016.....sad. With the Trump factor, you are screwed. But please don't lose hope.....

Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and e-mails are why Hillary Clinton isn't fit to be President. All of that has nothing to do with who the GOP eventually decides to nominate. Admit it...you liberals are freaked out right now because Hillary's campaign is imploding and you don't have a viable option to her. What you thought was going to be a cake walk election in 2016 is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare.

You are a fool. I am not a liberal. I just hate liars. The GOP is thick with butt hurt liars that will say anything, make up anything and do anything they believe will give them some perceived advantage.

You and your pathetic pack of dishonest scum keep calling me a liberal. That just goes to show how out of touch and willing to repeat a lie you really are.

You are either just stupid or dishonest. You are stupid if you cannot grasp how many true republicans despise what people like you have done to a once proud political party.

I am not a "liberal". I am just realistic. Hillary will run away with this election. The reason Hillary will make fools out of people like you is because America sees right through you lying scum bags. It has nothing to do with being "liberal". What it has to do with is America is disgusted with your dishonesty.

The religious right stole the republican party. You do not represent the true values of the GOP any more than a car thief has earned the right to drive his stolen automobile.

You can call me a "liberal" until you are blue in the face but that and all your bullshit is made no more true by the rote repetition.

You scum bags hide behind the bible and nothing could be more hypocritical. You are not Christ like. If anything you are more like Judas. You are thieves of the GOP and like Judas you are owned out right by the Koch brothers and the Waltons and the Pharms and the HMO's, the modern Romans. Like Judas you have taken the few coins and sold your integrity and sold out your country.

If you hate "liars" why do you support Hillary? She's one of the biggest ones out there.

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