Is his Babylon Bee material? - Israel’s Account of Attack on Aid Convoy Raises Wider Legal Questions, Experts Say


Liberal democrat
Jan 8, 2012
New York City area
Israel’s Account of Attack on Aid Convoy Raises Wider Legal Questions, Experts Say (link, no paywall)

The featured New York Times article basically trashes the IDF for collateral damage that happens in wartime. Excerpts below:
New York Times said:
“In the case of doubt as to a convoy or person’s status, one is to presume civilian status,” said Tom Dannenbaum, a professor at the Fletcher School at Tufts University who is an expert on humanitarian law. “And so, attacking in the context of doubt is itself a violation of international humanitarian law.”

Humanitarian aid workers and aid facilities are entitled to heightened protections, because they deliver relief to endangered civilians, said Janina Dill, a co-director of the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict.

“These are civilian vehicles, first and foremost,” she said, referring to the World Central Kitchen convoy.

“They’re also vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance missions, which are specifically protected. The people on these trucks should be presumed to be individuals involved in humanitarian assistance missions, which means they are protected persons.”

Israeli soldiers presumed that some of the World Central Kitchen vehicles were carrying militants, according to the Israeli military’s explanation, even though they had been observed joining an aid convoy, and later departing from a food warehouse.
First of all the presumption of civilian status ignores the fact that terrorist organizations routinely feign civilian status and then hide behind the skirts of women and children. If the IDF observed this doctrine they could never kill Hamas operatives. They don’t wear uniforms. What all of this breathless coverage ignores, as well, is the obligation to pressure Hamas to “stop the war.” This war has been, in any objective sense, started and lost be Hamas. Sadat “stopped the war” in 1977 by journeying to and recognizing Israel, as did Jordan in 1994. Even Kaiser Wilhelm’s Germany similarly “stopped the war” in 1918. The world has no obligation to stop a war so that the loser can continue, with utter futility, to extract a toll on its own soldiers and enemy civilians.

Second, one has to wonder what Jose Andre, World Food Kitchen was thinking or if he had an agenda. Surely, he could have found some other famished part of the world to aid. As it was, when aid is delivered in an active combat zone, one is "dancing in the middle of a three-lane highway."
"collateral damage" = Jew Army Rangers taking Pat Tillman out on a faux "mission," capping him off, laughing about it, and lying and claiming "AQ" did it

The Zionist Fascist state of Israel has lied about this stuff before...

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis—contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms’s tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel’s move.

Then we got reports that the Zionist Fascists were exterminating the residents of Gaza. We sent the USS Liberty to investigate that claim....

Ain't it great to have a "Pro Israel" President like the TWO WORST TRAITORS in US HISTORY, W and LBJ????
lol nutjob bait thread. Israel bashing is all about fake 'facts' and heavily biased 'talking points'. Ignore how the Left's Heroes now use brutal rapes and and kidnapping as a tactic and the Left drools like the deviant vermin they are. No such thing as 'collateral damages' in Gaza; Hamas was elected and continued to be supported by Gazans, and all the 'Aid' agencies routinely hire terrorists as 'employees'. Anybody stupid enough to hang out with them is just hoping for a Darwin Award.
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
lol nutjob bait thread. Israel bashing is all about fake 'facts' and heavily biased 'talking points'. Ignore how the Left's Heroes now use brutal rapes and and kidnapping as a tactic and the Left drools like the deviant vermin they are. No such thing as 'collateral damages' in Gaza; Hamas was elected and continued to be supported by Gazans, and all the 'Aid' agencies routinely hire terrorists as 'employees'. Anybody stupid enough to hang out with them is just hoping for a Darwin Award.

Another Zionist Fascist Traitor who cheered when Israel murdered ship and crew USS Liberty.
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

lol rubbish from a fake 'Palestinian' news agency.

Donor-Affiliated Organization: Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)​

The Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) is a now-defunct nonprofit that ostensibly created awareness of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, chiefly by publishing allegedly factual news items that were supposedly blacklisted by hostile Western media. In fact, IAP was a media-relations arm of Hamas in the U.S. It was founded in 1981 by Musa Abu Marzook, the Hamas operative who would later finance HLF, and Sami al-Arian, who would become the North American leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

See also

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Israel’s Account of Attack on Aid Convoy Raises Wider Legal Questions, Experts Say (link, no paywall)

The featured New York Times article basically trashes the IDF for collateral damage that happens in wartime. Excerpts below:
First of all the presumption of civilian status ignores the fact that terrorist organizations routinely feign civilian status and then hide behind the skirts of women and children. If the IDF observed this doctrine they could never kill Hamas operatives. They don’t wear uniforms. What all of this breathless coverage ignores, as well, is the obligation to pressure Hamas to “stop the war.” This war has been, in any objective sense, started and lost be Hamas. Sadat “stopped the war” in 1977 by journeying to and recognizing Israel, as did Jordan in 1994. Even Kaiser Wilhelm’s Germany similarly “stopped the war” in 1918. The world has no obligation to stop a war so that the loser can continue, with utter futility, to extract a toll on its own soldiers and enemy civilians.

Second, one has to wonder what Jose Andre, World Food Kitchen was thinking or if he had an agenda. Surely, he could have found some other famished part of the world to aid. As it was, when aid is delivered in an active combat zone, one is "dancing in the middle of a three-lane highway."

If the terrorists are hiding amongst the civilian population then international law says you don't attack the civilians.

What excuse do have have for starving the surviving Palestinians??? For the babies who are dying of malnutrition??? 30,000 Palestinians are dead. 2/3 of them are women and children. Even the Russians haven't been this bloodthirsty or cruel.

Every time reporters or aid workers are killed, Netanyahu tries to claim they were "imbedded" with the terrorists. This man has been funded Hamas for years, to keep them terrorizing Israeli's into voting for him.
If the terrorists are hiding amongst the civilian population then international law says you don't attack the civilians.

What excuse do have have for starving the surviving Palestinians??? For the babies who are dying of malnutrition??? 30,000 Palestinians are dead. 2/3 of them are women and children. Even the Russians haven't been this bloodthirsty or cruel.

Every time reporters or aid workers are killed, Netanyahu tries to claim they were "imbedded" with the terrorists. This man has been funded Hamas for years, to keep them terrorizing Israeli's into voting for him.

You've counted them all personally, no doubt. Were you munching on a Big Mac while you were counting them?
Still pissed off Granma wouldn't go your bail for your 7th DWI?

Not denying you DID CHEER when ISRAEL murdered ship and crew USS Liberty.


Ethnic cleansing? Pffft! No oil at stake? F' em.

From Jim Hightower April 9:

“Somebody better investigate soon.”

That’s a lyric in Bob Dylan’s “Oxford Town,” a 1962 song deploring the relentless murdering of Black people and civil rights activists in the Deep South. The line mocks the refusal of racist officials to punish the White murderers, instead cynically covering up atrocities by promising do-nothing “investigations.”

Six decades later, the depraved ethic of Oxford Town is allowing Israel’s indiscriminate carpet-bombing of Gaza, wreaking horror at a genocidal pace on the Palestinian people. So far, some 33,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered, with another 75,000 horribly injured – and two-thirds of these victims are children and women. Hundreds of thousands more face imminent starvation because their homes, cities, and entire economy have been blown to smithereens. Adding to the depravity, Israel’s fanatical ruler, Benjamin Netanyahu, restricts humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinian people.

Yet our government is Netanyahu’s biggest international apologist and enabler! Oh, for sure our officials condemn each of his atrocities, loudly demanding “a full investigation.” But even when investigations happen, they produce no punishment… and no change in our shameful open-ended policy of annually supplying the billions of US dollars and mega-weapons he’s now using to exterminate the innocent men, women, and children of Gaza. Thus, the horrendous 2,000-pound bombs he’s dropping on Palestinians bear our US flag.

President Biden said last week that he’s heartbroken by the relentless killing of innocent Palestinians, calling it “unacceptable.” Then he accepted it! Even as he expressed anguish, Biden authorized a shipment of another $18 billion-worth of US bombs and jets to Netanyahu.

Washington keeps sending killer weapons to – then, when they’re fired at innocents, we piously demand useless investigations and request (pretty please) that Netanyahu “bomb responsibly.” Gosh, why isn’t that working?
Not denying you DID CHEER when ISRAEL murdered ship and crew USS Liberty.


lol rave on, even though you're no John Dunne, tard.
lol rubbish from a fake 'Palestinian' news agency.

Donor-Affiliated Organization: Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)​

The Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) is a now-defunct nonprofit that ostensibly created awareness of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, chiefly by publishing allegedly factual news items that were supposedly blacklisted by hostile Western media. In fact, IAP was a media-relations arm of Hamas in the U.S. It was founded in 1981 by Musa Abu Marzook, the Hamas operative who would later finance HLF, and Sami al-Arian, who would become the North American leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

See also


Even more Jew hate here from no less than the NYT:

HA HA HA HA ha heh ..

eta: See also:
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"collateral damage" = Jew Army Rangers taking Pat Tillman out on a faux "mission," capping him off, laughing about it, and lying and claiming "AQ" did it

The Zionist Fascist state of Israel has lied about this stuff before...

Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis—contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms’s tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel’s move.

Then we got reports that the Zionist Fascists were exterminating the residents of Gaza. We sent the USS Liberty to investigate that claim....

Ain't it great to have a "Pro Israel" President like the TWO WORST TRAITORS in US HISTORY, W and LBJ????

Israel put their boot all the way up Egypt's ass!
If the terrorists are hiding amongst the civilian population then international law says you don't attack the civilians.

What excuse do have have for starving the surviving Palestinians??? For the babies who are dying of malnutrition??? 30,000 Palestinians are dead. 2/3 of them are women and children. Even the Russians haven't been this bloodthirsty or cruel.

Every time reporters or aid workers are killed, Netanyahu tries to claim they were "imbedded" with the terrorists. This man has been funded Hamas for years, to keep them terrorizing Israeli's into voting for him.

If the terrorists are hiding amongst the civilian population then international law says you don't attack the civilians.

Where does international law say that?
Post the actual wording.

What excuse do have have for starving the surviving Palestinians??? For the babies who are dying of malnutrition???

That's awful! Tell Hamas to surrender.

30,000 Palestinians are dead.

According to the terrorists.
Ethnic cleansing? Pffft! No oil at stake? F' em.

From Jim Hightower April 9:

“Somebody better investigate soon.”

That’s a lyric in Bob Dylan’s “Oxford Town,” a 1962 song deploring the relentless murdering of Black people and civil rights activists in the Deep South. The line mocks the refusal of racist officials to punish the White murderers, instead cynically covering up atrocities by promising do-nothing “investigations.”

Six decades later, the depraved ethic of Oxford Town is allowing Israel’s indiscriminate carpet-bombing of Gaza, wreaking horror at a genocidal pace on the Palestinian people. So far, some 33,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered, with another 75,000 horribly injured – and two-thirds of these victims are children and women. Hundreds of thousands more face imminent starvation because their homes, cities, and entire economy have been blown to smithereens. Adding to the depravity, Israel’s fanatical ruler, Benjamin Netanyahu, restricts humanitarian aid from reaching the Palestinian people.

Yet our government is Netanyahu’s biggest international apologist and enabler! Oh, for sure our officials condemn each of his atrocities, loudly demanding “a full investigation.” But even when investigations happen, they produce no punishment… and no change in our shameful open-ended policy of annually supplying the billions of US dollars and mega-weapons he’s now using to exterminate the innocent men, women, and children of Gaza. Thus, the horrendous 2,000-pound bombs he’s dropping on Palestinians bear our US flag.

President Biden said last week that he’s heartbroken by the relentless killing of innocent Palestinians, calling it “unacceptable.” Then he accepted it! Even as he expressed anguish, Biden authorized a shipment of another $18 billion-worth of US bombs and jets to Netanyahu.

Washington keeps sending killer weapons to – then, when they’re fired at innocents, we piously demand useless investigations and request (pretty please) that Netanyahu “bomb responsibly.” Gosh, why isn’t that working?

Six decades later, the depraved ethic of Oxford Town is allowing Israel’s indiscriminate carpet-bombing of Gaza, wreaking horror at a genocidal pace on the Palestinian people. So far, some 33,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered,

Indiscriminate? They've been bombing that terrorist shithole for 6 months.
I could have killed 33,000 Arabs the first day, 100,000 the first week.

Why are so few dead?

Annoy your local Congress and Senate hacks to stop funding Hamas shitheads and their fan clubs, especially universities and colleges.
Israel put their boot all the way up Egypt's ass!

Actually the plan was to stop the USS Liberty from ascertaining the truth that the Zionist Fascists were trying to exterminate the residents of Gaza by sinking it fast and hate hoaxing it on Egypt, complete with nuclear armed planes ready to take off to start WW3 and get Zionist Fascist Traitor LBJ re-elected...

but the rank and file IDF included many who really were not "on board" with that plan, so they MISSED...

5 of 6 torpedoes MISSED....

How accurate was your granddaddy that day???


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