Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Yet there is absolutely no evidecnce, othe r that a statsictal correlation among families, that itis in any way related to genes.

Doesn't sound like you care much about the evidence to me, you just formed an opinion, and ignore the fact that all the evidence out there that contradict it. That is close minded.

There is mountains of evidence. Your drive to procreate is the strongest urge going after the freeze, flight, or fight response. The fact this world is populated should tell you that. You honestly think choice has something to do with that?

If the drive to procreate is so strong, how do you explain homosexuality at all? The fact that people, and animals, actually engage in sex when procreation is impossible proves that you are wrong about this. That might lead you to consider he possibility that you are wrong about other things.

I doubt it, but it might.

Glad you asked that. Genes or gene expression.

Your genes have no understanding of if procreation is possible. Thanks for pointing that out. That should let you know its hardwired into humans.
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What causes any compulsive behavior? It's not genetics. There is nothing about genetics that causes a man to be turned on by watching women wearing high heel shoes stomp small animals to death, but some men are turned on by that.
Fetishes are typically acquired, being that homosexuals tend to cohabitate, become involved in romantic relationships sometimes even abstaining from sexual contact until it isdeemed appropriate, it doesn't seem reasonable to equate it to merely something that you getyour jollies from. That tends to be the staple mischaracterization from people that argue against homosexuality.

Dear Katzndogz and Inevitable:
Some fetishes, phobias or obsessions could be spiritually born or caused.

Some therapists are trying to get more research done on this angle --
where karma from past generations can be carried spiritually and influence
people not genetically connected, including "phobias" or other irrational obsessions.

I met a woman who had such a phobia, and went to a therapist who used a combination of Buddhist past life regression and Christian prayer to identify and heal the connection from the past which, when released, eliminated the phobic reactions (in her case she had some emotional attachment associated with "candles" and "fire", while another friend of mine had fear of "hair" and also irrational attraction to "antique carved furniture legs" that she came to peace with as spiritually connected to people from past generations who lived or died in some way related to those things.)

This "spiritual connection" is IMPOSSIBLE to prove,
but the PROCESS of healing phobias/obsessions by going through the steps,
the METHOD CAN be quantified in stages by professional observation to meet criteria for diagnosis, similar to doctors treating psychiatric patients by recording their progress.

The more people who report success in healing, by identifying and releasing connections to past generations, the STATISTICS can show a correlation in outcome/recovery (even if spiritual theories of where this comes from and if it is real or imagined cannot be proven).

[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION]: back to the idea that a condition does not need to be a "pathological disease" with a "proven cause" in order to be HEALED. Someone can have a disdain for "black thugs" and be HEALED of fear by forgiving all negative associations and events related. And that is not a physical pathology or disease. Someone publicly offered to help TX Gov. Perry recovery from his "homophobia" -- what this means is to forgive and heal of negative biases that make him come across as a bigot. Is bigotry a mental illness? In some cases it may be caused by an extreme phobic reaction. If not, it can still be healed by forgiveness.
You can't really get mad at low information gays such as many of the Gays and Useful Idiots who post here- all they know is whats preached to them by the Church of LGBT. And everything that is wrong with Gays is all becuse of Homophobes - yup - homophobes brought the AIDS over to get rid of em all , and hopmophobes didn't help to stop it's spread , and homophobes are the reason they kill themselves - it's all the homophobes fault - that and that nasty little religion of yours preaching all that silliness about Morality - Christians are nothing but a bunch of homophobes . And while we're at it those Damn Republicans - trying to defend family Values - bunch of friggin homophobes !!!!

Dear [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
First GISMYS posts about progay-propagation-propaganda
Now GreenBean posts it's all this "anti-homophobe" propaganda

I can see how this helps you express your viewpoint. But doesn't it make things worse?
Further reinforcing opposition by turning people way, so it defeats any progress?

[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] really wanted us to stick to addressing the issue of how can this be
defined as a disease, pathology, mental illness, etc. by professional medical standards.

Can we focus on solutions (not problems we ALL know are going on in the media)
and try to find common terms, language, RESEARCH or studies/examples that explain
how these "conditions" have been successfully healed or changed without any fraud?

As long as we agree that any change is to "restore people to their natural orientation,"
(and is NOT to turn people into something unnatural that's not them), we don't have to agree if "ALL cases are" a choice, genetic, caused by social influence, abuse/rape, etc.

Can we "table" the points we disagree on, and focus on what kind of changes or healing we WOULD agree is Natural, consistent with science and normal effective therapy, and not rejected by anyone. If we can agree there, these other points may not be such an issue.

Thank you, Gentlemen. I'm glad if we can agree on something!
That there is more that is being missed, so how do we work toward that as a team?
You can't really get mad at low information gays such as many of the Gays and Useful Idiots who post here- all they know is whats preached to them by the Church of LGBT. And everything that is wrong with Gays is all becuse of Homophobes - yup - homophobes brought the AIDS over to get rid of em all , and hopmophobes didn't help to stop it's spread , and homophobes are the reason they kill themselves - it's all the homophobes fault - that and that nasty little religion of yours preaching all that silliness about Morality - Christians are nothing but a bunch of homophobes . And while we're at it those Damn Republicans - trying to defend family Values - bunch of friggin homophobes !!!!

Dear [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] and [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
First GISMYS posts about progay-propagation-propaganda
Now GreenBean posts it's all this "anti-homophobe" propaganda

I can see how this helps you express your viewpoint. But doesn't it make things worse?
Further reinforcing opposition by turning people way, so it defeats any progress?

[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] really wanted us to stick to addressing the issue of how can this be
defined as a disease, pathology, mental illness, etc. by professional medical standards.

Can we focus on solutions (not problems we ALL know are going on in the media)
and try to find common terms, language, RESEARCH or studies/examples that explain
how these "conditions" have been successfully healed or changed without any fraud?

As long as we agree that any change is to "restore people to their natural orientation,"
(and is NOT to turn people into something unnatural that's not them), we don't have to agree if "ALL cases are" a choice, genetic, caused by social influence, abuse/rape, etc.

Can we "table" the points we disagree on, and focus on what kind of changes or healing we WOULD agree is Natural, consistent with science and normal effective therapy, and not rejected by anyone. If we can agree there, these other points may not be such an issue.

Thank you, Gentlemen. I'm glad if we can agree on something!
That there is more that is being missed, so how do we work toward that as a team?

Pharisees told JESUS their way of doing things were far better than his!!!
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Yet there is absolutely no evidecnce, othe r that a statsictal correlation among families, that itis in any way related to genes.

Doesn't sound like you care much about the evidence to me, you just formed an opinion, and ignore the fact that all the evidence out there that contradict it. That is close minded.

There is mountains of evidence. Your drive to procreate is the strongest urge going after the freeze, flight, or fight response. The fact this world is populated should tell you that. You honestly think choice has something to do with that?

If the drive to procreate is so strong, how do you explain homosexuality at all? The fact that people, and animals, actually engage in sex when procreation is impossible proves that you are wrong about this. That might lead you to consider he possibility that you are wrong about other things.

I doubt it, but it might.

The drive is not to procreate -the drive is to mate - procreation is the end result
In the case of homosexality the drive is to fornicate - disease in the end result

how do you explain homosexuality at all?

That's a good portion of the argument - homosexuality does not fit ino the natural scheme of things , it serves no useful biological function. Other than deviant erotic satiation.

IN the case of homosexuals they are un-natural and confused in their sex drive and that is theorized to be derived largely due to Child hood trauma - although there are other worthy alternative theories as well

The fact that people, and animals, actually engage in sex when procreation is impossible proves that you are wrong about this.

People and animals engage in sexual activity because it is their natural instinct to do so - rarely do they engage in that activity for the purpose of creating a baby . People even engage in sex , and work hard at not getting pregnant
The only thing I am right about is that it has to do with the genes in some form or another. Since I never claimed anything other than that I am not wrong.

Your opinion is wrong. Its not a choice. You are born with a sexual orientation. How you decide to act on that orientation is a choice like most things you have control of.

Dear Asclepias: I agree MANY people, especially transgender, experience being their orientation or gender all their lives, as their inherent personality.

However, what about people whose behavior came from rape or abuse and was not natural.

Are you counting such people as heterosexual from birth, so that after they go through recovery therapy to heal from the abuse, then they restore their "natural orientation."

If people are "born gay" but act as heterosexual (even marry and have children) until they come out with homosexual relations, can't people be "born heterosexual" but act as homosexual and then return to their natural orientation "from birth."

Note: I have cited my experience with a friend who was in a heterosexual marriage and after going through forgiveness and healing he came out as transgender which he considered his natural personality he was born with. He didn't "become something he was not" after going through healing but came to terms with his "natural identity."

So why can't this be okay the other way, where if people decide they aren't bisexual but heterosexual, why can't that be their true "natural identity/orientation" from birth?
The only thing I am right about is that it has to do with the genes in some form or another. Since I never claimed anything other than that I am not wrong.

Your opinion is wrong. Its not a choice. You are born with a sexual orientation. How you decide to act on that orientation is a choice like most things you have control of.

Dear Asclepias: I agree MANY people, especially transgender, experience being their orientation or gender all their lives, as their inherent personality.

However, what about people whose behavior came from rape or abuse and was not natural.

Are you counting such people as heterosexual from birth, so that after they go through recovery therapy to heal from the abuse, then they restore their "natural orientation."

If people are "born gay" but act as heterosexual (even marry and have children) until they come out with homosexual relations, can't people be "born heterosexual" but act as homosexual and then return to their natural orientation "from birth."

Note: I have cited my experience with a friend who was in a heterosexual marriage and after going through forgiveness and healing he came out as transgender which he considered his natural personality he was born with. He didn't "become something he was not" after going through healing but came to terms with his "natural identity."

So why can't this be okay the other way, where if people decide they aren't bisexual but heterosexual, why can't that be their true "natural identity/orientation" from birth?

So you and your friend have no reguard as to what GOD'S word has to say about those that choose to live in the abomination of homosexuality=sexual perversion??? WOW!!!
The drive is not to procreate -the drive is to mate - procreation is the end result
In the case of homosexality the drive is to fornicate - disease in the end result

[MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] in both heterosexual and homosexual partnerships
there are always people who seek the companionship and aren't just
motivated by mating, procreating or fornicating.

Again, this is where I focus on the SPIRITUAL motivation,
when certain "soul-mates" are incarnated as whatever gender/orientation
they are meant to be in life in order to go through certain experiences.

The people motivated on a SPIRITUAL level seek to connect with their soul-mates.

There are MANY heterosexual couples who do not want kids, or do not have sex.

So why can't this be true of some homosexual couples also?
Many DO abstain and/or live together for companionship to be with their life partner.
To them it isn't about the sex.
The Antichrist will appear to the masses of the earth using many illusions and lying wonders, and the majority of the world will be deceived into following him. The truth is our primary weapon against Satan. The truth can be dealt with, no matter how unbelievable; but a lie cannot be dealt with, no matter how convincing. The best place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS. And so it is in the world today. The truth is always found amidst a plethora of lies and disinformation.

Those who desire to find the truth about God must first sort through all the false Bibles, false ministers, false churches, false religions, false doctrines, and false Christs; and hopefully they'll realize that only the King James Bible is the uncorruptible Word of God, and Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, and no religion can get a person into Heaven, and any doctrine that disagrees with the Bible is a false doctrine.

If you want the truth, God will reveal it to you. You have to not want the truth to remain ignorant in today's world, because the truth is all around us.
Don’t you know that evil people will not receive God’s kingdom? Don’t be fooled. Those who commit sexual sins will not receive the kingdom. Neither will those who worship statues of gods or commit adultery. Neither will men who are prostitutes or who commit homosexual acts.1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-10
Yes, I do trust that the Bible is true and will be fulfilled perfectly.
But that doesn't mean I am going to dictate someone else's process or understanding
of that message and every step along the way.

When a baby is still in the crib, or a kid's in the middle of algebra class,
do you start harping on rules for driving on the road so nobody dies? One thing at a time!
It does NOT mean "I don't care" if people die from not stopping at a stop sign
just because I am not preaching in advance "against running stop signs" 24/7 (in ALL CAPS!!!)

I trust all people have a conscience that will only be satisfied with truth, which by definition,
must be consistent with God's "universal" laws in order to be absolute truth, by definition.

For sake of truth, what I focus on is which points we are "not forgiving" which block the process of getting to that truth at the end.
As we learn to forgive each conflict, the errors and stumbling blocks can be cleaned up, but not if we are caught in emotional entanglement.

My main concern is to loosen and untangle the knots. To REMOVE stumbling blocks.

All falsehood and error will be corrected. I don't have to be in charge of that for it to happen.

[MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] you and I care that every thing inside a car needs to work properly in order to run.
But I don't have to "nitpick over every piece" to make sure it does.
so it's "not that I don't care" but I trust that it is working.
Same with the process of working toward understanding of universal truth.

Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.
12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way,
and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—
and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.

The one who can accept this should accept it."

1. God's word in Matthew 19:12 makes it clear
* some are born
* some are made by man
* some are for God's purposes.
And not everyone can receive/understand this.

2. Since not everyone can understand this
it is between them and God what they SHOULD or NEED to understand and WHEN.

Thank you, GISMYS
I pray you too will receive greater and greater understanding and peace
to bring everyone on earth closer and closer in God's truth and love
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I don't believe that most gays are born gay. That being said, I don't care if people chose to become gay. It's none of my concern.

God bless everybody!
Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Now you are an expert on religion?

Feel free to start a thread about your expertise in religion so I can demonstrate to you all the ways you are wrong. But, for one example of a non conformist religion.

Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations - UUA

Did you really type that? Non conformist religion? :lol:

What about Christian Anarchists? Sorry, that will get too far off topic to rescue.
How about Buddhism that offers instruction or advice, but no coercion or indoctrination, only independent investigation and choice.
The process is to be in harmony with natural spiritual laws already in place, not from imposing from "outside authority"
but individual discovery by working within through one's own path and choice to follow.

The Dalai Lama originally referred to homosexuality as unnatural,
but after advocacy groups criticized him, he reworded his position
to focus on "not discriminating" against such individuals.

link said:
Buddhist monks are expected to live lives of celibacy, meaning abstinence from any type of sex. There is no explicit rule prohibiting those with a homosexual orientation from monastic life. [1] However, in the Vinaya, the Buddha is recorded as opposing the ordination of those who openly expressed cross-gender features [2] or strong homosexual desires and actions [7]. The Buddhist sacred texts do contain a great deal of instances of loving relationships between unmarried men, which some believe to have homoerotic overtones. No sexual contact is mentioned in these instances, however. [1]

Lay Buddhists (those who live outside the monastery) are expected to adhere to Five Precepts, the third of which is a vow "not to engage in sexual misconduct." But what is sexual misconduct? Right and wrong behavior in Buddhism is generally determined by considerations such as the following:

Universalibility principle - "How would I like it if someone did this to me?"
Consequences - Does the act cause harm and regret (in oneself or others) or benefit and joy?
Utilitarian principle - Will the act help or harm the attainment of goals (ultimately spiritual liberation)?
Intention - Is the act motivated by love, generosity and understanding?

"Sexual misconduct" has thus traditionally been interpreted to include actions like coercive sex, sexual harassment, child molestation and adultery. As Homosexuality is not explicitly mentioned in any of the Buddha's sayings recorded in the Pali Canon (Tripitaka), most interpreters have taken this to mean that homosexuality should be evaluated in the same way as heterosexuality, in accordance with the above principles.
. . .

It is also worth noting that Buddhism does not traditionally place great value on procreation like many western religions. From the Buddhist viewpoint, being married with children is regarded as generally positive, but not compulsory (although social norms in various Buddhist countries often have different views). [3]

Despite all this, in practice, Theravada Buddhist countries are not terribly open to homosexual practice. This has much to do with cultural norms, as well as the notion of karma, which remains strong in countries such as Thailand. From this viewpoint, a person's characteristics and situations are a result of past sins or good deeds. Homosexuality and other alternative forms of sexuality are often seen as karmic punishments for heterosexual misconduct in a past life. Thus far, the gay rights movement has not had great success in Theravada Buddhist countries. [7]

Homosexuality in Vajrayana/Tibetan Buddhism said:
In a 1997 interview, the Dalai Lama (the leader of Tibetan Buddhism and a widely-respected spiritual figure) was asked about homosexuality. He did not offer any strong answer either way, but noted that all monks are expected to refrain from sex. For laypeople, he commented that the purpose of sex in general is for procreation, so homosexual acts do seem a bit unnatural. He said that sexual desires in themselves are natural, perhaps including homosexual desires, but that one should not try to increase those desires or indulge them without self-control. [4]

In a 1993 talk given in Seattle, the Dalai Lama said:

nature arranged male and female organs "in such a manner that is very suitable... Same-sex organs cannot manage well." But he stopped short of condemning homosexual relationships altogether, saying if two people agree to enter a relationship that is not sexually abusive, "then I don't know. It's difficult to say." [5]

The Dalai Lama was more specific in a meeting with Buddhist leaders and human rights activists in San Francisco in 1997, where he commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." But he did note that this rule is for Buddhists, and from society's viewpoint, homosexual relationships can be "of mutual benefit, enjoyable, and harmless." [6]

The Dalai Lama is well known for his activism for human rights, and this specifically includes equal rights for gays. According to an Office of Tibet spokeman, "His Holiness opposes violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation. He urges respect, tolerance, compassion, and the full recognition of human rights for all." [6]
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I don't believe that most gays are born gay. That being said, I don't care if people chose to become gay. It's none of my concern.

God bless everybody!

Does it bother you when public resources, courts, or legislation is spent
fighting over marriage laws, restroom policies*, and business practices?

*(I for one would rather see money raised to create Unisex restrooms to solve issues over transgender usage, and quit creating unnecessary political backlash and legal costs.)

It USED to be a private issue; but since pushing these policies into public institutions,
now taxpayers face more costs every time these conflicts come up in legislation or courts.

So if we don't resolve these issues between us in private, it imposes costs on the public now.
Hi [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] and [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION]
Thanks for developing a very interesting and diverse thread with different angles.

1. Healing still applies, WITHOUT Homosexuality being a "disease or mental illness."

Factoring in the studies, PROCESS, and results of effective natural healing
DOES change the statistical data and medical findings, and the resulting conclusions.

So Inevitable, it can make the difference between drawing a false or true conclusion.

2. "Faith healing" (as in "blind praying for an outcome") is faulty and NOT what is meant.

Real spiritual healing is about "praying to receive forgiveness" over conflicts that were previously blocking natural healing; and it is NOT about "dictating" conditions or results.

It is about taking the steps to RECEIVE natural healing after obstructions are removed by forgiving the issues, memories, conflicts, motions and perceptions attached, letting go.

(Even the process cannot be dictated: if the wrong thing is prayed for instead of forgiving the real cause, it won't work; and nobody can dictate the outcome which varies.)

So it's NOT "faith healing" and it doesn't depend on homosexuality being a "disease."

OT - Not Really - Healing is very relevant to the Topic . Given that Homosexuality is a Mental Illness
Homosexuality is not a mental illness. Nothing mentioned afterward is relevant due to this original mistake.

Keep telling yourself that , and when you're done ... click your heels together, close your eyes, repeat to yourself - "I'm not sick - I'm not sick " and the bad tooth fairy will drop you back in kens ass.

BTW I'm glad to know you are Christian, if that helps you understand there is a bigger process going on. I believe science can prove the healing of other mental illness such as schizophrenia, using the same methods, and resolve a lot of these issues at the same time. That's why I see a connection. How can you research one without affecting all applications.

The mind/body follow a natural healing process that works for all people (if something is not forgiven or resolved in the past, it can build up negative memories and emotions and block the mind/body from the natural flow of life's healing energy and process; and if the blocked memory or conflict is removed by forgiveness, this unblocks that natural energy flow so the mind/body can heal as they are designed).

Conditions DON't have to be an "illness, disease or disorder" to be healed this way.
The only thing I am right about is that it has to do with the genes in some form or another. Since I never claimed anything other than that I am not wrong.

Your opinion is wrong. Its not a choice. You are born with a sexual orientation. How you decide to act on that orientation is a choice like most things you have control of.

Dear Asclepias: I agree MANY people, especially transgender, experience being their orientation or gender all their lives, as their inherent personality.

However, what about people whose behavior came from rape or abuse and was not natural.

Are you counting such people as heterosexual from birth, so that after they go through recovery therapy to heal from the abuse, then they restore their "natural orientation."

If people are "born gay" but act as heterosexual (even marry and have children) until they come out with homosexual relations, can't people be "born heterosexual" but act as homosexual and then return to their natural orientation "from birth."

Note: I have cited my experience with a friend who was in a heterosexual marriage and after going through forgiveness and healing he came out as transgender which he considered his natural personality he was born with. He didn't "become something he was not" after going through healing but came to terms with his "natural identity."

So why can't this be okay the other way, where if people decide they aren't bisexual but heterosexual, why can't that be their true "natural identity/orientation" from birth?

I agree its possible but you are talking about behaviors that are not an expression of their sexual orientation. These behaviors are instead motivated by a societal need to conform and or a psychosis. Take for instance a case where a man marries a woman and has children but all along knows he is gay and attracted to men. Or another case where a male child is abused and thinks that is the only way to obtain love is to have sex with men but really is attracted to females. I've heard both cases and I don't consider the behaviors as orientations.
I don't believe that most gays are born gay. That being said, I don't care if people chose to become gay. It's none of my concern.

God bless everybody!

Does it bother you when public resources, courts, or legislation is spent
fighting over marriage laws, restroom policies*, and business practices?

*(I for one would rather see money raised to create Unisex restrooms to solve issues over transgender usage, and quit creating unnecessary political backlash and legal costs.)

It USED to be a private issue; but since pushing these policies into public institutions,
now taxpayers face more costs every time these conflicts come up in legislation or courts.

So if we don't resolve these issues between us in private, it imposes costs on the public now.

Why is there a fight? Who's doing the fighting and why are the people trying to prevent gay marriage making me - "Joe taxpayer" foot the bill for their morality crusade?
I don't believe that most gays are born gay. That being said, I don't care if people chose to become gay. It's none of my concern.

God bless everybody!

Does it bother you when public resources, courts, or legislation is spent
fighting over marriage laws, restroom policies*, and business practices?

*(I for one would rather see money raised to create Unisex restrooms to solve issues over transgender usage, and quit creating unnecessary political backlash and legal costs.)

It USED to be a private issue; but since pushing these policies into public institutions,
now taxpayers face more costs every time these conflicts come up in legislation or courts.

So if we don't resolve these issues between us in private, it imposes costs on the public now.

Why is there a fight? Who's doing the fighting and why are the people trying to prevent gay marriage making me - "Joe taxpayer" foot the bill for their morality crusade?
The way I read it, you will be paying for sex changes for the poor anyhow because I don't think there's been a morality change crusade since Revival Tent days.
On the face of it, I agree but they should have the same right I do and that's what they're demanding.

I support that completely.

If a brother and sister demand the same rights, are you fine with that?
The assumption being that the brother sister wont procreate just like the homosexuals wont procreate.
Just curious.


Sorry but last I looked, this thread concerned homosexuality. If you would like to start a thread about incest, by all means do. In the meantime, I'll just say that the two are not the same and, pardon the pun, not related.

And last I looked, your post was about rights (see blue above, thus my question as it pertained to your post and rights.

Now then, since it was a question about "rights' (which you brought up), do you care to answer the question, or are you going to continue dodging what you introduced into the conversation?
Oh I'm not mistaken. You dont have anything that proves homosexuality is a mental illness.

Nor does a condition have to be a "mental illness" for people
to heal, or change their behavior or relationships

My friend who came out as transgender, changed his whole life, divorced his wife, changed his gender. His getting married as a heterosexual couple, and his suppression of his female personality was not a "mental illness".

But when he forgave what was causing conflicts, then his natural self came out.
He felt freed and healed of the emotions he held back before, but these weren't sick.
They were conflicted, like deciding you don't agree with the Republican party all your friends expect you to be with, and you come out as liberal Democrat. Or you don't relate to your family's Catholicism and convert to Islam or Atheism (I've seen both happen, where the people are liberated from hiding behind what isn't them)

None of that healing and changing is due to "mental illness"
It's about forgiveness and letting go, so you come to terms with your natural ways


I had to go through mental steps to overcome emotional disconnection
to other Asian people because I didn't speak the language, felt stupid and judged.

This condition created a wall of separation that I didn't realize was there.
It was like a mental or emotional barrier I didn't recognize until it was gone.
Then I could see the difference not having it there.

When I forgave and overcame my fear I couldn't ever fit in,
my perception changed and I could connect with others I couldn't before.
I was no longer afraid or embarrassed all the time, which came across
as judging others because I felt they were judging me.

My relationships changed completely, over that one thing.

My race did not change, I could have had the equivalent of a "racial bias or cultural separation." It was not a "disease" or "mental illness"
but it changed how I related to people by forgiving issues or conflicts I had.

It was a similar process of forgiving and letting go emotions and perceptions so that you open yourself up more and restore more natural states without fear-based conditions.

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