Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

That's true there is nothing I have that you can refute . Did that answer your question, or did it question your answer, in any event your reesponse was a questionable answer .

Dont confuse yourself trying to deflect. You havent supplied a link proving homosexuality was a mental illness. What happened? Did you hope I would forget?

Start Here>

Therapist Calls Homosexuality "Mental Illness"

"Most homosexuals don't want to be homosexual, anymore than a schizophrenic wants to hear voices. A highly respected colleague quietly told me that he cures 80% of the homosexuals that come to him."

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

I grow weary of providing information for the incompetent , who are simply incapable of comprehending what they are provided with. - YOu can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink. If you're gonna drionk the water that's fine - otherwise STFU

Dont get emotional about it. i just asked for some proof to your claim that you have contradicted yourself on. Proof means its a fact. I know many homosexuals that are perfectly content with being gay which invalidates your 1 off statement up above. Your links are more opinion pieces. Please link to a credible scientific site that shows being gay is a mental illness.

From your last link. :lol:

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.
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I GOT NO ANSWER!!! Why????===The Journal of the American Medical Association reported:
•50 percent of male AIDS victims reported having sex with an adult male by the age of 16.
•20 percent of male AIDS victims had sex with an adult male by age 10.
WOW!!! WHO is protecting our children????

Because the % versus the overall population, or even of the overall gay population - - - - - is miniscule.

40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS is not "miniscule" in my thinking!!! and you???

Overall aids deaths versus child rape .

Yes, the child rape is miniscule, in number versus overall population. The odds are astronomically low.
Agreed, religion in and of itself it's more about conformity than God

Now you are an expert on religion?

Feel free to start a thread about your expertise in religion so I can demonstrate to you all the ways you are wrong. But, for one example of a non conformist religion.

Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations - UUA

Did you really type that? Non conformist religion? :lol:

Not only did I type it, I meant it. You should check them out, they even welcome atheists.
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Tell that to all the children dying of AIDS each year. Your god is pretty heartless.

yes!!! there is a cost to those around you when you live in sexual perversion, sexual perverts cause their partners and even children to die from aids then they try to blame GOD for the results of their sin!!! Typical!!!

Usually how it works is you protect the innocent. Since the children are innocent your god should not allow them to contract AIDS. Your god seems to be the scorched earth type of guy.

Hi Asclepias: Because God made humans with a collective conscience,
if we don't solve problems but let them repeat, unfortunately the children who suffer often become the "wake up call" to conscience if that's what gets our attention. When "innocent" people suffer, then we realize this isn't acceptable and then we take action to change. Not always if we think "people's actions don't matter where they only affect themselves"

Same with alcoholism and drunk driving. How many people "fail to get help in time"
BEFORE they kill innocent bystanders and then are FORCED to get help to change?

When Betty Williams made the commitment to unite women in marching against religious wars in Ireland, it was after young schoolkids got scalped to death by a tank rolling down the street and died in her arms when she made that promise to end the violence.

If only the people who "deserved to kill each other" suffered, we'd let wars go on.
If only drug dealers hurt themselves, we'd trust justice to kill off the bad guys.

But when problems unjustly kill those who did not deserve to suffer, that tells us something more should be done to PREVENT those problems. Not wait for them to kill people off who caused them, and be content never to address the causes, but let them continue on.

The human conscience works this way. And God/Nature created the conscience to learn from experience, to seek satisfaction and peace and stability, and to avoid pain and suffering. So our conscience is designed by God/Nature to learn to correct these problems.

And where we fail to, then the symptoms like this occur to MOTIVATE us to learn the causes and do better in the future.
Because the % versus the overall population, or even of the overall gay population - - - - - is miniscule.

40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS is not "miniscule" in my thinking!!! and you???

Overall aids deaths versus child rape .

Yes, the child rape is miniscule, in number versus overall population. The odds are astronomically low.

"how miniscule" if it is your child?????????? or maybe you say,"who cares" the guy must have been just looking for a little fun!!! no harm!!!
Now you are an expert on religion?

Feel free to start a thread about your expertise in religion so I can demonstrate to you all the ways you are wrong. But, for one example of a non conformist religion.

Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations - UUA

Did you really type that? Non conformist religion? :lol:

Not only did I type it, I meant it. You should check them out, they even welcome atheists.

I figured you did. You do realize that believing in a god/higher power/principles is conforming don't you?

comply with rules, standards, or laws.
"the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations"
synonyms: comply with, abide by, obey, observe, follow, keep to, stick to, adhere to, uphold, heed, accept, go along with, fall in with, respect, defer to; More
antonyms: flout
(of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards.
"the pressure to conform"
synonyms: follow convention, be conventional, fit in, adapt, adjust, follow the crowd; More
antonyms: rebel
be similar in form or type; agree.
"the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque"
synonyms: match, fit, suit, answer, agree with, be like, correspond to, be consistent with, measure up to, tally with, square with
"goods must conform to their description"

Unitarian Universalists hold the Principles as strong values and moral teachings. As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.”

1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
Last edited:
40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS is not "miniscule" in my thinking!!! and you???

Overall aids deaths versus child rape .

Yes, the child rape is miniscule, in number versus overall population. The odds are astronomically low.

"how miniscule" if it is your child?????????? or maybe you say,"who cares" the guy must have been just looking for a little fun!!! no harm!!!

My child is protected.

As are most children, the great great great majority, in fact.

Which is why your question "what are we doing to protect our children" is answered by the numbers alone.
I'm unconvinced sexual behaviours are genetic. I htink we toor eadilt accept claims that a given inclination has a genetic source. My concern lies in that if such n such a behaviour has a genetic cause, then isn't genetic engineering away those genes inevitible? If homosexuality is genetic, aren't people going to ask for genetic engineered children minus that gene, or with it toggled 'off?'

Who we have sexual relations with is the result of our making a choice. The attraction though is different. But given all-male/female groups like in prison, otherwise perfectly heterosexual people will have sex with members of their own sex because that their only option. They're making a deliberate choice to have sex. May not be their first choice, but their ability to have orgasm or climaxes from it reveals that at least genes aren't solely involved. Conscious will plays a big part as well. And the willingness to 'make due' is the result of conditioning, not anything biological/genetic.

Its definitely your genes or the way your genes are expressed. There are several studies out that claim this. I'm thinking expression makes the most sense because identical twins can have different sexual orientations. Still that invalidates it being a choice.

How does it invalidate it being a choice, other than your confirmation bias?

Since I actually posted the article you just did, after I had read it all the way through, I know for a fact it doesn't address the issue of choice. I also know that it is very careful not to say that epigenetics is absolutely the cause of sexual preference. Using it to try and prove your point just proves you didn't read it.

How about your confirmation bias? You are ignoring a wealth of peer reviewed papers that say there IS a genetic link.
You know how some gay persons have a different speech inflection and body language?

I've witnessed that in a child, lispy gay voice / girly seeming demeanor - - - - - straight brothers and sisters....................

who then grew up and came out as gay.

Nobody can ever convince me that it's not something *most homosexuals are born with since I've seen a child "act gay" before their sexuality was even present in their life, and then magically was gay when they were older.

Unless ultrasounds have improved significantly since yesterday you have no videos, of fetuses masturbating. You might have a few of them with near their pelvis, but you won't have enough detail to actually prove to anyone that they are masturbating.

I never stated that fetuses masturbate. :cuckoo:

Damn, my mistake, quoted the wrong post.
My sincere apologies, I will delete the post.
Overall aids deaths versus child rape .

Yes, the child rape is miniscule, in number versus overall population. The odds are astronomically low.

"how miniscule" if it is your child?????????? or maybe you say,"who cares" the guy must have been just looking for a little fun!!! no harm!!!

My child is protected.

As are most children, the great great great majority, in fact.

Which is why your question "what are we doing to protect our children" is answered by the numbers alone.
Who protected the 40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS? OF THAT 40 MILLION
MAYBE ONLY 1% WERE CHILDREN???? 1 % OF 40,000,000 IS----------
"how miniscule" if it is your child?????????? or maybe you say,"who cares" the guy must have been just looking for a little fun!!! no harm!!!

My child is protected.

As are most children, the great great great majority, in fact.

Which is why your question "what are we doing to protect our children" is answered by the numbers alone.
Who protected the 40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS? OF THAT 40 MILLION
MAYBE ONLY 1% WERE CHILDREN???? 1 % OF 40,000,000 IS----------

1% of 40, 000, 000 is 400, 000

400, 000 is X-percent of 7 billion? Good luck.
Its definitely your genes or the way your genes are expressed. There are several studies out that claim this. I'm thinking expression makes the most sense because identical twins can have different sexual orientations. Still that invalidates it being a choice.

How does it invalidate it being a choice, other than your confirmation bias?

Since I actually posted the article you just did, after I had read it all the way through, I know for a fact it doesn't address the issue of choice. I also know that it is very careful not to say that epigenetics is absolutely the cause of sexual preference. Using it to try and prove your point just proves you didn't read it.

If you read my post all the way like you read the article you would see I didnt use it to prove any point. I suggested that there was an alternative theory. Its plain to see that its either genetics or epigenetics. You dont chose your inherent sexual orientation. However, you can later convince yourself to change it.

You said it is definitely your genes, or the way your genes are expressed. Their is not enough evidence to support that conclusion, which is why scientists say they don't know.

In other words, you are still wrong.
My child is protected.

As are most children, the great great great majority, in fact.

Which is why your question "what are we doing to protect our children" is answered by the numbers alone.
Who protected the 40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS? OF THAT 40 MILLION
MAYBE ONLY 1% WERE CHILDREN???? 1 % OF 40,000,000 IS----------

1% of 40, 000, 000 is 400, 000

400, 000 is X-percent of 7 billion? Good luck.

ONLY 400,000 ??? WOW!!! No big deal then!!! Go sexual perverts,welcome to grade school!!!
Did you really type that? Non conformist religion? :lol:

Not only did I type it, I meant it. You should check them out, they even welcome atheists.

I figured you did. You do realize that believing in a god/higher power/principles is conforming don't you?

comply with rules, standards, or laws.
"the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations"
synonyms: comply with, abide by, obey, observe, follow, keep to, stick to, adhere to, uphold, heed, accept, go along with, fall in with, respect, defer to; More
antonyms: flout
(of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards.
"the pressure to conform"
synonyms: follow convention, be conventional, fit in, adapt, adjust, follow the crowd; More
antonyms: rebel
be similar in form or type; agree.
"the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque"
synonyms: match, fit, suit, answer, agree with, be like, correspond to, be consistent with, measure up to, tally with, square with
"goods must conform to their description"
Unitarian Universalists hold the Principles as strong values and moral teachings. As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.”

1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

And? I am sure you think you have a point, even if the rest of the universe is completely baffled as to what it is.
How does it invalidate it being a choice, other than your confirmation bias?

Since I actually posted the article you just did, after I had read it all the way through, I know for a fact it doesn't address the issue of choice. I also know that it is very careful not to say that epigenetics is absolutely the cause of sexual preference. Using it to try and prove your point just proves you didn't read it.

If you read my post all the way like you read the article you would see I didnt use it to prove any point. I suggested that there was an alternative theory. Its plain to see that its either genetics or epigenetics. You dont chose your inherent sexual orientation. However, you can later convince yourself to change it.

You said it is definitely your genes, or the way your genes are expressed. Their is not enough evidence to support that conclusion, which is why scientists say they don't know.

In other words, you are still wrong.

In other words you are wrong that it is a choice then.
Who protected the 40,000,000 dead from HIV AIDS? OF THAT 40 MILLION
MAYBE ONLY 1% WERE CHILDREN???? 1 % OF 40,000,000 IS----------

1% of 40, 000, 000 is 400, 000

400, 000 is X-percent of 7 billion? Good luck.

ONLY 400,000 ??? WOW!!! No big deal then!!! Go sexual perverts,welcome to grade school!!!

I didn't say it was no big deal.

I said the odds of it occurring are so low that to say that our children are somehow unprotected from it is INSANE in the face of MATH/LOGIC/REALITY.

Sensationalism doesn't magically inflate your point, and also AIDS is spread by much more than just sex, let alone gay sex.
Not only did I type it, I meant it. You should check them out, they even welcome atheists.

I figured you did. You do realize that believing in a god/higher power/principles is conforming don't you?

Unitarian Universalists hold the Principles as strong values and moral teachings. As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.”

1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4th Principle: A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

And? I am sure you think you have a point, even if the rest of the universe is completely baffled as to what it is.

The point is there is no such thing as a non conformist religion. The very idea is is funny. I understand you mysteriously get baffled easily when your logic is exposed as being fraudulent.
Dont confuse yourself trying to deflect. You havent supplied a link proving homosexuality was a mental illness. What happened? Did you hope I would forget?

Start Here>

Therapist Calls Homosexuality "Mental Illness"

"Most homosexuals don't want to be homosexual, anymore than a schizophrenic wants to hear voices. A highly respected colleague quietly told me that he cures 80% of the homosexuals that come to him."

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

I grow weary of providing information for the incompetent , who are simply incapable of comprehending what they are provided with. - YOu can lead a horse to water - but you can't make it drink. If you're gonna drionk the water that's fine - otherwise STFU

Dont get emotional about it. i just asked for some proof to your claim that you have contradicted yourself on. Proof means its a fact. I know many homosexuals that are perfectly content with being gay which invalidates your 1 off statement up above. Your links are more opinion pieces. Please link to a credible scientific site that shows being gay is a mental illness.

From your last link. :lol:

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

I believe you are mistaken - The Opinion of Dr. Apu Chakraborty is a qualified scientific opinion . Now pardon me , lest I forget we are in the CDZ . Regards and have a Nice Day :eusa_whistle:
1% of 40, 000, 000 is 400, 000

400, 000 is X-percent of 7 billion? Good luck.

ONLY 400,000 ??? WOW!!! No big deal then!!! Go sexual perverts,welcome to grade school!!!

I didn't say it was no big deal.

I said the odds of it occurring are so low that to say that our children are somehow unprotected from it is INSANE in the face of MATH/LOGIC/REALITY.

Sensationalism doesn't magically inflate your point, and also AIDS is spread by much more than just sex, let alone gay sex.

ROFLMAO!!! EXTREAM IGNORANCE!!! But your choice!!! now begone !!! you waste my time!!!
ONLY 400,000 ??? WOW!!! No big deal then!!! Go sexual perverts,welcome to grade school!!!

I didn't say it was no big deal.

I said the odds of it occurring are so low that to say that our children are somehow unprotected from it is INSANE in the face of MATH/LOGIC/REALITY.

Sensationalism doesn't magically inflate your point, and also AIDS is spread by much more than just sex, let alone gay sex.

ROFLMAO!!! EXTREAM IGNORANCE!!! But your choice!!! now begone !!! you waste my time!!!

You spelled extreme WRONG, right before gloating about someone's IGNORANCE.



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