Is homosexuality a choice or not

My opinion FWIW, is that sexual preference may or may not be genetic but most likely is taught, groomed if you will. If you bring up a child in a certain way then they are going to act that way and it may be difficult for them to change. Which isn't their fault, either way. Whether a person was born that way or taught that way doesn't make a difference to me and if God doesn't like it then we can talk it out at his convenience. If you believe it's His will or law then let Him handle it as He sees fit. And everyone else should live and let live.
My opinion FWIW, is that sexual preference may or may not be genetic but most likely is taught, groomed if you will. If you bring up a child in a certain way then they are going to act that way and it may be difficult for them to change. Which isn't their fault, either way. Whether a person was born that way or taught that way doesn't make a difference to me and if God doesn't like it then we can talk it out at his convenience. If you believe it's His will or law then let Him handle it as He sees fit. And everyone else should live and let live.
I have 2 boys, 2.5 years apart. Raised the same way, went to the same school, even had the same teachers. One is gay, the other is not.
Why does it matter?
Because if you claim homosexuality is a choice, that at some point someone chooses to like the same sex, then the opposite has to be true. So when did you make the choice to like the opposite sex?
Because if you claim homosexuality is a choice, that at some point someone chooses to like the same sex, then the opposite has to be true. So when did you make the choice to like the opposite sex?
I believe a person's sexual preferences have nothing to do with a gay gene but rather is a psychological condition.
I have 2 boys, 2.5 years apart. Raised the same way, went to the same school, even had the same teachers. One is gay, the other is not.

That kinda makes the argument for a genetic cause, perhaps some kind of mutation. In any case, I see no valid reason for treating one from the other.
That kinda makes the argument for a genetic cause, perhaps some kind of mutation. In any case, I see no valid reason for treating one from the other.
I sometimes wonder if being breast fed has something to do with this.

Gays are promoting their lifestyle to children
Reality Check:
Straight/ cisgender people are promoting their lifestyle to children.

Gay people just let children be children without shame regardless of who they are .

Gay parents do not reject their kids if they turn out to be gay or trans

No one can convince a child that they are gay if they are not but straight people can and do shame and ridicule kids into hiding their sexuality or repressing it out of fear
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Because if you claim homosexuality is a choice, that at some point someone chooses to like the same sex, then the opposite has to be true. So when did you make the choice to like the opposite sex?
That doesn't answer the question. Why is it a political issue? What does one side, or the other, "win" if they are right?
Why is it important to one side that it be considered a choice? Why is important to another that it's not?
Reality Check:
Straight/ cisgender people are promoting their lifestyle to children.

Gay people just let children be children without shame regardless of who they are .

Gay parents do not reject their kids if they turn out to be gay or trans

No one can convince a child that the are gay if they are not but straight people can and do shame and ridicule kids into hiding their sexuality or repressing it out of fear
My opinion FWIW, is that sexual preference may or may not be genetic but most likely is taught, groomed if you will. If you bring up a child in a certain way then they are going to act that way and it may be difficult for them to change. Which isn't their fault, either way. Whether a person was born that way or taught that way doesn't make a difference to me and if God doesn't like it then we can talk it out at his convenience. If you believe it's His will or law then let Him handle it as He sees fit. And everyone else should live and let live.
Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful dissertation on the complexity of human sexuality. Clearly you must have advanced degrees from the finest institutions of higher education in numerous diverse fields such as pediatric medicine, psychology, early childhood development and of course sociology . You are a blessing to the USMB for raising the bar on the level of intellectual discourse
Honest men can have honest differences of opinions. Growth filled communities should explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth.
we agree on that, the definition of democracy. How about if we put all these issues up for a national referendum and go with the majority opinion?

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