Is homosexuality a choice or not

Tomboy girls and sissy boys are not necessarily gay. Being gay is a choice made at puberty or later. Usually as a result of a failure with the opposite sex.

Most people I know who are gay knew at a much earlier age than puberty that they were attracted to the same sex as opposed to the opposite one. One of my cousins "came out" at 5. Their mom had said something to them like "When you grow up and have kids of your own...." and he said "I'll never have kids because I like boys and will marry a man." Mom tried to write it off, bury it, etc, but he is still gay to this day.
Lots of things are wrong with me. You want a list? ;)

But I don't consider threatening to fire someone "force", certainly not in the same category as threatening to throw them in jail.
When the number one tennis player in the world is prevented from playing in an international tournament for refusing the vax, that is economic force. No one said physical force was used, but losing ones livlihood is forcing. Stop the spin, deal with facts.
Most people I know who are gay knew at a much earlier age than puberty that they were attracted to the same sex as opposed to the opposite one. One of my cousins "came out" at 5. Their mom had said something to them like "When you grow up and have kids of your own...." and he said "I'll never have kids because I like boys and will marry a man." Mom tried to write it off, bury it, etc, but he is still gay to this day.
I too have gay relatives and I love and respect them. But that love and respect includes an honest assesement that their gayness is a mental condition, not a physical or genetic one. I don't really buy that its a choice but rather a mental misallignment of some form.
When the number one tennis player in the world is prevented from playing in an international tournament for refusing the vax, that is economic force. No one said physical force was used, but losing ones livlihood is forcing. Stop the spin, deal with facts.
Why were folks punished for not being vaccinated?
When the number one tennis player in the world is prevented from playing in an international tournament for refusing the vax, that is economic force.
Ahh... "economic force". In other words, when someone won't do what you want them to do. Do you think that should be illegal?
No one said physical force was used, but losing ones livlihood is forcing. Stop the spin, deal with facts.
It's not spin. There's a profound difference between, "do this or I won't pay you" and "do this or I'll put you in jail, or shoot you if you resist". Do you not see that difference?

Employers have a right to make demands of their employees. And to fire them if they don't comply. Just like employees have a right to make demands of their employers, and quit if the employer doesn't accommodate them. Do you want to take those rights away?

This is where socialists usually shift gears, and start hemming n hawing about "power" imbalances, etc, etc... What's your tac?
Why were folks punished for not being vaccinated?
to bring them under the control of the government, to make them government slaves like the people of north korea. to remove freedom of choice from the constitution, to cancel the first amerndment and punish those who dare disagree with government dictates.
to bring them under the control of the government, to make them government slaves like the people of north korea. to remove freedom of choice from the constitution, to cancel the first amerndment and punish those who dare disagree with government dictates.
When the people fear government there is tyranny, when government fears the people there is liberty.
I too have gay relatives and I love and respect them. But that love and respect includes an honest assesement that their gayness is a mental condition, not a physical or genetic one. I don't really buy that its a choice but rather a mental misallignment of some form.

IDK what it is but I really don't care much either since who someone else wants to sleep with doesn't affect me in any meaningful way. I have read that the fraternal birth order may be partially at play in some cases. Here is an article on it-- We may know why younger brothers are more likely to be gay
So you could easily make a sexual preference to another gender than your current preference?
If my impulses and desires changed, sure. I use to hate chocolate malts and would only drink vanilla malts. Now I prefer chocolate malts. Do I know why? No. I just know my preference changed. Everyone changes as they age.
"punished"? Are you "punished" if you refuse to get the smallpox vax? The whooping cough vax?
Certain segments of society did do things to get people to conform to their beliefs which could be construed as negative or punishing for non-conformance.

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