Is homosexuality a choice or not

Wow you are indeed funny! This just illustrates just how little you understand about the issue. NO ONE has argued that a “gay gene” has been discovered, so your stating that there is no gay gene is just a strawman logical fallacy. The issue is whether being gay in innate and immutable or if it is a choice. You took great joy in presenting what you thought was proof that “they” are not born that way, but continue to avoid any discussion of, or to consider what factors- including biological - other than a “gay gene” may contribute to same sex attractions. Clearly you have no understanding of, or appreciation for the complexity of human sexuality on the biological or sociological level. You seem to be stuck on the “gay gene” or “it’s a choice “ dichotomy and are unable or unwilling to move beyond that . So do not try to bullshit anyone by saying that you value facts and do not have an agenda . I call bullshit on both counts.
Quit beating a dead horse. This discussion is over with and I won the argument.
It has to be a choice. Why? Because I choose NOT to gargle man juice and take it up the ass. My choice. Why anyone would choose that proves they need mental help.
It has to be a choice. Why? Because I choose NOT to gargle man juice and take it up the ass. My choice. Why anyone would choose that proves they need mental help.
When did you choose your sexuality?

Before or after bruce jenner turned.
Good thing nobody was held down and stuck with the needle.

It bores me to have to repeat the litany of abuse to which we have been subjected – the lockdowns, masks, jab mandates and apartheid, the residual divisions between friends and family, the cheerful ‘protective’ State declaring itself to be unassailable and correct and now constantly hectoring – but it is worth repeating if only to remind us of the unparalleled extent of the operation. And it is also worth remarking upon the introduction of novel attempts at control, attempts that reach into bank accounts, once thought to be impregnably safe or, at least, impregnably protected from outright theft.

It seems, in fact, that nothing is protected these days – speech, thought, bodily integrity and medical choice, private property, gender, family, religion – and we astonishingly have come to accept the intrusions against any semblance of human autonomy as … as no surprise.

The assault against identity and freedom has been so massive, so universal and so complete that is really impossible to believe.
Left-handed people are not normal.

They are misfits from what "nature" intended.

Blue-eyed people are not normal.

They are misfits from what "nature" intended.

Red-headed people are not normal.

They are misfits from what "nature" intended.
Blue eyed people are not brainwashing school children to make life altering decisions that are damaging and irreversable

Trannies and other sexual perverts are
Now you sound like a socialist. Losing one's job is not force unless it's mandated by law. Otherwise it's just other people refusing to accommodate you. Which is their right.
making a person take a vax in order to keep his/her job is force. WTF is wrong with you?
making a person take a vax in order to keep his/her job is force. WTF is wrong with you?
Lots of things are wrong with me. You want a list? ;)

But I don't consider threatening to fire someone "force", certainly not in the same category as threatening to throw them in jail.

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