Is homosexuality a choice or not

I doubt you really give a shit about civil rights after reading your posts where you use name calling when responding to another person's opinion. I'll put my record of civil rights advocacy above yours any time. You are nothing but a bag of wind.
And you ask stupid, irrelevent third grade level questions rather than have an adult discussion on your topic about being "born that way" . You haven't even been able to explain what the point is or why it's important. Most egegiously, you started this with a idiotic and highly biased OP that I called you out on point by point yet you have been unable to respond to any of it. You are not interested in gaining knowledge . In fact yu fear any information that will challenge your ingrained and faulty views. You are dismissed
And you ask stupid, irrelevent third grade level questions rather than have an adult discussion on your topic about being "born that way" . You haven't even been able to explain what the point is or why it's important. Most egegiously, you started this with a idiotic and highly biased OP that I called you out on point by point yet you have been unable to respond to any of it. You are not interested in gaining knowledge . In fact yu fear any information that will challenge your ingrained and faulty views. You are dismissed
Why did you choose to swallow man sausage?
Get this or get a different job.

Seems there are two options there.

It is only authoritarian when the Govt does it, which I do not approve of unless you are an employee of said Govt.
BS. Forcing anyone to take an unproven untested injection offered by a criminal cartel protected by government and media is the epitome of ignorant.
BS. Forcing anyone to take an unproven untested injection offered by a criminal cartel protected by government and media is the epitome of ignorant.

Good thing nobody was held down and stuck with the needle.
And you ask stupid, irrelevent third grade level questions rather than have an adult discussion on your topic about being "born that way" . You haven't even been able to explain what the point is or why it's important. Most egegiously, you started this with a idiotic and highly biased OP that I called you out on point by point yet you have been unable to respond to any of it. You are not interested in gaining knowledge . In fact yu fear any information that will challenge your ingrained and faulty views. You are dismissed
Calling me names hurts your argument. You need to learn civility before responding to me. The study was not biased.
Calling me names hurts your argument. You need to learn civility before responding to me. The study was not biased.
OK . No more names. Full reset. Please explain why this topic as a choice vs. genetic ( or "born that way") important to you and why and how it is relevant to the social and /or legal issues surounding homosexuality.
OK . No more names. Full reset. Please explain why this topic as a choice vs. genetic ( or "born that way") important to you and why and how it is relevant to the social and /or legal issues surounding homosexuality.
It was just a study I thought would put to rest the theory about a gay gene. It is not that important to me but it is of interest to most people. It has nothing to do with legal issues.
It was just a study I thought would put to rest the theory about a gay gene. It is not that important to me but it is of interest to most people. It has nothing to do with legal issues.
And why would you want to "put that question to rest"? Why would you use a tainted source that is clearly biased and ignores-as you do- any information that points to other exlainations as to why people are gay? You can't seen to get past the simplistic dumbed down narritive that there is either a gay gene of it is a choice. I think that it is important to you. Like the Witherspoon Institute you have an agenda.
I believe that most, but not all, gays are born that way. I've known a few people who were gay in high school, at a young age. Sometimes a person's home life and environment can affect their sexuality. It just seems to me unlikely that a person would choose to be gay. While being accepted more and more by society, gays are still not looked upon as being "normal" in the majority of those who have a thought about it.
And why would you want to "put that question to rest"? Why would you use a tainted source that is clearly biased and ignores-as you do- any information that points to other exlainations as to why people are gay? You can't seen to get past the simplistic dumbed down narritive that there is either a gay gene of it is a choice. I think that it is important to you. Like the Witherspoon Institute you have an agenda.
I have no agenda but value facts. The fact is there is no gay gene.
OK . No more names. Full reset. Please explain why this topic as a choice vs. genetic ( or "born that way") important to you and why and how it is relevant to the social and /or legal issues surounding homosexuality.
Stay away from kids.
I believe that most, but not all, gays are born that way. I've known a few people who were gay in high school, at a young age. Sometimes a person's home life and environment can affect their sexuality. It just seems to me unlikely that a person would choose to be gay. While being accepted more and more by society, gays are still not looked upon as being "normal" in the majority of those who have a thought about it.
Gays are not normal

They are misfits from what Nature intended
You Bingos don't seem bright enough to realize that your argument that homosexuality needs a homosexual to jump start the whole process begs the question, where did the first homosexual come from?
Damn man!

You just confused them in the chicken or egg gambit.
Ask your heroes .... they know...


Big Mike, homO, and Jussie, three cocksucking cowards who hate hoax....
Awww, white boi is jelli
I have no agenda but value facts. The fact is there is no gay gene.
Wow you are indeed funny! This just illustrates just how little you understand about the issue. NO ONE has argued that a “gay gene” has been discovered, so your stating that there is no gay gene is just a strawman logical fallacy. The issue is whether being gay in innate and immutable or if it is a choice. You took great joy in presenting what you thought was proof that “they” are not born that way, but continue to avoid any discussion of, or to consider what factors- including biological - other than a “gay gene” may contribute to same sex attractions. Clearly you have no understanding of, or appreciation for the complexity of human sexuality on the biological or sociological level. You seem to be stuck on the “gay gene” or “it’s a choice “ dichotomy and are unable or unwilling to move beyond that . So do not try to bullshit anyone by saying that you value facts and do not have an agenda . I call bullshit on both counts.

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