Is homosexuality a choice or not

You must have missed the second part of my answer. Impulses and desires change themselves naturally as we age. It's not something done on a conscious level.
I did not miss anything . Sexual orientation is not an "impulse". It is the essence of who people are. Can your "impulse" of opposite sex attraction change as you age? Yes , some people come out as gay, or even trans at an older age, but that does not mean that they have changed. It means that they repressed and denied their true selves on some level of consciousness . I have to wonder why you are so invested in the idea that sexual orienntation is maleable. Does it have something to do with your personal experience?
I did not miss anything . Sexual orientation is not an "impulse". It is the essence of who people are. Can your "impulse" of opposite sex attraction change as you age? Yes , some people come out as gay, or even trans at an older age, but that does not mean that they have changed. It means that they repressed and denied their true selves on some level of consciousness . I have to wonder why you are so invested in the idea that sexual orienntation is maleable. Does it have something to do with your personal experience?
Sex is most certainly driven by impulse and urge. Ergo sexual preferences are driven by impulse and urge.

It has to do with common sense. I don't have a preference for an outcome. I have nothing invested in it other than being objective about it. You are the one who can't seem to accept me having a different opinion than you. I'm not challenging your beliefs. I'm stating my beliefs.
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Sex is most certainly driven by impulse and urge. Ergo sexual preferences are driven by impulse and urge.

It has to do with common sense. I don't have a preference for an outcome. I have nothing invested in it other than being objective about it. You are the one who can't seem to accept me having a different opinion than you. I'm not challenging your beliefs. I'm stating my beliefs.
If you disagree with the left, you are to be punished. No thoughts or words that disagree with the government dictates will be tolerated. We have become North Korea under the liberal socialist left
Sex is most certainly driven by impulse and urge. Ergo sexual preferences are driven by impulse and urge.

It has to do with common sense. I don't have a preference for an outcome. I have nothing invested in it other than being objective about it. You are the one who can't seem to accept me having a different opinion than you. I'm not challenging your beliefs. I'm stating my beliefs.
Bla Bla Bla
If you disagree with the left, you are to be punished. No thoughts or words that disagree with the government dictates will be tolerated. We have become North Korea under the liberal socialist left
Honest men can have honest differences of opinions. Growth filled communities should explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

There is not a "hetero gene" either, so your point here really proves nothing.

If homosexuality is a choice it implies heterosexuality is one too, but of course homophobes never phrase this question that way.

Gays are promoting their lifestyle to children
Where and how exactly is this happening?

Isn't it rather the opposite? That heterosexuals have been "promoting" their "lifestyle" onto children for centuries via fairytales, toys and children's movies?

This is so silly.

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