Is homosexuality a choice or not

And a stable genius too?
No. They have been promoting it through the normal and ordinary means of procreation.
Do all straight people procreate? Do those who procreate all do it the same way? Do gay people not procreate in the same ways that some straight people do? Is procreation all that there is to love and relationships ? Yes, so many questions. Try thinking about it.
Do all straight people procreate? Do those who procreate all do it the same way? Do gay people not procreate in the same ways that some straight people do? Is procreation all that there is to love and relationships ? Yes, so many questions. Try thinking about it.
Go suck an egg.
Do all straight people procreate? Do those who procreate all do it the same way? Do gay people not procreate in the same ways that some straight people do? Is procreation all that there is to love and relationships ? Yes, so many questions. Try thinking about it.
I have thought about it. A great deal no less. Why does it anger you that people have different beliefs and ideas than you do? Life and people are way more complex than you give them credit for.
Do all straight people procreate? Do those who procreate all do it the same way? Do gay people not procreate in the same ways that some straight people do? Is procreation all that there is to love and relationships ?
The context of my comment was that male / female pairs don't need promoting as it is the defacto standard for procreation and the continued existence of human beings. It's the norm. So it doesn't matter if all straight people procreate. It doesn't matter if everyone procreates in the same way. It doesn't matter that people who prefer sex with the same gender procreate the same way that some straight couples procreate. The only point I made is that male and female pairs are the natural standard. As such it needs no promoting.
I have thought about it. A great deal no less. Why does it anger you that people have different beliefs and ideas than you do? Life and people are way more complex than you give them credit for.
Do not presume to lecture me about the complexity of life and people . I have been in this life for 77 fucking years and have seen it all and lived it all. Some people deserve credit for life experiences You do not seem to be one of them,

I am not angered by people having different beliefs. I am angered when those beliefs become the basis for marginalizing, vilifying and discriminating against others who are disapproved of. I respect other’s beliefs to the extent that they respect the beliefs of others and behave accordingly . What exactly is it that you have thought about " a great deal"?
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The context of my comment was that male / female pairs don't need promoting as it is the defacto standard for procreation and the continued existence of human beings. It's the norm. So it doesn't matter if all straight people procreate. It doesn't matter if everyone procreates in the same way. It doesn't matter that people who prefer sex with the same gender procreate the same way that some straight couples procreate. The only point I made is that male and female pairs are the natural standard. As such it needs no promoting.
The point is that kids are groomed to be straight, cisgender . It is so pervasive that it goes unnoticed It is ASSUMED to be the standard. There need not be a "standard". A sexuality can be and should be eually valued.
Do not try to lecture me about the complexity of life and people . I have been in this life for 77 fucking years and have seen it all and lived it all. Some people deserve credit for life experiences You do not seem to be one of them,

I am not angered by people having different beliefs. I am angered when those beliefs become the basis for marginalizing, vilifying and discriminating against others who are disapproved of. I respect other’s beliefs to the extent that they respect the beliefs of others and behave accordingly . What exactly is it that you have thought about " a great deal"?
I disagree. Your disdain for others who have the audacity to believe differently than you is evident in quite a few of your posts. I'm not angered or upset with you for you believing different than me and it shows in my posts.

I haven't marginalized, vilified or discriminated against anyone in my posts. And the fact that you are rationalizing those characterizations for people who disagree with you belies your statement you aren't angered by people having different beliefs.

I literally just explained the reasons for saying procreation negates the necessity for promoting male female pairs. I thought a great deal about THAT.
The point is that kids are groomed to be straight, cisgender . It is so pervasive that it goes unnoticed It is ASSUMED to be the standard. There need not be a "standard". A sexuality can be and should be eually valued.
No one needs to be "groomed" for the de facto standard. It's the de facto standard. It's not something they have to opt into.
The point is that kids are groomed to be straight, cisgender . It is so pervasive that it goes unnoticed It is ASSUMED to be the standard. There need not be a "standard". A sexuality can be and should be eually [sic] valued.

That is the normal state of humanity. Not confused about one's sex/gender, and once one reaches puberty, attracted to the opposite sex.

One only turns out otherwise if something goes very wrong.
There need not be a "standard".
Standards exist for logical reasons. When one deviates from the standard and normalizes their deviance from the standard, they forget the reason the standard existed in the first place.

So I wholeheartedly disagree there there need not be a standard. For any given thing there will be standard. The standard exists unto itself and is independent from what others believe it is. People are free to ignore it all they want but they are not free to ignore the consequences of deviating from the standard.

I've given this a great deal of thought too.
The point is that kids are groomed to be straight, cisgender . It is so pervasive that it goes unnoticed It is ASSUMED to be the standard. There need not be a "standard". A sexuality can be and should be eually valued.
Kids aren't groomed to be heterosexual. It's a biological imperative. Homosexuality is a biological abnormality.
A sexuality can be and should be eually valued.
Sexuality should be a private thing. There's really no reason for anyone to make their sexuality public. So no, I don't think sexuality should be equally valued. Gender is a different matter. We should value men and women equally. Of course with that said, in practical terms we should value women and children more than we value men. As far as I am concerned sexual preferences don't matter.
Some people deserve credit for life experiences You do not seem to be one of them
Why is that? Is it because I believe differently than you do? Which in your eyes makes me a bad person? Cause only good people believe as you do?

Again... life and people are a little more complex than that. It seems that you believe people are all good or all bad. Maybe you do need lecturing on life.
The issue is that all you all wanna control other people. Stop it already

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