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Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder ?

"Immorality" is not entirely determined by whether conduct harms someone. That is a fatuous and empty view.

Lust harms no one. Envy harms no one. Gluttony harms no one other than oneself. The same might be said for most forms of drug and substance abuse. Greed harms no one, and in fact may be beneficial to society; many doctors practice their trade excessively (80 hrs/wk) largely out of greed.

Homosexual sodomy is has been almost universally condemned by every recognized religious community for eons, and remains "sinful" for most. The fact that it arguably harms no one is no rebuttal to its immorality.

In my personal view, various forms of sodomy, in the context of a normal marriage relationship, are morally neutral. My view is at odds with the teachings of my church.

Dear DGS:
Yes and no.
For those who take responsibility for these choices of actions, yes, they do not necessarily cause any harm to others.

For those whose drug addictions or poor health habits end up costing the public,
then it does become someone else's problem.

Especially if we are on the verge of putting deadlines on mandates for health care, while at the same time certain states are legalizing pot, we need to get this straight
WHO is willing to pay for the consequences of WHICH behavior.

* the prolife made it clear they don't want to pay for abortion, and keep counseling women destroyed by it.

* if people don't want the death penalty, such as the Catholic church, religious opponents need to pay for alternatives that prevent murder in the first place.


Why not reward all groups taxbreaks for setting up their own systems for paying for their health care under terms they agree to follow so other people don't have to pay for that who want other terms? Why not teach people self-government so they understand the system.

as for your views, it sounds like you are being more "forgiving and not judging" which is in keeping with scripture.
if all people were as forgiving, there would not be as much abuse or division creating these problems.

however, it is still our responsibility to make sure all problems or causes of problems are corrected.
so if people are still judging homosexuality as negative, then let's solve that problem.

just treating it as neutral is not enough to solve it. We need to use our
objectivity as an advantage in researching what is going on, where is the harm
or offense coming from, and how do we fix that problem regardless if it's coming from
the past or the present, the person or the perceiver.

I think being able to view this objectively or neutral is a gift.
I encourage you to use your gift to make a difference in resolving the conflicts over these issues.

BTW DGS I'm not sure that doctors are better motivated to work overtime by greed.
I've heard horror stories of doctors pushed to addictions from working strenuous schedules, especially with surgeries that are high demand but which can cause fatal errors. The stress of this has pushed many professionals to abuse alcohol or harder drugs which is scary.

No, I disagree with that if it means putting patients at risk.

The doctors who DO work harder by "putting patients first" are likely motivated by the right reasons. Doctor Without Borders is not motivated by greed and have won the Nobel Prize for their outstanding heroic work, cultivating resources and services on a volunteer basis.

So that is the spirit that I believes drives the best doctors, and nurses, and teachers.

I believe compassion is more sustainable than greed, which burns people out.

Another good example is Dr. Phillip Goldfedder who clearly could make more money as a neurosurgeon, before he discovered how spiritual healing worked as a natural process free for the asking. Because he was able to help more people, and cure problems permanently at the root (instead of placating symptoms with more expensive medications or surgery which doesn't cure the cause), he dropped his high profit surgery practice and does all his work by counseling and prayer therapy. He teaches people how to let go of all negativity by forgiving and dropping past patterns and agreeing to focus only on the positive will of God.
There are other neurosurgeons who practice both, who still rely on the surgery for helping patients and making their careers. But Dr. Goldfedder found spiritual healing was more effective. Healing Is Yours

Dr. Daniel Amen (author of "Change your Brain, Change your Life) is another doctor focused on mental therapy as the key to changing people's lives and health. He may be more motivated by profit, as critics claim he exaggerated or skewed how clearly brain scans show changes in brain patterns in patients from depression to positive thinking. If he is cheating on those scans, that is likely motivated by greed, to market his results more vigorously.

Comparing these two doctors, no, I do not think greed is a better motivating factor, where it diminishes the integrity and practice of good medicine.

if you compare Dr. Goldfedder with Dr. Francis and Judith MacNutt, they are even more focused on nonprofit education and free outreach to help more people receive the benefits of spiritual healing and knowledge how the process works with medicine and science.
Home - Christian Healing Ministries

What I found is the fewer conditions on the practice of spiritual healing, the more effective it is. True practitioners like MacNutt's ministry warn against attaching money or religion as conditions on the process, or it doesn't work naturally and freely.

I would rather encourage more people to work in the spirit of abundance, and good faith in serving others, rather than the scarcity mentality and being driven by selfish fear or greed.
From what I understand, the abundance mentality works better to attract more successful results, relationships and people in life; while the scarcity mentality attracts negativity.
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Dear Victory 67:

I am unaware of any male or female heterosexuals who exclusively engage in oral sex. But if there were such people, they would be abnormal in the extreme. And in fact, it does seem a little neurotic to me.

Are you truly so stupid that you cannot distinguish between finding certain behavior morally repugnant and hating the people who engage in it?

I know many people who are fornicators; some them are friends of mine. I believe fornication is sinful. Do you suppose that I hate these people? I know many gluttons, people who abuse alcohol and/or prescription drugs, people who routinely cheat on their taxes, and people who have defrauded insurance companies. I do not hate any of them because of their conduct, although I think their conduct is a negative reflection on their character.

I have a cornucopia of sinful behavior in my own background, which is why I am reluctant to "hate" anyone for their sins.

"Prejudice" implies a pre-judgment in the absence of rational cause. If I am prejudiced against Croatians, I dislike them before I know anything about them.

If I meet someone whom I know to have been convicted to multiple instances of child sexual abuse, would it be OK with you if I were negatively inclined toward them before actually meeting them? Or would that make me "prejudiced"? Is my prejudice wrong?

If I am introduced to two guys who are "married" (and I have been), pardon me if I think it unlikely that I'm going to be lifelong friends with them. Maybe I will, but there is, shall we say, one strike against it.

So flog me.

This is a very good post.

These days, anytime a moral person disagrees with anything immoral someone comes out of the woodwork and screams "you're prejudice." It's getting tiresome.

It's OKAY to disagree with homosexuality. Everyone has a right to an opinion and it's my opinion that homosexuality is a disorder of some kind. That doesn't make me "prejudiced." It simply means that I've studied the various arguments pro and con and I've come to the conclusion that the normal way for the human race to continue to exist is for men and women to continue procreating like they've been doing for centuries. If it were "normal" to be homosexual and if everyone were to embrace that life style then the human race would cease to exist. That would be societal suicide which is abnormal.
"Immorality" is not entirely determined by whether conduct harms someone. That is a fatuous and empty view.

Lust harms no one. Envy harms no one. Gluttony harms no one other than oneself. The same might be said for most forms of drug and substance abuse. Greed harms no one, and in fact may be beneficial to society; many doctors practice their trade excessively (80 hrs/wk) largely out of greed.

Homosexual sodomy is has been almost universally condemned by every recognized religious community for eons, and remains "sinful" for most. The fact that it arguably harms no one is no rebuttal to its immorality.

In my personal view, various forms of sodomy, in the context of a normal marriage relationship, are morally neutral. My view is at odds with the teachings of my church.

Homosexuality (or homosexuals who openly practice that lifestyle) serves as a poor example to the younger generation as well. Youngsters need to know the difference between right and wrong. Openly living a "wrong" lifestyle (whether it be drug use; theft; animal abuse; homosexuality; wife-beating; etc., etc.) harms our future generations and, thus, society as a whole.
"Immorality" is not entirely determined by whether conduct harms someone. That is a fatuous and empty view.

Lust harms no one. Envy harms no one. Gluttony harms no one other than oneself. The same might be said for most forms of drug and substance abuse. Greed harms no one, and in fact may be beneficial to society; many doctors practice their trade excessively (80 hrs/wk) largely out of greed.

Homosexual sodomy is has been almost universally condemned by every recognized religious community for eons, and remains "sinful" for most. The fact that it arguably harms no one is no rebuttal to its immorality.

In my personal view, various forms of sodomy, in the context of a normal marriage relationship, are morally neutral. My view is at odds with the teachings of my church.

Homosexuality (or homosexuals who openly practice that lifestyle) serves as a poor example to the younger generation as well. Youngsters need to know the difference between right and wrong. Openly living a "wrong" lifestyle (whether it be drug use; theft; animal abuse; homosexuality; wife-beating; etc., etc.) harms our future generations and, thus, society as a whole.

This is where my strongest hatred of the Gay Agenda comes in - The homosexual activist movement salivates at the thought of indoctrinating the Children of normal people - they work feverishly to get at everybody elses kids - to mess with their heads using powerful techniques of deception incorporated from modern advertising and cognitive science.

Distortions of reality are drilled continuously overtly ,subliminally, quasi- subliminally into the minds of Children aimed at forced acceptance and indoctrination of their perverted deceptions.
Of course Homosexuality is a mental disorder. As the kiddoes say: NO DUH! Is this thread supposed to enlighten us? Or is it a joke? Homosexuals have always had the same rights as the rest of us bipolar schizoid manic depressive heterosexual breeders have. Sad fact here: Blind people can't drive cars. Deaf people can't play musical instruments. They have rights just the same. Gays can't have children, thus no need for marriage. They have all the same rights as the rest of us. Please don't ask me to respect people that have anal sex...I can't nor will I "accept" homosexuality as a alternative to heterosexuality. That isn't and shouldn't even be an issue. They have their "preferences", we have ours... I certainly don’t like what amounts to gay party apparatchiks dictating what is "acceptable' and spouting propaganda. I want America back.
Of course Homosexuality is a mental disorder. As the kiddoes say: NO DUH! Is this thread supposed to enlighten us? Or is it a joke? Homosexuals have always had the same rights as the rest of us bipolar schizoid manic depressive heterosexual breeders have. Sad fact here: Blind people can't drive cars. Deaf people can't play musical instruments. They have rights just the same. Gays can't have children, thus no need for marriage. They have all the same rights as the rest of us. Please don't ask me to respect people that have anal sex...I can't nor will I "accept" homosexuality as a alternative to heterosexuality. That isn't and shouldn't even be an issue. They have their "preferences", we have ours... I certainly don’t like what amounts to gay party apparatchiks dictating what is "acceptable' and spouting propaganda. I want America back.

nobody's "asking" you to do anything but mind your own fucking business and keep your "religious" or "social" "sensibilities" out of government policy.
"Immorality" is not entirely determined by whether conduct harms someone. That is a fatuous and empty view.

Lust harms no one. Envy harms no one. Gluttony harms no one other than oneself. The same might be said for most forms of drug and substance abuse. Greed harms no one, and in fact may be beneficial to society; many doctors practice their trade excessively (80 hrs/wk) largely out of greed.

Homosexual sodomy is has been almost universally condemned by every recognized religious community for eons, and remains "sinful" for most. The fact that it arguably harms no one is no rebuttal to its immorality.

In my personal view, various forms of sodomy, in the context of a normal marriage relationship, are morally neutral. My view is at odds with the teachings of my church.

Homosexuality (or homosexuals who openly practice that lifestyle) serves as a poor example to the younger generation as well. Youngsters need to know the difference between right and wrong. Openly living a "wrong" lifestyle (whether it be drug use; theft; animal abuse; homosexuality; wife-beating; etc., etc.) harms our future generations and, thus, society as a whole.

everything you listed in parenthesis is a crime except one. I'd rather teach the kids ethical values, like not lying.
Of course Homosexuality is a mental disorder. As the kiddoes say: NO DUH! Is this thread supposed to enlighten us? Or is it a joke? Homosexuals have always had the same rights as the rest of us bipolar schizoid manic depressive heterosexual breeders have. Sad fact here: Blind people can't drive cars. Deaf people can't play musical instruments. They have rights just the same. Gays can't have children, thus no need for marriage. They have all the same rights as the rest of us. Please don't ask me to respect people that have anal sex...I can't nor will I "accept" homosexuality as a alternative to heterosexuality. That isn't and shouldn't even be an issue. They have their "preferences", we have ours... I certainly don’t like what amounts to gay party apparatchiks dictating what is "acceptable' and spouting propaganda. I want America back.

nobody's "asking" you to do anything but mind your own fucking business and keep your "religious" or "social" "sensibilities" out of government policy.

How can you "mind your own business" when the fruit cakes are pounding at the door incessantly ? We "Breeders" have a right and obligation to nurture and defend what we have bred and love more than life itself - Our Children, the next generation are under attack by the advocates of sexual dementia - and hence the War Continues.
nobody's "asking" you to do anything but mind your own fucking business and keep your "religious" or "social" "sensibilities" out of government policy.
That's dishonest. Your side is demanding that there heterosexual community, which is about 97% of the population, no longer has the right to define marriage. And businesses must pretend there is no difference in gay and traditional relationships. Lies, lies and more lies. With the media and liberal politicians covering for you.
Barb, sweetie, do you really believe that, "...nobody's 'asking' you to do anything..."?

How about helping to celebrate a relationship that you personally find abhorrent and sinful? Isn't that what a Christian photographer who is asked to record a "gay" wedding is being asked to do? Shouldn't he have the right to say, "No, thanks. Find another photographer"? Apparently not.

Aren't our kids being indoctrinated to believe that their parents are bigots? To reject the moral teachings of the church that they attend on Sundays?

Are we being forced to accept as "normal," relationships that are based on a biological absurdity?

Are companies being forced to pay for, as one example, medical benefits for "friends" of employees, when the historical justification for spouses and children simply does not apply to gay partners?

And when it comes to minding one's own business, I've been sexually active for 45 years and not once has my sexual activity been made public. Why is it necessary for this tiny sliver of humanity to publicize their sexual activities and demand that everyone else accept them?

You are delusional.
nobody's "asking" you to do anything but mind your own fucking business and keep your "religious" or "social" "sensibilities" out of government policy.
That's dishonest. Your side is demanding that there heterosexual community, which is about 97% of the population, no longer has the right to define marriage. And businesses must pretend there is no difference in gay and traditional relationships. Lies, lies and more lies. With the media and liberal politicians covering for you.

You can define marriage as one man one woman. Pass that constitutional amendment that does so.
Barb, sweetie, do you really believe that, "...nobody's 'asking' you to do anything..."?

How about helping to celebrate a relationship that you personally find abhorrent and sinful? Isn't that what a Christian photographer who is asked to record a "gay" wedding is being asked to do? Shouldn't he have the right to say, "No, thanks. Find another photographer"? Apparently not.

Aren't our kids being indoctrinated to believe that their parents are bigots? To reject the moral teachings of the church that they attend on Sundays?

Are we being forced to accept as "normal," relationships that are based on a biological absurdity?

Are companies being forced to pay for, as one example, medical benefits for "friends" of employees, when the historical justification for spouses and children simply does not apply to gay partners?

And when it comes to minding one's own business, I've been sexually active for 45 years and not once has my sexual activity been made public. Why is it necessary for this tiny sliver of humanity to publicize their sexual activities and demand that everyone else accept them?

You are delusional.

So why does a gay man like yourself oppose gay rights? Weird.
Of course Homosexuality is a mental disorder. As the kiddoes say: NO DUH! Is this thread supposed to enlighten us? Or is it a joke? Homosexuals have always had the same rights as the rest of us bipolar schizoid manic depressive heterosexual breeders have. Sad fact here: Blind people can't drive cars. Deaf people can't play musical instruments. They have rights just the same. Gays can't have children, thus no need for marriage. They have all the same rights as the rest of us. Please don't ask me to respect people that have anal sex...I can't nor will I "accept" homosexuality as a alternative to heterosexuality. That isn't and shouldn't even be an issue. They have their "preferences", we have ours... I certainly don’t like what amounts to gay party apparatchiks dictating what is "acceptable' and spouting propaganda. I want America back.

nobody's "asking" you to do anything but mind your own fucking business and keep your "religious" or "social" "sensibilities" out of government policy.

May we ask that you keep your non-biblical and non-religious "sensibilities" out of government policy or are you a proponent of double standards? The majority of America's founders were Christians and the Constitution was written with biblical standards in mind.
The vast majority of "gays" can thank a heterosexual couple for their existence. There wouldn't be "gay" activism if there weren't "gays" and there wouldn't be any "gays" unless straight folks practiced procreation.

If "gay" folks want so stray from the norm then so be it but stop trying to force normal folks to accept abnormal behavior.
The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatric association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

Removing homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss.

In subsequent years the APA has become so politicized , that it has lost any credibility as a Scientific organization and in the words of one former APA President it is totally "Beholden to the Gay Rights Movement"

Myself and many others , who for fear of reprisals remain silent believe that Homosexuality is and always has been a Mental Disorder and Homosexuals should not be deterred from seeking Psychological / Psychiatric Help.
Sexual impulses are produced by hormonal influence on the brain. Homosexuality is the result of hormonal imbalance. Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sick sexual perversion is an abomination =a choice to live in sin and reject GOD!!! BEST YOU COUNT THE COST!

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