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Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder ?

nobody's "asking" you to do anything but mind your own fucking business and keep your "religious" or "social" "sensibilities" out of government policy.

May we ask that you keep your non-biblical and non-religious "sensibilities" out of government policy or are you a proponent of double standards? The majority of America's founders were Christians and the Constitution was written with biblical standards in mind.

No, you may not. The founders overwhelmingly advanced secular LAW. Additionally, you might want to research that last supposition.

I'll allow the facts to speak for themselves:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwvkcXBNm3Q]Mike Huckabee David Barton Founders of the Constitution 080109.flv - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeIMmXJets0]The U.S. Capitol tour with David Barton - YouTube[/ame]
inasmuch as the behavioral profession no longer accepts the idea that homosexuality is a form of "dementia," what would you suggest is the motivation for one to behave in a manner which provokes hatred, derision, and exclusion? And while homosexuality is not a normal condition do you accept that it is a natural behavior? homosexual behavior in animals - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

people have acted in ways that provoke hatred, derision and exclusion throughout history. There have been myriad ways this has happened. Rebellion in one form or another is probably the most prevalent reason.

Gays are far from the only people to engender hatred, derision or exclusion through their actions or attitudes.

many people don't like the sins of unnatural sick sexual perversion, murder and stealing either.

It goes far beyond their sick, degenerate and unhealthy activities. It goes in recent years into the vile activities of Gay Activism - in particular their salivatious attempts to get at the Children , get into their heads and mold their World perceptions to suit the sick desires of their twisted little faggot minds .
NOTE WHERE THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUAL SEXUAL PERVERSION IS LISTED BY GOD'S WORD!!==Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom. Neither will thieves or greedy people, drunkards, slanderers, or robbers. 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9
The hormonal enzyme imbalance you refer to has only been proven in about 30% of homos, and even than there wasn't a sufficient control group to ascertain with 100% certainty that the enzyme/hormones present were the cause of the sexual dementia, although it is likely true in about 30% of the cases.
Inasmuch as the behavioral profession no longer accepts the idea that homosexuality is a form of "dementia," what would you suggest is the motivation for one to behave in a manner which provokes hatred, derision, and exclusion? And while homosexuality is not a normal condition do you accept that it is a natural behavior? Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People have acted in ways that provoke hatred, derision and exclusion throughout history. There have been myriad ways this has happened. Rebellion in one form or another is probably the most prevalent reason.

Gays are far from the only people to engender hatred, derision or exclusion through their actions or attitudes.

True. Traditional Christians engender hatred from the Christophobic, "gay" community simply because they believe in living by a higher, moral standard.

Matthew 10:22, "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."

Ain't THAT the truth! ^^^
To be clear, I don't believe in any of the anti-gay vitriol spewed by various posters here. I was merely making the point that some people absolutely will choose to do things that cause them some degree of disdain or persecution.
I had to practicaly jump though hoops for five years just to obtain a driver's licence. With good reason, I deserved to be treated with concern . I never asked for this petty issue. I am an epileptic. I am not proud of that, but I am not feeling gay's pain here. We all have the same rights here as any other Americans, without lables or excuses. Get over it.
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It goes far beyond their sick, degenerate and unhealthy activities. It goes in recent years into the vile activities of Gay Activism - in particular their salivatious attempts to get at the Children , get into their heads and mold their World perceptions to suit the sick desires of their twisted little faggot minds .
Before going further in this discussion I think I should clarify my position where homosexuality is concerned.

There is a type of sexually aggressive, flamboyant, in-your-face homosexual, often referred to as "swish faggots," whom I find annoyingly repulsive and whom I avoid whenever possible. Aside from that category I have absolutely nothing against ordinary people who happen to be homosexual and who aside from that circumstance are perfectly normal human beings. I have known several such individuals all of whom I found to be exceptionally intelligent and creative and not at all deserving of the kind of persecution these people often are subjected to.

As far as the sexual preference of homosexuals is concerned, it simply is none of my business. And as far as the rather common misconception that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia, the statistical reality is the vast majority of pedophiles are otherwise ordinary heterosexual males, many of whom are married and some of whom molest their own children.

My late wife was a clinical psychologist who, along with the vast majority of her colleagues, believed that innate homophobic disposition and intolerance often reveals anger toward one's own latent homosexual tendencies.
Learn to read. It's a state issue.

It's not a state issue when equal protection issues are involved. That makes it a constitutional issue,

and the state laws are subject to constitutional scrutiny.

Are you for "equal protection" for members of NAMBLA? Would you be for "equal protection" for a man-and-his-goat? What about a 35 year old man and his consenting 14 year old girlfriend - equal protection?

It all boils down to where the line should be drawn. You want it drawn at a point that makes some sinful behavior "acceptable" while we believe in keeping it where it has always been.

That's a circular argument. All sex outside of marriage, gay or straight, is considered 'sinful' by Christian measures of sin.

Heterosexual 'sinful' sex only becomes 'acceptable', as you call it, by marriage. But since you want to deny same sex couples the right to marriage,

you want to keep their sex 'sinful', and then, in circular fashion, you turn around and characterize proponents of same sex marriage as wanting to make 'sinful behaviour acceptable'.
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Life is weird. My mother died shortly after 9/11/01 . My dad died of cancer on the anniversary of JFK's assassination in 1974.. Dad and mom lived through the depression. After dad dies, mother cropped her hair and dated other women. All the young girls love Alice...Nobody in my family has said anything about MOM. I loved her so much, my heart almost burst. I never ever understood her, either. Like all gays, you leave me cold and alone with out a clue.
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My late wife was a clinical psychologist who, along with the vast majority of her colleagues, believed that innate homophobic disposition and intolerance often reveals anger toward one's own latent homosexual tendencies.

Does that mean that folks who openly deny the tenets of Christianity are actually "closet Christians?" That is -- if we use your wife's logic.
It's not a state issue when equal protection issues are involved. That makes it a constitutional issue,

and the state laws are subject to constitutional scrutiny.

Are you for "equal protection" for members of NAMBLA? Would you be for "equal protection" for a man-and-his-goat? What about a 35 year old man and his consenting 14 year old girlfriend - equal protection?

It all boils down to where the line should be drawn. You want it drawn at a point that makes some sinful behavior "acceptable" while we believe in keeping it where it has always been.

That's a circular argument. All sex outside of marriage, gay or straight, is considered 'sinful' by Christian measures of sin.

Heterosexual 'sinful' sex only becomes 'acceptable', as you call it, by marriage. But since you want to deny same sex couples the right to marriage,

you want to keep their sex 'sinful', and then, in circular fashion, you turn around and characterize proponents of same sex marriage as wanting to make 'sinful behaviour acceptable'.

Speaking from a biblical point of view, God specifically told mankind to "be fruitful and multiply" and He also made it clear that a man was to leave his parents and "cleave to his wife." He set the standard when he formed Eve to be Adam's wife.

So ... I'm simply following the basic tenets of the foundational portions of the written Word of God. As far as I know there were no regulations placed on how a man and his wife should express their affection for each other. The Bible does state that believers should do all things in moderation; with a sense of humility; and a sense of morality. The Apostle Paul stated that we should follow our conscience and to abstain from all appearance of evil.

The bottom line is that the historical definition of marriage has ALWAYS been between a man and a woman for the main purpose of creating families via procreation. The Bible also states that sexual relations between two men is "unnatural." I can only assume that it's considered unnatural because procreation isn't possible. It's also a great way to create and spread diseases considering the fact that certain bodily waste is literally nasty and full of harmful bacteria.

One thing's for certain: there wouldn't be any "gays" on earth if not for the procreative actions of a man and a woman.
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Queers are no less able to control their behaviour than Dwarves can control their height.

Happily, both groups can find jobs in the entertainment industry.
Are you for "equal protection" for members of NAMBLA? Would you be for "equal protection" for a man-and-his-goat? What about a 35 year old man and his consenting 14 year old girlfriend - equal protection?

It all boils down to where the line should be drawn. You want it drawn at a point that makes some sinful behavior "acceptable" while we believe in keeping it where it has always been.

That's a circular argument. All sex outside of marriage, gay or straight, is considered 'sinful' by Christian measures of sin.

Heterosexual 'sinful' sex only becomes 'acceptable', as you call it, by marriage. But since you want to deny same sex couples the right to marriage,

you want to keep their sex 'sinful', and then, in circular fashion, you turn around and characterize proponents of same sex marriage as wanting to make 'sinful behaviour acceptable'.

Speaking from a biblical point of view, God specifically told mankind to "be fruitful and multiply" and He also made it clear that a man was to leave his parents and "cleave to his wife." He set the standard when he formed Eve to be Adam's wife.

So ... I'm simply following the basic tenets of the foundational portions of the written Word of God. As far as I know there were no regulations placed on how a man and his wife should express their affection for each other. The Bible does state that believers should do all things in moderation; with a sense of humility; and a sense of morality. The Apostle Paul stated that we should follow our conscience and to abstain from all appearance of evil.

The bottom line is that the historical definition of marriage has ALWAYS been between a man and a woman for the main purpose of creating families via procreation. The Bible also states that sexual relations between two men is "unnatural." I can only assume that it's considered unnatural because procreation isn't possible. It's also a great way to create and spread diseases considering the fact that certain bodily waste is literally nasty and full of harmful bacteria.

So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.

26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

28 So it was that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip.

30 They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents. 31 They tried to misunderstand, broke their promises, and were heartless—without pity. 32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:24-32
My late wife was a clinical psychologist who, along with the vast majority of her colleagues, believed that innate homophobic disposition and intolerance often reveals anger toward one's own latent homosexual tendencies.
Which is why I usually laugh when somebodys says a psychologists says....

So a homobobe has homophobic tendencies? How much do they charge for that pearl of wisdom? It would be a better case study to figure out why so many label those who don't accept homosexuality as normal are phobic?

And why is it perfectly normal to be homosexual, supposedly from birth but deviant to be repulsed by it? And who says one can't be born that way? It's unintelligent and hypocritical.
Queers are no less able to control their behaviour than Dwarves can control their height.

Happily, both groups can find jobs in the entertainment industry.

LOL. I find your post amusing. :lol:

However, I do believe that folks can control their behavior. A straight man can control his urge to take a mistress; and alcoholic can avoid "taking that first drink"; and a homo can curb his actions where his particular sin is concerned.
My late wife was a clinical psychologist who, along with the vast majority of her colleagues, believed that innate homophobic disposition and intolerance often reveals anger toward one's own latent homosexual tendencies.
Which is why I usually laugh when somebodys says a psychologists says....

So a homobobe has homophobic tendencies? How much do they charge for that pearl of wisdom? It would be a better case study to figure out why so many label those who don't accept homosexuality as normal are phobic?

And why is it perfectly normal to be homosexual, supposedly from birth but deviant to be repulsed by it? And who says one can't be born that way? It's unintelligent and hypocritical.

To live in Sick sexial perversion is a choice, a bad choice!=============So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.

26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

28 So it was that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip.

30 They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents. 31 They tried to misunderstand, broke their promises, and were heartless—without pity. 32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
romans 1:24-32
It goes far beyond their sick, degenerate and unhealthy activities. It goes in recent years into the vile activities of Gay Activism - in particular their salivatious attempts to get at the Children , get into their heads and mold their World perceptions to suit the sick desires of their twisted little faggot minds .
Before going further in this discussion I think I should clarify my position where homosexuality is concerned.

There is a type of sexually aggressive, flamboyant, in-your-face homosexual, often referred to as "swish faggots," whom I find annoyingly repulsive and whom I avoid whenever possible. Aside from that category I have absolutely nothing against ordinary people who happen to be homosexual and who aside from that circumstance are perfectly normal human beings. I have known several such individuals all of whom I found to be exceptionally intelligent and creative and not at all deserving of the kind of persecution these people often are subjected to.

As far as the sexual preference of homosexuals is concerned, it simply is none of my business. And as far as the rather common misconception that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia, the statistical reality is the vast majority of pedophiles are otherwise ordinary heterosexual males, many of whom are married and some of whom molest their own children.

My late wife was a clinical psychologist who, along with the vast majority of her colleagues, believed that innate homophobic disposition and intolerance often reveals anger toward one's own latent homosexual tendencies.

There is a type of sexually aggressive, flamboyant, in-your-face homosexual, often referred to as "swish faggots," whom I find annoyingly repulsive and whom I avoid whenever possible. Aside from that category I have absolutely nothing against ordinary people who happen to be homosexual and who aside from that circumstance are perfectly normal human beings.

The type of queer you are referring to deserves not to be persecuted, perhaps enlightened somewhat beyond what the Church of LGBT has drilled into their heads re: they can't change and so forth .

And as far as the rather common misconception that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia, the statistical reality is the vast majority of pedophiles are otherwise ordinary heterosexual males, many of whom are married and some of whom molest their own children.

Heterosexuals comprise aprox. 95% of the population. So in terms of sheer numbers, your assertion may be true. But in terms of numbers of children abused per offender, homosexuals abuse with far greater frequency; and boys, research shows, are the much-preferred target.


Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
Queers are no less able to control their behaviour than Dwarves can control their height.

Happily, both groups can find jobs in the entertainment industry.

LOL. I find your post amusing. :lol:

However, I do believe that folks can control their behavior. A straight man can control his urge to take a mistress; and alcoholic can avoid "taking that first drink"; and a homo can curb his actions where his particular sin is concerned.

Well, I can sympathize with someone who likes to drink.

It is much more difficult to sympathize with someone who likes to ejaculate into another man's rectum.

Frankly, I'd rather believe they just cannot control themselves.
One thing's for certain: there wouldn't be any "gays" on earth if not for the procreative actions of a man and a woman.
You breeders would say that.

I once asked a gay Christian why God made gays. He had to think about it and finally said "to keep other gays happy".

As a confirmed Breeder and Pagan, I like to believe the Gods made Queers to level the Heterosexual Playing Field for Men-That-Women-Would-Otherwise-Ignore.

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