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Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder ?

I've already answered this in another thread but that's OK. Once again, I totally disagree with you about queer marriage not hurting people or having a negative impact on people. It does just that to ALL the American people by setting a cultural standard based on a mentally deranged sexual perversion. This is grossly harmful to the whole nation, and especially to children, who thereby would be (and in 20 states ARE) wrongfully influenced to accept this lunacy. Of course it's harmful.

There is a not an infringement of equal protections of the law, because we're not talking about people who are equal. They are NOT EQUAL. One group are normal heterosexuals. The other are abnormal homosexuals. Unequal groups = unequal protection of the law.

It's similar to many other groups who also are unequal, and thereby don't get equal protection of the law either. Nothing unusual about that. People who are classified as insane are not allowed to adopt children (and may not even be free to walk the streets). Some people are not allowed to buy guns. Some are restricted from having drivers' licenses. Many are restricted from serving in the military. There are hundreds of examples of deprivation of rights, of which same sex marriage is only one in a long list. So what else is new ?

Okay, here's where I have a problem.

Firstly, we're dealing with the law.

Does the law say that gay people are about sexual perversion? No. So you don't have much ground to stand on there.

Second. Gay people have gay sex whether they are married or not married. You appear to be calling for a return to anti-sodomy laws.

Thirdly, how many STRAIGHT couples have anal sex and can still marry?

Fourthly, are you going to ask all people who want to get married if they have ever had anal sex before, or not?

Fifthly, you want a cultural standard. Is the US Constitution and Bill of Rights not a part of your cultural standard? Do you want the US to become more like Iran in terms of freedom and liberty?

Sixthly, you say they are not equal, well under the law they HAVE TO BE because there's a CONSTITUTION.

You're going for really, REALLY dangerous arguments, you know that.

Black people clearly aren't equal in the US, seeing as 25% are in poverty compared to 7% for white people. Does this mean you can treat them unequally as happened in the US for 90 years before 14A and 90 years after the 14A?

Do you really want archaic views of treatment of people to trump the US constitution? If so, can I suggest Saudi Arabia where women, clearly not equal as they have breasts, are not treated equally and "God's law" or whatever the sheeite they go on about over there is followed strictly?

The other groups you refer to are the insane, who are found insane in a court of law and by DUE PROCESS are not allowed to do certain things.
Children don't have full rights and nor do they have full responsibilities because they are learning about how society works and are often not able to comprehend what is going on. However as they get older they get more rights and more responsibilities and more freedom.

Some people can't buy guns, yeah, people who have been found guilty, or incapable, under DUE PROCESS.
The same for driving licenses, or those who have proven they can't drive. But they can continue to take tests, though they CAN DRIVE on their own land, or on private land without the govt being able to do squat.

Those who can't serve in the military, which is a job, not a right so this is not eve valid. The valid point would be to serve in the militia, which IS a right under the 2A, ie, bear arms, and most men are already in the unorganised militia which was made in the Dick Act. Woman can choose to join.
Also the right is for the feds to not stop people before due process, and not for the states who should be able to stop people.

So, not of those groups you mentioned are anything like gay people who clearly haven't been found gay by due process and there is no law to make people guilty of being gay under due process anyway, so all of your groups are meaningless and you can't stop gay people that way.

So that's what's new, for you at least.
No it hasn't. Because there is NO SUCH THING as "homophobia".. This is a FALSE word devised by the queer community to twist public thought around from normal common sense, to the deranged fallacy of their perverted lifestyle/movement.

A phobia is an irrational fear of something. But fear of homosexuality is not irrational.
In America, queers have a well organized, well-financed movement to spread their lunacy and impose it on America. Use of the word "phobia" is a despicable shot against those, like myself, who suffer from a true phobia (Agoraphobia), and really makes a laughingstock out of those who use this phony, idiotic word > "homophobia"

And arachnophobia doesn't exist either, it was made by spiders who are peed off at people getting all pissy about them in their house, right? Damn the spider community.

Oh, come off it with "homophobia" doesn't exist and it was made in some kind of conspiracy. I suppose racism doesn't exist either, just some angry bloody slaves who weren't grateful for a good old beating now and then made it up, right?

How is being scared of gay people being able to marry not an irrational fear? What do you think they're going to do to you if they can marry? Get divorced like exists massively now with one divorce for every 2 marriages in the US.
1. US = democratic republic. If you can't handle that, why are you here ? OPlenty of options elsewhere.

3.. THE LAWS say gay marriage should be constitutional ? Correction: laws in 20 states say that. And in 30 other states they say just the opposite. Queers shou dbe stopped from marrying because it is a sick, perversion, and degrades the national culture. to allow it. Taking rights from queers takes rights from queers, not everyone.

4. Of course homo marriage does not meet the requirements of equal protection of the laws" . Queers and straights are not equals. Straight are m=normal. Queers are abnormal. There is no equality.

5. Heterosexuality is normal - it conforms to the design of nature whereby body parts are desined for heterosexual sex, not some deranged alternative.

6. Of course you can single people out. People are singled out for driver;s licenses, buying guns, adorpting kids, etc

7. I'm a little bit angry. But with good reason. Nothing to sort.

Well according to wikipedia the US is a "Federal presidential constitutional republic"


The CIA calls it a "Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition"

So, both use the term "Constitution" in their definition. This means the constitution plays a big part.

Also, neither of them use the term "democratic", the US isn't pure democracy, and isn't anywhere close. The President is not elected based on the will of the people, he's elected based on the will of the states, you know, the whole electoral college thing, people don't vote for a president, they vote for a person who goes to the electoral college.

The Senate certainly isn't democratic, it's based on the will of the states.

So, any law that passes has to go through two of three bodies which simply aren't based on democracy. The Supreme Court also isn't democratic and they can get rid of laws too.

So..... you're wrong about that one.

3) Well you make some argument then you just turn back to the same old same old "you think it's sick". I think basketball is sick, so everyone should stop playing because I don't like it? Wait, no, that's what the Bill of Rights was made for to stop MOB RULE.

4) You say gay people aren't equal, doesn't matter, the US is a constitutional republic (if you don't like it, leave sort of thing) and the constitution says they are equal, until proven otherwise in a court of law.

5) design of nature huh? You believe in evolution? Well 1 million or more years ago a THUMB was not normal and not part of the design of nature. Holy shi'ite.
Maybe, just maybe, with 7 billion people on this planet, being gay is actually a NATURAL way of reducing population growth.

6) I've gone over your list already, and it's about people who are stopped for reasons of due process.

7) You're a bit angry, but why? You think something is wrong, had you been brought up in another country, or another place in the US, you might not think so.
Some call this brainwashing, others call it just how people learn, from those around them.

Many people are stuck in the past. Look at Saudi Arabia, it's stuck so far in the past they haven't invented the wheel yet, but they have oil, so they just bought it off the US.

Rights have been around for hundreds of years, many people can't accept rights because they want power over other people's lives.
I'm not right wing, i'm not far left, more center based, I don't support libertarianism, but I have a lot of respect for them, because they believe in govt leaving people alone to get on with their lives the way they want to.
The only constitutional questions the Supreme Court is concerned with are (1) must other states recognize marriages that are legal in the state where they created? (Yes) and (2) may the Federal Government refuse, in its own administration, to recognize legally married people as such? (No). Details to be worked out.

The USSC has never ruled on whether the failure of any state to allow a person to "marry" someone of their own gender is denial of "...equal protection of the laws." Until very recently, every person had an identical right under state laws to marry someone of a different gender (but not minors, incompetents, relatives, etc). which would seem to put to bed the "equal protection" complaint.

"Equal protection" does not mean that all people must be treated identically.

"Gay" is not equivalent to gender or race. No government has any jurisdiction over, or concern with, what you like or prefer, but only what you DO. There is not now, nor has there ever been any law that punishes people for "being gay." Indeed, there is no way anyone in law enforcement would have any knowledge of whether someone is "gay," other than by their actions.

No Constitutional right has ever been conferred on a "couple," except to the extent that groups of people must be allowed to peaceably assemble under the First Amendment. Thus, there is no "constitutional" right of two people to marry each other, regardless of gender, though the legal right may exist, with limitations as mentioned above.
No Constitutional right has ever been conferred on a "couple," except to the extent that groups of people must be allowed to peaceably assemble under the First Amendment. Thus, there is no "constitutional" right of two people to marry each other, regardless of gender, though the legal right may exist, with limitations as mentioned above.

It's not a "couple right", it's the right of a person to choose who they marry as long as that person is a consenting adult and it doesn't harm others (ie, adultery).

Where polygamy fits into this, I don't know.
Faggots are lacking in many areas of Human decency, but the ability to contribute to society and earn a good living are not one of the areas they a deficient in.

Gay People More Financially Secure Despite Unique Barriers: Study

So how much are people who insult other people with terms like "queer" and "faggots" promoting human decency?

If you're a queer - the lords of political correctness dictate you should be proud of that fact , but fail to explain why being a mentally diseased , sexual pervert and God knows what else is something to have pride in.

So hence if you're a homosexual - you're a Dyke, a queer, a faggot - I don't believe in catering to, assisting, condoning or contributing to the deviancy of another Human Being by lending some form of decent accolade to their disease - they have no right to feel good about themselves !
If you're a queer - the lords of political correctness dictate you should be proud of that fact , but fail to explain why being a mentally diseased , sexual pervert and God knows what else is something to have pride in.

So hence if you're a homosexual - you're a Dyke, a queer, a faggot - I don't believe in catering to, assisting, condoning or contributing to the deviancy of another Human Being by lending some form of decent accolade to their disease - they have no right to feel good about themselves !

I guess if you like insulting people because of the way they are born, you're supposed to be proud of that, right?

You don't condone "deviancy"? No one is asking you to do anything, or even like people, they're asking you to butt out of their lives.

Can't be that hard, especially if you don't like what they do. Surely if they can marry, then you won't have to talk about them marrying all day, it'd remove this weight from your shoulders and you could concentrate on insulting others.
I guess if you like insulting people because of the way they are born, you're supposed to be proud of that, right?

You don't condone "deviancy"? No one is asking you to do anything, or even like people, they're asking you to butt out of their lives.

Can't be that hard, especially if you don't like what they do. Surely if they can marry, then you won't have to talk about them marrying all day, it'd remove this weight from your shoulders and you could concentrate on insulting others.
If you're a queer - the lords of political correctness dictate you should be proud of that fact , but fail to explain why being a mentally diseased , sexual pervert and God knows what else is something to have pride in.

So hence if you're a homosexual - you're a Dyke, a queer, a faggot - I don't believe in catering to, assisting, condoning or contributing to the deviancy of another Human Being by lending some form of decent accolade to their disease - they have no right to feel good about themselves !

I guess if you like insulting people because of the way they are born, you're supposed to be proud of that, right?
There is minimal evidence to suggest that anyone is "born" a faggot, the predominant evidence suggests otherwise. Although listening and being hypnotized and brainwashed by Liberal propaganda all your life I would see where you could get easily get that impression.

You don't condone "deviancy"? No one is asking you to do anything, or even like people, they're asking you to butt out of their lives.

At one time, that was my philosophy as well, live and let live untill I began researching what these perverts are inflicting on society , and in particular our youth . It's truly mind boggling - The Gay Agenda, is a sick warped and dangerous ideology being force fed upon society. In the 1930s many people preached a policy of tolerance towards the NAZI movement - look what happened there. When someone is vicously assaulting the foundations of Human society and social evolution to suit their warped agenda - the philosophy of LIVE AND LET LIVE is ... Out the fucking window!!!

Surely if they can marry, then you won't have to talk about them marrying all day, it'd remove this weight from your shoulders and you could concentrate on insulting others.

I have no problem with faggots and dykes getting married, I personally find it detestable, but my personal opinions on that issue should not interfere with their rights - which IMO should be equal to that of normal people in that respect. Once you delve into adoption and child rearing ... well that's an entirely diff. issue.
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There is minimal evidence to suggest that anyone is "born" a faggot, the predominant evidence suggests otherwise. Although listening and being hypnotized and brainwashed by Liberal propaganda all your life I would see where you could get easily get that impression.

You don't condone "deviancy"? No one is asking you to do anything, or even like people, they're asking you to butt out of their lives.

At one time, that was my philosophy as well, live and let live untill I began researching what these perverts are inflicting on society , and in particular our youth . It's truly mind boggling - The Gay Agenda, is a sick warped and dangerous ideology being force fed upon society. In the 1930s many people preached a policy of tolerance towards the NAZI movement - look what happened there. When someone is vicously assaulting the foundations of Human society and social evolution to suit their warped agenda - the philosophy of LIVE AND LET LIVE is ... Out the fucking window!!!

Surely if they can marry, then you won't have to talk about them marrying all day, it'd remove this weight from your shoulders and you could concentrate on insulting others.

I have no problem with faggots and dykes getting married, I personally find it detestable, but my personal opinions on that issue should not interfere with their rights - which IMO should be equal to that of normal people in that respect. Once you delve into adoption and child rearing ... well that's an entirely diff. issue.

First, you continue to insult, why? Makes you feel powerful? Makes you feel right? Come off it.

Second, minimal evidence. So..... how could two twins be of different sexuality?

Gay-Straight Identical Twin Study Seeks to Find Gay Genes

You'd assume they have had very similar experiences, especially at home, they were brought up the same, probably went to the same school and hung around with similar people. Why would one be gay and the other straight?

But, it actually makes no difference here. A person is free to choose things in their life, like what type of phone they have etc. They are also free to choose who they sleep with as long as it's consenting adults.

So you used to preach live and let live, now you want to tell people what to do because you think you see a problem.

So, how exactly is the "Gay Agenda" sick and all the other terms you use? Because one guy who was the first person to get into office was accused of something?

How many STRAIGHT politicians have been accused of things sexual? Loads.

Once you get into adopting, well, your prejudices are going to come to fore and you're going to ignore things from straight people and pin anything bad on all gay people, right?

I find a lot of rhetoric in what you say, and not much actual substance.
SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS A CHOICE, A VERY SICK CHOICE!!!===God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:24-28
SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS A CHOICE, A VERY SICK CHOICE!!!===God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:24-28

This isn't about religion. You can have your religion, but others don't agree with you, and the constitution allows them to do what they want as long as they don't hurt others. Get over it.
SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION IS A CHOICE, A VERY SICK CHOICE!!!===God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:24-28

This isn't about religion. You can have your religion, but others don't agree with you, and the constitution allows them to do what they want as long as they don't hurt others. Get over it.

God makes the rules not silly perverted little man!!! WISE UP!! 40 MILLION ALREADY FROM AIDS ANOTHER 40 MILLION HIV POSITIVE and millions more with other std's and ruined lives of shame and guilt!!!and you???
There is minimal evidence to suggest that anyone is "born" a faggot, the predominant evidence suggests otherwise. Although listening and being hypnotized and brainwashed by Liberal propaganda all your life I would see where you could get easily get that impression.

You don't condone "deviancy"? No one is asking you to do anything, or even like people, they're asking you to butt out of their lives.

At one time, that was my philosophy as well, live and let live untill I began researching what these perverts are inflicting on society , and in particular our youth . It's truly mind boggling - The Gay Agenda, is a sick warped and dangerous ideology being force fed upon society. In the 1930s many people preached a policy of tolerance towards the NAZI movement - look what happened there. When someone is vicously assaulting the foundations of Human society and social evolution to suit their warped agenda - the philosophy of LIVE AND LET LIVE is ... Out the fucking window!!!

Surely if they can marry, then you won't have to talk about them marrying all day, it'd remove this weight from your shoulders and you could concentrate on insulting others.

I have no problem with faggots and dykes getting married, I personally find it detestable, but my personal opinions on that issue should not interfere with their rights - which IMO should be equal to that of normal people in that respect. Once you delve into adoption and child rearing ... well that's an entirely diff. issue.

First, you continue to insult, why? Makes you feel powerful? Makes you feel right? Come off it.

Second, minimal evidence. So..... how could two twins be of different sexuality?

Gay-Straight Identical Twin Study Seeks to Find Gay Genes

You'd assume they have had very similar experiences, especially at home, they were brought up the same, probably went to the same school and hung around with similar people. Why would one be gay and the other straight?

But, it actually makes no difference here. A person is free to choose things in their life, like what type of phone they have etc. They are also free to choose who they sleep with as long as it's consenting adults.

So you used to preach live and let live, now you want to tell people what to do because you think you see a problem.

So, how exactly is the "Gay Agenda" sick and all the other terms you use? Because one guy who was the first person to get into office was accused of something?

How many STRAIGHT politicians have been accused of things sexual? Loads.

Once you get into adopting, well, your prejudices are going to come to fore and you're going to ignore things from straight people and pin anything bad on all gay people, right?

I find a lot of rhetoric in what you say, and not much actual substance.

Yo Frigginweirdo ...
Hello ... anybody home ... the lights on but it seems no one is there !

First, you continue to insult, why? Makes you feel powerful? Makes you feel right? Come off it.

Why .. It makes them - {the faggots, queers, homos, dykes, cum guzzlers, sword swallowers, turd burglars, baby boinkers you know basic LGBTperverts} feel bad about themselves , which is a good thing - there is no pride in being mentally ill, there is disgrace in flaunting it.

Second, minimal evidence. So..... how could two twins be of different sexuality?

Gay-Straight Identical Twin Study Seeks to Find Gay Genes

LMAO - this is where you turned the lights out , right frigginweirdo ??

If two twins , who are genetically identical have diff. sexual orientations that indicates that their sexuality is not an inherited defect .

You'd assume they have had very similar experiences, especially at home, they were brought up the same, probably went to the same school and hung around with similar people. Why would one be gay and the other straight?

Twins do not necc. have identical experiences, they have similar ones. There is frequently a dominating twin and a recessive one, personalities are never identical.

So far as the remainder of your rant, it's not worthy of a reply - go get an education, read a few books - if you can find any not products of Big Brother Liberal societal manipulators come back once you've acquired some knowledge - if that's at all possible, then perhaps we can have an intelligent conversation.... just perhaps ..... in the meantime your worth here is limited to pure entertainment . :badgrin:

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God makes the rules not silly perverted little man!!! WISE UP!! 40 MILLION ALREADY FROM AIDS ANOTHER 40 MILLION HIV POSITIVE and millions more with other std's and ruined lives of shame and guilt!!!and you???

Prove it. Prove God makes the rules.

Prove God made the US Constitution and not the Founding Fathers.
Yo Frigginweirdo ...
Hello ... anybody home ... the lights on but it seems no one is there !

Why .. It makes them - {the faggots, queers, homos, dykes, cum guzzlers, sword swallowers, turd burglars, baby boinkers you know basic LGBTperverts} feel bad about themselves , which is a good thing - there is no pride in being mentally ill, there is disgrace in flaunting it.

Second, minimal evidence. So..... how could two twins be of different sexuality?

Gay-Straight Identical Twin Study Seeks to Find Gay Genes

LMAO - this is where you turned the lights out , right frigginweirdo ??

If two twins , who are genetically identical have diff. sexual orientations that indicates that their sexuality is not an inherited defect .

You'd assume they have had very similar experiences, especially at home, they were brought up the same, probably went to the same school and hung around with similar people. Why would one be gay and the other straight?

Twins do not necc. have identical experiences, they have similar ones. There is frequently a dominating twin and a recessive one, personalities are never identical.

So far as the remainder of your rant, it's not worthy of a reply - go get an education, read a few books - if you can find any not products of Big Brother Liberal societal manipulators come back once you've acquired some knowledge - if that's at all possible, then perhaps we can have an intelligent conversation.... just perhaps ..... in the meantime your worth here is limited to pure entertainment . :badgrin:


Well done on your attempted insult, it makes me think you're so much better than you actually are. :eusa_clap:


Second, you insult because you think it makes people feel bad about themselves. So you're a peddler of hate, and you wouldn't think twice about hurting people.
From someone who claims to be interested in the children, but then doesn't give a damn about adults, it seems to be a typical view point: pro-life and then supporting executions. Doesn't make sense.

So you think that bullying is the answer to your problems? Not much I can really say about that, I think I'll leave it to your conscience and if you ever hope to go anywhere good on your deathbed, well.....

Twins have almost identical genes, not identical, no one has identical, are born under the SAME ENVIRONMENT, why do you think one is gay and the other isn't. Is it the environment?


You want me to be educated and half your argument is insulting people. I'll think I'll pass on your "advice" for now.

If you have a point to make, MAKE IT, if you have an insult to make, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Yo Frigginweirdo ...
Hello ... anybody home ... the lights on but it seems no one is there !

Why .. It makes them - {the faggots, queers, homos, dykes, cum guzzlers, sword swallowers, turd burglars, baby boinkers you know basic LGBTperverts} feel bad about themselves , which is a good thing - there is no pride in being mentally ill, there is disgrace in flaunting it.

Second, minimal evidence. So..... how could two twins be of different sexuality?

Gay-Straight Identical Twin Study Seeks to Find Gay Genes

LMAO - this is where you turned the lights out , right frigginweirdo ??

If two twins , who are genetically identical have diff. sexual orientations that indicates that their sexuality is not an inherited defect .

You'd assume they have had very similar experiences, especially at home, they were brought up the same, probably went to the same school and hung around with similar people. Why would one be gay and the other straight?

Twins do not necc. have identical experiences, they have similar ones. There is frequently a dominating twin and a recessive one, personalities are never identical.

So far as the remainder of your rant, it's not worthy of a reply - go get an education, read a few books - if you can find any not products of Big Brother Liberal societal manipulators come back once you've acquired some knowledge - if that's at all possible, then perhaps we can have an intelligent conversation.... just perhaps ..... in the meantime your worth here is limited to pure entertainment . :badgrin:


Well done on your attempted insult, it makes me think you're so much better than you actually are. :eusa_clap:


Second, you insult because you think it makes people feel bad about themselves. So you're a peddler of hate, and you wouldn't think twice about hurting people.
From someone who claims to be interested in the children, but then doesn't give a damn about adults, it seems to be a typical view point: pro-life and then supporting executions. Doesn't make sense.

So you think that bullying is the answer to your problems? Not much I can really say about that, I think I'll leave it to your conscience and if you ever hope to go anywhere good on your deathbed, well.....

Twins have almost identical genes, not identical, no one has identical, are born under the SAME ENVIRONMENT, why do you think one is gay and the other isn't. Is it the environment?


You want me to be educated and half your argument is insulting people. I'll think I'll pass on your "advice" for now.

If you have a point to make, MAKE IT, if you have an insult to make, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

So you think that bullying is the answer to your problems? Not much I can really say about that, I think I'll leave it to your conscience and.

Comer here dumbass - let me smack you up da side ya head

Twins have almost identical genes, not identical, no one has identical, are born under the SAME ENVIRONMENT, why do you think one is gay and the other isn't. Is it the environment?

In some instances - and there is some evidence indicative of there being a biological reason , outside of genetics, that could cause faggots to be faggots - but that is somewhat sketchy and even if correct, only applies to a small percentage of Queers. Dykes are another story altogether. Does that answer your question faggot ? ... what you're not a faggot ... then I guess you just have latent homosexuai tendencies, is that correct fruitcake ?
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Comer here dumbass - let me smack you up da side ya head

In some instances - and there is some evidence indicative of there being a biological reason , outside of genetics, that could cause faggots to be faggots - but that is somewhat sketchy and even if correct, only applies to a small percentage of Queers. Dykes are another story altogether. Does that answer your question faggot ? ... what you're not a faggot ... then I guess you just have latent homosexuai tendencies, is that correct fruitcake ?

What the feck is wrong with you? Seriously?

Do you actually want to be taken seriously? Or do you just come on here to up your ego by bullying.

There's no real point in talking to people like you, you don't have much of an opinion, and all that comes out of your mouth is just insults. Like I've told other people on this board recently, unless you change and become a decent human being, i won't waste my time with you.

Isn't it funny how many people who oppose gay people are also the small minded people who have to insult and pass it off as an argument?
GOD'S WORDS ON SICK SEXUAL PERVERSION. IT IS A CHOICE, A VERY SICK CHOICE!!!===God abandoned them to do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. 25 They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen. 26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.

28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:24-28

God makes the rules not silly perverted little man!!! WISE UP!! 40 MILLION ALREADY FROM AIDS ANOTHER 40 MILLION HIV POSITIVE and millions more with other std's and ruined lives of shame and guilt!!!and you???
Above we see the desires of the hetero-fascists and homophobes regardless of either the law or the facts
Homosexuality is not a mental disorder.
It's a temptation just like all of the other sins, like drinking and drugs.

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