Is identity politics still working, or are most people waking up?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?
What is Trumpian politics if not identity politics?

Beware of those with Hispanic names! Beware of those who say things that contradict or disagree with what you have been taught to think! Beware of the institutions that have maintained safety and security! I alone can fix this!
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?
Are you still terrified of brown folk? Then identity politics is still working.
What is Trumpian politics if not identity politics?

Beware of those with Hispanic names! Beware of those who say things that contradict or disagree with what you have been taught to think! Beware of the institutions that have maintained safety and security! I alone can fix this!
Their heritage or nationality is not the important factor. Their LEGAL STATUS is.

Since you can't argue the legal status you default to stupid with identity issues that are not relevant to the law.
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?
Are you still terrified of brown folk? Then identity politics is still working.
Legal status =/= skin color
Trump was elected on identity politics
Sure, minorities and fags turned out in huge numbers for Trump because he was so good at pandering to them and convincing them they were victims. Too bad the Dems never though to that.
Trump identity politics centered on generating hatred of Muslims, Mexicans, gays and the poor
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?

Instead of just two genders left and right Theowl32
Maybe we need to diversify into 4 or 8:
2-Party System? Americans Might Be Ready For 8
They are as follows, from most conservative to most liberal (in part based on how many of them crossover between the two major parties. It also mostly tracks with their approval or Trump):

1. Core Conservatives — 13 percent of the general public

2. Country First Conservatives — 6 percent

3. Market Skeptic Republicans — 12 percent

4. New Era Enterprisers — 11 percent

5. Devout and Diverse — 9 percent

6. Disaffected Democrats — 14 percent

7. Opportunity Democrats — 12 percent

8. Solid Liberals — 16 percent

(You can take their quiz and see what you are here.)
the Greens promote Proportional Representation by Party.
If we can set this up by party precinct, Electoral College reps per district,
and schools funded by taxpayers separately by policies each group supports,
we can one day quit fighting to impose one party platform for the whole nation,
and let taxpayers choose what programs and leaders to fund or defund.
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?
Are you still terrified of brown folk? Then identity politics is still working.
Legal status =/= skin color
Well, obviously. Now on a scale of 1 - 10, how much does a black life matter?
What is Trumpian politics if not identity politics?

Beware of those with Hispanic names! Beware of those who say things that contradict or disagree with what you have been taught to think! Beware of the institutions that have maintained safety and security! I alone can fix this!
Exactly. Trumpnomics is big labor big gummit and big deficits. The gop is the party of identity politics and wedge social issues.

The dems don't require a pledge of gun banning, of immigration amnesty, or even taxes. Some dems would have been fine with a tax cut aimed at working families. Some dems wanted a compromise on corp tax cuts.
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?
Are you still terrified of brown folk? Then identity politics is still working.
Legal status =/= skin color
Well, obviously. Now on a scale of 1 - 10, how much does a black life matter?
No more or less than anyone else's and the value they place on themselves.
Black thug? As little as a white thug.
Black person of integrity? As much as a white with integrity.

You see, the color is yet again irrelevant.
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?
Are you still terrified of brown folk? Then identity politics is still working.
Legal status =/= skin color
Well, obviously. Now on a scale of 1 - 10, how much does a black life matter?
No more or less than anyone else's and the value they place on themselves.
Black thug? As little as a white thug.
Black person of integrity? As much as a white with integrity.

You see, the color is yet again irrelevant.
I’m gonna give a 4 all around
Trump was elected on identity politics
Sure, minorities and fags turned out in huge numbers for Trump because he was so good at pandering to them and convincing them they were victims. Too bad the Dems never though to that.
Trump identity politics centered on generating hatred of Muslims, Mexicans, gays and the poor
I don't really agree. The polls on evangelical supporters showed that they, and gopers in general, simply think whites (presumably straight) are subjected to as serious discrimination as other groups, but the gummit didn't take it seriously.

That is identity politics no less than the BLM folks' beliefs. We may agree with Trump supporters, or not. But that isn't really the issue. If you agree with Trump, there's no place to compromise on immigration, gun rights, discrepencies in criminal justice ......

And they've totally repudiated Reaganomics, also known as Thatcherism.
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about. This honduras train for instance is such a transparent obvious organized event to use their identity politics heading into the midterms. Organized by some group like "La Raza."

Are most people waking up to these blatant tactics?

We know the trust fund elitist left wing losers that post here live safely behind walls and the world would have been better off if they were all flushed or swallowed, but how about the normal people?

Are they waking up?

Well, according to Trump his approval rating just hit 50%, so it must still be working as there is nobody on the planet that does identity politics as well as Trump
We all understand that is the ONLY thing the democrats are about.
That being one's understanding is part and parcel to and reflective of what roots the inadequacy of the cognition of whomever be "we": the "we" construe what is a means as an end. Upon making that mistake, one is consigned to misconstruing the people who use a given means, whatever it be.

Politics is to public policy what marketing is to commercial goods and services. As such, individuals, politicians and political strategists, use the very same methods that marketers and market analysts use to understand their customers.

Successful marketers identify incongruities between actual or perceived wants and needs and the extant solutions presently available to resolve one or more of them. Upon identifying a gap, marketers determine whether they can profitably fill it. One of the tools used to determine whether a gap can be profitably filled is a technique called market segmentation. At this point in process, market segmentation focuses on identifying the nature and extent to which there be convertible latent demand for a resolution to the incongruity.

If the firm's initial segmentation study reveals existential convertible demand, it endeavors next to develop a deeper understanding of its potential customers. It does so by conducting an even more detailed market segmentation study that will allow the firm to understand what be the qualitative and quantitative traits that characterize their potential customers, being careful not to over-refine the analysis whereupon it becomes subject to unresolved aspects of existential etiology between a trait and its expression.

Information obtained from the second case study is then used progressively to design messaging campaigns that appeal most favorably to the various segments of the potential customer base.
  • Inform potential customers of the existence of a new solution.
  • Inform potential customers of how the marketer's solution fills a gap left open by similar extant solutions.
  • Persuade potential customers that the marketer's solution better than other marketers' solutions fills a given gap.
  • Boost brand awareness and positivity.
Of course, the firm also uses its market segmentation findings to craft messages that appeal to the broader market without alienating members of the various segments. Indeed, it is these messages that tend to be delivered initially. Once the "mud on the wall" messaging has been deployed, the firm deploys messaging that targets various segments of its potential customer base.

Over time, the firm hones its understanding of its customer base (actual and potential) to the point that the marketer can, by applying quantitative analytical techniques to actual consumption data and the segmentation study data, with a very high degree of accuracy predict what actions consumers having a given set of lifestyle and personality traits will take with regard to the firm's solution offering.

Identity politics is nothing other than the exact same approach described above and applied not to obtaining one's dollars, but rather one's electoral approbation. The technique works because the object to which it applies, the customer, is essentially the same. Consumers of public policy ideas differ from commercial consumers, however, in one material way: potential customers of goods and services that are very important to them will undertake a somewhat thorough research process to understand the solution offerings available to them, whereas consumers of public policy ideas mostly don't conduct any analysis, let alone rigorous analysis, beyond relying on what "someone on a TV screen" tells them. Consequently, the marketer's, a politician's, messages are taken as legitimate provided someone whom the consumer trusts advocates for it. What establishes trust/distrust in politics? Mostly the appellation of a party label; political legitimacy derives guilt or glory based mostly on the specious reasoning of guilt by association.

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