Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

georgephillip; et al,

This site is nothing more than another anti-American, anti-War, blog by people like Fred Branfman, an activist, who is still fighting a war long since buried.

With the exception of rich US terrorists like Dick, Dubya, and Bubba whose personal war crimes dwarf any imagined by lesser lights like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad, the latter lacking the means to maim, murder, and displace millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands.
Ain't it fun, being the Biggest Dog in the Junkyard?
American War Crimes

There will always be people that oppose America and its policies. They post these snippets and figures to incite emotion, but never actually put anything in context.

Junk info salads that explain nothing but sound informative.

Most Respectfully,
georgephillip; et al,

This site is nothing more than another anti-American, anti-War, blog by people like Fred Branfman, an activist, who is still fighting a war long since buried.

Ain't it fun, being the Biggest Dog in the Junkyard?
American War Crimes

There will always be people that oppose America and its policies. They post these snippets and figures to incite emotion, but never actually put anything in context.

Junk info salads that explain nothing but sound informative.

Most Respectfully,

Welcome to Georgies world. Those are the only kind of articles he reads.
His brain is poisoned with that propaganda crap !
georgephillip; et al,

This site is nothing more than another anti-American, anti-War, blog by people like Fred Branfman, an activist, who is still fighting a war long since buried.

Ain't it fun, being the Biggest Dog in the Junkyard?
American War Crimes

There will always be people that oppose America and its policies. They post these snippets and figures to incite emotion, but never actually put anything in context.

Junk info salads that explain nothing but sound informative.

Most Respectfully,
How many innocent human beings who posed no threat to our homeland has the US military maimed, murdered, and displaced during your lifetime?
georgephillip, et al,

If you want to change American Foreign Policy, then work with the system.

georgephillip; et al,

This site is nothing more than another anti-American, anti-War, blog by people like Fred Branfman, an activist, who is still fighting a war long since buried.


There will always be people that oppose America and its policies. They post these snippets and figures to incite emotion, but never actually put anything in context.

Junk info salads that explain nothing but sound informative.

Most Respectfully,
How many innocent human beings who posed no threat to our homeland has the US military maimed, murdered, and displaced during your lifetime?

If you just want to complain, then just be a parrot, complain and change nothing.

It is up to you.

Guys like Fred Branfman, Jerry Brown, Gary Hart and Tom Hayden have been around a long time. What positive contribution have they made in a change in foreign policy?

Complainers seldom are known for accomplishments. If you want to make a contribution, then let's hear your independent thought.

Most Respectfully,
georgephillip, et al,

If you want to change American Foreign Policy, then work with the system.

georgephillip; et al,

This site is nothing more than another anti-American, anti-War, blog by people like Fred Branfman, an activist, who is still fighting a war long since buried.


There will always be people that oppose America and its policies. They post these snippets and figures to incite emotion, but never actually put anything in context.

Junk info salads that explain nothing but sound informative.

Most Respectfully,
How many innocent human beings who posed no threat to our homeland has the US military maimed, murdered, and displaced during your lifetime?

If you just want to complain, then just be a parrot, complain and change nothing.

It is up to you.

Guys like Fred Branfman, Jerry Brown, Gary Hart and Tom Hayden have been around a long time. What positive contribution have they made in a change in foreign policy?

Complainers seldom are known for accomplishments. If you want to make a contribution, then let's hear your independent thought.

Most Respectfully,
Stop "choosing" between War (R) or Debt (D) when selecting your congressional representatives. California ballots offer multiple third party choices for congressmen and senators. It's relatively easy in this state to find a candidate that reflects your foreign policy views without supporting Wall Street or the Pentagon. Since I've never voted outside this state, I have no way of knowing how many other locales offer similar choices. In particular. I don't know what third party congressional choices are available to active duty military personnel, especially those killing for the richest 1% of humanity outside the borders of their homeland.

BTW, Rocco, if some thug half your age and twice your size beats you like a rented mule and takes your lunch money, I won't call you a "complainer" for filing a police report.
georgephillip, et al,

You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

BTW, Rocco, if some thug half your age and twice your size beats you like a rented mule and takes your lunch money, I won't call you a "complainer" for filing a police report.

It is always the Arab Palestinian that is say that there were twice as many of them then Jewish Immigrants.

It is not the amount of land that makes a nation strong and prosperous; but rather the metal of the people that makes them what they are.

Most Respectfully,
georgephillip, et al,

You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

BTW, Rocco, if some thug half your age and twice your size beats you like a rented mule and takes your lunch money, I won't call you a "complainer" for filing a police report.

It is always the Arab Palestinian that is say that there were twice as many of them then Jewish Immigrants.

It is not the amount of land that makes a nation strong and prosperous; but rather the metal of the people that makes them what they are.

Most Respectfully,

Of course if the Palestinians could steal and mooch as good as Israel they could level the playing field.
georgephillip, et al,

You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

BTW, Rocco, if some thug half your age and twice your size beats you like a rented mule and takes your lunch money, I won't call you a "complainer" for filing a police report.

It is always the Arab Palestinian that is say that there were twice as many of them then Jewish Immigrants.

It is not the amount of land that makes a nation strong and prosperous; but rather the metal of the people that makes them what they are.

Most Respectfully,
Much of the Israel's metal was forged in (Dark and Satanic) European mills:

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

"When the war (to end all war) ended, Palestine became a British colony and the Zionists found they shared many interests with their new colonial masters. In 1917 Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, which was the first official recognition of the Zionist settlements in Palestine.

Under the British Mandate Government, Britain privileged the small Jewish population over the Palestinians.

"In 1917 there were 56,000 Jews in Palestine and 644,000 Palestinian Arabs.

"Still Britain gave Jewish capital 90 percent of concessions for projects like building roads and power plants and by 1935, Zionists owned 872 out of the 1,212 industrial firms in Palestine.

"The British ruling class, which was rabidly anti-Semitic, had its own reasons for this support. Out of the First World War, Arab nationalism had emerged as a major threat to domination of the Middle East and Britain hoped that Zionists could be a useful force for policing the Arabs..."

Israel came into existence because its founding fathers begged from the tables of every European tyrant seeking a deal with his "Jewish Problem." At the end of WWII, the US took over supplying Israel's metal in exchange for the oily instability we see today from Lebanon to Syria, to Kurdistan and beyond.
Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
georgephillip, et al,

Yes, well --- not that this has not been answered before. In some ways, this is a fake questions.

Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
What entitles Jews alone among all nations to their "Home" of thousands of years ago?


The phrase "Jews alone" would suggest that out of the chaos, confusion and turmoil, only the "Jewish" people materialized a nation. That is far from the truth. They forget Egypt [28 February 1922 (from UK protectorate status)], Iraq [3 October 1932 (from League of Nations mandate under British administration)], Jordan [25 May 1946 (from League of Nations mandate under British administration)], Kuwait [19 June 1961, (became fully independent following an exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and the then HRH Emir of Kuwait)], Lebanon [22 November 1943 (from League of Nations mandate under French administration)], Syria [17 April 1946 (from League of Nations mandate under French administration)], and Yemen [independent in November 1918 (from the Ottoman Empire)], just to name a few.​


The association of the Jews with the Middle East, was made by and agreed upon by the Arabs Powers of the day, The Allied Powers of the Day, and the Ottoman Empire/Turkey. It was not a unilateral decision or a sole association made by the Jewish; although they concurred. The Partition Plan (divided into an un-named "Jewish State" and an un-named "Arab State") was genuinely a United Nations plan. The Jewish Agency participated in the in the implementation process of the UN Security Council. The Arab Higher Committee rejected and opted not to participate. When the Jewish Agency followed the UN guidance and Declared Independence under the right of self-determination, it was the Arab (Palestinians and the Arab League) that, after choosing not to participate, opted for military action in defiance of the the UN Resolution and the implementation of the Partition Plan.​

Most Respectfully,
Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
What entitles Jews alone among all nations to their "Home" of thousands of years ago?

Superiority and Victory on the Battlefield...

...against those who attacked them.

What more is needed?
Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
What entitles Jews alone among all nations to their "Home" of thousands of years ago?

Superiority and Victory on the Battlefield...

...against those who attacked them.

What more is needed?
A star-spangled dragon's wing to shelter under.
Why Jews "win" in Palestine:

"In political space one of the great mysteries is why / how the tiny state of Israel achieves such capture over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East?

"The typical less than helpful answer is ‘the Israel lobby,’ one step removed from ‘Israel’ but no more illuminating. According to the CIA the GDP of Israel in 2012 is, depending on the method of calculation, between $240 and $252 billion USD and U.S.

"GDP is about $16.6 trillion. $16.6 trillion is sixteen thousand and six hundred billion dollars.

"There is no direct economic relationship to explain the power of Israel over U.S. foreign policy because the scale is so wildly imbalanced on the side of the U.S.

"The answer then must be geo-political and a quick glance at a map of the Middle East places Israel in the vicinity of Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia, the very centers of oil geo-politics by the U.S. for the last century.

Capitalism and US Oil Geo-Politics » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Jews have proven more reliable imperial tools than Arabs over the last century.
That's why they have all those big scary guns and shit.
No, I don't think that's right...

The Jews of Israel got no large-scale military aid from the United States in the 1948 War...

The Jews of Israel got no large-scale military aid from the United States in the 1967 War...

They kicked Arab ass... big-time... by themselves...

The US countered Soviet moves and replenished depleted Israeli inventories AFTER the 1967 War...

The US provided some modest but significant aid to Israel in the period 1967-1973...

The Israelis kicked Arab ass again.. albeit with some behind-the-scenes help from us...

And we have been helping them with military aid ever since...

But, in truth, they are reaching a point where they can do for themselves in most areas...

Buying ships from Europe and Aircraft from the US and Europe and making their own Tanks and small-arms, although they are just about ready to fend for themselves with Aircraft, as well, if I remember my light reading on the subject correctly...

The Jews of Israel know that - in the final analysis - they can only rely upon themselves, and they have been slowly-but-surely positioning themselves for that time, for many years now...

As to the Jews being 'Imperial Tools'...

I cannot think of a single thing that we have asked the Jews to do with their military that would have been of the slightest benefit to us...

From our perspective, they're a useful trip-wire against the Arabs, but we don't ask them to fight our wars for us nor to participate in them, so, I'm not sure how much value they have as 'Imperial Tools'...

No... we give them stuff because we like and trust the Jews better than we like the Arabs. Why? For no better reason than it pleases us to do so.
Last edited:
georgephillip, et al,

Yes, well --- not that this has not been answered before. In some ways, this is a fake questions.

Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
What entitles Jews alone among all nations to their "Home" of thousands of years ago?


The phrase "Jews alone" would suggest that out of the chaos, confusion and turmoil, only the "Jewish" people materialized a nation. That is far from the truth. They forget Egypt [28 February 1922 (from UK protectorate status)], Iraq [3 October 1932 (from League of Nations mandate under British administration)], Jordan [25 May 1946 (from League of Nations mandate under British administration)], Kuwait [19 June 1961, (became fully independent following an exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and the then HRH Emir of Kuwait)], Lebanon [22 November 1943 (from League of Nations mandate under French administration)], Syria [17 April 1946 (from League of Nations mandate under French administration)], and Yemen [independent in November 1918 (from the Ottoman Empire)], just to name a few.​


The association of the Jews with the Middle East, was made by and agreed upon by the Arabs Powers of the day, The Allied Powers of the Day, and the Ottoman Empire/Turkey. It was not a unilateral decision or a sole association made by the Jewish; although they concurred. The Partition Plan (divided into an un-named "Jewish State" and an un-named "Arab State") was genuinely a United Nations plan. The Jewish Agency participated in the in the implementation process of the UN Security Council. The Arab Higher Committee rejected and opted not to participate. When the Jewish Agency followed the UN guidance and Declared Independence under the right of self-determination, it was the Arab (Palestinians and the Arab League) that, after choosing not to participate, opted for military action in defiance of the the UN Resolution and the implementation of the Partition Plan.​

Most Respectfully,
Rocco...while it's not clear to me how 650,000 Jews can use self-determination to inflict their nation upon twice as many Arabs, at least I have the solace of knowing some Wise Men around Truman shared my misgivings of recognizing a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil:’s-decision-to-recognize-israel/

"Some months earlier, during one of our weekly breakfasts at his ele gant Georgetown home, (Secretary of Defense, James V,) Forrestal had spoken emotionally and frankly to me concerning his opposition to helping the Zionists, as advocates of the creation of a Jewish state were called.

"'You fellows over at the White House are just not facing up to the realities in the Middle East. There are thirty million Arabs on one side and about six hundred thousand Jews on the other. It is clear that in any contest, the Arabs are going to overwhelm the Jews. Why don’t you face up to the realities? Just look at the numbers!'”

Who knew?
Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
What entitles Jews alone among all nations to their "Home" of thousands of years ago?
The same guy who gave instructions to Moses. Nothing hs changed, it's still in effect.
No, I don't think that's right...

The Jews of Israel got no large-scale military aid from the United States in the 1948 War...

The Jews of Israel got no large-scale military aid from the United States in the 1967 War...

They kicked Arab ass... big-time... by themselves...

The US countered Soviet moves and replenished depleted Israeli inventories AFTER the 1967 War...

The US provided some modest but significant aid to Israel in the period 1967-1973...

The Israelis kicked Arab ass again.. albeit with some behind-the-scenes help from us...

And we have been helping them with military aid ever since...

But, in truth, they are reaching a point where they can do for themselves in most areas...

Buying ships from Europe and Aircraft from the US and Europe and making their own Tanks and small-arms, although they are just about ready to fend for themselves with Aircraft, as well, if I remember my light reading on the subject correctly...

The Jews of Israel know that - in the final analysis - they can only rely upon themselves, and they have been slowly-but-surely positioning themselves for that time, for many years now...

As to the Jews being 'Imperial Tools'...

I cannot think of a single thing that we have asked the Jews to do with their military that would have been of the slightest benefit to us...

From our perspective, they're a useful trip-wire against the Arabs, but we don't ask them to fight our wars for us nor to participate in them, so, I'm not sure how much value they have as 'Imperial Tools'...

No... we give them stuff because we like and trust the Jews better than we like the Arabs. Why? For no better reason than it pleases us to do so.
We, Who?
The CIA trusts Israeli intelligence less than the Syrian or Saudi spies.
We give them stuff ($8 million/day) because most of that comes home to Boeing and Lockheed Martin shareholders.
Israel would never have existed in the first place without British imperialism funding Jewish capital at a nine to one ratio during the British occupation of Palestine, and if the British hadn't decapitated Arab leadership in Palestine during the 1936-39 revolt, Jews would've found their greedy asses floating back to Poland in 1948.
1967 was when Israel PROVED her metal by murdering 34 Americans aboard the USS Liberty in an amateurish attempt to blame the Egyptians and drag this country into yet another war in the Middle East.
Today, some Imperial Tools in Israel never miss a chance to beat the drums for regime change in Iran while expecting the US to pay the cost in blood and treasure.
Why is exactly why western imperialism created the Jewish state in the first place.
Much of Israel's metal was forged in the fires of European pogrom and persecution and Holocaust spanning the two millennia since Euro-trash (the Romans, under Titus) kicked them out of their Home the last time.
What entitles Jews alone among all nations to their "Home" of thousands of years ago?
The same guy who gave instructions to Moses. Nothing hs changed, it's still in effect.
Was He Jewish?
Where's the deed?
He's still a Lie the Rich tell to their Slaves like you.
georgephillip, et al,

You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

BTW, Rocco, if some thug half your age and twice your size beats you like a rented mule and takes your lunch money, I won't call you a "complainer" for filing a police report.

It is always the Arab Palestinian that is say that there were twice as many of them then Jewish Immigrants.

It is not the amount of land that makes a nation strong and prosperous; but rather the metal of the people that makes them what they are.
Most Respectfully,
Of course if the Palestinians could steal and mooch as good as Israel they could level the playing field.
Ahh, that is why palistanians are inventing (forging-stealing, that is) their "national history".

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