Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

It is not the amount of land that makes a nation strong and prosperous; but rather the metal of the people that makes them what they are.
Much of the Israel's metal was forged in (Dark and Satanic) European mills: ...
Our honorable georgephillip and his (Dark and Satanic) drivellll. Of course!
"To acquire the land for his state, Herzl was willing to beg from the table of every imperialist power, no matter how criminal.

"He courted them all-the German Kaiser, the Turks, the Russian Tsar, and the British Empire.

"In 1896, He entered into negotiations with the Turkish Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled over Palestine for more than five hundred years.

"HerzI offered the Sultan a deal-in exchange for giving Palestine to the Jews, the Zionist movement would help soften world condemnation of Turkey for its genocidal campaign against the Armenians.

"He even pledged to meet with Armenian leaders to convince them to call off their resistance struggle!"

Dark or Satanic, Drivel?

The Hidden Roots of Zionism
George, aren't you tired of quoting other people all the time ? Can't you speak for yourself ?
"...We, Who?..."
We, as in... the United States, and, to a lesser extent... The West in general.

"...The CIA trusts Israeli intelligence less than the Syrian or Saudi spies..."

Doubtful. But even if true, so what? We are talking about Trust Between Whole Peoples, not trust between spooks, and a blind man could see that trust, vis a vis the Arabs.

"...We give them stuff ($8 million/day) because most of that comes home to Boeing and Lockheed Martin shareholders..."

But most of what comes home to Boeing and Lockheed Martin shareholders could have been coming from Arabs rather than Jews, but we like Jews lot better than Arabs - that's the point.

"...Israel would never have existed in the first place without British imperialism funding Jewish capital at a nine to one ratio during the British occupation of Palestine..."

Looks like even the British liked the Jews better than they did the Arabs, even back then, eh? Given that they wanted Arab oil and oftentimes kissed Arab ass, the Brits must really have liked the Jews better, in order to fund at such disproportionate rates.

:...and if the British hadn't decapitated Arab leadership in Palestine during the 1936-39 revolt..."

Best thing to do with a poisonous snake is to cut off it's head.

Well played, Brits...


Well played.

It's one of the risks you take when you revolt... sometimes, you lose... and the leadership pays the forfeit... another poor choice, in a very long string of poor choices that pervade the sorry-ass history of the Arabs of so-called Palestine.

"...1967 was when Israel PROVED her metal by murdering 34 Americans aboard the in an amateurish attempt to blame the Egyptians and drag this country into yet another war in the Middle East..."

Yeah... on Day Two of the Six Day War... in the Fog of War... a bad-call fire-mission gone wrong... which scared the shit out of the Israelis and which some of their people stupidly tried to cover-up or explain-away... but, overall, an incident in which our own Court of Inquiry, and theirs, judged the incident as a mistake; one that Israel ponied-up and compensated for as best they could, monetarily.

It was a dangerous misunderstanding between friends when one of those friends was in the middle of a fight for its life against four larger nations (Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq - backed by others) - and a bad thing happened between friends.

Funny how that 'bad thing happening between friends' has never allowed you (those who wish to drive a wedge between those friends) to Divide and Conquer as you would like.

You'd think that after 46 years it would sink-in with you 'characters' that that (the June 6, 1967 USS Liberty incident) is NOT the wedge you need to Divide and Conquer - to make the US write-off its Israeli ally - but, I guess, any bunch who would squat in shit-hole refugee camps for 65 years rather than picking up and moving and starting new lives elsewhere - well... such folks may not be the fastest-on-the-draw in reaching such conclusions.

Oh, and, with respect to proving its mettle...

Israel proved HERS by kicking Arab ass in the 1967 Six Day War...

With Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian and Iraqi dead and missing at a staggering 24,000, as opposed to 1,000 for Israel..

A 24-to-1 kill-ratio, all on their own, and with nobody's help but their own !!!

Not to mention thousands of Arab tanks and vehicles captured...

And the Golan...

And, of course, the Pearl of Palestine...



They proved their mettle, alright...

Pretty phukking amazing...

Never mind finishing-off the local Arabs in the 1973 War, when they kicked ass AGAIN...

That's ANOTHER reason why we like the Jews better than the Arabs...

The Jews are Winners, not whiners, and they know how to fight, and they know how to WIN, and how to HANG ONTO what they've won...

"...Today, some Imperial Tools in Israel never miss a chance to beat the drums for regime change in Iran while expecting the US to pay the cost in blood and treasure..."

Au contraire... the Israelis are ready to do a fly-over and phukk-them-up good-and-proper all by themselves, without the slightest help from us. Within the past couple of years, we've had our hands full trying to persuade the Israelis not to go-off half-cocked on their own and hit the Iranians before the need for a joint strike becomes more clear.

"...Why is exactly why western imperialism created the Jewish state in the first place."

Uhhhh... yeah... that's why.... yeah, yeah... that's the ticket...

Way back in the 1930s or 1940s, a group of Western Imperialists (Jew-lovers and tools of the International Jooooooish Kornspiracy, no doubt, from London and Washington and Paris and other capitals) all got toghether on some remote island where the meeting could never be detected or reported-upon, and they pulled out a Jewish Crystal Ball...

And that Crystal Ball gave them...

1. a wide-screen 'window' into the world of 2000 A.D. and beyond

2. a detailed look at the Iranian nuclear program

3. a vision of the dangerous Iranian theocracy that would spring-up in 1979

4. a vision of the Arab Troubles of 2000 A.D. and beyond...

5. a vision of the Iranian theocracy calling for the destruction of Israel

6. a vision of how powerful and influential a State of Israel would become after several wars

7. a vision of the Israelis destroying an Iraqi nuclear facility as a precedent for future action

8. a vision of the Israelis campaigning against the Iranian theocracy gaining nuclear weapons

...a vision so clear that those Evil Western Imperialists of the 1930s and 1940s decided then-and-there to create a State of Israel, so that those New Age Jews could phukk with the Iranians, and so that they could stir-up bad feelings and war-sentiments against a Dangerous Iranian Theocracy, and so that they could sucker the United States into doing all their work for them.

Yeah... THAT'S why Western Imperialists created the State of Israel, alright...

Yep... yep... yep... yeppers... yeah... that's the ticket!

Two words for that...

Puhhhh---leeeeze !

Honest-to-God, no bullshit...

You characters (Palestinian propaganda-shills and Militant Islam Apologists and Jew-Bashers) really DO take the cake...

When I think of you collectively, I cannot help but conjure-up images along the following lines...



Riding a clown-car...

Collectively, if not individually, your arguments and rationale and casus belli and your blame-targets and your excuses for your present condition, are ineffective, incompetent, illogical, delusional, comical and pathetic...

You guys really DO have to get some new material...

'Cause what "you've" been usin' stopped working 20 or 30 years ago...

It's just that ya'll haven't noticed yet...
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George, aren't you tired of quoting other people all the time ? Can't you speak for yourself ?
What's your problem with History?

"The iron wall of English bayonets"

"The First World War and the Russian Revolution caused the collapse of Herzl's three beloved patrons, the Ottoman Empire, the German Kaiser, and Russian Tsarism. Though the Zionists played all sides covertly during the war, the more farsighted leaders anticipated that Britain would emerge as the dominant imperialist power from the war.

"Weizmann stated as early as 1914, 'We can reasonably say that should Palestine fall within the British sphere of influence, and should Britain encourage Jewish settlement there, as a British dependency, we could have in twenty to thirty years a million Jews Out there, perhaps more; they would develop the country, bring back civilization to it and form a very effective guard for the Suez Canal.'

"When the war ended, Palestine became a British colony and the Zionists found they shared many interests with their new colonial masters. In 1917 Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, which was the first official recognition of the Zionist settlements in Palestine.

"Under the British Mandate Government, Britain privileged the small Jewish population over the Palestinians.

"In 1917 there were 56,000 Jews in Palestine and 644,000 Palestinian Arabs. Still Britain gave Jewish capital 90 percent of concessions for projects like building roads and power plants and by 1935, Zionists owned 872 out of the 1,212 industrial firms in Palestine."

The Hidden Roots of Zionism

Why do you insist on pretending Israel is anything except a rogue state created by western imperialists to stimulate arms sales in the Middle East?
There was no "bad-call" friendly fire involved in Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty as every surviving crew member of that murderous assault testifies.

"At approximately 0600 hours (all times local) on the morning of June 8, 1967 an Israeli maritime reconnaissance aircraft observer reported seeing 'a US Navy cargo type ship,' just outside the coverage of the Israeli coastal radar defense net, bearing the hull markings 'GTR-5'.[11] This report, made to Israeli naval HQ, was also forwarded immediately to the Israeli navy intelligence directorate.[12]

"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.[13]

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14]

"From 0900 hours on June 8, 1967, until the time of the attack five hours later, USS Liberty maintained a speed of approximately five knots and a generally westerly-northwesterly course.[15]

"At 1400 hours, while approximately 17 miles off the Gaza coast, USS Liberty's crew observed three surface radar contacts closing with their position at high speed. A few moments later, the bridge radar crew observed high speed aircraft passing over the surface returns on the same heading.[16]

"Within a few short moments, and without any warning, Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm. [17]

"During the air attack, USS Liberty's crew had difficulty contacting Sixth Fleet to request assistance due to intense communications jamming[18]

"The initial targets on the ship were the command bridge, communications antennas, and the four .50 caliber machine guns, placed on the ship to repel boarders.[19]"

Heroic Jews deliberately murdered 34 US service members in 1967 and their apologists in 2013 squeal like kosher whores whenever that truth is raised.

That's at least as funny as a car full of centrist clowns catching a Hellfire Missile in their collective ass-holes.
USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

What part of "The 1967 USS Liberty incident' is not sufficient for your purposes of attempting to drive a wedge between the United States and Israel" do you not understand?

Oh, and, do not blame the rest of the world because 'you characters' end-up looking like clowns.

That's another one of your bad choices, as well, for using stale old bait that is repeated so often that it ends-up falling on entirely deaf ears.

As I said before, you jokers really do have to come up with some new material.

But you won't... because it doesn't exist... leaving you with nothing to do but beat the same old dead horse, day after day, year after boring year, until, finally, nobody is really listening to ya'll...


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time." - apochryphally attributed to Albert Einstein
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georgephillip, et al,

It is a behavioral process whereby a nations response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given a continuous hostile environment --- reinforcement over time.

The reinforcement - typically is a conflict related stimulus provoking a combative response.

  • Why do you insist on pretending Israel is anything except a rogue state created by western imperialists to stimulate arms sales in the Middle East?

For more than six decades, the Arab League and the Palestinians have been provoking the Israelis to consistently respond with greater and greater harsh reactions to hostile events. Over time, Israel becomes increasing more sensitive to a given Palestinian stimulus which becomes increasingly effective in evoking a ever more draconian response.

The environment the Palestinian now has is a direct result of their own making.

The more the Palestinians poke the bear, the more aggravated the bear becomes.

Most Respectfully,
There was no "bad-call" friendly fire involved in Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty as every surviving crew member of that murderous assault testifies.

"At approximately 0600 hours (all times local) on the morning of June 8, 1967 an Israeli maritime reconnaissance aircraft observer reported seeing 'a US Navy cargo type ship,' just outside the coverage of the Israeli coastal radar defense net, bearing the hull markings 'GTR-5'.[11] This report, made to Israeli naval HQ, was also forwarded immediately to the Israeli navy intelligence directorate.[12]

"Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty's position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.[13]

"At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Jane's Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14]

"From 0900 hours on June 8, 1967, until the time of the attack five hours later, USS Liberty maintained a speed of approximately five knots and a generally westerly-northwesterly course.[15]

"At 1400 hours, while approximately 17 miles off the Gaza coast, USS Liberty's crew observed three surface radar contacts closing with their position at high speed. A few moments later, the bridge radar crew observed high speed aircraft passing over the surface returns on the same heading.[16]

"Within a few short moments, and without any warning, Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm. [17]

"During the air attack, USS Liberty's crew had difficulty contacting Sixth Fleet to request assistance due to intense communications jamming[18]

"The initial targets on the ship were the command bridge, communications antennas, and the four .50 caliber machine guns, placed on the ship to repel boarders.[19]"

Heroic Jews deliberately murdered 34 US service members in 1967 and their apologists in 2013 squeal like kosher whores whenever that truth is raised.

That's at least as funny as a car full of centrist clowns catching a Hellfire Missile in their collective ass-holes.
USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

Murdered my ass. You're such a rabid conspiracy theorist George. I picture you walking outside of your apartment looking over your should with paranoia every second thinking the government is gonna kill you or something.
I know FULL WELL that you know the Liberty was not intentional. You just like to use it because you and all the other anti - Zionists love to demonize Israel.

What part of "The 1967 USS Liberty incident' is not sufficient for your purposes of attempting to drive a wedge between the United States and Israel" do you not understand?

Oh, and, do not blame the rest of the world because 'you characters' end-up looking like clowns.

That's another one of your bad choices, as well, for using stale old bait that is repeated so often that it ends-up falling on entirely deaf ears.

As I said before, you jokers really do have to come up with some new material.

But you won't... because it doesn't exist... leaving you with nothing to do but beat the same old dead horse, day after day, year after boring year, until, finally, nobody is really listening to ya'll...


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results each time." - apochryphally attributed to Albert Einstein

georgephillip, et al,

It is a behavioral process whereby a nations response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given a continuous hostile environment --- reinforcement over time.

The reinforcement - typically is a conflict related stimulus provoking a combative response.

  • Why do you insist on pretending Israel is anything except a rogue state created by western imperialists to stimulate arms sales in the Middle East?

For more than six decades, the Arab League and the Palestinians have been provoking the Israelis to consistently respond with greater and greater harsh reactions to hostile events. Over time, Israel becomes increasing more sensitive to a given Palestinian stimulus which becomes increasingly effective in evoking a ever more draconian response.

The environment the Palestinian now has is a direct result of their own making.

The more the Palestinians poke the bear, the more aggravated the bear becomes.

Most Respectfully,

Kondor and Rocco, both of these posts are excellent and I commend you for them.

georgephillip, et al,

It is a behavioral process whereby a nations response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given a continuous hostile environment --- reinforcement over time.

The reinforcement - typically is a conflict related stimulus provoking a combative response.

  • Why do you insist on pretending Israel is anything except a rogue state created by western imperialists to stimulate arms sales in the Middle East?

For more than six decades, the Arab League and the Palestinians have been provoking the Israelis to consistently respond with greater and greater harsh reactions to hostile events. Over time, Israel becomes increasing more sensitive to a given Palestinian stimulus which becomes increasingly effective in evoking a ever more draconian response.

The environment the Palestinian now has is a direct result of their own making.

The more the Palestinians poke the bear, the more aggravated the bear becomes.

Most Respectfully,
More than six decades ago, Rocco, Jews were one-third of all Palestinians owning about seven percent of the land. Today Jews control virtually all the land and water between the River and the sea. What response would you expect from those who've been victimized by Israel's creeping annexation since its "independence" in 1948?

BTW, that bear's currently waking up in Moscow.
georgephillip, et al,

It is a behavioral process whereby a nations response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given a continuous hostile environment --- reinforcement over time.

The reinforcement - typically is a conflict related stimulus provoking a combative response.

  • Why do you insist on pretending Israel is anything except a rogue state created by western imperialists to stimulate arms sales in the Middle East?

For more than six decades, the Arab League and the Palestinians have been provoking the Israelis to consistently respond with greater and greater harsh reactions to hostile events. Over time, Israel becomes increasing more sensitive to a given Palestinian stimulus which becomes increasingly effective in evoking a ever more draconian response.

The environment the Palestinian now has is a direct result of their own making.

The more the Palestinians poke the bear, the more aggravated the bear becomes.

Most Respectfully,
More than six decades ago, Rocco, Jews were one-third of all Palestinians owning about seven percent of the land. Today Jews control virtually all the land and water between the River and the sea. What response would you expect from those who've been victimized by Israel's creeping annexation since its "independence" in 1948?

BTW, that bear's currently waking up in Moscow.

Palestinians and their supporters will ALWAYS find an excuse to justify Palestinian violence. ALWAYS
The Jews got the land, fair and square. Get over it. Like I keep saying, i they want any of Israels land, the only way to achieve this is through conventional warfare
georgephillip, et al,

It is a behavioral process whereby a nations response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given a continuous hostile environment --- reinforcement over time.

The reinforcement - typically is a conflict related stimulus provoking a combative response.


For more than six decades, the Arab League and the Palestinians have been provoking the Israelis to consistently respond with greater and greater harsh reactions to hostile events. Over time, Israel becomes increasing more sensitive to a given Palestinian stimulus which becomes increasingly effective in evoking a ever more draconian response.

The environment the Palestinian now has is a direct result of their own making.

The more the Palestinians poke the bear, the more aggravated the bear becomes.

Most Respectfully,
More than six decades ago, Rocco, Jews were one-third of all Palestinians owning about seven percent of the land. Today Jews control virtually all the land and water between the River and the sea. What response would you expect from those who've been victimized by Israel's creeping annexation since its "independence" in 1948?

BTW, that bear's currently waking up in Moscow.

Palestinians and their supporters will ALWAYS find an excuse to justify Palestinian violence. ALWAYS
The Jews got the land, fair and square. Get over it. Like I keep saying, i they want any of Israels land, the only way to achieve this is through conventional warfare
How did thirty percent of Palestinians receive 55% of the land in 1948 "fair and square"?
Zionism never confused liberation and colonization or the role imperialism plays in their occupation of Palestine. Israel as a Jewish state will change or face the same fate as White South Africa did.
It is a behavioral process whereby a nations response becomes more frequent or more predictable in a given a continuous hostile environment --- reinforcement over time. The reinforcement - typically is a conflict related stimulus provoking a combative response.
  • Why do you insist on pretending Israel is anything except a rogue state created by western imperialists to stimulate arms sales in the Middle East?
For more than six decades, the Arab League and the Palestinians have been provoking the Israelis to consistently respond with greater and greater harsh reactions to hostile events. Over time, Israel becomes increasing more sensitive to a given Palestinian stimulus which becomes increasingly effective in evoking a ever more draconian response. The environment the Palestinian now has is a direct result of their own making. The more the Palestinians poke the bear, the more aggravated the bear becomes.
More than six decades ago, Rocco, Jews were one-third of all Palestinians owning about seven percent of the land. Today Jews control virtually all the land and water between the River and the sea. What response would you expect from those who've been victimized by Israel's creeping annexation since its "independence" in 1948? BTW, that bear's currently waking up in Moscow.
Our honorable georgephillip and his drivellaggio non sequitur, of course.
georgephillip, et al,

Several issues here.

More than six decades ago, Rocco, Jews were one-third of all Palestinians owning about seven percent of the land. Today Jews control virtually all the land and water between the River and the sea. What response would you expect from those who've been victimized by Israel's creeping annexation since its "independence" in 1948?

BTW, that bear's currently waking up in Moscow.

The Partition Plan is set the original conditions for the Jewish State and the Arab State (both unnamed at the time). The Partition Plan was not a Jewish contrivance, but rather, a UN recommendation by a special committee (representatives of Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, India, Iran, Netherlands, Peru, Sweden, Uruguay and Yugoslavia) to the General Assembly.

  • The choice the Arabs and Palestinians made to reject both the Plan and participation in the implementation process, as well as, the choice to open hostilities --- set the conditions for the loss of ground control.
  • The Palestinian loss of ground control lead to the loss of resource control; a consequence of failure.

There is no "creeping annexation." The territory bounded by the Armistice Lines that form the West Bank and Gaza Strip are formally recognized as the State of Palestine (SoP) (1988). The Government of Israel (GoI) has not made any attempt to "annex" any portion of this territory, now defined as the State of Palestine.

  • At some point, the GoI will have to relinquish occupation control of the West Bank to SoP; within a framework of peace.
  • Organizational and infrastructural improvements that the GoI makes to Palestinian Territory is to the advantage to the SoP.

The Palestinians have demanded that ALL of the territory formally known as the Mandate for Palestine (less Jordan), belongs to the Arabs. The Jewish Agency (out numbered 2:1 as you pointed out) by the Arab Palestinian, supported additionally by the combined forces of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, attempted by military force to negate the decision of the UN and to deny the right of the Jewish Agency to accept their apportionment under the Partition Plan. The 1948 War of Independence and the two subsequent wars, provoked by the Arab Palestinian, supported additionally by the combined forces of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, have successively failed to take by military aggression (in combination with state sponsored terrorism) what they were denied by the UN.

It is absolutely essential to the discussion to understand the military occupation of territory today was a direct outcome of military intervention by the Arab League (external influences) in direct support and coordination with Hostile Arab Palestinians in there bid to take control of Israel, and all the territory bounded by the former British Mandate for Palestine (less Jordan); as claimed by the Palestine National Charter of 1968.

Most Respectfully,
"...BTW, that bear's currently waking up in Moscow."
If Russia is unable and unwilling to go to war with the United States and The West (NATO, et al) over their long-time client, Syria, then...

They sure-as-hell aren't going to war over pissant, failed, dying Rump-Palestine; what's left of the place, anyway...

There is no Arab Cavalry coming over the hill this time.

There is also no Russian Cavalry coming over the hill this time, either, or anytime in the foreseeable future.

The Palestinians are phukking bat-shit-crazy Neo-Nazis and they are simply not worth the risk and the blood and treasure.

Not to the Russians, anyway.

They know a Loser when they see one.

Don't hold your breath waiting for the Russians.

They aren't coming.
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How did thirty percent of Palestinians receive 55% of the land in 1948 "fair and square"?Zionism never confused liberation and colonization or the role imperialism plays in their occupation of Palestine. Israel as a Jewish state will change or face the same fate as White South Africa did.
How did thirty percent of Palestinians receive 55% of the land in 1948 "fair and square"?
Zionism never confused liberation and colonization or the role imperialism plays in their occupation of Palestine. Israel as a Jewish state will change or face the same fate as White South Africa did.

this is a fact.

the Jews got a much higher percentage of Palestine than their percentage of the population.

of course the Arabs were mad at this.

and they responded with force.

should the Arabs have accepted this travesty of justice? in retrospect? yes.

at the time, they made the right choice.
How did thirty percent of Palestinians receive 55% of the land in 1948 "fair and square"?
Zionism never confused liberation and colonization or the role imperialism plays in their occupation of Palestine. Israel as a Jewish state will change or face the same fate as White South Africa did.

this is a fact.

the Jews got a much higher percentage of Palestine than their percentage of the population.

of course the Arabs were mad at this.

and they responded with force.

should the Arabs have accepted this travesty of justice? in retrospect? yes.

at the time, they made the right choice.
Their Big Mistake was not declaring Independence like the Israelis did, on Day One after the Termination of the British Mandate, and claiming theri own share per the 1947 UN Partition Plan.

But it's a Mistake that can no longer be erased... no do-overs... they've lost their bid to claim the entire river-to-sea land mass... and they're quickly losing what little they still DO have.

Their SECOND mistake was joining their Arab-Muslim brethren from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, in trying to drive the Jews into the Med afterwards...

Their THIRD mistake was pulling their civilians out of Israeli-controlled territory and thereby abandoning their lands, on the false promises of their Arab neighbor countries that all would be won back for them.

Three strikes and you're out.
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