Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

The Israelis will find an excuse to make war on the Palestinians and to kick them all out before that ever happens.

that would lead to another Holocaust.

why do you want six million Jews to die?
We have been over this ground repeatedly.

Six millions Jews would not die.

Three-something million Palestinians would be expelled to go live elsewhere.

Islam does not have the muscle or dedication for the kind of overkill-retaliation you have in mind.

Not gonna happen, even IF the Jews DO decide to expel the Palestinians.

Sugar-plum visions of Global Jihad to the contrary notwithstanding.
We have been over this ground repeatedly.

Six millions Jews would not die.

Three-something million Palestinians would be expelled to go live elsewhere.

Islam does not have the muscle or dedication for the kind of overkill-retaliation you have in mind.

Not gonna happen, even IF the Jews DO decide to expel the Palestinians.

Sugar-plum visions of Global Jihad to the contrary notwithstanding.

try to expel millions of Palestinians, and 6 million Jews will reap the enternal flame.

and people like you will be to blame.
And when the Jews (knowing full-well in advance that the Palestinians hope to out-breed them and eventually out-vote them and to eventually take-over the nation) refuse, which they almost certainly will, within mere days of any such proposal...

What then?

then the Palestinians demand Israeli citizenship.

[ame=]Israel palestine: Is the one state solution the only solution? - YouTube[/ame]

Tinmore, what is your personal opinion. Do you think a one state solution is the only option ?
What do you want to see happen (be detailed please)
We have been over this ground repeatedly.

Six millions Jews would not die.

Three-something million Palestinians would be expelled to go live elsewhere.

Islam does not have the muscle or dedication for the kind of overkill-retaliation you have in mind.

Not gonna happen, even IF the Jews DO decide to expel the Palestinians.

Sugar-plum visions of Global Jihad to the contrary notwithstanding.

try to expel millions of Palestinians, and 6 million Jews will reap the enternal flame.

and people like you will be to blame.

Again, you fail to demonstrate how Islam will wreak vengeance.

Especially when most can't stand the Palestinians themselves.

As evidenced by walling-off those crazies in the West Bank and Gaza and not letting them come across the Jordanian and Egyptian borders.

In the final analysis, the Muslims will make a great noise, blow-up a few buildings and people to satisfy honor, and then forget about the whole thing almost as fast as the rest of the world, which will be emminently happy to see The Crazies (Palestinians) scattered to the four winds, and an end to this farcical pretense of a so-called 'Palestine'...


There is no Arab Cavalry riding over the hill this time, coming to the rescue...

Syria is in tatters...

Egypt is in tatters...

Libya is in tatters...

Iraq is in tatters...

Lebanon is in tatters...

The Jordanians are the only ones left in the neighborhood that are still semi-intact, and they just don't have the muscle...


The Palestinians are on-their-own this time...

And it is not going to end well for them...

Although it IS likely to 'end' in the not-too-distant future...

Not exactly a Position-of-Strength, is is?
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Tinmore, what is your personal opinion. Do you think a one state solution is the only option ?
What do you want to see happen (be detailed please)

Judea-Arabia will be the only realistic solution if peace talks fail.
How did thirty percent of Palestinians receive 55% of the land in 1948 "fair and square"?
Zionism never confused liberation and colonization or the role imperialism plays in their occupation of Palestine. Israel as a Jewish state will change or face the same fate as White South Africa did.

this is a fact.

the Jews got a much higher percentage of Palestine than their percentage of the population.

of course the Arabs were mad at this.

and they responded with force.

should the Arabs have accepted this travesty of justice? in retrospect? yes.

at the time, they made the right choice.
Naturally those like Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy never take into consideration that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia got 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. When the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, in the incident known as Black September, murdered over 10,000 Palestinians who were trying to take over Jordan, Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy probably just yawned. After all, it was just Arabs killing Arabs once again, and the Jews were not involved in this. Come to think of it, Miss Hoffstra does sound like a very young person in all likelihood she wasn't even born at that time to be able to yawn at this.
How did thirty percent of Palestinians receive 55% of the land in 1948 "fair and square"?
Zionism never confused liberation and colonization or the role imperialism plays in their occupation of Palestine. Israel as a Jewish state will change or face the same fate as White South Africa did.

this is a fact.

the Jews got a much higher percentage of Palestine than their percentage of the population.

of course the Arabs were mad at this.

and they responded with force.

should the Arabs have accepted this travesty of justice? in retrospect? yes.

at the time, they made the right choice.
Naturally those like Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy never take into consideration that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia got 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. When the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, in the incident known as Black September, murdered over 10,000 Palestinians who were trying to take over Jordan, Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy probably just yawned. After all, it was just Arabs killing Arabs once again, and the Jews were not involved in this. Come to think of it, Miss Hoffstra does sound like a very young person in all likelihood she wasn't even born at that time to be able to yawn at this.
Hossie's ignorance of why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned, although he clings to ignorance like white clings to rice. In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea. Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Killers like Hossie yawned and chalked up another victory for the "good guys."
this is a fact.

the Jews got a much higher percentage of Palestine than their percentage of the population.

of course the Arabs were mad at this.

and they responded with force.

should the Arabs have accepted this travesty of justice? in retrospect? yes.

at the time, they made the right choice.
Naturally those like Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy never take into consideration that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia got 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. When the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, in the incident known as Black September, murdered over 10,000 Palestinians who were trying to take over Jordan, Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy probably just yawned. After all, it was just Arabs killing Arabs once again, and the Jews were not involved in this. Come to think of it, Miss Hoffstra does sound like a very young person in all likelihood she wasn't even born at that time to be able to yawn at this.
Hossie's ignorance of why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned, although he clings to ignorance like white clings to rice. In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea. Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Killers like Hossie yawned and chalked up another victory for the "good guys."

Why did they REALLY flee George ?? At least the truth
... why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned,
On vacation?
In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea.
There were no palistanians that time, of course.
Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.
Yeah, we all remember "palistanian" businesses, factories, belching smoke, building ships, airplanes. Mattress "bank accounts"? hehe
Naturally those like Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy never take into consideration that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia got 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. When the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, in the incident known as Black September, murdered over 10,000 Palestinians who were trying to take over Jordan, Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy probably just yawned. After all, it was just Arabs killing Arabs once again, and the Jews were not involved in this. Come to think of it, Miss Hoffstra does sound like a very young person in all likelihood she wasn't even born at that time to be able to yawn at this.
Hossie's ignorance of why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned, although he clings to ignorance like white clings to rice. In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea. Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Killers like Hossie yawned and chalked up another victory for the "good guys."

Why did they REALLY flee George ?? At least the truth
There were a variety of reasons that Arabs fled by the hundreds of thousands when 650,000 Jews decided to rule Palestine in 1948. Arabs with money went on vacation, probably expecting to return to their possessions in a few weeks time, at most. Some Arabs fled to open the field of battle for the five Arab armies taking up defensive positions around the 45% of Mandate Palestine that the UN graciously bestowed upon 1.35 million Arab Palestinians. The vast majority of fleeing Arabs, I believe, did so at the point of a Jewish bayonet:

"Zionist forces committed 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns. Author Norman Finkelstein states: 'According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, "in almost every village occupied by us during the War... acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes"...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’”9

"Count Folke Bernadotte, a former official of the Swedish Red Cross who saved thousands of Jews during World War II and was appointed U.N. mediator in Palestine, said of the refugees: 'It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes.'10 Bernadotte was assassinated by a Zionist organization led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.'

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba

What's your response the Bernadotte's indictment of al-Nakba?
... why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned,
On vacation?
In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea.
There were no palistanians that time, of course.
Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.
Yeah, we all remember "palistanian" businesses, factories, belching smoke, building ships, airplanes. Mattress "bank accounts"? hehe
Did you get your share?
this is a fact.

the Jews got a much higher percentage of Palestine than their percentage of the population.

of course the Arabs were mad at this.

and they responded with force.

should the Arabs have accepted this travesty of justice? in retrospect? yes.

at the time, they made the right choice.
Naturally those like Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy never take into consideration that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia got 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. When the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, in the incident known as Black September, murdered over 10,000 Palestinians who were trying to take over Jordan, Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy probably just yawned. After all, it was just Arabs killing Arabs once again, and the Jews were not involved in this. Come to think of it, Miss Hoffstra does sound like a very young person in all likelihood she wasn't even born at that time to be able to yawn at this.
Hossie's ignorance of why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned, although he clings to ignorance like white clings to rice. In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea. Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Killers like Hossie yawned and chalked up another victory for the "good guys."
Could you give your "650,000 thousand Jews blah, blah, blah" shtick a rest Georgie Boy? You must have brought this up over by now thousands of times in your posts. Meanwhile, it appears that you have no problem that the Hashemites were given 78 percent of the mandate, and you are probably comatose to the fact that this 78 percent was not unpopulated at the time but contained many Arabs. By the way, Georgie Boy, I am not Jewish as you seem to think, but I think many viewers are aware that Black guys like you have it in for the Jews because you feel the Jews are responsible for the situation in which you now find yourself. As the viewers can see, Georgie Boy, never concerns himself with what is happening to his people in Africa even though a forum is available for this. It is always Jews, Jews, Jews with him.
Funny how people complain about the Jews getting offered a little over 50% of the land when in fact the Arabs got THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and the territory did not belong to the Palestinians, they just owned land and loved there. Remember, it was the British who captured the land over the Ottoman empire, not the Palestinian Arabs .
Funny how people complain about the Jews getting offered a little over 50% of the land when in fact the Arabs got THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and the territory did not belong to the Palestinians, they just owned land and loved there. Remember, it was the British who captured the land over the Ottoman empire, not the Palestinian Arabs .

the Jews got 60% of Palestine...even though they didn't even make up 40% of the population.

this was a massive injustice.

if you were an Arab, you too would been pissed and called for war.
Funny how people complain about the Jews getting offered a little over 50% of the land when in fact the Arabs got THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and the territory did not belong to the Palestinians, they just owned land and loved there. Remember, it was the British who captured the land over the Ottoman empire, not the Palestinian Arabs .

the Jews got 60% of Palestine...even though they didn't even make up 40% of the population.

this was a massive injustice.

if you were an Arab, you too would been pissed and called for war.
I would say that the Hashemites of Saudi Arabia are Arabs too, and they received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The remaining 22 percent was to be divided in half -- one half to the Jews and one half to the Arabs. The Jews accepted and the Arabs refused. Of course everyone remembers how Arafat and his gang tried to take over Jordan which resulted in Black September. Maybe Miss Hoffstra, when she is not too busy attending classes at Hofstra University on Long Island, can convince the present King of Jordan to give the "Palestinians" some of the land of Jordan.
Funny how people complain about the Jews getting offered a little over 50% of the land when in fact the Arabs got THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and the territory did not belong to the Palestinians, they just owned land and loved there. Remember, it was the British who captured the land over the Ottoman empire, not the Palestinian Arabs .

the Jews got 60% of Palestine...even though they didn't even make up 40% of the population.

this was a massive injustice.

if you were an Arab, you too would been pissed and called for war.

The Jews were originally offered way more than that.

And once again, you justify Palestinian/Arab violence. Starting a war was a big mistake on their part. Specially because they, you know, lost AND didn't gain a country
I would say that the Hashemites of Saudi Arabia are Arabs too, and they received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The remaining 22 percent was to be divided in half -- one half to the Jews and one half to the Arabs....

only in a retarded world of Zionist math, does 60/40 equal one half for each side.
I would say that the Hashemites of Saudi Arabia are Arabs too, and they received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The remaining 22 percent was to be divided in half -- one half to the Jews and one half to the Arabs....

only in a retarded world of Zionist math, does 60/40 equal one half for each side.

That looks more like Irish math..... ;)

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