Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

I would say that the Hashemites of Saudi Arabia are Arabs too, and they received 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. The remaining 22 percent was to be divided in half -- one half to the Jews and one half to the Arabs....

only in a retarded world of Zionist math, does 60/40 equal one half for each side.
Hmm, 89 percent to the Arabs and only 11 percent of the Palestine Mandate to the Jews. Originally the Jews were supposed to get more, but they were satisfied with the 11 percent, and that 11 percent gave the Arabs in the Middle East a fit. Better take remedial math at Hoffstra University on Long Island. I am surprised that you weren't required to take it in your Freshman Year.
... why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned,
On vacation?There were no palistanians that time, of course.
Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.
Yeah, we all remember "palistanian" businesses, factories, belching smoke, building ships, airplanes. Mattress "bank accounts"? hehe
Did you get your share?
Is our honorable georgephillip sharing?
Naturally those like Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy never take into consideration that the Hashemites from Saudi Arabia got 78 percent of the Palestine Mandate. When the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, in the incident known as Black September, murdered over 10,000 Palestinians who were trying to take over Jordan, Miss Hoffstra and Georgie Boy probably just yawned. After all, it was just Arabs killing Arabs once again, and the Jews were not involved in this. Come to think of it, Miss Hoffstra does sound like a very young person in all likelihood she wasn't even born at that time to be able to yawn at this.
Hossie's ignorance of why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned, although he clings to ignorance like white clings to rice. In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea. Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Killers like Hossie yawned and chalked up another victory for the "good guys."
Could you give your "650,000 thousand Jews blah, blah, blah" shtick a rest Georgie Boy? You must have brought this up over by now thousands of times in your posts. Meanwhile, it appears that you have no problem that the Hashemites were given 78 percent of the mandate, and you are probably comatose to the fact that this 78 percent was not unpopulated at the time but contained many Arabs. By the way, Georgie Boy, I am not Jewish as you seem to think, but I think many viewers are aware that Black guys like you have it in for the Jews because you feel the Jews are responsible for the situation in which you now find yourself. As the viewers can see, Georgie Boy, never concerns himself with what is happening to his people in Africa even though a forum is available for this. It is always Jews, Jews, Jews with him.
Here's a couple of news flashes, Bigot:
I'm not Black (or Jew)
And "your people" caused Black September:

"The fighting between the Arab states and Israel was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"At the time, the population east of the Jordan River contained over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who made up one-third of the population of the Kingdom; another third of the population was Palestinians on the West Bank.

"Only one third of the population consisted of the original inhabitants of Trans-Jordan, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority.

"This proved to be a mercurial element in internal Jordanian politics and played a critical role in the political opposition.

"Since the 1950s, the West Bank had become the center of the national and territorial aspects of the Palestinian problem that was the key issue of Jordan's domestic and foreign policy. According to King Hussein, the Palestinian problem spelled 'life or death' for Jordan and would remain the country's overriding national security issue.[7]"

Those 400,000 Palestinians would not have been in Jordan in 1949 if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon Palestine.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hossie's ignorance of why there were thousands of Palestinians in Jordan in 1971 probably should be questioned, although he clings to ignorance like white clings to rice. In 1948 Mandate Palestine 650,000 Jews inflicted a Jewish state upon twice as many Palestinians living between the River and the sea. Thousands of Palestinians fled to Jordan so that heroic Jews (like Hossie) could take possession of their homes, businesses, and bank accounts. Killers like Hossie yawned and chalked up another victory for the "good guys."
Could you give your "650,000 thousand Jews blah, blah, blah" shtick a rest Georgie Boy? You must have brought this up over by now thousands of times in your posts. Meanwhile, it appears that you have no problem that the Hashemites were given 78 percent of the mandate, and you are probably comatose to the fact that this 78 percent was not unpopulated at the time but contained many Arabs. By the way, Georgie Boy, I am not Jewish as you seem to think, but I think many viewers are aware that Black guys like you have it in for the Jews because you feel the Jews are responsible for the situation in which you now find yourself. As the viewers can see, Georgie Boy, never concerns himself with what is happening to his people in Africa even though a forum is available for this. It is always Jews, Jews, Jews with him.
Here's a couple of news flashes, Bigot:
I'm not Black (or Jew)
And "your people" caused Black September:

"The fighting between the Arab states and Israel was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"At the time, the population east of the Jordan River contained over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who made up one-third of the population of the Kingdom; another third of the population was Palestinians on the West Bank.

"Only one third of the population consisted of the original inhabitants of Trans-Jordan, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority.

"This proved to be a mercurial element in internal Jordanian politics and played a critical role in the political opposition.

"Since the 1950s, the West Bank had become the center of the national and territorial aspects of the Palestinian problem that was the key issue of Jordan's domestic and foreign policy. According to King Hussein, the Palestinian problem spelled 'life or death' for Jordan and would remain the country's overriding national security issue.[7]"

Those 400,000 Palestinians would not have been in Jordan in 1949 if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon Palestine.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, 'us people' caused everything , right?
Sounds like more typical 'blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos'
Yes, 'us people' caused everything , right?
Sounds like more typical 'blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos'

you saying Jews had nothing to do with 800,000 Arabs being exiled from Palestine?

Not all of them. Or even close to all of them. The ones that were expelled were because Israel was winning, and eventually won the civil war in 47-48 AND the 1948 Arab Israeli war. Had the Palestinians won, do you think there would be one single Jew living there ?
The Palestinian Arabs are just butt hurt that they lost.

What was the lesson learned?? Don't fuck with the Jews !! ;)

Obviously the Palestinians never learned that lesson, as seen by the first and second intifada
Not all of them. Or even close to all of them. The ones that were expelled were because Israel was winning, and eventually won the civil war. Had the Palestinians won, do you think there would be one single Jew living there ?
The Palestinian Arabs are just butt hurt that they lost.

What was the lesson learned?? Don't fuck with the Jews !! ;)

Obviously the Palestinians never learned that lesson, as seen by the first and second intifada

If it was not for the Intifada, there would NEVER have been a peace process, and Israelis offering Palestine 95% of the West Bank.

The Intifada fatigued Israel into accepting that they cannot rule the Palestinians without getting hurt...badly.

Israel will always win a full-scale conventional war.

But they will ALWAYS lose a war of attrition.

ZioNazis like you know this to be true. ;)
Not all of them. Or even close to all of them. The ones that were expelled were because Israel was winning, and eventually won the civil war. Had the Palestinians won, do you think there would be one single Jew living there ?
The Palestinian Arabs are just butt hurt that they lost.

What was the lesson learned?? Don't fuck with the Jews !! ;)

Obviously the Palestinians never learned that lesson, as seen by the first and second intifada

If it was not for the Intifada, there would NEVER have been a peace process, and Israelis offering Palestine 95% of the West Bank.

The Intifada fatigued Israel into accepting that they cannot rule the Palestinians without getting hurt...badly.

Israel will always win a full-scale conventional war.

But they will ALWAYS lose a war of attrition.

ZioNazis like you know this to be true. ;)

and this post confirms what I have always been saying about the anti - Zionists here: You guys are living in a delusional world !

And how nice of you to justify the intifada, where hundreds of Israelis were blown to pieces. You are a sick puppy :cuckoo:
Not all of them. Or even close to all of them. The ones that were expelled were because Israel was winning, and eventually won the civil war. Had the Palestinians won, do you think there would be one single Jew living there ?
The Palestinian Arabs are just butt hurt that they lost.

What was the lesson learned?? Don't fuck with the Jews !! ;)

Obviously the Palestinians never learned that lesson, as seen by the first and second intifada

If it was not for the Intifada, there would NEVER have been a peace process, and Israelis offering Palestine 95% of the West Bank.

The Intifada fatigued Israel into accepting that they cannot rule the Palestinians without getting hurt...badly.

Israel will always win a full-scale conventional war.

But they will ALWAYS lose a war of attrition.

ZioNazis like you know this to be true. ;)

The Palestinians will not win and have not won anything. Every time they have attacked Israel, they got a spanking ten times as hard. So please, get out of this warped world you are in, and join the rest of us in reality.
and this post confirms what I have always been saying about the anti - Zionists here: You guys are living in a delusional world !

And how nice of you to justify the intifada, where hundreds of Israelis were blown to pieces. You are a sick puppy :cuckoo:

I will condemn the Intifada when you comdemn the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948 and 1967, the use of white phosphorous in civilian Gaza areas by Israel, and the Israeli theft of Palestinian private property.
The Palestinians will not win and have not won anything. Every time they have attacked Israel, they got a spanking ten times as hard. So please, get out of this warped world you are in, and join the rest of us in reality.

The Intifada brought Israel to its knees, Israeli mothers into tears, and Israel to the negotiating table.

See what a few rocks can do?

Then Israel built a wall , and Hamas were not and are still not unable to send in bombers. So the best they can do is launch a few rockets that rarely even reach any cities hahahaha.
Sucks for them !

You see Hoffy boy, any time that the Palestinians throw something at Israel, Israel will always find a way to deter it.
Then Israel built a wall , and Hamas were not and are still not unable to send in bombers. So the best they can do is launch a few rockets that rarely even reach any cities hahahaha.
Sucks for them !

You see Hoffy boy, any time that the Palestinians throw something at Israel, Israel will always find a way to deter it.

The East German Communists built a massive wall.

Now the Israeli Fascists have built a massive wall.

misery loves company huh?
Then Israel built a wall , and Hamas were not and are still not unable to send in bombers. So the best they can do is launch a few rockets that rarely even reach any cities hahahaha.
Sucks for them !

You see Hoffy boy, any time that the Palestinians throw something at Israel, Israel will always find a way to deter it.

The East German Communists built a massive wall.

Now the Israeli Fascists have built a massive wall.

misery loves company huh?
The difference being that...

East Germany built a wall to keep her own people IN...

Whereas Israel built a wall to keep the Barbarians OUT...

Big honkin' difference...

False analogy...
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The difference being that...

East Germany built a wall to keep her own people IN...

Whereas Israel built a wall to keep the Barbarians OUT...

Big honkin' difference...

False analogy...[/SIZE]

so why do the Izraelis keep taking more land outside the wall?
The difference being that...

East Germany built a wall to keep her own people IN...

Whereas Israel built a wall to keep the Barbarians OUT...

Big honkin' difference...

False analogy...[/SIZE]

so why do the Izraelis keep taking more land outside the wall?

Because they keep moving the goal-posts...

Because that is how they win...

As one can tell from the Palestinians own shrinking-land propaganda maps...

Just because you build a wall doesn't mean that you can't sortie over that wall, grab more land, then re-build the wall along the perimeter of the newly-acquired patch(es)...

Such building and sorties and expansion are not mutually exclusive...

Bit by bit...

Until, eventually, you have it all...

A blind man could have seen this coming as early as the 1970s...
Because they keep moving the goal-posts...

Because that is how they win...

As one can tell from the Palestinians own shrinking-land propaganda maps...

Just because you build a wall doesn't mean that you can't sortie over that wall, grab more land, then re-build the wall along the perimeter of the newly-acquired patch(es)...

Such building and sorties and expansion are not mutually exclusive...

Bit by bit...

Until, eventually, you have it all...

A blind man could have seen this coming as early as the 1970s...

so you support the one-state solution?

good to hear.
Because they keep moving the goal-posts...

Because that is how they win...

As one can tell from the Palestinians own shrinking-land propaganda maps...

Just because you build a wall doesn't mean that you can't sortie over that wall, grab more land, then re-build the wall along the perimeter of the newly-acquired patch(es)...

Such building and sorties and expansion are not mutually exclusive...

Bit by bit...

Until, eventually, you have it all...

A blind man could have seen this coming as early as the 1970s...

so you support the one-state solution?

good to hear.

The Jewish Homeland, Greater Israel (Eretz Yisrael), from River to Sea.

With the Arabs living someplace else.

The Jewish Homeland, Greater Israel (Eretz Yisrael), from River to Sea.

With the Arabs living someplace else.

attempting to do that will lead to another Holocaust.

why do you want 6 million more Jews to die?

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