Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

Then Israel built a wall , and Hamas were not and are still not unable to send in bombers. So the best they can do is launch a few rockets that rarely even reach any cities hahahaha.
Sucks for them !

You see Hoffy boy, any time that the Palestinians throw something at Israel, Israel will always find a way to deter it.

The East German Communists built a massive wall.

Now the Israeli Fascists have built a massive wall.

misery loves company huh?

What a terrible comparison. This is just further proof that you know little to nothing about what we are discussing.

Lets review this again. Palestinians continuously sent in suicide bombers from the West Bank to kill Israelis. Scored of suicide bombers. So Israel built a well and added checkpoints to keep the suicidal Islamist scumbags out. Guess what, it worked. Like a charm. But of course, since this made it practically impossible for Hamas to carry on with their suicide missions, them and their supporters call it an Apartheid Wall :lol:
Which btw I saw coming the same day I heard about the construction of the wall.
Oh wait, maybe you're one of those Arab propaganda whores that believes the suicide bombings stopped because Hamas decided to stop them :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then Israel built a wall , and Hamas were not and are still not unable to send in bombers. So the best they can do is launch a few rockets that rarely even reach any cities hahahaha.
Sucks for them !

You see Hoffy boy, any time that the Palestinians throw something at Israel, Israel will always find a way to deter it.

The East German Communists built a massive wall.

Now the Israeli Fascists have built a massive wall.

misery loves company huh?
Of course, the East Germans built a Wall. Don't you think the inhabitants behind the Wall wanted to escape the Communists, and a way to keep them in was the Wall. However, the leaders in East Germany weren't worried about those wanting to escape planning to become suicide bombers. Didn't they teach you this in your history class at Hoffstra University? I am sure the viewers have picked up on the fact that Miss Hoffstra never mentions what her Islamofascist friends have done and are still doing. I am willing to bet that Miss Hoffstra would have been great helping those escaped Nazis from Germany who went to the Middle East to help the Islamofascists write their propaganda.
Could you give your "650,000 thousand Jews blah, blah, blah" shtick a rest Georgie Boy? You must have brought this up over by now thousands of times in your posts. Meanwhile, it appears that you have no problem that the Hashemites were given 78 percent of the mandate, and you are probably comatose to the fact that this 78 percent was not unpopulated at the time but contained many Arabs. By the way, Georgie Boy, I am not Jewish as you seem to think, but I think many viewers are aware that Black guys like you have it in for the Jews because you feel the Jews are responsible for the situation in which you now find yourself. As the viewers can see, Georgie Boy, never concerns himself with what is happening to his people in Africa even though a forum is available for this. It is always Jews, Jews, Jews with him.
Here's a couple of news flashes, Bigot:
I'm not Black (or Jew)
And "your people" caused Black September:

"The fighting between the Arab states and Israel was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"At the time, the population east of the Jordan River contained over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who made up one-third of the population of the Kingdom; another third of the population was Palestinians on the West Bank.

"Only one third of the population consisted of the original inhabitants of Trans-Jordan, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority.

"This proved to be a mercurial element in internal Jordanian politics and played a critical role in the political opposition.

"Since the 1950s, the West Bank had become the center of the national and territorial aspects of the Palestinian problem that was the key issue of Jordan's domestic and foreign policy. According to King Hussein, the Palestinian problem spelled 'life or death' for Jordan and would remain the country's overriding national security issue.[7]"

Those 400,000 Palestinians would not have been in Jordan in 1949 if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon Palestine.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, 'us people' caused everything , right?
Sounds like more typical 'blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos'
When one-third of all Mandate Palestinians created an ethnocracy at the expense of two-thirds of the total population in 1949, 700,000 Arabs were displaced from their homes. This occurred by UN Decree not by any form of self-determination on the part of all Palestinians. Such self-determination would have required a vote whereby the first governing body of Israel/Palestine would have represented the interests of Jew and and Arab proportionally, producing a Semitic Federation that would have had shared interests and ambitions with its neighbors instead of the "divide and conquer" mentality of western imperialists.
It doesn't matter anymore.

What DOES matter is that 'possession is nine-tenths of the law'.

If you want Palestine back then you must TAKE it back.

Come and get it.

If you CAN.

If you DARE.

It's a good guess that the Israelis would just LOVE to see you try.

It would be the perfect excuse to complete the job of land-aquisition and consolidation.

To send the last of 'you' packing to go live someplace else.

All this arguing about old and obsolete legal standings and population demographics is absolutely pointless.

We did this in the 1910s.

You did that in the 1920s.

We did this in the 1930s.

You did that in the 1940s.

Blah... blah... blah... blah...

Endless... fucking... blah...


It doesn't MATTER anymore...

What DOES matter is that the Jews now have the land...

And you're not ever... EVER... gonna get it back...

They have won...

You have lost...

They will not rest until they have restored Eretz Yisrael in its entirety, from River to Sea...

You cannot stop them...

They are most of the way to that goal already...

Getting closer every year...

And, to make matters even worse for you (as if that were possible)...

Your Arab neighbor-countries (your old and mostly-useless allies) are a mess now...

There will be no Arab cavalry coming over the hill this time to rescue you...

After 65 years (!!!) of sitting in those shit-hole refugee camps and flea-bitten towns...

Time to wake up and smell the fucking coffee...

Time to pack up your families and move to greener pastures, in Jordan or Lebanon or any other place where you can make new lives for yourselves and be happy and live normally and in peace...

Because where you are now, you and your children and grandchildren have zero chance of being happy...

The flea-bitten scraps of land that you're still hanging onto by the skin of your teeth are simply NOT WORTH THE GRIEF... regardless of how much blood has been stupidly squandered and wasted on the effort so far...

Time to face reality and cut your losses...

Time to make an end...

Time to turn off the lights and walk away...

Time to go...
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The Jewish Homeland, Greater Israel (Eretz Yisrael), from River to Sea.

With the Arabs living someplace else.

attempting to do that will lead to another Holocaust.

why do you want 6 million more Jews to die?
Brave talk.

There is no power nor combination of powers that you can bring to bear to accomplish that.

Especially with Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Libya all having become train-wrecks; in a shambles and unable to effectively make war against their neighbors...

Hell, the Arabs themselves fence-off the Crazies in Gaza and the West Bank, from their own sides of the borders, and they, too, will be secretly glad to see an end to Palestinian madness.

And there is no Global War-Making Ummah that is going to magically materialize and then mobilize to wage Final Jihad against the Israelis and Jews, either...

That's nothing more than a juvenile fantasy...

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill again.

Those days are over.

Brave talk.

Empty talk.
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Here's a couple of news flashes, Bigot:
I'm not Black (or Jew)
And "your people" caused Black September:

"The fighting between the Arab states and Israel was halted with the UN-mediated 1949 Armistice Agreements, but the remaining Palestinian territories came under the control of Egypt and Transjordan.

"In 1949, Transjordan officially changed its name to Jordan; in 1950, it annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, and brought Palestinian representation into the government.

"At the time, the population east of the Jordan River contained over 400,000 Palestinian refugees who made up one-third of the population of the Kingdom; another third of the population was Palestinians on the West Bank.

"Only one third of the population consisted of the original inhabitants of Trans-Jordan, which meant that the Jordanians had become a ruling minority over a Palestinian majority.

"This proved to be a mercurial element in internal Jordanian politics and played a critical role in the political opposition.

"Since the 1950s, the West Bank had become the center of the national and territorial aspects of the Palestinian problem that was the key issue of Jordan's domestic and foreign policy. According to King Hussein, the Palestinian problem spelled 'life or death' for Jordan and would remain the country's overriding national security issue.[7]"

Those 400,000 Palestinians would not have been in Jordan in 1949 if 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon Palestine.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, 'us people' caused everything , right?
Sounds like more typical 'blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos'
When one-third of all Mandate Palestinians created an ethnocracy at the expense of two-thirds of the total population in 1949, 700,000 Arabs were displaced from their homes. This occurred by UN Decree not by any form of self-determination on the part of all Palestinians. Such self-determination would have required a vote whereby the first governing body of Israel/Palestine would have represented the interests of Jew and and Arab proportionally, producing a Semitic Federation that would have had shared interests and ambitions with its neighbors instead of the "divide and conquer" mentality of western imperialists.

How many of those Arabs were told to leave by the surrounding Arab nations because they would have a quick and swift victory over Israel and would be able to return to their homes shortly ?
Yes, 'us people' caused everything , right?
Sounds like more typical 'blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos'
When one-third of all Mandate Palestinians created an ethnocracy at the expense of two-thirds of the total population in 1949, 700,000 Arabs were displaced from their homes. This occurred by UN Decree not by any form of self-determination on the part of all Palestinians. Such self-determination would have required a vote whereby the first governing body of Israel/Palestine would have represented the interests of Jew and and Arab proportionally, producing a Semitic Federation that would have had shared interests and ambitions with its neighbors instead of the "divide and conquer" mentality of western imperialists.

How many of those Arabs were told to leave by the surrounding Arab nations because they would have a quick and swift victory over Israel and would be able to return to their homes shortly ?
I'm not sure.
Tens of thousands, at least.
Why do you think it matters?
Some greeeedy Joooooooos had made it clear for fifty years they were planning to claim all the land between the River and the sea. After the British decapitated Arab leadership in Palestine during the revolt between 1936-39, Jewish terror won out over Arab resistance. Unfortunately, some Jews miscalculated and waited until 1967 to take all the land in their second war of aggression. By that time international law had put an end to the slave-based morality of might makes right. Maybe you'll get to keep a few blocks of Jerusalem for old time's sake?
Some greeeedy Joooooooos had made it clear for fifty years they were planning to claim all the land between the River and the sea. After the British decapitated Arab leadership in Palestine during the revolt between 1936-39, Jewish terror won out over Arab resistance. Unfortunately, some Jews miscalculated and waited until 1967 to take all the land in their second war of aggression. By that time international law had put an end to the slave-based morality of might makes right. Maybe you'll get to keep a few blocks of Jerusalem for old time's sake?
Drunk drivel.
When one-third of all Mandate Palestinians created an ethnocracy at the expense of two-thirds of the total population in 1949, 700,000 Arabs were displaced from their homes. This occurred by UN Decree not by any form of self-determination on the part of all Palestinians. Such self-determination would have required a vote whereby the first governing body of Israel/Palestine would have represented the interests of Jew and and Arab proportionally, producing a Semitic Federation that would have had shared interests and ambitions with its neighbors instead of the "divide and conquer" mentality of western imperialists.

How many of those Arabs were told to leave by the surrounding Arab nations because they would have a quick and swift victory over Israel and would be able to return to their homes shortly ?
I'm not sure.
Tens of thousands, at least.
Why do you think it matters?
Some greeeedy Joooooooos had made it clear for fifty years they were planning to claim all the land between the River and the sea. After the British decapitated Arab leadership in Palestine during the revolt between 1936-39, Jewish terror won out over Arab resistance. Unfortunately, some Jews miscalculated and waited until 1967 to take all the land in their second war of aggression. By that time international law had put an end to the slave-based morality of might makes right. Maybe you'll get to keep a few blocks of Jerusalem for old time's sake?

My goodness I have never seen a period of history distorted so much!
I told you to stop reading your history from the Hamas History Book , didn't I?
Some greeeedy Joooooooos had made it clear for fifty years they were planning to claim all the land between the River and the sea. After the British decapitated Arab leadership in Palestine during the revolt between 1936-39, Jewish terror won out over Arab resistance. Unfortunately, some Jews miscalculated and waited until 1967 to take all the land in their second war of aggression. By that time international law had put an end to the slave-based morality of might makes right. Maybe you'll get to keep a few blocks of Jerusalem for old time's sake?
Drunk drivel.

More like 'getting paid to spread Palestinian propaganda lies' drivel
Yes, 'us people' caused everything , right?
Sounds like more typical 'blame the Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos'
When one-third of all Mandate Palestinians created an ethnocracy at the expense of two-thirds of the total population in 1949, 700,000 Arabs were displaced from their homes. This occurred by UN Decree not by any form of self-determination on the part of all Palestinians. Such self-determination would have required a vote whereby the first governing body of Israel/Palestine would have represented the interests of Jew and and Arab proportionally, producing a Semitic Federation that would have had shared interests and ambitions with its neighbors instead of the "divide and conquer" mentality of western imperialists.

How many of those Arabs were told to leave by the surrounding Arab nations because they would have a quick and swift victory over Israel and would be able to return to their homes shortly ?

A few percent.
There were Arab-Muslim refugees from the 1948 Israeli War of Independence who were suckered into abandoning their homes by the over-promising/under-delivering Arab Attacker-Nations of 1948, with the promise of a quick victory over the Jews, and a 'Palestine' from River to Sea.

There were Arab-Muslim refugees from the 1948 Israeli War of Independence who were driven out of their homes by the Jewish Militias who later coalesced to form a single Army...

There were two kinds of Palestinian Refugees...

1. Voluntary Refugees...

2. Involuntary Refugees...

I wonder if there is a reliable and objective barometer for telling us how many of each...

One that both sides could believe or be obliged to accept...

I doubt it, but, like anyone else, I could be wrong...
"...By that time international law had put an end to... might makes right..."

When one-third of all Mandate Palestinians created an ethnocracy at the expense of two-thirds of the total population in 1949, 700,000 Arabs were displaced from their homes. This occurred by UN Decree not by any form of self-determination on the part of all Palestinians. Such self-determination would have required a vote whereby the first governing body of Israel/Palestine would have represented the interests of Jew and and Arab proportionally, producing a Semitic Federation that would have had shared interests and ambitions with its neighbors instead of the "divide and conquer" mentality of western imperialists.

How many of those Arabs were told to leave by the surrounding Arab nations because they would have a quick and swift victory over Israel and would be able to return to their homes shortly ?

A few percent.

Link ?
How many of those Arabs were told to leave by the surrounding Arab nations because they would have a quick and swift victory over Israel and would be able to return to their homes shortly ?

A few percent.

Link ?

Decisive causes of abandonment of Palestinian villages and towns according to Benny Morris Decisive causes of abandonment Occurrences[138]
military assault on settlement 215
influence of nearby town's fall 59
expulsion by Jewish forces 53
fear (of being caught up in fighting) 48
whispering campaigns 15
abandonment on Arab orders 6
unknown 44

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've read that article several times Tinmore. Unfortunately, there is no OFFICIAL stat that tells is exactly or even close to how many fled and how many were expelled.
I've read that article several times Tinmore. Unfortunately, there is no OFFICIAL stat that tells is exactly or even close to how many fled and how many were expelled.

Then why did you imply that they left at the advise of Arab leaders?

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