Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

Seems about right. Why ?
How about this?

"In short, Zionism was based on a faulty, colonialist world view that the rights of the indigenous inhabitants didn’t matter. The Arabs’ opposition to Zionism wasn’t based on anti-Semitism but rather on a totally reasonable fear of the dispossession of their people."

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Absolute garbage. The definition of Zionism that some of you people come up is such crap. You are basing the definition of azionism on how you think the State of Israel came to be instead of using the actual definition .
ZIONISM is a rightceous movement that was meant for dealing with the Jewish question, and that was growing anti semitism
Political Zionism was well aware Palestine was not a "land without a People" when the righteous movement you mention began to funnel Jewish victims of European racism to the Promised Land in the late 19th Century. Many indigenous Jews of Palestine were just as alarmed at the influx as their Arab neighbors. It was clear to anyone who could read that Political Zionists were allying themselves with England, and what the ultimate goals of European colonization would be. We are looking at the results in Syria right now.
How about this?

"In short, Zionism was based on a faulty, colonialist world view that the rights of the indigenous inhabitants didn’t matter. The Arabs’ opposition to Zionism wasn’t based on anti-Semitism but rather on a totally reasonable fear of the dispossession of their people."

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Those fears have been realized.

There is no recourse.

After 65 years, it's time to face reality.

After 65 years, it's time to pack-up, turn off the lights, walk out the door, and find someplace else to live.
The Jews will be much happier in Cyprus or Kenya.
Remind Bibi about those lights.
Taking another metaphorical boat trip down De-Nial today?

It's been 65 years... and every year, the Jews take-over more and more of Eretz Yisrael; re-acquiring and consolidating more of their old kingdom.

And every year, what little is left of Rump-Palestine continues to shrink, with what's left of the Arab-Palestinians squeezed onto smaller and smaller patches of land.

If you still think the Palestinians have any snowball's-chance-in-Hell of making this come-out their way, you are delusional, as well as living in a state of denial.

It's over.

You've been squatting in those shit-holes for 65 years.

Time to grow up, stop playing the victim, face reality, and move yourselves and your families someplace else, where they can build new and much happier lives.

The Jews have won.

You have lost.

Go away.

Before they kick your nasty asses out by force.
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georgephillip; et al,

Yes, I understand what "apartheid" is, but I don't think you do.

Article 7 - Crimes Against Humanity said:
(h) "The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

SOURCE: Rome Statues - International Criminal Code

TOPIC: Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

How is this all fitting together with the topic?

Rocco, please.
Stop trolling!

"The question is not 'Is Israel the same as South Africa?'
It is "do Israel's actions meet the international definition of what apartheid is?"

Apartheid is the political segregation, for social reasons, of the white population from the non-white majority in South Africa.

The thread question suggest that there is political segregation, for social reasons, of the Arab population from the non-Arab majority in Israel.


Not once has a specific case of "Apartheid" has yet to be raised, even if we dispense with the "race" issue.

Give a specific example.

Most Respectfully,
Starting with Citizenship v Nationality:

"Israel's Apartheid Laws

"1. Identity and Citizenship

"Law of Return (1950)Grants right of immigration to Jews born anywhere in the world. Amended in 1970 to extend this right to 'a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew.' A 'Jew' is defined as 'a person who was born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to Judaism and who is not a member of another religion.'”

"Non-Jewish native-born Palestinians – most importantly those who fled during the Zionist massacres in 1947 and 1948 – are in most cases prevented from returning.

"Nationality (/Citizenship) Law (1952)Confers automatic citizenship upon all who immigrate under the Law of Return. Non-Jews – including native-born Palestinians – must prove residency and pass other tests; citizenship is granted at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior.

"Under the new interim policy for 'family unification' passed by the Israeli Cabinet in 2002, and made part of the Nationality and Entry into Israel Law by the Knesset in 2003, a discriminatory system has been put in place preventing applications for residency or citizenship from Palestinian spouses of Israeli citizens.

"Population Registry Law (1965)Requires all residents of Israel to register their nationality – Jewish, Arab, Druze – with the Population Registry and to obtain an identity card carrying this information.

"Identity Card (Possession and Presentation) Law (1982)Residents must carry identity cards at all times and present them to 'senior police officers, to the heads of local authorities, or to police officers or soldiers on duty when requested to do so.'”

Israel's Apartheid Laws

If, as you allege, Israel does not practice apartheid, why is it Jews from all around the globe qualify as citizens and nationals of Israel while Arabs who have lived in Palestine for generation qualify as citizens only?

Those fears have been realized.

There is no recourse.

After 65 years, it's time to face reality.

After 65 years, it's time to pack-up, turn off the lights, walk out the door, and find someplace else to live.
The Jews will be much happier in Cyprus or Kenya.
Remind Bibi about those lights.
Taking another metaphorical boat trip down De-Nial today?

It's been 65 years... and every year, the Jews take-over more and more of Eretz Yisrael; re-acquiring and consolidating more of their old kingdom.

And every year, what little is left of Rump-Palestine continues to shrink, with what's left of the Arab-Palestinians squeezed onto smaller and smaller patches of land.

If you still think the Palestinians have any snowball's-chance-in-Hell of making this come-out their way, you are delusional, as well as living in a state of denial.

It's over.

You've been squatting in those shit-holes for 65 years.

Time to grow up, stop playing the victim, face reality, and move yourselves and your families someplace else, where they can build new and much happier lives.

The Jews have won.

You have lost.

Go away.

Before they kick your nasty asses out by force.
You're way too funny.
Maybe you've been squatting under too many British guns lately?

"'Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French...What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct...If they [the Jews] must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun.

"'A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the goodwill of the Arabs... As it is, they are co-sharers with the British in despoiling a people who have done no wrong to them. I am not defending the Arab excesses.

"'I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regard as an unacceptable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds.' Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in 'A Land of Two Peoples' ed. Mendes-Flohr."

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
"Israel's Apartheid Laws "1. Identity and Citizenship ...
About CEIA-SC We are a diverse group of Anti-Zionist Southern California activists who have come together to further peace through justice in the Middle East. To that end, we have joined a Palestine-initiated campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, similar to those applied to South Africa during the apartheid era, in order to bring an end to Israel's immoral and oppressive policies towards Palestinians both within Israel and throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Do those arseholes purport to be taken seriously?
...The Jews have won.

You have lost.

Go away.

Before they kick your nasty asses out by force.[/SIZE]

so after the Nazis invaded and defeated the Polish, the Poles & Allies should have just accepted this as the end of the story?

and by the way, if the Israelis try to force our millions of Arabs, they will be responsible for causing another Holocaust of millions of Jews.

why do YOU want millions of Jews to die?
[ame=]Israeli Apartheid Week held in 215 cities throughout the world - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Palestinian Wall of Lies - YouTube[/ame]

They "forgot" to mention all of the Christians, Jews, and others who support Palestine.

Dare I ask what Palestine is. Or are you going to play the dumb card again and get us all running around like we usually do explaining history to you?
"Israel's Apartheid Laws "1. Identity and Citizenship ...
About CEIA-SC We are a diverse group of Anti-Zionist Southern California activists who have come together to further peace through justice in the Middle East. To that end, we have joined a Palestine-initiated campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, similar to those applied to South Africa during the apartheid era, in order to bring an end to Israel's immoral and oppressive policies towards Palestinians both within Israel and throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Do those arseholes purport to be taken seriously?
Do you?
...The Jews have won.

You have lost.

Go away.

Before they kick your nasty asses out by force.[/SIZE]

so after the Nazis invaded and defeated the Polish, the Poles & Allies should have just accepted this as the end of the story?

and by the way, if the Israelis try to force our millions of Arabs, they will be responsible for causing another Holocaust of millions of Jews.

why do YOU want millions of Jews to die?

Why do you continue to delude yourself that millions of Jews will die?

Egypt is broken.

Libya is broken.

Lebanon is broken.

Syria is broken.

Iraq is broken.

That only leaves Jordan.

And they're just not up to the challenge.

I have no idea what Arab cavalry that your delusion believes will be coming over the hill.

But it has no basis whatsoever in Reality.

If the Jews decide to slaughter the Palestinian Arabs the world might try to intervene, although it probably could not do so before operations concluded; it would be swift and merciless and unstoppable.

If the Jews decide to merely expel the Palestinian Arabs, while letting them live - which is more their speed - nobody is really going to do shit, other than squawk and piss and moan and throw-up a few-months-long boycott or some such useless and belated measures.

Nobody is going to intervene effectively in the case of an Expulsion.

Especially within the realm of Islam.

Hell, their own Arab neighbors fence 'em off from THEIR side.

They don't want anything more to do with those Crazies either.

The Arabs already fought (and lost) three wars... 1948, 1967 and 1973... on behalf of the Palestinians.

Three strikes and you're 'out' - just like baseball.

What you're looking at here is Donor Exhaustion.

And the rest of the Arab world has troubles of their own at the moment.

They have no time for you.

Ain't nobody comin' to the rescue this time.

Unless, of course, you'd care to educate the audience on the nature of the Arab-Mulsim military power that is capable of effectively intervening on short notice...

Something that you've been remarkably hesitant to supply the particulars for in the past, when challenged on that point...


Oh, and, by the way...

Thanks for confirming my suspicions about your stake in this ( "...our millions of Arabs" )...

Your status as a Palestinian Propaganda Shill is noted for future reference.

Figured that was bound to bubble to the surface, sooner or later...
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Why do you continue to delude yourself that millions of Jews will die?..

because trying to expel million of Arabs from the West Bank would lead to the death of millions of Jews.

why do you want that to happen?
Why do you continue to delude yourself that millions of Jews will die?..

because trying to expel million of Arabs from the West Bank would lead to the death of millions of Jews.

why do you want that to happen?
So you have already told us...

Brave talk...

Very brave talk...

What substance is there, to back this up?

Again, please educate the audience as to the nature of this Arab-Muslim military power that will act on behalf of those Palestinians being expelled...

Who is going to kill those millions of Jews?
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So you have already told us...

Brave talk...

Very brave talk...

What substance is there, to back this up?

Again, please educate the audience as to the nature of this Arab-Muslim military power that will act on behalf of those Palestinians being expelled...

Who is going to kill those millions of Jews?

Pakistan has nukes.

China has nukes.

Russia has nukes.

If Israel dares to even attempt ethnic cleansing, like they did in 1948 and 1967, one of these nuclear weapons will be used to kill millions of Jews.

and that will be that.
The Jews have won.

You have lost.

Go away.

Before they kick your nasty asses out by force.

You think the Jews would act like Milosevic, the Nazis, the Soviets by committing massive ethnic cleansing?

That's pretty anti-Semitic of you.
So you have already told us...

Brave talk...

Very brave talk...

What substance is there, to back this up?

Again, please educate the audience as to the nature of this Arab-Muslim military power that will act on behalf of those Palestinians being expelled...

Who is going to kill those millions of Jews?

Pakistan has nukes.

China has nukes.

Russia has nukes.

If Israel dares to even attempt ethnic cleansing, like they did in 1948 and 1967, one of these nuclear weapons will be used to kill millions of Jews.

and that will be that.



You're living in a fool's dream world if you believe that Pakistan or Russia or China will 'go nuclear' - and face either Israeli or American nukes in retaliation - over something as minor and unimportant as the Expulsion of the Palestinian Crazies...

But you're a funny little critter, I'll grant'cha that...
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