Is Israel the Same as South Africa?'re living in a fool's dream world if you believe that Pakistan or Russia or China will 'go nuclear' - and face either Israeli or American nukes in retaliation - over something as minor as the Expulsion of the Palestinian Crazies...

But you are a funny little critter, I'll grant'cha that...

Israel would never try to expel millions of Arabs.

they know such an act would be suicidal.'re living in a fool's dream world if you believe that Pakistan or Russia or China will 'go nuclear' - and face either Israeli or American nukes in retaliation - over something as minor as the Expulsion of the Palestinian Crazies...

But you are a funny little critter, I'll grant'cha that...

Israel would never try to expel millions of Arabs.

they know such an act would be suicidal.

So you keep telling us, but you cannot conjure-up a credible Preventive nor Avenging Force for your purposes, so, your 'suicidal' reference may be a skosh premature...
So you keep telling us, but you cannot conjure-up a credible Preventive nor Avenging Force for your purposes, so, your 'suicidal' reference may be a skosh premature...

since we know that Israel would never dare commit ethnic cleansing against millions of Arabs, this whole thing is useless.

Israel is a western democracy that has shares values with the USA. That's why they are one of America's greatest allies.

They would never commit the Nazi act that you hypothesize about.
So you keep telling us, but you cannot conjure-up a credible Preventive nor Avenging Force for your purposes, so, your 'suicidal' reference may be a skosh premature...

since we know that Israel would never dare commit ethnic cleansing against millions of Arabs, this whole thing is useless.

Israel is a western democracy that has shares values with the USA. That's why they are one of America's greatest allies.

They would never commit the Nazi act that you hypothesize about.

Got your backside kicked once too often with Approach A, so we're switching-over to Approach B...

Expelling the Palestinians and scattering them amongst Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, et al, is not only un-Nazi-like... far more merciful than gas chambers and rifle pits... but it would also be payback for the huge numbers of Jews that the Arabs themselves have expelled from their own countries in the past several decades...

Unless, of course, you're prepared to call those Muslim-Arab countries Nazi-like...

Goose... meet gander.
...Expelling the Palestinians and scattering them amongst Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, et al, is not only un-Nazi-like... far more merciful than gas chambers and rifle pits... but it would also be payback for the huge numbers of Jews that the Arabs themselves have expelled from their own countries in the past several decades....

again, Israel would never commit this act as they are not Nazi pigs.

its disgusting that you think they would engage in such evil acts.
...Expelling the Palestinians and scattering them amongst Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, et al, is not only un-Nazi-like... far more merciful than gas chambers and rifle pits... but it would also be payback for the huge numbers of Jews that the Arabs themselves have expelled from their own countries in the past several decades....

again, Israel would never commit this act as they are not Nazi pigs.

its disgusting that you think they would engage in such evil acts.
About as disgusting as the Arab-Muslims expelling so many Jews from their lands...
About as disgusting as the Arab-Muslims expelling so many Jews from their lands...

65 years ago.

don't you guys ever get over these things???

Throughout the period 1948 - 1972, actually...

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doesn't feel so good when the centuries-old Dhimmi roles are reversed, does it?

A little tough to toss-out the Nazi epithet when you're own kind have been soooooo good at doing the exact same thing for soooooo long.

Like I said... goose... meet gander.

Kinda takes the wind out of your sails in this context, doesn't it?
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Throughout the period 1948 - 1972, actually...

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doesn't feel so good when the centuries-old Dhimmi roles are reversed, does it?

considering the Israelis kicked 300,000 Arabs from the West Bank during the Six Day War, looks like fair is fair.
The difference being that the Israelis kicked-out population-segments that were actually engaged in war against them and that had demonstrated no loyalty to the government-in-question...

Whereas the Jews being kicked out of Arab countries were (1) citizens in good standing of those other countries and (2) not engaged in warfare or rebellion against their governments and (3) were expelled purely for their Religious Beliefs...

The Arab equivalent of the United States expelling all Muslims for their religious beliefs...

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So you have already told us...

Brave talk...

Very brave talk...

What substance is there, to back this up?

Again, please educate the audience as to the nature of this Arab-Muslim military power that will act on behalf of those Palestinians being expelled...

Who is going to kill those millions of Jews?

Pakistan has nukes.

China has nukes.

Russia has nukes.

If Israel dares to even attempt ethnic cleansing, like they did in 1948 and 1967, one of these nuclear weapons will be used to kill millions of Jews.

and that will be that.

Israel is a REALLY tiny place. In the course of killing all those Jews, lots of Muslims will die - lots of Arabs.

And, in trying to take out the largest population centers - those nukes would blow away Al Aqsa and probably the entire Temple Mount.

Neither Russia nor China has any particular reason to want to destroy Israel - and I don't think Pakistan is that stupid (as in blowing up Al Aqsa).

Oh, and then there's the basic flaw in Hoffy's scenario that Israel did NOT attempt 'ethnic cleansing' in '48 OR '67..... the Jordanians clearly did (East Jerusalem) and so did other Arab nations. It appears the Jordanians, at least, have figured out that that was not a good idea.....
...Oh, and then there's the basic flaw in Hoffy's scenario that Israel did NOT attempt 'ethnic cleansing' in '48 OR '67..... the Jordanians clearly did (East Jerusalem) and so did other Arab nations. It appears the Jordanians, at least, have figured out that that was not a good idea.....

yes, Israel did indeed ethnically cleanse hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel in 1948

they did it again in 1967.
...Oh, and then there's the basic flaw in Hoffy's scenario that Israel did NOT attempt 'ethnic cleansing' in '48 OR '67..... the Jordanians clearly did (East Jerusalem) and so did other Arab nations. It appears the Jordanians, at least, have figured out that that was not a good idea.....

yes, Israel did indeed ethnically cleanse hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel in 1948

they did it again in 1967.

Hoffy, hon - 'oh,yes they did!' is not an argument.
Hoffy, hon - 'oh,yes they did!' is not an argument.

I won't debate whether the sky is blue.

I won't debate whether the Holocaust happened.

I won't debate that Israel expelled hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel in 1948 and the West Bank in 1967.
georgephillip, et al,

This is not "Aparthied." This is the purpose behind the Balufour Declaration, the Mandate and the Partition Plan.

If, as you allege, Israel does not practice apartheid, why is it Jews from all around the globe qualify as citizens and nationals of Israel while Arabs who have lived in Palestine for generation qualify as citizens only?

There is no segregation here. It is the embodiment of the Jewish National Home; the realization of the first concept. It is a case of intentional special immigration to accomplish the original intent: "to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."


Citizens Only! Hummm. This is an interesting blindness - you need to overcome this handicap.

But clearly, you don't understand what "Apartheid" is.

Most Respectfully,
Dare I ask what Palestine is. Or are you going to play the dumb card again and get us all running around like we usually do explaining history to you?


Why couldn't you answer the question ?
Because he cannot show you any nation-polity called 'Palestine' which has ever existed at any point throughout all of recorded history.

He can show you a REGION sometimes called 'Palestine' but he cannot show you a NATION-POLITY in history that goes under such a name.

He knows it... we know it... 'most everybody knows it... but still, the so-called 'Palestinians' want to delude themselves otherwise and to get everyone else to buy into their delusion.
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Why couldn't you answer the question ?
Because he cannot show you any nation-polity called 'Palestine' which has ever existed at any point throughout all of recorded history.

He can show you a REGION sometimes called 'Palestine' but he cannot show you a NATION-POLITY in history that goes under such a name.

He knows it... we know it... 'most everybody knows it... but still, the so-called 'Palestinians' want to delude themselves otherwise and to get everyone else to buy into their delusion.


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