Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

You need to have a country to build those ??

News to me.....

And Gaza doesn't have a government, they have a terrorist organization who governs the Palestinians

What the fuck kind of government has a charter like Hamas does???
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"...They built this without a government? Without a country?..."
Which nation-(country)- caliber government built Gaza City, Tinny?

Which nation (country) built Gaza City, Tinny?

With a link, please, to that government's history, stretching back to the building (founding) of Gaza City.

Please name that country and government for us.

If you can.

Hint: Say "I can't." - it's honest, painless and saves you any further embarrassment on the subject.
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You need to have a country to build those ??

News to me.....

And Gaza doesn't have a government, they have a terrorist organization who governs the Palestinians

What the fuck kind of government has a charter like Hamas does???

Hamas is not a terrorist in Palestine. That is an Israeli propaganda thing.

Their government uses their constitution not the Hamas charter.
You need to have a country to build those ??

News to me.....

And Gaza doesn't have a government, they have a terrorist organization who governs the Palestinians

What the fuck kind of government has a charter like Hamas does???

Hamas is not a terrorist in Palestine. That is an Israeli propaganda thing.

Their government uses their constitution not the Hamas charter.

Gaza is not Palestine. It is part of the Palestinian territories.

And yes they are a terrorist organization

What kind of a government does this:

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Israel's Apartheid Laws "1. Identity and Citizenship ...
About CEIA-SC We are a diverse group of Anti-Zionist Southern California activists who have come together to further peace through justice in the Middle East. To that end, we have joined a Palestine-initiated campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, similar to those applied to South Africa during the apartheid era, in order to bring an end to Israel's immoral and oppressive policies towards Palestinians both within Israel and throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Do those arseholes purport to be taken seriously?
Do you?
The magnificient me is infernally apologizingz for offending our honorable georgephillip's dear little diverse Anti-Zionist pet-shop project.
...Oh, and then there's the basic flaw in Hoffy's scenario that Israel did NOT attempt 'ethnic cleansing' in '48 OR '67..... the Jordanians clearly did (East Jerusalem) and so did other Arab nations. It appears the Jordanians, at least, have figured out that that was not a good idea.....
yes, Israel did indeed ethnically cleanse hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel in 1948 they did it again in 1967.
So, what are arabs still doing there?
georgephillip, et al,

This is not "Aparthied." This is the purpose behind the Balufour Declaration, the Mandate and the Partition Plan.

If, as you allege, Israel does not practice apartheid, why is it Jews from all around the globe qualify as citizens and nationals of Israel while Arabs who have lived in Palestine for generation qualify as citizens only?

There is no segregation here. It is the embodiment of the Jewish National Home; the realization of the first concept. It is a case of intentional special immigration to accomplish the original intent: "to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home."


Citizens Only! Hummm. This is an interesting blindness - you need to overcome this handicap.

But clearly, you don't understand what "Apartheid" is.

Most Respectfully,
"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority.

"A Star of David on Israel's flag symbolically tells Palestinian citizens: 'You do not belong.' Israel's Law of Return grants rights of automatic citizenship to Jews anywhere in the world, while those rights are denied to 750,000 Palestinian refugees, and their descendants, who were forced or fled in fear from their homes in what became Israel in 1948."

Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid - Home

Any Jew on the planet has the "right" to become both a citizen and a national of Israel while Arabs whose families have lived between the River and the sea for generations are limited to second-class citizenship in the Jewish state, at best.

That would seem to require domination by one racial group over another.
You need to have a country to build those ??

News to me.....

And Gaza doesn't have a government, they have a terrorist organization who governs the Palestinians

What the fuck kind of government has a charter like Hamas does???

Hamas is not a terrorist in Palestine. That is an Israeli propaganda thing.

Their government uses their constitution not the Hamas charter.

Gaza is not Palestine. It is part of the Palestinian territories.

And yes they are a terrorist organization

What kind of a government does this:

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coal mine calling the kettle black. What kind of government does this.

Palestinian children killed since September 2000: 1519

Remember These Children
"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority. "A Star of David on Israel's flag symbolically tells Palestinian citizens: 'You do not belong.' Israel's Law of Return grants rights of automatic citizenship to Jews anywhere in the world, while those rights are denied to 750,000 Palestinian refugees, and their descendants, who were forced or fled in fear from their homes in what became Israel in 1948."
"About CEIA-SC We are a diverse group of Anti-Zionist Southern California activists who have come together to further peace through justice in the Middle East. To that end, we have joined a Palestine-initiated campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, similar to those applied to South Africa during the apartheid era, in order to bring an end to Israel's immoral and oppressive policies towards Palestinians both within Israel and throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip."
Those Caliphorniah chicken little diverse arseholes should get a life and a job.
georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.

"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority.

One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?

"A Star of David on Israel's flag symbolically tells Palestinian citizens: 'You do not belong.' Israel's Law of Return grants rights of automatic citizenship to Jews anywhere in the world, while those rights are denied to 750,000 Palestinian refugees, and their descendants, who were forced or fled in fear from their homes in what became Israel in 1948."

This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.

Any Jew on the planet has the "right" to become both a citizen and a national of Israel while Arabs whose families have lived between the River and the sea for generations are limited to second-class citizenship in the Jewish state, at best.

That would seem to require domination by one racial group over another.

  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,
georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.

"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority.

One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?

"A Star of David on Israel's flag symbolically tells Palestinian citizens: 'You do not belong.' Israel's Law of Return grants rights of automatic citizenship to Jews anywhere in the world, while those rights are denied to 750,000 Palestinian refugees, and their descendants, who were forced or fled in fear from their homes in what became Israel in 1948."

This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.

Any Jew on the planet has the "right" to become both a citizen and a national of Israel while Arabs whose families have lived between the River and the sea for generations are limited to second-class citizenship in the Jewish state, at best.

That would seem to require domination by one racial group over another.

  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,

First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.
georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.

"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority.

One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?


This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.

Any Jew on the planet has the "right" to become both a citizen and a national of Israel while Arabs whose families have lived between the River and the sea for generations are limited to second-class citizenship in the Jewish state, at best.

That would seem to require domination by one racial group over another.

  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,

First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.

This is a typical example of haters gonna hate. Israel haters CAN'T STAND that Israel is a beautiful prosperous nation , so they find bullshit excuses for it.

You're incredibly biased, Tinmore.
georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.


One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?


This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.


  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,

First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.

This is a typical example of haters gonna hate. Israel haters CAN'T STAND that Israel is a beautiful prosperous nation , so they find bullshit excuses for it.

You're incredibly biased, Tinmore.

The truth is biased?

P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

Let's get to the bedrock issue in this exchange.

georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.

"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority.

One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?


This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.

Any Jew on the planet has the "right" to become both a citizen and a national of Israel while Arabs whose families have lived between the River and the sea for generations are limited to second-class citizenship in the Jewish state, at best.

That would seem to require domination by one racial group over another.

  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,

First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.

Without regard to the dubious assertion as to where the money comes from:
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
As to the financing of the Jewish National Home and the State of Israel, is it your claim that the non-Jewish citizens get no benefit from the prosperity enjoined in Israel? What is the claim you make now?

Most Respectfully,
First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.

This is a typical example of haters gonna hate. Israel haters CAN'T STAND that Israel is a beautiful prosperous nation , so they find bullshit excuses for it.

You're incredibly biased, Tinmore.

The truth is biased?


Becoming a prosperous nation is not only about money. It's about the people who make it into a prosperous nation, mainly the government.

How do you know that Israel became as prosperous as it has solely because of the money given to them? You don't, but it is standard Arab propaganda to say so.

BTW, so many countries in the ME are sitting on tons of oil that has given them boatloads of money, yet most of them have not accomplished even close to what Israel has. Why??

One word: Government
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

Let's get to the bedrock issue in this exchange.

georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.


One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?


This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.


  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,

First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.

Without regard to the dubious assertion as to where the money comes from:
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
As to the financing of the Jewish National Home and the State of Israel, is it your claim that the non-Jewish citizens get no benefit from the prosperity enjoined in Israel? What is the claim you make now?

Most Respectfully,
Arab Israelis are discriminated against in housing and schooling for starters.

"The Israeli Declaration of Independence stated that the State of Israel would ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex, and guaranteed freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture. While formally equal according to Israeli law, a number of official sources acknowledge that Arab citizens of Israel experience discrimination in many aspects of life. Israeli High Court Justice (Ret.) Theodor Or wrote in The Report by the State Commission of Inquiry into the Events of October 2000:[181]

"The Arab citizens of Israel live in a reality in which they experience discrimination as Arabs. This inequality has been documented in a large number of professional surveys and studies, has been confirmed in court judgments and government resolutions, and has also found expression in reports by the state comptroller and in other official documents.

"Although the Jewish majority’s awareness of this discrimination is often quite low, it plays a central role in the sensibilities and attitudes of Arab citizens. This discrimination is widely accepted, both within the Arab sector and outside it, and by official assessments, as a chief cause of agitation."

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you truly surprised the Jewish state values Jews above all others?
georgephillip, et al,

It is a very rare case, that a democracy or a republic has equal numbers on both sides of an issue or a cause.

"The word apartheid refers to any institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another. The 'Israeli Arabs' - about 1.4 million Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens who live in Israel - vote in elections. But they are a subordinated and marginalized minority.

One side or another is going to be in a minority position. That is the math.
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
What does this mean in terms of the impact on their lives. Are they denied some essential to prosperity and life? Is their standard of living and conditions less than any other regional neighbor? Are the refused any social or educational opportunity that other citizen derive as citizens?

"A Star of David on Israel's flag symbolically tells Palestinian citizens: 'You do not belong.' Israel's Law of Return grants rights of automatic citizenship to Jews anywhere in the world, while those rights are denied to 750,000 Palestinian refugees, and their descendants, who were forced or fled in fear from their homes in what became Israel in 1948."

This is nonsense. Flags are flags. Most Arab/Islamic flags have a bar theme with the colors Red, Black, Green and White. They are so similar that after a decade in the Middle East, I still get some of them confused. The Arab/Islamic symbol if a Crescent Moon, usually with a star in the center. What does this symbology tell the Israeli?

As for the refugee population, that is a singular issue. It is about a people that pledged to kill every Jewish man, women and child.

Any Jew on the planet has the "right" to become both a citizen and a national of Israel while Arabs whose families have lived between the River and the sea for generations are limited to second-class citizenship in the Jewish state, at best.

That would seem to require domination by one racial group over another.

  • Are the non-Jewish really second-class citizens in the Jewish state? Compare the live and standard of living of the non-Jewish in Israel to the Arab in the neighboring states. Then tell me about second-class citizenship.
  • It would seem that Israeli immigration operates in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people; as was intended as far back as the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Convention, as the Treaty of Sevres, as expressed by the Allied Powers in the Mandate for Palestine.

Most Respectfully,

The star of David being on Israel's flag is the whole point of it. There's a crescent moon on practically all of the Muslim countries' flags, and a cross in the flags of many European Christian countries.
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P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

You need to read that report much closer.

Let's get to the bedrock issue in this exchange.

First, Israel is more prosperous because foreign money has been pumped in for more than a hundred years.

There are many laws, customs and practices that discriminate.

Without regard to the dubious assertion as to where the money comes from:
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" subordinated?
  • How are "Palestinian Christian and Muslim citizens" marginalized?
As to the financing of the Jewish National Home and the State of Israel, is it your claim that the non-Jewish citizens get no benefit from the prosperity enjoined in Israel? What is the claim you make now?

Most Respectfully,
Arab Israelis are discriminated against in housing and schooling for starters.

"The Israeli Declaration of Independence stated that the State of Israel would ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex, and guaranteed freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture. While formally equal according to Israeli law, a number of official sources acknowledge that Arab citizens of Israel experience discrimination in many aspects of life. Israeli High Court Justice (Ret.) Theodor Or wrote in The Report by the State Commission of Inquiry into the Events of October 2000:[181]

"The Arab citizens of Israel live in a reality in which they experience discrimination as Arabs. This inequality has been documented in a large number of professional surveys and studies, has been confirmed in court judgments and government resolutions, and has also found expression in reports by the state comptroller and in other official documents.

"Although the Jewish majority’s awareness of this discrimination is often quite low, it plays a central role in the sensibilities and attitudes of Arab citizens. This discrimination is widely accepted, both within the Arab sector and outside it, and by official assessments, as a chief cause of agitation."

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you truly surprised the Jewish state values Jews above all others?

This information is more than a decade old. While there are a slew of new news stories on the subject, almost every story I saw was using studies and data that were very old.

This issue is about the public school system. It has its funding troubles the same as the US does. I came from a poor neighborhood and my school reflected the income and land value of that neighborhood. Most countries have this same problem.

These are filler stories that go for sympathy.

Most Respectfully,

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