Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

This is a legacy concept you have put forth here. You are promoting a common theme in HAMAS Jihadism.

P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

All change requires courage and strength.


Don't make is sound as if the Arab is some sort of righteous victim. They are not.

Look at the odds. You say it yourself. 2:1 in favor of the Arab, not counting the rest of the Arab League. And the idea that "650,000 Jews imposed an ethnocracy on 1.35 million Arabs in 1948," is really absurd. Look at the history.

But that is not the discussion. The discussion is about how "very few Palestinian Arab parents" allow their children to go to better schools, and then cry "apartheid." In this case, if there is a charge of "apartheid" to be made, surely it would be against the Arab who self-segregates.

Most Respectfully,
What price do those "very few Palestinian Arab parents" pay to allow their children to attend "better schools?" Instruction in Hebrew only? History classes that deny al-Nakba? Since it wasn't Arabs placing Jews in barb-wire encircled camps during Israel's first decade of existence, it's hard to see any self-segregation on the part of Zionism's victims.

Today, you are an advocate of Article 15 Jihadist ideology.

Article 15 HAMAS Covenant said:
The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised. To do this requires the diffusion of Islamic consciousness among the masses, both on the regional, Arab and Islamic levels. It is necessary to instill the spirit of Jihad in the heart of the nation so that they would confront the enemies and join the ranks of the fighters.

It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin). The Crusaders realised that it was impossible to defeat the Moslems without first having ideological invasion pave the way by upsetting their thoughts, disfiguring their heritage and violating their ideals. Only then could they invade with soldiers. This, in its turn, paved the way for the imperialistic invasion that made Allenby declare on entering Jerusalem: "Only now have the Crusades ended." General Guru stood at Salah el-Din's grave and said: "We have returned, O Salah el-Din." Imperialism has helped towards the strengthening of ideological invasion, deepening, and still does, its roots. All this has paved the way towards the loss of Palestine.

It is necessary to instill in the minds of the Moslem generations that the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis. Palestine contains Islamic holy sites. In it there is al- Aqsa Mosque which is bound to the great Mosque in Mecca in an inseparable bond as long as heaven and earth speak of Isra` (Mohammed's midnight journey to the seven heavens) and Mi'raj (Mohammed's ascension to the seven heavens from Jerusalem).

SOURCE: The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty

Your complaint and justification for perpetuating a segregated school systems is so that the Palestinian can further the continuation of the pre-Israeli Independence solemn Jihadist oath.

II. THE SECURITY SITUATION IN PALESTINE TODAY First Special Report to the Security Council: The Problem of Security in Palestine said:
6. The Secretary-General has been informed by the Arab Higher Committee that is determined to persist in its rejection of the partition plan and in its refusal to recognize the resolution of the Assembly and “anything deriving therefrom”. The Subsequent communication of 6 February to the Secretary-General from the representative of the Arab Higher Committee set forth the following conclusions of the Arab Higher Committee Delegation:

“a. The Arabs of Palestine will never recognize the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

“b. The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power or group of powers to establish a Jewish State in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense by force.

c. It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said commission.

d. The United Nations or its commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

e. The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

f. The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

g. The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

“The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."

SOURCE: A/AC.21/9 S/676 16 February 1948

This is not Israeli Apartheid; but the reverse. It is "Arab Palestinian Apartheid." Remember, there is no objection to Arab Israeli children attending the Jewish Schools by the Israelis. It is the Arab that wants it own schools for the purpose of meeting Jihadist goals.

Most Respectfully,

I don't see how you draw your conclusion from the links you posted.
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

In nearly every other culture, the dispute was between the the forces of segregation and the forces of desegregation. Even in segregation era of the US, the clash was about ending state and local laws requiring segregation. On 10 September 1963, twenty black students entered previously all white public schools in Birmingham, Mobile and Tuskegee Alabama.

I don't see how you draw your conclusion from the links you posted.

In Israel, it is the opposite. The argument is maintaining a segregated system. The Arab citizenship wants a separate school system in order to meet Article 15 objectives and to use it as an tool to promote the propaganda concept that it is a form of Israeli "Apartheid."

The Arab is doing the exact opposite of attempting to secure "desegregation." It wants segregation in order to build the next generation of Jihadist.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

In nearly every other culture, the dispute was between the the forces of segregation and the forces of desegregation. Even in segregation era of the US, the clash was about ending state and local laws requiring segregation. On 10 September 1963, twenty black students entered previously all white public schools in Birmingham, Mobile and Tuskegee Alabama.

I don't see how you draw your conclusion from the links you posted.

In Israel, it is the opposite. The argument is maintaining a segregated system. The Arab citizenship wants a separate school system in order to meet Article 15 objectives and to use it as an tool to promote the propaganda concept that it is a form of Israeli "Apartheid."

The Arab is doing the exact opposite of attempting to secure "desegregation." It wants segregation in order to build the next generation of Jihadist.

Most Respectfully,

How many Palestinians in Israel are members of Hamas?

What about the Christians?
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

You don't have to be HAMAS or a Jihadist, or even the Feday'een of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to support the tenants of the furthering segregation.

How many Palestinians in Israel are members of Hamas?

What about the Christians?

Wrong questions! They should be:
  • How many Arabs are promoting desegregation?
  • How many Christians are promoting desegregation?

Remember, it is the side that is promoting segregation that is demonstrating "apartheid" leanings.

As our friend "georgephilips" said in his earlier Posting (#1628): "Israeli law does not prohibit Palestinian Arab parents from enrolling their children in Jewish schools, but in practice, very few Palestinian Arab parents do so."

That means "most" Palestinian Arab parents oppose desegregation by NOT "enrolling their children in Jewish schools."

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

In nearly every other culture, the dispute was between the the forces of segregation and the forces of desegregation. Even in segregation era of the US, the clash was about ending state and local laws requiring segregation. On 10 September 1963, twenty black students entered previously all white public schools in Birmingham, Mobile and Tuskegee Alabama.

I don't see how you draw your conclusion from the links you posted.

In Israel, it is the opposite. The argument is maintaining a segregated system. The Arab citizenship wants a separate school system in order to meet Article 15 objectives and to use it as an tool to promote the propaganda concept that it is a form of Israeli "Apartheid."

The Arab is doing the exact opposite of attempting to secure "desegregation." It wants segregation in order to build the next generation of Jihadist.

Most Respectfully,

How many Palestinians in Israel are members of Hamas?

What about the Christians?
My prayer for today;

O Lord, please end the eternal misery and suffering of Your children and give Tinmore some common sense!
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

You don't have to be HAMAS or a Jihadist, or even the Feday'een of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to support the tenants of the furthering segregation.

How many Palestinians in Israel are members of Hamas?

What about the Christians?

Wrong questions! They should be:
  • How many Arabs are promoting desegregation?
  • How many Christians are promoting desegregation?

Remember, it is the side that is promoting segregation that is demonstrating "apartheid" leanings.

As our friend "georgephilips" said in his earlier Posting (#1628): "Israeli law does not prohibit Palestinian Arab parents from enrolling their children in Jewish schools, but in practice, very few Palestinian Arab parents do so."

That means "most" Palestinian Arab parents oppose desegregation by NOT "enrolling their children in Jewish schools."

Most Respectfully,

You are still ducking the question.

Why are the "Arab" schools inferior?
P F Tinmore, georgephillip, et al,

You don't have to be HAMAS or a Jihadist, or even the Feday'een of the Palestinian Liberation Organization to support the tenants of the furthering segregation.

How many Palestinians in Israel are members of Hamas?

What about the Christians?

Wrong questions! They should be:
  • How many Arabs are promoting desegregation?
  • How many Christians are promoting desegregation?

Remember, it is the side that is promoting segregation that is demonstrating "apartheid" leanings.

As our friend "georgephilips" said in his earlier Posting (#1628): "Israeli law does not prohibit Palestinian Arab parents from enrolling their children in Jewish schools, but in practice, very few Palestinian Arab parents do so."

That means "most" Palestinian Arab parents oppose desegregation by NOT "enrolling their children in Jewish schools."

Most Respectfully,

You are still ducking the question.

Why are the "Arab" schools inferior?
Damn and double damn!! Looks like my prayer went into His spam folder. Oh well.
"When the children of south Tel Aviv head back to school on Tuesday, kindergarteners will attend facilities that are segregated by race. The children of asylum seekers from sub-Saharan Africa will go to their kindergartens and all the other kids will go to their own. As of this year, the municipality of Israel's most liberal city decided that separate-but-equal for three-to-six year olds was the way to go—in 2013. "According to a report published by Ynet (Hebrew edition), the city built the new preschools for black children after Jewish-Israeli residents of the inner city area threatened to keep their children at home rather than allow them to learn how to count, fingerpaint and play on the swings alongside their peers from Eritrea and Sudan."
Cool, if the most liberal city decided so, then it's allright for "asylum-seekers" from Congo, Togo, Ghana, Nigeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone, etc. ..., whom the govt. of Egypt, which is supposed to pick the ball as first country of entrance, tosses over to jews, providing bedouin coytes with a living, to have brand-new facilities of their own. If our honorable georgephillip's having heart-bleeding fits, he's more than welcome to provide for welfare of those sub-saharan "mexicans", of course. That'll be fair.
Does anyone really think that Georgie Boy spends any of his time on civil rights for any minority in America, whether this minority is comprised of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. He just used the Arabs as pawns as he blabber away about what he thinks are their terrible conditions. So tell us, Georgie Boy, since you live in an area which is comprised mainly of El Salvadorans and Guatemalans and you are an English speaking person and one who probably graduated high school unless you dropped out, do you ever volunteer to help your neighbors' children since your neighbors are deficient in English and probably never had the chance to go to high school themselves, possibly not even past the 4th grade in their home country.. Tell us about all the good things you are doing for these Hispanic children to help them since their parents are unable to. Here is a Jewish group which started a program, and they are looking for volunteers. Are you up to it, Georgie Boy, or are you more comfortable just sitting in front of your computer dissing Israel?

KOREH L.A. Volunteer Reading Memories | KOREH L.A.
Tell me how many hours every week you volunteer, Hossie.

"When the children of south Tel Aviv head back to school on Tuesday, kindergarteners will attend facilities that are segregated by race. The children of asylum seekers from sub-Saharan Africa will go to their kindergartens and all the other kids will go to their own. As of this year, the municipality of Israel's most liberal city decided that separate-but-equal for three-to-six year olds was the way to go—in 2013.

"According to a report published by Ynet (Hebrew edition), the city built the new preschools for black children after Jewish-Israeli residents of the inner city area threatened to keep their children at home rather than allow them to learn how to count, fingerpaint and play on the swings alongside their peers from Eritrea and Sudan."

Did you attend a segregated kindergarden?

Israel's Most Liberal City Introduces Racially Segregated Kindergartens - The Daily Beast
Everything was segregated when I was a kid George. I didn't abide by the fact but that was life up until 1965. Things have changed so what's the issue?
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?

"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”

Blumenthal talks 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel' on Democracy Now!
Tell me how many hours every week you volunteer, Hossie.

"When the children of south Tel Aviv head back to school on Tuesday, kindergarteners will attend facilities that are segregated by race. The children of asylum seekers from sub-Saharan Africa will go to their kindergartens and all the other kids will go to their own. As of this year, the municipality of Israel's most liberal city decided that separate-but-equal for three-to-six year olds was the way to go—in 2013.

"According to a report published by Ynet (Hebrew edition), the city built the new preschools for black children after Jewish-Israeli residents of the inner city area threatened to keep their children at home rather than allow them to learn how to count, fingerpaint and play on the swings alongside their peers from Eritrea and Sudan."

Did you attend a segregated kindergarden?

Israel's Most Liberal City Introduces Racially Segregated Kindergartens - The Daily Beast
Everything was segregated when I was a kid George. I didn't abide by the fact but that was life up until 1965. Things have changed so what's the issue?
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?

"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”

Blumenthal talks 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel' on Democracy Now!
Has anyone ever seen Georgie Boy bringing up actual segregation in the Muslim world? It seems that he keeps his mouth zipped when it comes to his newest bestest friends in the whole wide world. Why not tell us, Georgie Boy, why the Arabs prefer living in Israel and (if you research hard enough) would find that they prefer Israel's type of government over that in the Muslim world. Speaking of the media in your article, Georgie Boy, do you really think the mainstream media here is telling its readers and viewers just how many Christians are being harassed and killed in the Muslim world. After all, the majority of people living in this country happen to be Christians, and they have a right to hear what is happening to their fellow Christians. It's a good thing that there are Christians like Raymond Ibrahim who collect data from around the Muslim world from various Christian organizations to at least apprise the people reading Internet sites just what is happening, or else everyone would be kept in the dark (not that you wouldn't be happy if this were so).
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?
Possibly, the issue is unhealthy obsession with internet garbage collection and storage facilities, ie. dumpster-diving?
"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”
Ah, "everyone-who-opposes-obama-is-a-racist" Blumenthal. Figures.
Everything was segregated when I was a kid George. I didn't abide by the fact but that was life up until 1965. Things have changed so what's the issue?
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?

"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”

Blumenthal talks 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel' on Democracy Now!
Has anyone ever seen Georgie Boy bringing up actual segregation in the Muslim world? It seems that he keeps his mouth zipped when it comes to his newest bestest friends in the whole wide world. Why not tell us, Georgie Boy, why the Arabs prefer living in Israel and (if you research hard enough) would find that they prefer Israel's type of government over that in the Muslim world. Speaking of the media in your article, Georgie Boy, do you really think the mainstream media here is telling its readers and viewers just how many Christians are being harassed and killed in the Muslim world. After all, the majority of people living in this country happen to be Christians, and they have a right to hear what is happening to their fellow Christians. It's a good thing that there are Christians like Raymond Ibrahim who collect data from around the Muslim world from various Christian organizations to at least apprise the people reading Internet sites just what is happening, or else everyone would be kept in the dark (not that you wouldn't be happy if this were so).
I have noticed actual segregation in the Muslim world and wondered why US elites support such practices. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain come to mind immediately when I think of racist dictators who successive US administrations have propped up to the detriment of a majority of those who live there. While the Jewish state doesn't require a dictatorship to oppress its Arab population, it's becoming clear a majority of Jews living there would support policies of voluntary or forced transfer of all non-Jews living between the River and the sea. FWIW, I'm guessing arms $ales and oil $ales play a leading role in explaining why the "Land of the Free" supports racist, totalitarian governments from Jerusalem to Riyadh to Manama. What's your opinion?
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?
Possibly, the issue is unhealthy obsession with internet garbage collection and storage facilities, ie. dumpster-diving?
"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”
Ah, "everyone-who-opposes-obama-is-a-racist" Blumenthal. Figures.
Everyone who opposes Africans is a racist?

"Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are 'a cancer in the body' of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012."

"Us over here, them over there", Drivel?
When are you planning to annex 60% of the West Bank and give Jordanian citizenship to all the displaced Arabs?

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are 'a cancer' | The Times of Israel
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?

"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”

Blumenthal talks 'Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel' on Democracy Now!
Has anyone ever seen Georgie Boy bringing up actual segregation in the Muslim world? It seems that he keeps his mouth zipped when it comes to his newest bestest friends in the whole wide world. Why not tell us, Georgie Boy, why the Arabs prefer living in Israel and (if you research hard enough) would find that they prefer Israel's type of government over that in the Muslim world. Speaking of the media in your article, Georgie Boy, do you really think the mainstream media here is telling its readers and viewers just how many Christians are being harassed and killed in the Muslim world. After all, the majority of people living in this country happen to be Christians, and they have a right to hear what is happening to their fellow Christians. It's a good thing that there are Christians like Raymond Ibrahim who collect data from around the Muslim world from various Christian organizations to at least apprise the people reading Internet sites just what is happening, or else everyone would be kept in the dark (not that you wouldn't be happy if this were so).
I have noticed actual segregation in the Muslim world and wondered why US elites support such practices. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain come to mind immediately when I think of racist dictators who successive US administrations have propped up to the detriment of a majority of those who live there. While the Jewish state doesn't require a dictatorship to oppress its Arab population, it's becoming clear a majority of Jews living there would support policies of voluntary or forced transfer of all non-Jews living between the River and the sea. FWIW, I'm guessing arms $ales and oil $ales play a leading role in explaining why the "Land of the Free" supports racist, totalitarian governments from Jerusalem to Riyadh to Manama. What's your opinion?
But, Georgie Boy, there appears to be what you consider "racism" all over the Muslim world -- in rich and poor countries. Do you really think the non Muslims or even Muslims who are not of the favored sects in these countries are treated fairly. By the way, perhaps you should have gone to hear Miss Israel speak in your city, and you could have asked her about it. Maybe you could even have asked her for a date. You could have told her you are happy that you and yours don't have to ride in back of the bus anymore -- that you are free at last and can achieve whatever station in life you desire if you put an effort into it.

Miss Israel ? aka ?Titi? ? takes a Los Angeles tour | Jewish Journal
Possibly, the issue is how segregation seems to be making a comeback inside the Green Line?
Possibly, the issue is unhealthy obsession with internet garbage collection and storage facilities, ie. dumpster-diving?
"Blumenthal explains how the occupation is moving back over the green line and how racism is a unifying force in Israeli society. Blumenthal says, 'I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how it’s so widely tolerated because it’s so common . . . And I’m most surprised that this it hasn’t made its way to the American public … that’s why I set out to do this endeavour, this journalistic endeavor, to paint this intimate portrait of Israeli society for Americans who don’t see what it really is.'”
Ah, "everyone-who-opposes-obama-is-a-racist" Blumenthal. Figures.
Everyone who opposes Africans is a racist?

"Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are 'a cancer in the body' of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012."

"Us over here, them over there", Drivel?
When are you planning to annex 60% of the West Bank and give Jordanian citizenship to all the displaced Arabs?

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are 'a cancer' | The Times of Israel
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think it might have something to di with the crimes that are being committed by these Africans? It seems that a lot of Arabs might have been affected by the crimes since they too don't hold these Africans in high regard. Meanwhile, can the viewers actually see Georgie Boy taking the time to drag up an article like this if it happened in some other Middle East countries? The bottom line is that these Middle East countries would kick these Blacks out so fast that they wouldn't know what happened, unless they wanted to use the Blacks as slave labor. What does Georgie Boy care that these Africans do not want to settle in Muslim countries, but instead many times are shot in the back by Egyptians trying to get into Israel? You want to know something, Georgie Boy, since you don't seem to be aware of what goes on in your own county a lot of the time? At one time the Blacks and Whites lived in perfect harmony in the city of Carson. Then after a while lower class Blacks started moving in and the crime rate jumped. The Blacks who could afford it moved out to such places like Palos Verdes. So, Georgie Boy, would you have a problem with Blacks complaining about other Blacks committing crimes that it got so bad they were forced to move out to safer places?
Possibly, the issue is unhealthy obsession with internet garbage collection and storage facilities, ie. dumpster-diving?Ah, "everyone-who-opposes-obama-is-a-racist" Blumenthal. Figures.
Everyone who opposes Africans is a racist?

"Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are 'a cancer in the body' of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012."

"Us over here, them over there", Drivel?
When are you planning to annex 60% of the West Bank and give Jordanian citizenship to all the displaced Arabs?

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are 'a cancer' | The Times of Israel
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think it might have something to di with the crimes that are being committed by these Africans? It seems that a lot of Arabs might have been affected by the crimes since they too don't hold these Africans in high regard. Meanwhile, can the viewers actually see Georgie Boy taking the time to drag up an article like this if it happened in some other Middle East countries? The bottom line is that these Middle East countries would kick these Blacks out so fast that they wouldn't know what happened, unless they wanted to use the Blacks as slave labor. What does Georgie Boy care that these Africans do not want to settle in Muslim countries, but instead many times are shot in the back by Egyptians trying to get into Israel? You want to know something, Georgie Boy, since you don't seem to be aware of what goes on in your own county a lot of the time? At one time the Blacks and Whites lived in perfect harmony in the city of Carson. Then after a while lower class Blacks started moving in and the crime rate jumped. The Blacks who could afford it moved out to such places like Palos Verdes. So, Georgie Boy, would you have a problem with Blacks complaining about other Blacks committing crimes that it got so bad they were forced to move out to safer places?
Arabs living in Israel are concerned with crimes committed by Africans, but not to the extent as religious Jews; maybe that should tell us something about colonialism?

"The degree of religiosity attested to by respondents also accounted for a large disparity in the findings, with 81.5% and 66% of self-described ultra-Orthodox and Orthodox, respectively, agreeing with Regev’s statement, as opposed to 38% of secular Israelis.

"Only 19% of Arab respondents agreed that the migrants were 'a cancer.'”

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are 'a cancer' | The Times of Israel

The point Blumenthal makes in his book is that the younger generation of Israelis and their leaders believe the peace process has failed. One of their solutions is to annex 60% of the West Bank and give the Palestinians living there Jordanian citizenship. Should something like that occur, would you support the Jews (again)?
Everyone who opposes Africans is a racist?

"Fifty-two percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the statement by MK Miri Regev last month that African migrants are 'a cancer in the body' of the nation, and over a third condone anti-migrant violence, according to the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) Peace Index for May 2012."

"Us over here, them over there", Drivel?
When are you planning to annex 60% of the West Bank and give Jordanian citizenship to all the displaced Arabs?

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are 'a cancer' | The Times of Israel
Why, Georgie Boy, do you think it might have something to di with the crimes that are being committed by these Africans? It seems that a lot of Arabs might have been affected by the crimes since they too don't hold these Africans in high regard. Meanwhile, can the viewers actually see Georgie Boy taking the time to drag up an article like this if it happened in some other Middle East countries? The bottom line is that these Middle East countries would kick these Blacks out so fast that they wouldn't know what happened, unless they wanted to use the Blacks as slave labor. What does Georgie Boy care that these Africans do not want to settle in Muslim countries, but instead many times are shot in the back by Egyptians trying to get into Israel? You want to know something, Georgie Boy, since you don't seem to be aware of what goes on in your own county a lot of the time? At one time the Blacks and Whites lived in perfect harmony in the city of Carson. Then after a while lower class Blacks started moving in and the crime rate jumped. The Blacks who could afford it moved out to such places like Palos Verdes. So, Georgie Boy, would you have a problem with Blacks complaining about other Blacks committing crimes that it got so bad they were forced to move out to safer places?
Arabs living in Israel are concerned with crimes committed by Africans, but not to the extent as religious Jews; maybe that should tell us something about colonialism?

"The degree of religiosity attested to by respondents also accounted for a large disparity in the findings, with 81.5% and 66% of self-described ultra-Orthodox and Orthodox, respectively, agreeing with Regev’s statement, as opposed to 38% of secular Israelis.

"Only 19% of Arab respondents agreed that the migrants were 'a cancer.'”

52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are 'a cancer' | The Times of Israel

The point Blumenthal makes in his book is that the younger generation of Israelis and their leaders believe the peace process has failed. One of their solutions is to annex 60% of the West Bank and give the Palestinians living there Jordanian citizenship. Should something like that occur, would you support the Jews (again)?
Have you ever thought, Georgie Boy, that people do live in different neighborhoods and might experience more crime than those who live elsewhere. Do you really think the Black people living in Baldwin Hills would think highly of the Blacks who come up to their houses and start committing crimes. Why not find some Arabs in your own city and ask them if the people in the Arab countries they came from would appreciate those coming in, whether legally or illegally, and start committing crimes. No doubt some of them would tell you that if Blacks came into their country and committed a crime, their hands would be chopped off. Weird how Georgie Boy is so obsessed with Israel and the Jews and doesn't appear to have any concern about the innocent people killed in the Muslim world. Why are you so worried about whom I would support when you are so busy with your cut and paste jobs and don't even care what the Muslims are doing? Amazing how people like Georgie Boy can even mention a peace process when the charters of Hamas and Fatah still call for the destruction of Israel Maybe he thinks the destruction of Israel is part of a peace process. The bottom line here is that even if Israel never existed, Georgie Boy would still find something on which to blame the Jews, and right now the Arabs are being used as pawns by him. He would be digging around the bowels of the Internet to pull up every derogatory article he could find about the Jews so that he can cut and paste it.
Israel is similar to Apartheid, yes.
Segregation is enforced in all the main spheres of Israeli life, including land allocation and housing, citizenship v nationality rights, education anHow Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Namesd employment. And absolutely none of this was accidental or unintended.

"To make sense of this, one has to understand how desperately Israel has sought to distinguish itself from apartheid South Africa.

"Israel cultivates, as South Africa once did, what scholars term 'grand apartheid'. This is segregation, largely covert and often often justified by security or cultural differences, to ensure that control of resources remains exclusively in the hands of the privileged community.

"At the same time, Israel long shied away from what some call South Africa’s model of 'petty apartheid' – the overt, symbolic, but far less significant segregation of park benches, buses and toilets.

"The avoidance of petty apartheid has been the key to Israel’s success in obscuring from the world’s view its grand apartheid, most obviously in the occupied territories but also inside Israel itself.

"This month South Africa’s departing ambassador to Israel, Ismail Coovadia, warned that Israel was a 'replication of apartheid'.

"The idea that the world may soon wake up to this comparison deeply unnerves Netanyahu and the right, all the more so as they risk being identified as the party refusing to make concessions towards peace."
Well, when part of the population is linked to terrorism and suicide bombing and avalanches of indiscriminate rocket-launches directed against innocent civilians, you tend to wall-off and isolate the barbarians doing it. The alternative is to just go into the trouble-zones and kill everything that moves. Walling them off until they take the hint and leave is better than killing them. And keeping a very close eye and a firm hand upon those with blood-ties and cultural ties and religious ties to the barbarians also makes very good sense.
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