Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

Well, when part of the population is linked to terrorism and suicide bombing and avalanches of indiscriminate rocket-launches directed against innocent civilians, you tend to wall-off and isolate the barbarians doing it. The alternative is to just go into the trouble-zones and kill everything that moves. Walling them off until they take the hint and leave is better than killing them. And keeping a very close eye and a firm hand upon those with blood-ties and cultural ties and religious ties to the barbarians also makes very good sense.
Well, when 650,000 mostly European migrants impose their nation on 1.35 million Arabs in Palestine of 1948, only self-destructive racists or amateurish apologists would confuse resistance with terrorism. Keep a close eye on rancid nationalist Jews who plan to annex 60% of the West Bank and transfer all Arabs living there to Jordan.
Well, when part of the population is linked to terrorism and suicide bombing and avalanches of indiscriminate rocket-launches directed against innocent civilians, you tend to wall-off and isolate the barbarians doing it. The alternative is to just go into the trouble-zones and kill everything that moves. Walling them off until they take the hint and leave is better than killing them. And keeping a very close eye and a firm hand upon those with blood-ties and cultural ties and religious ties to the barbarians also makes very good sense.
Well, when 650,000 mostly European migrants impose their nation on 1.35 million Arabs in Palestine of 1948, only self-destructive racists or amateurish apologists would confuse resistance with terrorism. Keep a close eye on rancid nationalist Jews who plan to annex 60% of the West Bank and transfer all Arabs living there to Jordan.
Why don't the West Bankers wall off the Jews? Any reason why they don't?
"...Well, when 650,000 mostly European migrants impose their nation on 1.35 million Arabs in Palestine of 1948..."
All true.

But this was decided in 1948.

And confirmed by astounding victories on the battlefield in 1967 and 1973.

They have won.

You have lost.

Old 'impositions' and old 'legal standings' don't mean a damned thing any longer.

And the longer you cling to such delusions, the longer it will take to snap out of it, face reality, and move someplace else, in order to begin a new and far happier and more prosperous life, for you and your family.

The Jews own the land now.

You forfeited the land through bad choices and losing several wars.

The world at-large has had quite enough of 'your' (the Palestinians) unrealistic and insane juvenile nonsense.

Go away.

Or die.

Your choice.

Either way... most of the rest of the world will not shed crocodile tears at your departure.
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"...Well, when 650,000 mostly European migrants impose their nation on 1.35 million Arabs in Palestine of 1948..."
All true.

But this was decided in 1948.

And confirmed by astounding victories on the battlefield in 1967 and 1973.

They have won.

You have lost.

Old 'impositions' and old 'legal standings' don't mean a damned thing any longer.

And the longer you cling to such delusions, the longer it will take to snap out of it, face reality, and move someplace else, in order to begin a new and far happier and more prosperous life, for you and your family.

The Jews own the land now.

You forfeited the land through bad choices and losing several wars.

The world at-large has had quite enough of 'your' (the Palestinians) unrealistic and insane juvenile nonsense.

Go away.

Or die.

Your choice.

Either way... most of the rest of the world will not shed crocodile tears at your departure.

There is no statute of limitation on Israel's crimes against the Palestinians.
Israel is similar to Apartheid, yes.
Segregation is enforced in all the main spheres of Israeli life, including land allocation and housing, citizenship v nationality rights, education anHow Israeli Apartheid is Coming Unstuck » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Namesd employment. And absolutely none of this was accidental or unintended.

"To make sense of this, one has to understand how desperately Israel has sought to distinguish itself from apartheid South Africa.

"Israel cultivates, as South Africa once did, what scholars term 'grand apartheid'. This is segregation, largely covert and often often justified by security or cultural differences, to ensure that control of resources remains exclusively in the hands of the privileged community.

"At the same time, Israel long shied away from what some call South Africa’s model of 'petty apartheid' – the overt, symbolic, but far less significant segregation of park benches, buses and toilets.

"The avoidance of petty apartheid has been the key to Israel’s success in obscuring from the world’s view its grand apartheid, most obviously in the occupied territories but also inside Israel itself.

"This month South Africa’s departing ambassador to Israel, Ismail Coovadia, warned that Israel was a 'replication of apartheid'.

"The idea that the world may soon wake up to this comparison deeply unnerves Netanyahu and the right, all the more so as they risk being identified as the party refusing to make concessions towards peace."
It looks like Georgie Boy can't get enough blabbering about this. Tell you what, Georgie Boy. Why not hop over there and start a campaign for Fair Housing Laws since now you are able to live wherever you want to in the Los Angeles area, not like it was previously. Gee, years ago you couldn't even move to Inglewood. As an aside, wouldn't it be hilarious watching Georgie Boy trying to convince the Muslim countries to treat those non Muslims and Muslims who are not of the favored sect more fairly. Maybe Georgie Boy can start his campaign in Qatar and Bahrain.
South Africa is a democracy.

Israel however, is a Jewish state.

which makes Israel much WORSE than South Africa.
"...Well, when 650,000 mostly European migrants impose their nation on 1.35 million Arabs in Palestine of 1948..."
All true.

But this was decided in 1948.

And confirmed by astounding victories on the battlefield in 1967 and 1973.

They have won.

You have lost.

Old 'impositions' and old 'legal standings' don't mean a damned thing any longer.

And the longer you cling to such delusions, the longer it will take to snap out of it, face reality, and move someplace else, in order to begin a new and far happier and more prosperous life, for you and your family.

The Jews own the land now.

You forfeited the land through bad choices and losing several wars.

The world at-large has had quite enough of 'your' (the Palestinians) unrealistic and insane juvenile nonsense.

Go away.

Or die.

Your choice.

Either way... most of the rest of the world will not shed crocodile tears at your departure.
In fact, there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea in 2013. The world has lost its patience with arrogant fanatics in both camps who think they have the moral authority to decide the fates of millions of "the other." Any attempt by Jews to purge an equal number of Arabs from Filistan will prove at least as successful as the IDF's last foray into Lebanon in 2006. Not that amateur night keyboard commandoes will worry about old impositions or legalities, of which the Jews have none.
"...Well, when 650,000 mostly European migrants impose their nation on 1.35 million Arabs in Palestine of 1948..."
All true.

But this was decided in 1948.

And confirmed by astounding victories on the battlefield in 1967 and 1973.

They have won.

You have lost.

Old 'impositions' and old 'legal standings' don't mean a damned thing any longer.

And the longer you cling to such delusions, the longer it will take to snap out of it, face reality, and move someplace else, in order to begin a new and far happier and more prosperous life, for you and your family.

The Jews own the land now...

No, the Jews now own all STATE and PUBLIC land in Israel and the West Bank.

Private property STAYS private property.

And Israel has stolen lots of private property to build settlements.

That's why Israel is a state of thieves.
"...In fact, there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea in 2013..."
Doesn't matter. The Jews have 99.5% of the military muscle, which is all that counts in this context.

"...The world has lost its patience with arrogant fanatics in both camps..."

There is some truth in this observation. Unfortunately for the Palestinian-Muslims, the world cannot do anything effective pertaining to such folk in the Israeli camp.

"...who think they have the moral authority to decide the fates of millions of 'the other'..."

I don't believe that the Jews think they have the moral authority to decide the fate of millions.

To them, after the Holocaust, protecting their own, and their re-taken Homeland, is the highest moral imperative of all.

But they have the requisite military muscle, which, in the end, is what counts the most.

"...Any attempt by Jews to purge an equal number of Arabs from Filistan will prove at least as successful as the IDF's last foray into Lebanon in 2006..."

If the Jews DO decide to start pushing-out the Arab-Muslims from the West Bank or Gaza, there are several ways to do it; ranging from the nasty to the downright sneaky and insidious, and, if they decide to ignore world opinion while they're doing it, there is nothing that you will be able to do to stop them from making a clean sweep. Nothing.

"...Not that amateur night keyboard commandoes will worry about old impositions or legalities..."

Quite true.

"...of which the Jews have none."

They no longer need any.

They have muscle.

Enough to kick your butt and all of your friends, put together.

You have no such asset.
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"...Private property STAYS private property..."

Until the very moment that The State condemns that Private Property and waves a magic wand over it and - poof - it becomes Public Property.

You don't really think that such ethereal distinctions are actually a barrier, do you?

If you do, you're deluding yourself.

"...And Israel has stolen lots of private property to build settlements. That's why Israel is a state of thieves."

Fun, ain't it?
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"...In fact, there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea in 2013..."
Doesn't matter. The Jews have 99.5% of the military muscle, which is all that counts in this context.

"...The world has lost its patience with arrogant fanatics in both camps..."

There is some truth in this observation. Unfortunately for the Palestinian-Muslims, the world cannot do anything effective pertaining to such folk in the Israeli camp.

I don't believe that the Jews think they have the moral authority to decide the fate of millions.

But the have the requisite military muscle, which, in the end, is what counts the most.

If the Jews DO decide to start pushing-out the Arab-Muslims from the West Bank or Gaza, there are several ways to do it; ranging from the nasty to the downright sneaky and insidious, and, if they decide to ignore world opinion while they're doing it, there is nothing that you will be able to do to stop them from making a clean sweep. Nothing.

"...Not that amateur night keyboard commandoes will worry about old impositions or legalities..."

Quite true.

"...of which the Jews have none."

They no longer need any.

They have muscle.

Enough to kick your butt and all of your friends, put together.

You have no such asset.
What is it you imagine you have, other than a fertile imagination?
"...What is it you imagine you have, other than a fertile imagination?"
What do I imagine that the Israelis have, to tip the scales in their favor, in the event of a Final Showdown, to avoid the West Bank or Gaza becoming another Lebanon 2006?

How about this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...all of which, when applied in a Must-Win scenario, will sweep the field.

You have nothing comparable...

Not even close...

If the day comes, when the Israelis decide to flush The Crazies out of the West Bank and Gaza, they won't pussy-foot around like they did in Lebanon in 2006...

There will be absolutely nothing you can do to stop them...



Did I miss anything?
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Fun, ain't it?

only if they enjoy being a nation of liars & thieves. This is why Israelis are hated in nations all over the world where anti-Semitism has no roots.

Yes. Of course. Although I don't think they are overly-worried about such things. Better to be thought-of as thieves by one's adversaries than to be dead.
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"...How about this?...

"Israel doesn't control the USA anymore. We have woken up to their deceit."

Israel has never controlled the United States.

We chose Israel as a friend and ally.


We like them better than we like you.

Much better.

And after 9-11, it is highly unlikely that that will change anytime in the foreseeable future.

Present executive leadership notwithstanding.
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"...What is it you imagine you have, other than a fertile imagination?"
What do I imagine that the Israelis have, to tip the scales in their favor, in the event of a Final Showdown, to avoid the West Bank or Gaza becoming another Lebanon 2006?

How about this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...or this?...


...all of which, when applied in a Must-Win scenario, will sweep the field.

You have nothing comparable...

Not even close...

It the day comes, when the Israelis decide to flush The Crazies out of the West Bank and Gaza, they won't pussy-foot around like they did in Lebanon in 2006...

There will be absolutely nothing you can do to stop them...



Did I miss anything?
Just my question.
What do you have beside a fertile imagination?
The US possesses powers of destruction orders of magnitude beyond that of Israel, yet all that firepower didn't prevent its heroes from getting their asses kicked out of Vietnam and Iraq. Even simplistic hasbara hacks should realize the economic sanctions Jews would face if they unleashed their arsenal on millions of indigenous Palestinians although killing all those women and children probably appeals to some kosher pussies and their limp-wrist apologists.
"...Did I miss anything?"
Just my question..."
No, I nailed that one pretty well, I'd say. And, of course, you have nothing comparable to serve-up, other than pissant Hitler-ite militias and rocketry.

"...The US possesses powers of destruction orders of magnitude beyond that of Israel, yet all that firepower didn't prevent its heroes from getting their asses kicked out of Vietnam and Iraq..."

We did not get kicked out of Vietnam. The nation was tired of a pointless war and we left. Our adversaries waited for two or more years after we left to make sure we weren't going to come back, before they made a move to finish off the other side in their civil war.

We did not get kicked out of Iraq. The nation was tired of a pointless war and we left. After toppling their government and trashing the place and rendering them harmless.

"...Even simplistic hasbara hacks should realize the economic sanctions Jews would face if they unleashed their arsenal on millions of indigenous Palestinians although killing all those women and children probably appeals to some kosher pussies and their limp-wrist apologists."

The arsenal is there as Facilitating Muscle for any such Operation Clean Sweep, not Doomsday Muscle, and it keeps the neighbor barking-dog countries from interfering (not that they can do much anyway, nowadays).

If the Jews get serious about flushing the West Bank and Gaza, they don't need to kill those millions; only a few thousand of the more fanatical Militia types; the rest will fold quickly, and, the next thing you know, they're on the road, headed for Jordan or other destinations; all the brave and empty talk in the world to the contrary notwithstanding.

As to economic sanctions, the Jews need do no more than to claim it as Time-Delayed Payback for flushing the Jews out of several Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe, and thereby undercut much of the momentum for such sanctions.

With the US providing political cover and having their back, economically, the Israelis would ride-out that little mini-storm easily enough until the dust settles and things begin to get back to normal.

In truth, the world will be glad to see the back of The Palestinian Crazies as they're scattered between Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and other new homes for those unfortunate, irrational, savage folk.

The world will forget about them soon enough, so long as most of them survive The Flush; glad for an end to all the fuss; realizing that it ended the only way that it could have ended.

The Palestinian Crazies grow closer and closer to such an outcome with each passing year.
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...If the Jews get serious about flushing the West Bank and Gaza, they don't need to kill those millions; only a few thousand of the more fanatical Militia types; the rest will fold quickly, and, the next thing you know, they're on the road, headed for Jordan or other destinations; all the brave and empty talk in the world to the contrary notwithstanding....

Its pretty anti-Semitic of you to suggest that Israel would act like the Nazis and Soviets did, committing ethnic cleansing against Gentiles.
"...Its pretty anti-Semitic of you to suggest that Israel would act like the Nazis and Soviets did, committing ethnic cleansing against Gentiles."
The Palestinians have sworn to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean.

The Jews driving-out the Palestinians - while still allowing them to live - is far more merciful than what the Palestinians have in mind for the Jews.

And we do not need to look far, to find the real-world connection and symmetry between the Palestinians and the Nazis, do we?

Nice try.

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