Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

José;7965534 said:
Originally posted by Kondor3
There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill this time
Cavalry is so 19th century. Arab air squadron is far more likely.

But, after how we trashed Iraq, and Afghanistan, I doubt the little phukkers will be trying that again anytime soon.

Knock over two of our buildings - we knock over two of your countries.

Kill 3,000 of our people, we kill 300,000 of yours.

Besides, an Israeli sweep-and-clear action against the West Bank and Gaza will not be our doing.

If those skumbags hit us again because of something that Israel did, and kill thousands more innocent American civilians, our reaction will not be as 'restrained' as the last time.

Your reasoning starts from the wrong premise that the perpetrators of 911 give a flying fuck what America does to Iraq, Afghanistan or any other arab/muslim countries.

Non-state actors do no hold any territory nor are they responsible for any nation-state. Their fate do not depend of the survival of any country.

911 was conceived and planned in Germany. None of the perpetrators needed to "train" in Afghanistan to carry out the attack.

They never needed any training camp, any possesion of territory in any country... only the money to finance the whole operation.

Being basically a gang, a loose assosiation of a variety of individuals with many different grievances towards the US (israel being by far the most common one as well as the unifying factor) they couldn't care less how many arab countries America decides to invade.

If anything America killing arabs by the thousands is a godsend for them. It fits their agenda of allienating the US from the arab world perfectly.
José;7965690 said:
"...If anything America killing arabs by the thousands is a godsend for them. It fits their agenda of allienating the US from the arab world perfectly."

Until the Muslims themselves make the crazies amongst them stop attacking America.

Until that happens, we will just have to settle for 100-to-1 kill-ratios.

As to 'alienating' the Arabs... well... given that we're Infidel, that's never been too difficult.

The very first major foreign military intervention that we ever undertook was against Arab-Berber Muslims, in Tripoli, in the 1801-1805 timeframe.

They've been an occasional irritation for us since John Adams' and Thomas Jefferson's time.

And, every so often, we have to bitch-slap them, when they try to hit us again, for whatever reason attains to the excuse du jour... Israel, the color of the sky, the way their dogs bark... whatever.

Nothing's changed.

Other than that we've gone off-topic.
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Originally posted by Kondor3

Until the Muslims themselves make the crazies amongst them stop attacking America.

Until that happens, we will just have to settle for 100-to-1 kill-ratios.

As long as the ordinary arab sees America financing a racist, murderous, depraved state that keeps the palestinian people herded in Gaza and the West Bank, turning its borders into free shooting areas, killing any palestinian who try to move about his homeland, they won't do anything other than think to themselves:

"Two skyscrappers was too little... it should have been 10 at least."

And when they see Americans like you, not only making up hundreds of excuses for that murderous apartheid state but actually advocating further ethnic cleansing they probably also think:

"A dirty nuke to wipe out that nation of Nazis from the face to the Earth would be way better than a couple of jumbo jets."

Originally posted by Kondor3
As to 'alienating' the Arabs... well... given that we're Infidel, that's never been too difficult.

Yes... 90% of arabs hate America because its population do not raise their butts to the sky 5 times a day, not because the country finances a bloody racist state that kills the same population it should be protecting and affording civil rights....

Sure... that must be the real cause of anti-americanism in the Middle East, not enough american butts up in the air.

Originally posted by Kondor3
The very first major foreign military intervention that we ever undertook was against Arab-Berber Muslims, in Tripoli, in the 1801-1805 timeframe.

They've been an occasional irritation for us since John Adams' and Thomas Jefferson's time.

And, every so often, we have to bitch-slap them, when they try to hit us again, for whatever reason attains to the excuse du jour... Israel, the color of the sky, the way their dogs bark... whatever.

Nothing's changed.

An occasional irritation.

Your expression reminds me of a documentary I watched about Al Quaeda a few years before 911.

It ended with the line (referring to the USS Cole, the embassy bombings, etc...):

"Is Al Quaeda destined to be an anoying fly bothering the US?"

Well, buddy... If this "fly" can knock 2 skyscrappers down I don't wanna see what you call a dragonfly.
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José;7965950 said:
America is all-aquiver and shaking in its boots at the prospects of further Arab-Muslim attacks.

We will NOT allow the Arab-Muslim world to determine whom we can have as friends and allies.

We will NOT allow the Arab-Muslim world to dictate foreign policy to the United States.

Each major attack upon the United States will be repaid a hundred-fold.

"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute."

Go in peace, if you will.

Attack us at your very great peril.
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José;7965950 said:
"...Yes... 90% of arabs hate America ...because the country finances a bloody racist state that kills the same population it should be protecting and affording civil rights..."
No... 90% of Arabs hate America because it provides some modicum of financial and political and military support for a unique and resurrected State...

Built upon the intentions of the United Nations and which was repeatedly attacked on all sides by overwhelming odds...

And which kicked ass and made a place for itself in the world, and because the Arabs were three-time losers (1948, 1967 and 1973) in wars against the Jews of Israel...

And because the Barbarians refused to live peacefully as Israeli citizens while they still had the chance to make that choice...

And because, eventually, the Jews found themselves obliged to wall-off the Barbarians in their midst, to minimize the number of suicide-bombing attacks and to lessen the impact of the rocketry used by the Barbarians.

There... alternative perspective voiced.
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José;7965950 said:
As long as the ordinary arab sees America financing a racist, murderous, depraved state that keeps the palestinian people herded in Gaza and the West Bank, turning its borders into free shooting areas, killing any palestinian who try to move about his homeland, they won't do anything other than think to themselves: ...
... never to touch LSD again?
Originally posted by Kondor3
And because the Barbarians refused to live peacefully as Israeli citizens while they still had the chance to make that choice...

And because, eventually, the Jews found themselves to wall-off the Barbarians in the midst, to minimize the number of suicide-bombing attacks and to lessen the impact of the rocketry used by the Barbarians.

There... alternative perspective voiced.

Kondor... let's stop debating the morality (or lack thereof) of the creation and continued existence of the state of Israel and let's focus on its history for a little while.

You have to have at least a cursory knowledge on Israel's history in order to avoid saying the absurdities you said above.

All Israeli historians are in perfect agreement that even before the end of the 1948 conflagration Israel had already decided to prevent the return of the displaced arab population.

The "border" between Israel and Gaza/West Bank was turned into a free shooting area. Israeli soldiers were authorized to shoot anyone trying to cross them into Israel.

More than 3000 unarmed palestinians were murdered by Israel from 1948 to 1951 simply trying to return to their homes, harvest their crops or see their relatives.

This happened at least 3 years before the beggining of the palestinian armed struggle, 3 years before the first fedayeen attack registered by israeli historians (May, 1951 if my memory serves me well), two decades before the creation of the PLO and three decades before the creation of Hamas with its rockets and suicide bombers.

From 48 to 51 you practically only had palestinians trying to return to their homes. I say "practically" because the few incidents of armed attack during this time period (10%) were caused by Palestinians trying to avenge the deaths of relatives killed by Israel's policy of shooting Palestinians even on their "side" of the fence (when they approached it too much).

This historical fact crushes the israeli propaganda that palestinians are kept herded in Gaza and the West Bank and shot dead when they "tresspass" into Israel as a "security measure".

What you really have is a state racist to the core killing the unwanted ethnic group in order to maintain an artificial demographics in the western half of the region.

You got the whole issue completely backwards, Kondor.

Palestinians are not murdered when they try to leave Gaza and the West Bank because of the rockets and suicide bombers.

They launch rockets BECAUSE they have been murdered by Israel while trying to return to their places of origin since 1948.

The palestinian armed struggle is the direct consequence of Israel's shoot to kill policy in place since 48 not the cause of this policy.

You are free to defend Israel all you want, Kondor.

What you are not free to do (or at least shouldn't be) is rape the history of the state of Israel.
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José;7966569 said:
You have to have at least a cursory knowledge on Israel's history in order to avoid saying the absurdities you said above. All Israeli historians are in perfect agreement that even before the end of the 1948 conflagration Israel had already decided to prevent the return of the displaced arab population. The "border" between Israel and Gaza/West Bank was turned into a free shooting area. Israeli soldiers were authorized to shoot anyone trying to cross them into Israel. More than 3000 unarmed palestinians were murdered by Israel from 1948 to 1951 simply trying to return to their homes, harvest their crops or see their relatives. This happened at least 3 years before the beggining of the palestinian armed struggle, 3 years before the first fedayeen attack registered by israeli historians (May, 1951 if my memory serves me well), two decades before the creation of the PLO and three decades before the creation of Hamas with its rockets and suicide bombers. From 48 to 51 you practically only had palestinians trying to return to their homes. I say "practically" because the few incidents of armed attack during this time period (10%) were caused by Palestinians trying to avenge the deaths of relatives killed by Israel's policy of shooting Palestinians even on their "side" of the fence (when they approached it too much). This historical fact crushes the israeli propaganda that palestinians are kept herded in Gaza and the West Bank and shot dead when they "tresspass" into Israel as a "security measure". What you really have is a state racist to the core killing the unwanted ethnic group in order to maintain an artificial demographics in the western half of the region. Palestinians are not murdered when they try to leave Gaza and the West Bank because of the rockets and suicide bombers. They launch rockets BECAUSE they have been murdered by Israel while trying to return to their places of origin since 1948. The palestinian armed struggle is the direct consequence of Israel's shoot to kill policy in place since 48 not the cause of this policy.
Who made that up?
José;7966569 said:
"...You have to have at least a cursory knowledge on Israel's history in order to avoid saying the absurdities you said above..."

I do, indeed, have a modest working knowledge of Israel's history; it's merely that I side with them, and not with the Palestinians, as you do; consequently, I do not see such observations as 'absurdities'.

"...All Israeli historians are in perfect agreement that even before the end of the 1948 conflagration Israel had already decided to prevent the return of the displaced arab population..."

Irrelevant. You side with the attackers (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon), then you're out for good, with no hope of return.

"...The "border" between Israel and Gaza/West Bank was turned into a free shooting area. Israeli soldiers were authorized to shoot anyone trying to cross them into Israel..."

Absolutely. Entirely correct, from the Israeli perspective. Many countries behave in exactly the same fashion. Try to cross the border without permission, and you die. Nothing new there.

"...More than 3000 unarmed palestinians were murdered by Israel from 1948 to 1951 simply trying to return to their homes, harvest their crops or see their relatives..."

If, by that, you mean that 3000 border infiltrators (and wannabes) who tried - despite warnings to forbear - to sneak across the border, were killed, then, that sounds like a fairly efficient guarding of their new borders to me.

"...This happened at least 3 years before the beggining of the palestinian armed struggle, 3 years before the first fedayeen attack registered by israeli historians (May, 1951 if my memory serves me well), two decades before the creation of the PLO and three decades before the creation of Hamas with its rockets and suicide bombers..."

Doesn't matter if it happened in 1948 or 2013. If you cross a border-zone that is publicly declared to be a Death Strip for anyone caught trying to infiltrate, you are going to die.

Those killed should not have been so foolish as to try their luck against such efficient border controls.

"...From 48 to 51 you practically only had palestinians trying to return to their homes. I say 'practically' because the few incidents of armed attack during this time period (10%) were caused by Palestinians trying to avenge the deaths of relatives killed by Israel's policy of shooting Palestinians even on their "side" of the fence (when they approached it too much)..."

Again... it doesn't matter. Cross the border under such controlled circumstances and you die. And, if there have been repreated attempts via Point A or B or C, or repeated violence eminating from Point A or B or C... then you would do well to avoid such Points. Approach such volatile Points under such circumstances and you die. Solution: stay the phukk away from such Points.

"...This historical fact crushes the israeli propaganda that palestinians are kept herded in Gaza and the West Bank and shot dead when they 'tresspass' into Israel as a 'security measure'..."

Only if one settles for your interpretation of 'historical fact', which many (most) non-Muslims and many (most) non-Palestinian-sympathizers do not.

"...What you really have is a state racist to the core killing the unwanted ethnic group in order to maintain an artificial demographics in the western half of the region..."

Incorrect, and maudlin dramatics on your part here, unfortunately.

What you really have here is a walling-off of the Barbarians in the West Bank and Gaza, after trying to avoid that walling-off for the first few decades, and eventually settling upon that controversial solution, once Israeli civilian casualty rates reached sufficient levels due to suicide bombings so as to force the Israelis' hand to such entirely understandable measures.

"...You got the whole issue completely backwards, Kondor..."

One of us certainly does; although some elements of truth may lie in the middle.

"...Palestinians are not murdered when they try to leave Gaza and the West Bank because of the rockets and suicide bombers..."

Confidence is fairly high that thousands leave Gaza and the West Bank every year; seeking new opportunities and new lives, rather than continuing to live in their shit-hole refugee towns and camps for another 65 years.

It is true that Palestinians are fired-upon and killed when they attempt to infiltrate Israel. It is also true that Palestinians are fired-upon and killed when they attempt to infiltrate other countries; the Egyptians, for example, keep a tight lid on how many Palestinian Crazies that they allow to pass back and forth.

"...They launch rockets BECAUSE they have been murdered by Israel while trying to return to their places of origin since 1948..."

They launch rockets because they are too stupid to realize that they have lost those lands forevermore, and must now emmigrate to live amongst their ethnic brethren and co-religionists, in order to ever again have a chance at prosperity and happiness.

"...The palestinian armed struggle is the direct consequence of Israel's shoot to kill policy in place since 48 not the cause of this policy..."

The Palestinian armed struggle is the last dying gasp of a Failed State That Never Was.

"...You are free to defend Israel all you want, Kondor..."


"...What you are not free to do (or at least shouldn't be) is rape the history of the state of Israel."

I've done no such thing.

Merely served-up the Alternative Position; one which is at-odds with your own.
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Originally posted by Kondor3
Irrelevant. You side with the attackers (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon), then you're out for good, with no hope of return.

Originally posted by Kondor3
Incorrect, and maudlin dramatics on your part here, unfortunately.

What you really have here is a walling-off of the Barbarians in the West Bank and Gaza, after trying to avoid that walling-off for the first few decades, and eventually settling upon that controversial solution, once Israeli civilian casualty rates reached sufficient levels due to suicide bombings so as to force the Israelis' hand to such entirely understandable measures.

You know what is really funny, Kondor?

One of your favorite lines:

"Palestinians who decided to live peacefully in Israel were allowed to become citizens while those who fled to the WB and Gaza and became sworn enemies of Israel were denied the right to live on israeli territory."

is also based on a sad lack of knowledge of the minor details of the history of the state of Israel.

Between 1948 and 1951 (before the first fences separating Israel from the arab enclaves were set up to solve the "problem" of arab "infiltration" once and for all) about 30.000 palestinian refugees managed against all odds to return to their former villages or more commonly to nearby villages and towns since most of them were labelled "absentee property" and bulldozed or used to accomodate jewish immigrants.

So its quite ironic that among what you call the "peaceful" palestinians who decided to live in peace in Israel and who are today law abiding citizens of the state you have hundreds of thousands of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those 30k palestinians who managed to "infiltrate" into Israel.

Even if you discard the ridiculous argument that someone who fled a warzone becomes a genocidal monster hellbent on killing jews due to the simple fact that they fled the warzone we can see that you got the whole issue backwards again.

The fact that they fled the warzone to the WB and Gaza was not an indication that they had genocidal intentions towards the jewish population (remember, of the 750.00 refugees, 30.000 managed to return and their children are now israeli citizens) they hate the state because they were prevented from returning to their places of origin.

Of course neither israeli palestinians nor the diaspora in Palestine, Lebannon, Egypt were/are enamored with the idea of the state of Israel.

This is perfectly understanble. Of all the peoples in the world super patriotic american clowns should have no trouble understanding, should be the first ones to sympathize with a people fiercely opposing the partition of their homeland.

But anyway, Kondor, always keep in mind this small, obscure but crucial detail of Israel's history:

30.000 palestinian refugees managed to return and became peaceful citizens of Israel what proves the fact that what really differentiates a peaceful palestinian citizen of Israel from an angry palestinian refugee is the right to live in their homeland rather than in exile.
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There are Arab-Muslim citizens of Israel who fled during the first wave of Troubles and who managed to return before the situation calcified, and who existed in sufficiently small numbers so as not to pose a material threat to the State of Israel and its Jewish majority...

There are Arab-Muslim citizens of Israel who did not flee during the first wave of Troubles and who have lived there all along and who existed in sufficiently small numbers so as not to pose a material threat to the State of Israel and its Jewish majority...

Both of these subsets, taken together, comprise the present-day Arab-Muslim Citizens of Israel; all of whom decided to make their peace with the Israeli Jews and to live in peace amongst them and according to Israeli law and governance...

These Arab-Muslim Citizens of Israel did not, for the most part, engage in active combat operations against the Israeli Jews, and, therefore, posed no ongoing military or guerrilla danger to the State of Israel and its Jewish majority...

These Arab-Muslim Citizens of Israel made their decision to live peaceably amongst the Israeli Jews, long before the situation calcified after the 1967 War, and long before the Intifadas and the suicide bombings and the rocketry served to forevermore lock out the possibility of accommodation...

The Arab-Muslim Palestinians who occupy the vistigial scraps of the West Bank and Gaza are too numerous and dangerous and cannot be admitted to union with the Israeli Jews without risking Jewish control of their own recaptured ancestral and spiritual homeland, and they will never go for that...

It doesn't matter that some percentage of Palestinian refugees and their descendants might be at least somewhat trustworthy, if readmitted...

There are far too many for whom that cannot and will not be the case, and there is no practicable hope of ever sorting that out, nor will the Arab-Muslims of the region be allowed to attain a demographic or voting majority within the framework of Israeli government...

That is to be avoided at all costs... it is an impossibility insofar as such an implementation spells the doom of Israel as a Jewish Homeland, and that will never, ever be allowed to materialize again, hell or high water, the entire world be damned, and against all odds...

Given the strength and power of the State of Israel (decades of Arab-Muslim hostility have served to make them far stronger than their enemies), and given the weakness of the half-assed pseudo-government of Rump Palestine, it does not require a crystal ball to see what is going to happen...

The Jews will win, and the Arab-Muslims of Palestine will lose...

Cost and world opinion be damned...

This is not necessarily Right nor Wrong...

But it is a Reality that has continued to unfold in favor of Israel for 65 years now, with no end in sight...

Any Palestinian with an ounce of sense and two shekels to rub together needs to get himself and his family out of that shithole before the balloon goes up...
José;7965950 said:
As long as the ordinary arab sees America financing a racist, murderous, depraved state that keeps the palestinian people herded in Gaza and the West Bank, turning its borders into free shooting areas, killing any palestinian who try to move about his homeland, they won't do anything other than think to themselves: ...
... never to touch LSD again?
From what we have read from José. it is quite easy to see why many Muslim converts turn to terrorism like José Padilla. Imagine what kind of mind says on a forum "Two skyscrappers was too little... it should have been 10 at least."

Naturally you never see Muslims or converts to Islam talk about the millions and millions of innocent people the Muslims have murdered. They have been so brainwashed to only think about some postage-sized country because Jews are controlling it and not their fellow Muslims. There are Muslims who have never met a Jew, but want all Jews killed because of Israel.
Originally posted by Hossfly
Imagine what kind of mind says on a forum "Two skyscrappers was too little... it should have been 10 at least."

This "kind of mind" is only rivaled in terms of sheer moral depravation by the moral scum that has the courage to join the same message board to openly declare that a given state has the right to shoot 3000 unarmed refugees whose only crime was trying to return to their villages carrying nothing but their personal belongings just because they belonged to the "unofficial" ethnicity of the state.

These individuals are so unbelievably fucked up in the head that they also think the said state had every right to continue to engage in such practice for the last 65 years and the next 65 if need be.

But just like most serial killers and pedophiles are unable to recognize their sordid behavior due to their own psychopathy there's no chance in Hell these degenerated individuals will ever recognize theirs.
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José;7968570 said:
Originally posted by Hossfly
Imagine what kind of mind says on a forum "Two skyscrappers was too little... it should have been 10 at least."

This "kind of mind" is only rivaled in terms of sheer moral depravation by the moral scum that has the courage to join the same message board to openly declare that a given state has the right to shoot 3000 unarmed refugees whose only crime was trying to return to their villages carrying nothing but their personal belongings just because they belonged to the "unofficial" ethnicity of the state.

These individuals are so unbelievably fucked up in the head that they also think the said state had every right to continue to engage in such practice for the last 65 years and the next 65 if need be.

But just like most serial killers and pedophiles are unable to recognize their sordid behavior due to their own psychopathy there's no chance in Hell these degenerated individuals will ever recognize theirs.
What state did all that carnage?
The Palestinians chose poorly.

[ame=]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Choose Wisely, Chose Poorly - YouTube[/ame]

Welcome to your consequences.

Vae victus.
José;7966569 said:
You have to have at least a cursory knowledge on Israel's history in order to avoid saying the absurdities you said above. All Israeli historians are in perfect agreement that even before the end of the 1948 conflagration Israel had already decided to prevent the return of the displaced arab population. The "border" between Israel and Gaza/West Bank was turned into a free shooting area. Israeli soldiers were authorized to shoot anyone trying to cross them into Israel. More than 3000 unarmed palestinians were murdered by Israel from 1948 to 1951 simply trying to return to their homes, harvest their crops or see their relatives. This happened at least 3 years before the beggining of the palestinian armed struggle, 3 years before the first fedayeen attack registered by israeli historians (May, 1951 if my memory serves me well), two decades before the creation of the PLO and three decades before the creation of Hamas with its rockets and suicide bombers. From 48 to 51 you practically only had palestinians trying to return to their homes. I say "practically" because the few incidents of armed attack during this time period (10%) were caused by Palestinians trying to avenge the deaths of relatives killed by Israel's policy of shooting Palestinians even on their "side" of the fence (when they approached it too much). This historical fact crushes the israeli propaganda that palestinians are kept herded in Gaza and the West Bank and shot dead when they "tresspass" into Israel as a "security measure". What you really have is a state racist to the core killing the unwanted ethnic group in order to maintain an artificial demographics in the western half of the region. Palestinians are not murdered when they try to leave Gaza and the West Bank because of the rockets and suicide bombers. They launch rockets BECAUSE they have been murdered by Israel while trying to return to their places of origin since 1948. The palestinian armed struggle is the direct consequence of Israel's shoot to kill policy in place since 48 not the cause of this policy.
Who made that up?

José;7968570 said:
Originally posted by Hossfly
Imagine what kind of mind says on a forum "Two skyscrappers was too little... it should have been 10 at least."

This "kind of mind" is only rivaled in terms of sheer moral depravation by the moral scum that has the courage to join the same message board to openly declare that a given state has the right to shoot 3000 unarmed refugees whose only crime was trying to return to their villages carrying nothing but their personal belongings just because they belonged to the "unofficial" ethnicity of the state.

These individuals are so unbelievably fucked up in the head that they also think the said state had every right to continue to engage in such practice for the last 65 years and the next 65 if need be.

But just like most serial killers and pedophiles are unable to recognize their sordid behavior due to their own psychopathy there's no chance in Hell these degenerated individuals will ever recognize theirs.
What state did all that carnage?

Pfffftttt... :rolleyes:

"Never try to debate with someone you have to educate first."
José;7971071 said:
Pfffftttt... "Never try to debate with someone you have to educate first."
Gotta love it when these Palestinian propaganda shills and Militant Islamist apologists start pontificating and acting all faux superior, dont'cha?

They sure are cute little critters...
Incoherent drivel.
Care to provide some coherent drivel for transferring millions of Arabs out of Greater Israel?
You, folks, drivel, of course, the magnificient me talk.
Talk of what, genocide or ethnic cleansing?
What do you have to say about this?

"The Peel Commission of 1937 was the first to propose a two-state solution to the conflict, whereby Palestine would be divided into two states: one Arab state and one Jewish state.

"The Jewish state would include the coastal plain, Jezreel Valley, Beit She'an and the Galilee, while the Arab state would include Transjordan, Judea and Samaria, the Jordan Valley, and the Negev.

"The 2 main Jewish leaders, Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion had convinced the Zionist Congress to approve equivocally the Peel recommendations as a basis for more negotiation. [20] [21] [22]

"The Arab leadership in Palestine rejected the conclusions and refused to share any land in Palestine with the Jewish population.

"The rejection of the Peel Commission's proposal by The Arabs led to the establishment of the Woodhead Commission, which rejected the proposal of the Peel Commission as non-applicable.

"In May 1939 the British government released a new policy paper which sought to implement a one-state solution in Palestine, significantly reduced the number of Jewish immigrants allowed to enter Palestine by establishing a quota for Jewish immigration which was set by the British government in the short-term and which would be set by the Arab leadership in the long-term.

"The quota also placed restrictions on the rights of Jews to buy land from Arabs, in an attempt to limit the socio-political damage. These restrictions remained until the end of the mandate period, a period which occurred in parallel with World War II and the Holocaust, during which many Jewish refugees tried to escape from Europe.[23]

"As a result, during the 1930s and 1940s the leadership of the Yishuv arranged a couple of illegal immigration waves of Jews to the British Mandate of Palestine (see also Aliyah Bet), which caused even more tensions in the region.

"Ben-Gurion said he wanted to 'concentrate the masses of our people in this country [Palestine] and its environs.'[24]

"When he proposed accepting the Peel proposals in 1937, which included a Jewish state in part of Palestine, Ben-Gurion told the twentieth Zionist Congress, 'The Jewish state now being offered to us is not the Zionist objective. [...] But it can serve as a decisive stage along the path to greater Zionist implementation. It will consolidate in Palestine, within the shortest possible time, the real Jewish force, which will lead us to our historic goal.[25]

"In a discussion in the Jewish Agency he said that he wanted a Jewish-Arab agreement 'on the assumption that after we become a strong force, as a result of the creation of the state, we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine."

History of the Israeli?Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What "historic goal" are Jews seeking in Palestine, Drivel, the same one Nazis sought in Poland?

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