Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

"...Did I miss anything?"
Just my question..."
No, I nailed that one pretty well, I'd say. And, of course, you have nothing comparable to serve-up, other than pissant Hitler-ite militias and rocketry.

"...The US possesses powers of destruction orders of magnitude beyond that of Israel, yet all that firepower didn't prevent its heroes from getting their asses kicked out of Vietnam and Iraq..."

We did not get kicked out of Vietnam. The nation was tired of a pointless war and we left. Our adversaries waited for two or more years after we left to make sure we weren't going to come back, before they made a move to finish off the other side in their civil war.

We did not get kicked out of Iraq. The nation was tired of a pointless war and we left. After toppling their government and trashing the place and rendering them harmless.

"...Even simplistic hasbara hacks should realize the economic sanctions Jews would face if they unleashed their arsenal on millions of indigenous Palestinians although killing all those women and children probably appeals to some kosher pussies and their limp-wrist apologists."

The arsenal is there as Facilitating Muscle for any such Operation Clean Sweep, not Doomsday Muscle, and it keeps the neighbor barking-dog countries from interfering (not that they can do much anyway, nowadays).

If the Jews get serious about flushing the West Bank and Gaza, they don't need to kill those millions; only a few thousand of the more fanatical Militia types; the rest will fold quickly, and, the next thing you know, they're on the road, headed for Jordan or other destinations; all the brave and empty talk in the world to the contrary notwithstanding.

As to economic sanctions, the Jews need do no more than to claim it as Time-Delayed Payback for flushing the Jews out of several Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe, and thereby undercut much of the momentum for such sanctions.

With the US providing political cover and having their back, economically, the Israelis would ride-out that little mini-storm easily enough until the dust settles and things begin to get back to normal.

In truth, the world will be glad to see the back of The Palestinian Crazies as they're scattered between Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and other new homes for those unfortunate, irrational, savage folk.

The world will forget about them soon enough, so long as most of them survive The Flush; glad for an end to all the fuss; realizing that it ended the only way that it could have ended.

The Palestinian Crazies grow closer and closer to such an outcome with each passing year.
It's racist Jews who are circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into.
Anyone delusional enough to believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will dissolve into the diaspora again has forgotten how Zionists stole Palestine in the first place. Demographics and world opinion should be providing racist Jews with a big incentive to practice their back stroke instead of hallucinating about Greater Israel; that one was FLUSHED with Moses.
...The Jews driving-out the Palestinians - while still allowing them to live - is far more merciful than what the Palestinians have in mind for the Jews...

The Jews driving out the Arabs would lead to another Holocaust of Jews.

why do you want millions of Jews to die?
"...It's racist Jews who are circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into..."
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

"...Anyone delusional enough to believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will dissolve into the diaspora again has forgotten how Zionists stole Palestine in the first place..."

You may continue to cling to this fading delusion for whatever comfort it gives you.

"...Demographics and world opinion should be providing racist Jews with a big incentive to practice their back stroke instead of hallucinating about Greater Israel; that one was FLUSHED with Moses."

Neither demographics nor world opinion are going to save you.

The Jews will flush the West Bank and Gaza long before 'demographics' become a serious issue.
...The Jews driving-out the Palestinians - while still allowing them to live - is far more merciful than what the Palestinians have in mind for the Jews...

The Jews driving out the Arabs would lead to another Holocaust of Jews.

why do you want millions of Jews to die?
You continue to try (and fail) to conjure-up such a counterpointing scenario.

There will be no death of millions of Jews.

Unless, of course, you are hiding some Arab-Muslim power or another that the rest of the world knows nothing about.

Your premise is rejected, unless you can demonstrate for us who is going to massacre those Jews.

The brave, empty words of a Dying Cause.
...The Jews will flush the West Bank and Gaza long before 'demographics' become a serious issue.


are you calling millions of Arabs, "pieces of shit"?


Got anything more substantive to grab onto, in your desperate attempt to divert attention away from your failure to demonstrate who is going to massacre those millions of Jews, as you claim?
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I see no solution that doesn't involve millions of Jews and millions of Arabs, living between the river and the sea.

that's just the way its gonna be.

the two communities will have to figure out how to live together.
"...It's racist Jews who are circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into..."
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

"...Anyone delusional enough to believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will dissolve into the diaspora again has forgotten how Zionists stole Palestine in the first place..."

You may continue to cling to this fading delusion for whatever comfort it gives you.

"...Demographics and world opinion should be providing racist Jews with a big incentive to practice their back stroke instead of hallucinating about Greater Israel; that one was FLUSHED with Moses."

Neither demographics nor world opinion are going to save you.

The Jews will flush the West Bank and Gaza long before 'demographics' become a serious issue.
Demographics already dictates the eventual winners in Palestine.

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[64] Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim — 22% from Europe and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.[65]

"According to Palestinian evaluations, The West Bank is inhabited by approximately 2.4 million Palestinians and the Gaza Strip by another 1.4 million. According to a study presented at The Sixth Herzliya Conference on The Balance of Israel's National Security[66] there are 1.4 million Palestinians in the West Bank..."

"According to these Israeli and Palestinian estimates, the population in Israel and the Palestinian Territories stands at 9.8–10.8 million.

"Jordan has a population of around 6 million (2007 estimate).[68][69] Palestinians constitute approximately half of this number.[70]"

Roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea with millions of additional Arabs in Jordan and Lebanon awaiting their Right of Return. FLUSH that and see which nation vanishes from the page of time.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I see no solution that doesn't involve millions of Jews and millions of Arabs, living between the river and the sea.

that's just the way its gonna be.

the two communities will have to figure out how to live together.

One state:

Nobody would be pushed into the sea. Nobody would get killed. Settlement could stay.
I see no solution that doesn't involve millions of Jews and millions of Arabs, living between the river and the sea.

that's just the way its gonna be.

the two communities will have to figure out how to live together.

One state:

Nobody would be pushed into the sea. Nobody would get killed. Settlement could stay.
Yeah, one state so that the Muslims can overtake the Jews by having more babies and that Jews can then eventually be treated the same way they were (and how non Muslims are treated now) treated in Muslim countries. Tinnie, of course, would like to see that even if he denies it here. On a different USMB forum, a Muslim Pakistani Brit said the Muslims would take over Great Britain because they were having more babies, and that same thing would happen in Israel if there was one state. So I say two states -- one for the Jews and one for the Arabs. By the way, Tinnie, how come you have never mentioned that part of the country of Cyprus is occupied by the Turks? Is it OK for them to do this since they are Muslims?
It's racist Jews who are circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into. Anyone delusional enough to believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will dissolve into the diaspora again has forgotten how Zionists stole Palestine in the first place. Demographics and world opinion should be providing racist Jews with a big incentive to practice their back stroke instead of hallucinating about Greater Israel; that one was FLUSHED with Moses.
Incoherent drivel.
I see no solution that doesn't involve millions of Jews and millions of Arabs, living between the river and the sea.

that's just the way its gonna be.

the two communities will have to figure out how to live together.

One state:

Nobody would be pushed into the sea. Nobody would get killed. Settlement could stay.
Would all Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea be entitled to live inside or beyond the Green Line? What happens to the Apartheid Wall?
There is, in all probability, zero chance for a One-State solution.

The Jews of Israel have recaptured their old ancestral and spiritual homeland, after nearly being exterminated.

They are determined to have a homeland of their own, that they control, right where they are now.

They know that if they admit the West Bank and Gazan Arab-Muslim Palestinians to full citizenship status that they will end-up being overrun by population and votes within a generation or two.

That cannot be allowed to happen, in their eyes.

And they will do whatever is necessary to ensure that that does not happen.

Driven by the memories of near-extinction and the threat of future extinction, if they admit the Barbarians at the Gates.

From their perspective, that's entirely understandable.

If that means they've got to shove a couple of million Arabs off their last few scraps of land within Greater Israel, well, small price to pay, to realize The Dream.

The Arab-Muslims of Palestine had several chances for a One-State solution, stretching from 1948 to 1967.

After 1967, the Israelis seem to have closed-down further pursuit of that goal, and drifted towards a Two-State solution.

Given that the Arab-Muslim Palestinians have put up political barriers to a Two-State solution, repeatedly, over time, the Israelis appear to have given-up on that, as well, in recent years; no point giving The Enemy the umbrella of Statehood under which suicide bombings and rocket-launches might attain the illusion of legitimacy.

No two-state solution?

No one-state solution?

That leaves very little to discuss.

Other than where the remaining Arab-Muslims of Rump-Palestine are going to move to, as they continue to be pushed off their land, one hectare at a time.
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It's racist Jews who are circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into. Anyone delusional enough to believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will dissolve into the diaspora again has forgotten how Zionists stole Palestine in the first place. Demographics and world opinion should be providing racist Jews with a big incentive to practice their back stroke instead of hallucinating about Greater Israel; that one was FLUSHED with Moses.
Incoherent drivel.
Care to provide some coherent drivel for transferring millions of Arabs out of Greater Israel?
It's racist Jews who are circling the same drain White South Africa disappeared into. Anyone delusional enough to believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will dissolve into the diaspora again has forgotten how Zionists stole Palestine in the first place. Demographics and world opinion should be providing racist Jews with a big incentive to practice their back stroke instead of hallucinating about Greater Israel; that one was FLUSHED with Moses.
Incoherent drivel.
Care to provide some coherent drivel for transferring millions of Arabs out of Greater Israel?
You, folks, drivel, of course, the magnificient me talk.
"...Roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea with millions of additional Arabs in Jordan and Lebanon awaiting their Right of Return. FLUSH that and see which nation vanishes from the page of time..."
You assume that the handful of remaining Arab-Muslim Palestinians will be allowed to remain in-place.

I assume that those couple of million will be expelled from the West Bank and Gaza and driven into Jordan and Lebanon and Egypt.

Much like the Poles did to the East Prussians (Germans) in 1945, or like the Czechs did to the Sudatenland Germans in 1945, or like the Muslims and Hindus did to each other in the 1947 timeframe while separating Pakistan from India at Independence time, or much like the Muslims did to the Jews in many Arab countries during the 1948-1975 timeframe.

In the end, from the Jewish-Israeli perspective, that is the only logical outcome which leaves a Jewish State of Israel intact and secure, and reaching its maximum intended Old Kingdom perimeter.

The Arab-Muslims of Rump-Palestine have other places where they can go, right next door, and still be amongst their own ethnic brethren and co-religionists.

The Jews have no such neighboring ethnic brethren and co-religionist -controlled regions to escape to.

The Jews have their backs to the Mediterranean, the terror and heartbreak of the Holocaust in their hearts and minds, and a determination to never, ever be pushed around like that again.

Neither your pissant Palestinians nor their Arab-Muslim brethren are capable of stopping them, once the Explusion begins.

The Palestinians will never be allowed to become Israeli citizens, so, the demographics just don't matter.

And the Palestinians will be expelled from Greater Israel before the demographics pose any serious risk of overwhelming the Jews militarily.

Not that there's any chance of such military overwhelming within our lifetimes or those of our children or grandchildren.

I would not rely too heavily upon this new-fangled Demographics Plot, if I were you... it's transparent, and will not be allowed to materialize.

Whatever the cost.
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"...Roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea with millions of additional Arabs in Jordan and Lebanon awaiting their Right of Return. FLUSH that and see which nation vanishes from the page of time..."
You assume that the handful of remaining Arab-Muslim Palestinians will be allowed to remain in-place.

I assume that those couple of million will be expelled from the West Bank and Gaza and driven into Jordan and Lebanon and Egypt.

Much like the Poles did to the East Prussians (Germans) in 1945, or like the Czechs did to the Sudatenland Germans in 1945, or like the Muslims and Hindus did to each other in the 1947 timeframe while separating Pakistan from India at Independence time, or much like the Muslims did to the Jews in many Arab countries during the 1948-1975 timeframe.

In the end, from the Jewish-Israeli perspective, that is the only logical outcome which leaves a Jewish State of Israel intact and secure, and reaching its maximum intended Old Kingdom perimeter.

The Arab-Muslims of Rump-Palestine have other places where they can go, right next door, and still be amongst their own ethnic brethren and co-religionists.

The Jews have no such neighboring ethnic brethren and co-religionist -controlled regions to escape to.

The Jews have their backs to the Mediterranean, the terror and heartbreak of the Holocaust in their hearts and minds, and a determination to never, ever be pushed around like that again.

Neither your pissant Palestinians nor their Arab-Muslim brethren are capable of stopping them, once the Explusion begins.

The Palestinians will never be allowed to become Israeli citizens, so, the demographics just don't matter.

And the Palestinians will be expelled from Greater Israel before the demographics pose any serious risk of overwhelming the Jews militarily.

Not that there's any chance of such military overwhelming within our lifetimes or those of our children or grandchildren.

I would not rely too heavily upon this new-fangled Demographics Plot, if I were you... it's transparent, and will not be allowed to materialize.

Whatever the cost.
Whatever the cost, Arabs learned their lesson after Israel's war of aggression in 1967. There won't be a repeat of al-Nakba.
Jews will choose between democracy or ethnocracy or vanish from the page of time (again).
The Samud are not leaving Palestine.

"Sumud (Arabic: صمود*) meaning 'steadfastness'[1] or 'steadfast perseverance' is an ideological theme and political strategy that first emerged among the Palestinian people through the experience of the dialectic of oppression and resistance in the wake of the Six-day war.[2]

"Those who are steadfast, that is those who exhibit sumud, are referred to as samidin, the singular forms of which are samid (m.) and samida (f.).

"With the passing of the years since 1967, Palestinians have distinguished between two main forms of sumud. The first, static sumud, is more passive and is defined by Ibrahim Dhahak as the 'maintenance of Palestinians on their land.'

"The second, resistance sumud (in Arabic, sumud muqawim) is a more dynamic ideology whose aim is to seek ways of building alternative institutions so as to resist and undermine the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.[2]"

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"...Roughly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea with millions of additional Arabs in Jordan and Lebanon awaiting their Right of Return. FLUSH that and see which nation vanishes from the page of time..."
You assume that the handful of remaining Arab-Muslim Palestinians will be allowed to remain in-place.

I assume that those couple of million will be expelled from the West Bank and Gaza and driven into Jordan and Lebanon and Egypt.

Much like the Poles did to the East Prussians (Germans) in 1945, or like the Czechs did to the Sudatenland Germans in 1945, or like the Muslims and Hindus did to each other in the 1947 timeframe while separating Pakistan from India at Independence time, or much like the Muslims did to the Jews in many Arab countries during the 1948-1975 timeframe.

In the end, from the Jewish-Israeli perspective, that is the only logical outcome which leaves a Jewish State of Israel intact and secure, and reaching its maximum intended Old Kingdom perimeter.

The Arab-Muslims of Rump-Palestine have other places where they can go, right next door, and still be amongst their own ethnic brethren and co-religionists.

The Jews have no such neighboring ethnic brethren and co-religionist -controlled regions to escape to.

The Jews have their backs to the Mediterranean, the terror and heartbreak of the Holocaust in their hearts and minds, and a determination to never, ever be pushed around like that again.

Neither your pissant Palestinians nor their Arab-Muslim brethren are capable of stopping them, once the Explusion begins.

The Palestinians will never be allowed to become Israeli citizens, so, the demographics just don't matter.

And the Palestinians will be expelled from Greater Israel before the demographics pose any serious risk of overwhelming the Jews militarily.

Not that there's any chance of such military overwhelming within our lifetimes or those of our children or grandchildren.

I would not rely too heavily upon this new-fangled Demographics Plot, if I were you... it's transparent, and will not be allowed to materialize.

Whatever the cost.
Whatever the cost, Arabs learned their lesson after Israel's war of aggression in 1967. There won't be a repeat of al-Nakba.
Jews will choose between democracy or ethnocracy or vanish from the page of time (again).
The Samud are not leaving Palestine.

"Sumud (Arabic: صمود*) meaning 'steadfastness'[1] or 'steadfast perseverance' is an ideological theme and political strategy that first emerged among the Palestinian people through the experience of the dialectic of oppression and resistance in the wake of the Six-day war.[2]

"Those who are steadfast, that is those who exhibit sumud, are referred to as samidin, the singular forms of which are samid (m.) and samida (f.).

"With the passing of the years since 1967, Palestinians have distinguished between two main forms of sumud. The first, static sumud, is more passive and is defined by Ibrahim Dhahak as the 'maintenance of Palestinians on their land.'

"The second, resistance sumud (in Arabic, sumud muqawim) is a more dynamic ideology whose aim is to seek ways of building alternative institutions so as to resist and undermine the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.[2]"

Sumud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egypt is broken.

Syria is broken.

Libya is broken.

Iraq is broken.

Lebanon is broken.

If the Jews decide to make their move now, there is nobody to stop them.

Certainly not you pathetic, militarily incompetent people of the West Bank and Gaza.

During the next several years, the stars will never be so well aligned for Israel, to undertake an Expulsion.

If they go in guns-blazing in sweep-and-clear mode, they will overrun all of the West Bank and all of Gaza within a matter of a couple of weeks.

Disarming and driving the populace before them; completely overwhelming and mercilessly wiping-out all resistance along the way.

Providing logistics and financial and relocation assistance for those who lay down their arms or otherwise go peaceably, before setting them on the road.

You are in danger.

You are at-risk as never before.

There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill this time, to support your fight with troops and munitions and war-assets, nor to rescue you as that short-lived combat winds down to an inevitable Israeli victory.

Your words are brave words.

But empty.

There is nothing of substance behind those words, sufficient to your purposes.

You (Palestinians) had better get your heads out of your asses and negotiate sincerely and humbly with the Israelis, this next round - as befits the defeated.

I don't think you're going to get another chance, if this latest round of talks fail.

From the Israeli perspective, greatly-weakened neighbors all-round spell a historic opportunity to settle matters once and for all.

But you're going to have to shut-the-fuck-up, go to the Israelis hat-in-hand, and take whatever they give you, and be content with the remaining scraps that your former mistakes have bequeathed you.

Submit, and make permanent peace.

Otherwise... not even the present-day Rump Palestine is likely to still be in existence, by the end of the decade.

Much of the world will be glad to see 'you' scattered, and an end to 'your' insanity...

And will shed no tears at your passing from the world stage, after 60+ years of bitching and pissing and moaning and terrorism and killing...

You won't be missed...

This round of talks is probably your very last chance...

Make the most of it...
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Originally posted by Kondor3
There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill this time

Cavalry is so 19th century.

Arab air squadron is far more likely.


José;7965534 said:
Originally posted by Kondor3
There is no Arab cavalry coming over the hill this time
Cavalry is so 19th century. Arab air squadron is far more likely.

But, after the way we trashed Iraq, and Afghanistan, I doubt the little phukkers will be trying that again anytime soon.

It will hurt them, and their co-religionists, far more than it would hurt us, shortly after their next strike.



Knock over two of our buildings - we knock over two of your countries.



Kill 3,000 of our people - we kill 300,000 of yours, including your leaders.


Besides, an Israeli sweep-and-clear action against the West Bank and Gaza would not be our doing.

If those skumbag Islamic Militants hit us again because of something that Israel did, and kill thousands more innocent American civilians, our reaction will not be as 'restrained' as the last time.

And 'restrained' is the right word, when one contemplates what we could have done.

It will be their choice, to keep us out of it, or to unleash the Savage that we carry within us.

Which another attack upon the United States will certainly do.
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