is it a good idea to allow citizens of foreign countries to vote in local elections in the US ?

thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law

It's the ultimate in voter suppression. Can you imagine a taxpaying citizen having their vote canceled by a foreigner. many in the country illegally?

thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law
No. I believe this may go to the courts.
I have no obligation to validate your twisted notions.
They're not my twisted notions.

That perspective is just you trying to shore up your false narratives.

But do the work or don't - your call. :)
thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law



Democrats are retarded
They own businesses, hire workers, pay taxes, send their kids to our schools

They should have a say at the local level on how their taxes are spent
If one is found owning a business, hiring workers and paying taxes on a TIN, confiscate their property and deport their asses.
Says you. And my gut reaction is the same, but not so sure it is that logical when dug into.

My sister moved to Slovenia this past summer and is working on getting permanent resident status. If she does she will then be allowed to vote in in local elections and can also run for the position of local councillor.

Then she has a say in the things that impact her life on a daily basis. This does not really seem a bad thing to me.
Where is the incentive for her to become a citizen?
thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections !

Does anyone really need to ASK such a question? Isn't that an obvious, self-evident answer? Will anyone be surprised at all when the outcome of this is disastrous? (except for the left's own agenda.)

How can it be that every time the left does anything, that it becomes the EXACT OPPOSITE of common sense?
It’s not a good idea to let foreigners into the country, period. Allowing them to have any day or impact on our society is far beyond the pale.

Think about this:
  • They will let alien foreigners into the country without even a check up but they are worried about domestic terrorism and make you wear a mask.
  • NYC wants to give them the vote but they took away the Twitter platform for the President of the United States so that he couldn't speak to the nation before stealing his office and now want to disqualify from holding office any republicans who strenuously oppose them.
If one is found owning a business, hiring workers and paying taxes on a TIN, confiscate their property and deport their asses.

There are probably ten of thousands of legal resident aliens that own a business, hire workers and pay taxes. I know a half a dozen in our area alone.

It is not illegal for them to do any of those things, why do you wish to break our own laws to punish them?

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