is it a good idea to allow citizens of foreign countries to vote in local elections in the US ?

well for starters it Rightwinger and his reputation of being truthful isnt that great,,

If you read the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 it does not mention citizenship anywhere. It required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft
If you read the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 it does not mention citizenship anywhere. It required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft
I never said it didnt happen,, just that its a bad idea,, more so in modern times with all the terrorism,,
thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law
From our country's founding until the mid 1920s, the vast majority of states allowed immigrants to vote in elections. Some even allowed them to vote in federal elections.

It wasn't until the wave of anti-immigrant fever of the 1920s that that practice stopped.

Are these immigrants being taxed? Is taxation without representation tyranny?
That is the whole point of the New York law.

Countries that debase their citizenship do not survive for long.
That is the design for those who have infiltrated are political class for globalism. The media and entertainers are in league and fully promote it.
That is the whole point of the New York law.

Countries that debase their citizenship do not survive for long.

No, it is not. The law specifically states they have to be here on a legal status. Did you even bother to read it?
If they are here legally and paying taxes, you have to let them vote on local issues.
Otherwise it is "taxation without representation".
thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law
Blatantly unconstitutional. The Constitution gives the right to vote to "citizens", and nobody else.

1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Blatantly unconstitutional. The Constitution gives the right to vote to "citizens", and nobody else.

1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

That does not bar the right being given to anyone. Just says you cannot take it away from a US Citizen.

There are more than a dozen cities that have been doing this for close to a decade now.

It is perfectly legal.
Who said anything about trust? Not me.

It was a major issue for many people in the many threads about this.

So, what is your rationale for barring legal resident aliens from voting in local elections?
That does not bar the right being given to anyone. Just says you cannot take it away from a US Citizen.

There are more than a dozen cities that have been doing this for close to a decade now.

It is perfectly legal.
which cities? would be curious to see how the politics has changed since they allowed it, if at all.

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