is it a good idea to allow citizens of foreign countries to vote in local elections in the US ?

..... If you are to say they don't really support all of the victim groups they claim to support, then I would agree with you. .....
The democrats pay lip service to caring about the various groups they insist individuals exist exclusively in, but how many of them ever get off their asses and lift a finger to actually do anything for anyone? They want the government to take your money and do it for them.
I did not say it was.

While my gut instinct is to agree with you, my logic side says that these people live there, they pay taxes, they send their kids to the schools, they own property, they own businesses....why should they not have a say in what happens to them? ...

If by "have a say" you mean vote, the answer is because they are not citizens.
thats what NYC is doing when it comes to local elections ! to hear the left and the msm explain it the left is allowing non citizens to vote in local elections ,but the truth is the people they are talking about are not non citizens ! the people they are talking about actually are citizens ! they are citizens of foreign countries ! so is it a good idea to allow citizens of South American,Asian ,and European countries to vote in the US ? New York City Mayor Eric Adams allows noncitizen voting bill to become law
It's a gateway to zero representation and totalitarianism.

The war has already started. Get your weapons ready.
It is the correct answer.

Says you. And my gut reaction is the same, but not so sure it is that logical when dug into.

My sister moved to Slovenia this past summer and is working on getting permanent resident status. If she does she will then be allowed to vote in in local elections and can also run for the position of local councillor.

Then she has a say in the things that impact her life on a daily basis. This does not really seem a bad thing to me.
Says you. And my gut reaction is the same, but not so sure it is that logical when dug into.

My sister moved to Slovenia this past summer and is working on getting permanent resident status. If she does she will then be allowed to vote in in local elections and can also run for the position of local councillor.

Then she has a say in the things that impact her life on a daily basis. This does not really seem a bad thing to me.
You don't foresee the end result in allowing that to happen, do you?
I think you have a screw loose.
Leftist political theory = adherence to centralized government control;
Numerous political entities/ideologies embrace this.
individual freedom and sovereignty subservient to central government.
See above.
That perfectly describes the modern democrat party.
Many things describe Democrat fascism; I see them as deranged Nazis.
If you are to say they don't really support all of the victim groups they claim to support,
They do not, but they'll say anything to get that vote.
then I would agree with you.
Good. :)
But to say that they are not politically left
No more than Nazis were Jews.
is absolutely freaking insane.
It's 100% freaking correct actually - Democrats are deranged/zombie/totalitarian conservatives.
The central government is their God.
You're confusing an element common to many ideologies for something exclusively leftist.

You're also failing to note that MANY on the left are libertarian/anarchist in their leanings/beliefs.

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