Is it accurate to describe God as "good?"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."
If God sets the standard for creation then he is as good as he says he is.
God granted us life in the first place and he hold us all alive every second - I don't know how to describe that in English well but I'll try - God maintain the universe - we belong to God.
simplistically, the triumph of one over the other, Good vs Evil after the accomplishment renders all repudiation by others as unwarranted speculation ... accomplish the task first before rendering judgement - the proper Triumph or perish, it's academic.
Based on the existence of things like cancer in children and parasites in drinking water and not stopping religious fanatics by saying "stop!" when it is fully within His power (all the while threatening His most beloved of creations), yeah, God is pretty much the textbook definition of evil.
If God sets the standard for creation then he is as good as he says he is.

Far as I know, God never said he was good. Least not God in the Tanach. Was more like, can do things my way or else. Not as familar with the other half of a Bible so if Jesus said he was God and good whatever. :)
Based on the existence of things like cancer in children and parasites in drinking water and not stopping religious fanatics by saying "stop!" when it is fully within His power (all the while threatening His most beloved of creations), yeah, God is pretty much the textbook definition of evil.

Agree. Worth mentioning the first Christians, contemporaries of Jesus or one of the apostles claimed the Jewish god was in fact an evil god, and their new Christian religion was worshipping a good god. That they were then wiped out by the early Catholics then isn't surprising. That we might be worshipping the former evil version of God is an interesting possibility when we use a book with so much overt evil in it.
Not mine or most sane people's idea of "good" to worship a god who commands the deaths of people who wear clothes made from more than one thread, or that it's ok to sell your own daughter into slavery. That's what most people would call evil. Yet what we describe as a "good" god is doing exactly those things.

Seems more likely to me somehow we got duped into worshipping what is better described as the Devil since "God" seems to be doing all the evil stuff, and the "Devil" is the one saying be happy and do as you like.
Don't hear anything on tv about armies of Satan tear-assing around killing people. Seems only the armies of God do that. So isn't it more probable God's the evil guy, the devil's the good guy? :)
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Well, philosophers have debated on what is "good" and what is "not good" (if I'm not mistaken)...I think it depends on your definition of "good." Has God created/permitted a time of great mischief being committed throughout the earth? Yes, He has. But perhaps humanity will benefit from our experience in this time if God changes the time to a time where there will be NO mischief being committed anywhere on earth. So, is "good" causing the benefit that we would gain from our experience in this time? I say, yes that is good.

Based on the existence of things like cancer in children and parasites in drinking water and not stopping religious fanatics by saying "stop!" when it is fully within His power (all the while threatening His most beloved of creations), yeah, God is pretty much the textbook definition of evil.

Is it possible that rebellion to God is causing all of the "evil" that we are experiencing?
If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."

Well, philosophers have debated on what is "good" and what is "not good" (if I'm not mistaken)...I think it depends on your definition of "good." Has God created/permitted a time of great mischief being committed throughout the earth? Yes, He has. But perhaps humanity will benefit from our experience in this time if God changes the time to a time where there will be NO mischief being committed anywhere on earth. So, is "good" causing the benefit that we would gain from our experience in this time? I say, yes that is good.


I have a simple definition of good and evil: good is whatever if another person does it to you you thank them for. Evil is whatever if someone did it to you would make you upset.
Far as I know, God never said he was good. Least not God in the Tanach. Was more like, can do things my way or else. Not as familar with the other half of a Bible so if Jesus said he was God and good whatever. :)

You are mistaken here, Sir....Psalm 52:1 says:
Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.


That's some guy speaking of God, not anyone quoting God.
Worth mentioning the first Christians, contemporaries of Jesus or one of the apostles claimed the Jewish god was in fact an evil god, and their new Christian religion was worshipping a good god. That they were then wiped out by the early Catholics then isn't surprising. That we might be worshipping the former evil version of God is an interesting possibility when we use a book with so much overt evil in it.

It was Marcion who introduced Isu Chrestos.
I have a simple definition of good and evil: good is whatever if another person does it to you you thank them for. Evil is whatever if someone did it to you would make you upset.

Well, there's a song [that I like] by the rap group Naughty by Nature that contains the lyric, "... I'm dropping you and getting mad if you don't say thank you." "Dropping you" is slang for knocking someone out with a punch. So, the lyric writer considered it worthy of thanks from his assailee that he would knock him out with a punch. Is his knocking that person out with a punch "good" then? According to your definition, it is.

If I murder my neighbor am I good? If not, why is God "murdering" all life on Earth except Noah, his family, and some animals "good?"

Am I good if I murder someone who doesn't believe in my ideas of God? If not, why is God commanding the deaths of those who don't conform to his particular religion good?

Am I good if I refrain from doing work or leaving my home once a week? Is God good if he command sthe death for anyone who doesn't?

God isn't good. Rather we perpetuate the belief he is because no one's likely to follow a god of "evil."
Good and evil are subjective. What is seen as good today may be bad tomorrow.
Based on the existence of things like cancer in children and parasites in drinking water and not stopping religious fanatics by saying "stop!" when it is fully within His power (all the while threatening His most beloved of creations), yeah, God is pretty much the textbook definition of evil.

Is it possible that rebellion to God is causing all of the "evil" that we are experiencing?

That's pretty doubleplus ungood for God to give kids debilitating diseases because of what Adam and Eve did thousands of years ago, but it's probably for our own good. Juvenile Leukemia will keep us on the straight and narrow path, or else...

God surely does move in mysterious ways; mysterious, dickish, ways.

So, no, I don't think all the hurt the world endures from natural causes is because of rebellion against God or else kids wouldn't get sick.
Agree. Worth mentioning the first Christians, contemporaries of Jesus or one of the apostles claimed the Jewish god was in fact an evil god, and their new Christian religion was worshipping a good god. That they were then wiped out by the early Catholics then isn't surprising. That we might be worshipping the former evil version of God is an interesting possibility when we use a book with so much overt evil in it.

Sir, no Christian contemporary of Jesus nor the Apostles called the Jewish God, "evil."

Acts 3:13 (the Apostle Peter speaking:) "The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go."

This shows that the Apostles taught belief in "the God of Abraham," which is the same God that Jesus preached:

"(31)But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, (32)I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." Matt. 22:31-32

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