Is it an act of treason when a President refuses to protect a sovereign nations border?

Are those invading the enemies of the U.S.? If so, is willfully allowing the invasion giving aid and comfort to said enemies?

My answer to both is yes. So, yes it is treason.
To nit pick, the invaders are enemies of the American people, which puts them on the same side as democrats which are also enemies of the American people. This would not be treason against the government.

For all of the wisdom of our founding fathers, they never envisioned a government that would turn against the people and do everything it could to destroy them.

Can a President really just open the peoples border to the thirdworld and get away with it? We’ve all heard all the semantics and not so clever word games….”the border is not open” “our border has always been open to asylum seekers”…etc etc.…but most know better….nobody is really buying that bullshit….Americans have been betrayed BIG-TIME and everybody sane and paying attention knows it. Will Joe Biden have to pay for this treason at some point?​

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Can a President really just open the peoples border to the thirdworld and get away with it? We’ve all heard all the semantics and not so clever word games….”the border is not open” “our border has always been open to asylum seekers”…etc etc.…but most know better….nobody is really buying that bullshit….Americans have been betrayed BIG-TIME and everybody sane and paying attention knows it. Will Joe Biden have to pay for this treason at some point?​

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The borders aren't open. Why are you lying?

Can a President really just open the peoples border to the thirdworld and get away with it? We’ve all heard all the semantics and not so clever word games….”the border is not open” “our border has always been open to asylum seekers”…etc etc.…but most know better….nobody is really buying that bullshit….Americans have been betrayed BIG-TIME and everybody sane and paying attention knows it. Will Joe Biden have to pay for this treason at some point?​

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This is a big act of treason.

Of course Potatohead also stole an election through fraud and he became filthy rich by selling out his country to foreign interest so he was already treasonous.
The borders aren't open. Why are you lying?
You are fucking lying.

We have no border. It is a welcoming center. Potatohead welcoming the Brown shitheads in to sign them up for welfare, take them wherever they want to go, give them anything they want and register them to vote Democrat.
Giving these free loading criminals incentives, like places to live, free education, valid IDs, and welfare, all while attacking businesses only is not a winning strategy. You know that, but between your endless TDS and whatever other malfunctions of your mind, you only focus on the anti-capitalist 'solution'. Sad.

I see you're 47. Do you work or just post on the internet?
You are fucking lying.

We have no border. It is a welcoming center. Potatohead welcoming the Brown shitheads in to sign them up for welfare, take them wherever they want to go, give them anything they want and register them to vote Democrat.

It will be years before any asylum seekers have US citizenship... Before they can vote. How old are you?

Can a President really just open the peoples border to the thirdworld and get away with it? We’ve all heard all the semantics and not so clever word games….”the border is not open” “our border has always been open to asylum seekers”…etc etc.…but most know better….nobody is really buying that bullshit….Americans have been betrayed BIG-TIME and everybody sane and paying attention knows it. Will Joe Biden have to pay for this treason at some point?​

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Biden makes very stupid mistakes but being a senile old fool is not treason.

At least in my opinion
How do you and Richard-H suppose a nation with a secure border ends up with 20-40 million illegal unvetted trespassers?

1. Most of them come in under tourist visas thru airports.

2. The data covers illegal immigrants entering the country since 1990. Most were here long before Biden became President.

Any other stupid questions?
Hahaha. The Conditioning continues.

"President Trump entered the White House with the goal of reducing legal immigration by 63 percent. Trump was wildly successful in reducing legal immigration. By November 2020, the Trump administration reduced the number of green cards issued to people abroad by at least 418,453 and the number of non‐immigrant visas by at least 11,178,668 during his first term through November 2020. President Trump also entered the White House with the goal of eliminating illegal immigration but Trump oversaw a virtual collapse in interior immigration enforcement and the stabilization of the illegal immigrant population. Thus, Trump succeeded in reduce legal immigration and failed to eliminate illegal immigration."


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