CDZ Is it appropriate for someone to put a "Dump Trump" sign in their yard?

I think it's wrong in a neighborhood. He knows there are both Trump and non Trump supporters that live next door to him and across the street. I guess to me it's like the guy who keeps a junker in his yard or has a dog that barks all the time.
Hang an effigy of Obama from a tree.
I have never seen a DUMP TRUMP yard sign, but if you know where I can get one, let me know.

As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
It ought to be mandatory to put a "Dump Trump" sign in your yard!!
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
It ought to be mandatory to put a "Dump Trump" sign in your yard!!
But the yard sign that I really like is "Any Functioning Adult 2020" -- that kind of implies that Trump isn't a functioning adult, get it?
sheeeesh and I thought "I LIKE IKE" was rude
A little ditty that was current when Grover Cleveland ran for President in 1884:
Ma, ma, where's my pa?
Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!
(He actually had probably fathered a child out of wedlock.)
As they say, politics ain't beanbag.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
It ought to be mandatory to put a "Dump Trump" sign in your yard!!

Put up that "I'm for PEDO JOE 2020!"
I live in a neighborhood that is very diverse (??culturally)
I do not recall any other nights during which there were no police sirens AT ALL ---------am I in the twilight zone?
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.

Sure. That's called freedom of expression.

So long as people don't engage in violence they are free to protest however they wish.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
It ought to be mandatory to put a "Dump Trump" sign in your yard!!
But the yard sign that I really like is "Any Functioning Adult 2020" -- that kind of implies that Trump isn't a functioning adult, get it?
says the same about Biden
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
O no Its the 'what you can put in your yard' Stasi/Police
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
this is just another part of the illegal coup to remove a president

by campaigning against him.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.

Is it okay? Yes. It is... generally... okay. I think it's bad form. I think it will cause people to react negatively. I think it puts a divide in America. I would generally put out a sign in support of someone, rather than against someone.

But it is a free country, and it is their yard. So, I would ignore it.

I mean if it was a close friend, or a relative, I might not ask them to take it down, but I might say... I understand it's your right to put that sign in your yard, but I think that a negative sign like that will drive more of a wedge in our country between people, and we're already divided enough.

And then accept whatever decision they choose in the matter.
I say do whatever you want, but to me those signs are an eyesore, on the same level with litter. They're also a pain in the ass when you mow the yard.

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