CDZ Is it appropriate for someone to put a "Dump Trump" sign in their yard?

There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

View attachment 358549

trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Conclusion, grow a pair of balls.
I have never in my life seen a negative sign for any candidate Obama or otherwise in someone's yard until this guy put his Dump Trump sign up. I would never put a Biden Sucks sign up in my yard because I know I have neighbors who are Democrats and I don't want to offend my neighbors.
get used to it. there's not a typical at all and that is what this election is all about.
I don't have to get used to Americans turning on each other, and I won't. If you want that kind of country, I feel sorry for you.
It’s silly, but not over the line and it’s nothing to get bent out of shape over. There were quite a few “Hillary for Prison” signs floating around in 2016.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

View attachment 358549

trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Conclusion, grow a pair of balls.
I have never in my life seen a negative sign for any candidate Obama or otherwise in someone's yard until this guy put his Dump Trump sign up. I would never put a Biden Sucks sign up in my yard because I know I have neighbors who are Democrats and I don't want to offend my neighbors.
get used to it. there's not a typical at all and that is what this election is all about.
I don't have to get used to Americans turning on each other, and I won't. If you want that kind of country, I feel sorry for you.
Dump Trump is the most innocent thing you could possibly put on a sign. Try and remain calm.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

View attachment 358549

trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Conclusion, grow a pair of balls.
I have never in my life seen a negative sign for any candidate Obama or otherwise in someone's yard until this guy put his Dump Trump sign up. I would never put a Biden Sucks sign up in my yard because I know I have neighbors who are Democrats and I don't want to offend my neighbors.
get used to it. there's not a typical at all and that is what this election is all about.
I don't have to get used to Americans turning on each other, and I won't. If you want that kind of country, I feel sorry for you.
Dump Trump is the most innocent thing you could possibly put on a sign. Try and remain calm.
Meanwhile you're bought off pundit heroes and your cohorts call Democrats pedophile murderers etc etc with absolutely no evidence. You are ridiculous.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.

It was okay for someone to have a sign with "Nobama" and a hammer and sickle, and it is okay to have Dump Trump too. It's protected speech under the First Amendment
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Sure go ahead if it's their yard, I don't care. I laugh at bumper stickers and yard signs I don't agree with, unlike the leftists who have MANY times torn down my yard signs and tried to rip my bumper stickers off my vehicles.
It’s silly, but not over the line and it’s nothing to get bent out of shape over. There were quite a few “Hillary for Prison” signs floating around in 2016.
Like I keep explaining it's not so much the sign, it's about putting it in your yard when you know at least some of your neighbors are Trump supporters. A neighborhood is not the place for negative political signs IMO, especially in today's environment.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
There were signs saying things like "Clinton for prison" all over here in 2016.
I expect to see signs comparing quid pro joe to a vegetable... which is somewhat demeaning.....

to vegetables....
While I'm not a fan of the sign the OP mentions...doing something in poor taste doesn't mean they don't have the right to. Unless there's an HOA or something like that with rules stated that person has every right under the 1st amendment to post an anti-Trump sign in their yard if the wish.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.

It's okay. It's a freedom of speech issue. I have been thinking about a mini Trump Baby balloon to fly from the top of my TV antenna (maybe it will help with reception) one the election gets closer.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
A Trump supporter will find it inappropriate; a Trump opponent not.

All politics are both local and relative.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
A Trump supporter will find it inappropriate; a Trump opponent not.

All politics are both local and relative.
I disagree. I do not want to see negative signs about Biden popping up in my neighborhood. If you want to put up Biden 2020 that's perfectly fine and very different than 'Dump Biden' IMO.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Really? So you never saw an anti-Obama bumper sticker or yard sign? Because they were out in numbers. Or did you just not care? same with Hillary signs. They were out there.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

View attachment 358549

trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Mod Edit -- CDZ.. Language issue... Winco
81% say he has been treated unfairly
or 44%. Whichever one you want to believe. Personally, I think 44%, which closely resembles his support %, makes a lot more sense.

As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Only if they want trash dumped in their yard, their windows broken, etc. Not that I'm giving you any ideas you understand. BTW rock salt, like the stuff you put in water softeners does wonders for a lawn.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Unless you're wealthy, that is the appropriate sign to put in your yard.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

View attachment 358549

trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Mod Edit -- CDZ.. Language issue... Winco
81% say he has been treated unfairly
or 44%. Whichever one you want to believe. Personally, I think 44%, which closely resembles his support %, makes a lot more sense.

You deleted your last post but here it is

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JoinedApr 2, 2018Messages439Reaction score56Points80
24 minutes ago
bigrebnc1775 said:
Winco said:
Coyote said:
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

View attachment 358549
trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Mod Edit -- CDZ.. Language issue... Winco
81% say he has been treated unfairly
And interestingly enough, I just clicked on your link, and the poll now shows 19% think he is treated unfairly.
why did you lie?
the poll still at 81%

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