CDZ Is it appropriate for someone to put a "Dump Trump" sign in their yard?

As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Really? So you never saw an anti-Obama bumper sticker or yard sign? Because they were out in numbers. Or did you just not care? same with Hillary signs. They were out there.
what I didn't see was the media attacking obama when they had many chances to do it.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
What I don't understand is the need for anyone to plaster a sign on their lawn, car, windows, etc to announce to the world who they are voting for. Why? Why would anyone give a damn who backs whom? But in anwer to your question...yes. Put whatever you want in your front yard. Dorky looking pink plastic flamingos, black pickinanny sprinkler, signs. But you look stupid doing it.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

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The only bumper stickers on my car are says MAUI...the other is from Alaska and says "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except bears. Bears will kill you".
That one was compliments from GallantWarrior. I LOVE that sticker!
It’s a public service message for the embetterment of America instead of the current embezzlement of America
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

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trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Conclusion, grow a pair of balls.
I have never in my life seen a negative sign for any candidate Obama or otherwise in someone's yard until this guy put his Dump Trump sign up. I would never put a Biden Sucks sign up in my yard because I know I have neighbors who are Democrats and I don't want to offend my neighbors.
Where I live, back in 2016 there were "Hillary for Prison" signs all over the place that had the same logo as her regular campaign signs so it's safe to say both sides do it. This year I've also seen quite a few TRE45ON signs in yards.
Personally, I have a SMOD 2020 sign. ( Sweet Meteor Of Death)
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Unless you're wealthy, that is the appropriate sign to put in your yard.
No, that's wrong.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

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trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Mod Edit -- CDZ.. Language issue... Winco
No Trump supporter will bust their property to take that sign down .unlike lefty who can't control their TDS. And must attack.
There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

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trump has brainwashed his based into believing that
"nobody has ever been treated worse than me" "It's not fair"

Get a grip.
The right treated Obama terrible, for 8 years, and it continues today.
Mod Edit -- CDZ.. Language issue... Winco
No Trump supporter will bust their property to take that sign down .unlike lefty who can't control their TDS. And must attack.

...uh huh...

There have been negative signs it ok? I dunno. I never put up political signs or bumper stickers.

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The only bumper stickers on my car are says MAUI...the other is from Alaska and says "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except bears. Bears will kill you".
That one was compliments from GallantWarrior. I LOVE that sticker!
I like the bear one!
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
As long as it’s not filled with profanity I’m alright with it seems pretty tame in today’s political climate.
UPDATE: My neighbor has taken down his "Dump Trump" sign. Maybe he noticed that no one else in the neighborhood was being a dork with Dump Trump or Dump Biden signs in their yard.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
Its fine
Don't be a progressive karen

Put a trump sign up your neighbor will probably light it on fire and slash your tires

As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
In the 2016 election, Trump supporters had signs that said "Clinton for Prison 2016". We live in a country that affords us the opportunity to voice our unhappiness with our political figures. Especially, our president. This is not over the line. Trump tying aid money to a request to a foreign diplomat to investigate the son of a potential rival? Now, that is over the line. Don't get me wrong. I don't like either candidate in this election. But, if you become a politician, and can't handle public ridicule if you are performing poorly, then perhaps you should find another line of work.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
In the 2016 election, Trump supporters had signs that said "Clinton for Prison 2016". We live in a country that affords us the opportunity to voice our unhappiness with our political figures. Especially, our president. This is not over the line. Trump tying aid money to a request to a foreign diplomat to investigate the son of a potential rival? Now, that is over the line. Don't get me wrong. I don't like either candidate in this election. But, if you become a politician, and can't handle public ridicule if you are performing poorly, then perhaps you should find another line of work.
My concern was not for Trump's ego. It was about what is appropriate to put in your yard when you know your neighbors will be offended. Maybe it's just my neighborhood, but I've never seen negative signs for Clinton, Obama, Bush, etc. And as I mentioned in another post, my neighbor did take down the Dump Trump sign and put up an All Lives Matter sign which was a big improvement IMO.
Duh freedom of speech extends to what is written. Yet where is the outrage for "sleepy joe" and that is the being nice one.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
In the 2016 election, Trump supporters had signs that said "Clinton for Prison 2016". We live in a country that affords us the opportunity to voice our unhappiness with our political figures. Especially, our president. This is not over the line. Trump tying aid money to a request to a foreign diplomat to investigate the son of a potential rival? Now, that is over the line. Don't get me wrong. I don't like either candidate in this election. But, if you become a politician, and can't handle public ridicule if you are performing poorly, then perhaps you should find another line of work.
My concern was not for Trump's ego. It was about what is appropriate to put in your yard when you know your neighbors will be offended. Maybe it's just my neighborhood, but I've never seen negative signs for Clinton, Obama, Bush, etc. And as I mentioned in another post, my neighbor did take down the Dump Trump sign and put up an All Lives Matter sign which was a big improvement IMO.

Offending people has never been a concern for right wingers before. I noticed you only care when you are the one offended..
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.
In the 2016 election, Trump supporters had signs that said "Clinton for Prison 2016". We live in a country that affords us the opportunity to voice our unhappiness with our political figures. Especially, our president. This is not over the line. Trump tying aid money to a request to a foreign diplomat to investigate the son of a potential rival? Now, that is over the line. Don't get me wrong. I don't like either candidate in this election. But, if you become a politician, and can't handle public ridicule if you are performing poorly, then perhaps you should find another line of work.
My concern was not for Trump's ego. It was about what is appropriate to put in your yard when you know your neighbors will be offended. Maybe it's just my neighborhood, but I've never seen negative signs for Clinton, Obama, Bush, etc. And as I mentioned in another post, my neighbor did take down the Dump Trump sign and put up an All Lives Matter sign which was a big improvement IMO.

Offending people has never been a concern for right wingers before. I noticed you only care when you are the one offended..
You noticed wrong. I've already said in this thread I would never put a Dump Biden or Biden Sucks sign in my yard because I know I have Democrat neighbors and they would be offended. And like I also said in this thread my neighbor has since taken down his Dump Trump sign and replaced it with All Lives Matter. If you want to express your feelings on a bumper sticker or your T shirt fine but it's different if it's your neighbors IMO.
As we get nearer the election in possibly the most chaotic election year ever, I'm seeing everyday things that bother me. One of my neighbors last week put a bright pink sign in their yard that says "Dump Trump". I've seen plenty of people putting the signs of people they support. But I've never seen anyone put a negative sign up about a candidate they don't like. Do think this is OK? I think it goes over the line of what neighbors should put in their yard.

I think it's perfectly fine.

It's called FREE SPEECH. I'm a big fan. I guess you aren't.

Yes I've seen anti trump signs in yards and many other places. I've even photographed them.

It sure is a lot better than Obama being lynched in effigy in your yard. Or at your church.

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