is it asking too much that they only take one plane to the vineyard?

Seems like when we were in the middle of the financial meltdown in 2009 and the Obama's went to Hawaii on vacation? Didn't Michelle and the girls leave a few days ahead of the President then too? Do they EVER travel with him? We always saw photos of George and Laura coming down the steps from Air Force One holding hands, but I don't recall seeing such a photo of Michelle and Barack.

It would be an interesting project for some good investigative reporter with a lot of time on his or her hands to do some research on that.

I can smell the desperation from here. Anything that might hurt President Obama's reelection chances, eh?

Getting back to the OP for a moment, totally unnecessary.
wtf? did she think the tide was going to go out and not come back?

this is just ridiculous

Michelle Obama and President Obama traveled to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart, costing taxpayers thousands in additional expenses so she could have just a bit of extra vacation time.

Mrs. Obama and her daughters arrived just before 2 pm Thursday on a U.S. government jet, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Times, which got its information from the local airport. The first lady’s office has been silent on her travel. President Obama arrived in the evening along with the family dog Bo.

The extra costs related to Mrs. Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on a specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her. She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.

Michelle’s Separate Travel Costs Taxpayers Thousands | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

what about her carbon footprint?

all in all, she's a pretty crappy first lady

There is no extra costs. The Air Force flies daily hops. I rode on them many times for free in the Army. I rode USAF planes mostly.

bullshit. the AF doesn't fly daily hops to martha's vineyard from DC.

and i'm pretty sure that the secret service doesn't run hourly motorcades from edgartown to oak bluffs


try again
wtf? did she think the tide was going to go out and not come back?

this is just ridiculous

Michelle Obama and President Obama traveled to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart, costing taxpayers thousands in additional expenses so she could have just a bit of extra vacation time.

Mrs. Obama and her daughters arrived just before 2 pm Thursday on a U.S. government jet, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Times, which got its information from the local airport. The first lady’s office has been silent on her travel. President Obama arrived in the evening along with the family dog Bo.

The extra costs related to Mrs. Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on a specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her. She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.

Michelle’s Separate Travel Costs Taxpayers Thousands | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

what about her carbon footprint?

all in all, she's a pretty crappy first lady

There is no extra costs. The Air Force flies daily hops. I rode on them many times for free in the Army. I rode USAF planes mostly.

bullshit. the AF doesn't fly daily hops to martha's vineyard from DC.

and i'm pretty sure that the secret service doesn't run hourly motorcades from edgartown to oak bluffs


try again

The planes are paid for, the pilots and crew are paid for by the month. If they did not fly, they would set, which is wrse than not flying. There is no special cost, even the fuel is already paid for the year. Even the SS is paid for, and has a rented home in Martha's Vineyard already paid for.
When people complained about this sort of thing when Bush was president,

the Bushies called them assholes.

Do the math.

did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.
and you use a blog as a legitimate source!? you are reaching for that bottle of hate.
When people complained about this sort of thing when Bush was president,

the Bushies called them assholes.

Do the math.

did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

what does race have to do with it? And yes the Bush's did take seperate flights, So what.
She hopped a scheduled flight? Pray please tell why the Air Force is flying regular trips to Martha's Vineyard? Is that some secret military installation or something?

Here is ABC's version but note the photo accompanying it. Just the President. No other Obama's in sight. . . .and the accompanying video shows him getting off the plane by himself. . . .


President Obama and the first family retreat today from the spotlight and political rough-and-tumble of Washington for a 10-day vacation on the Massachusetts island of Martha's Vineyard.

The Obamas are headed back to the Blue Heron Farm, a spacious $20 million estate in the Chilmark section of the island, for their third consecutive year. There they'll be insulated by 28.5 acres that include four living residences, a gym, swimming pool, basketball court and putting green.
Obama's Martha's Vineyard Vacation Won't Mean Escape From Economic Gloom - ABC News

Compared to other Presidents, President Obama's time on vacation has not been excessive though it is unfair to compare his vacations with President Bush's time at Crawford as Bush usually had working staff and/or foreign dignitaries with him and he literally did do a lot of working 'vacations'. Both have been criticized plenty for being 'on vacation' during this or that national crisis.
When people complained about this sort of thing when Bush was president,

the Bushies called them assholes.

Do the math.

did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

what does race have to do with it? And yes the Bush's did take seperate flights, So what.

was i talking to you, little man?
Check out my profile. I know of what I speak when I tell you that there are NO regularly scheduled military flights to The Vineyard. Motorcades are extremely unusual and extremely disruptive.

As to the liberal toadies who ride the ferry from the mainland to worship their messiah, they bring with them a political tee-shirt and a five-dollar bill, stay 2-3 days, and change neither.
When people complained about this sort of thing when Bush was president,

the Bushies called them assholes.

Do the math.

did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

How far is it to Crawford, TX?
When people complained about this sort of thing when Bush was president,

the Bushies called them assholes.

Do the math.

did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

How far is it to Crawford, TX?

who fucking cares?
When people complained about this sort of thing when Bush was president,

the Bushies called them assholes.

Do the math.

did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

what does race have to do with it? And yes the Bush's did take seperate flights, So what.

That was a perplexing leap wasn't it?
did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

what does race have to do with it? And yes the Bush's did take seperate flights, So what.

That was a perplexing leap wasn't it?

wuss :lol:
wtf? did she think the tide was going to go out and not come back?

this is just ridiculous

Michelle Obama and President Obama traveled to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart, costing taxpayers thousands in additional expenses so she could have just a bit of extra vacation time.

Mrs. Obama and her daughters arrived just before 2 pm Thursday on a U.S. government jet, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Times, which got its information from the local airport. The first lady’s office has been silent on her travel. President Obama arrived in the evening along with the family dog Bo.

The extra costs related to Mrs. Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on a specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her. She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.

Michelle’s Separate Travel Costs Taxpayers Thousands | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

what about her carbon footprint?

all in all, she's a pretty crappy first lady

There is no extra costs. The Air Force flies daily hops. I rode on them many times for free in the Army. I rode USAF planes mostly.

Are you seriously trying to say that Michelle rode a fucking hop to the vacation?

Are you kidding me??? :lmao:
did the bushes spend a lot of time taking separate planes to the same place within hours of each other while the economy was fucked?

if you wanna call me a racist, come out and do it, instead of being a coward about it.

otherwise, piss off.

How far is it to Crawford, TX?

who fucking cares?

who cares about Martha's? Oh yeah , the unemployed that got left behind in the massive layoff cause you had no real trade or education.
She hopped a scheduled flight? Pray please tell why the Air Force is flying regular trips to Martha's Vineyard? Is that some secret military installation or something?

Here is ABC's version but note the photo accompanying it. Just the President. No other Obama's in sight. . . .and the accompanying video shows him getting off the plane by himself. . . .


President Obama and the first family retreat today from the spotlight and political rough-and-tumble of Washington for a 10-day vacation on the Massachusetts island of Martha's Vineyard.

The Obamas are headed back to the Blue Heron Farm, a spacious $20 million estate in the Chilmark section of the island, for their third consecutive year. There they'll be insulated by 28.5 acres that include four living residences, a gym, swimming pool, basketball court and putting green.
Obama's Martha's Vineyard Vacation Won't Mean Escape From Economic Gloom - ABC News

Compared to other Presidents, President Obama's time on vacation has not been excessive though it is unfair to compare his vacations with President Bush's time at Crawford as Bush usually had working staff and/or foreign dignitaries with him and he literally did do a lot of working 'vacations'. Both have been criticized plenty for being 'on vacation' during this or that national crisis.

Your the eternal optimists? More like the eternal bitcher

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