is it asking too much that they only take one plane to the vineyard?

who fucking cares?

who cares about Martha's? Oh yeah , the unemployed that got left behind in the massive layoff cause you had no real trade or education.

those burgers aren't going to flip themselves, son.

hop to it

I did for many years and became manager at two large franchises, but I developed my education and my trades, now semi-retirement. Simply lovely. I live on 43 acres paid for, by the Elk River and 6 lakes in the three state region . Time goes tumbling by when toil is not the answer.
who cares about Martha's? Oh yeah , the unemployed that got left behind in the massive layoff cause you had no real trade or education.

those burgers aren't going to flip themselves, son.

hop to it

i did for many years and became manager at two large franchises, but I developed my education and my trades, now semi-retirement. Simply lovely. I live on 43 acres paid for, by the Elk River and 6 lakes. Time goes tumbling by when toil is not the answer.

wtf? did she think the tide was going to go out and not come back?

this is just ridiculous

Michelle Obama and President Obama traveled to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart, costing taxpayers thousands in additional expenses so she could have just a bit of extra vacation time.

Mrs. Obama and her daughters arrived just before 2 pm Thursday on a U.S. government jet, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Times, which got its information from the local airport. The first lady’s office has been silent on her travel. President Obama arrived in the evening along with the family dog Bo.

The extra costs related to Mrs. Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on a specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her. She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.

Michelle’s Separate Travel Costs Taxpayers Thousands | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

what about her carbon footprint?

all in all, she's a pretty crappy first lady
Seems smart enough to me... Would YOU want to spend one more moment than you have to with her husband?
Does anyone else find it odd that he chose to fly with his dog instead of with his wife and children?

Not at all. Have you ever listened to michelle obama speak? Could you stand that for 2 hours on a plane where there was no escape?
I have never heard anyone raise similar concerns about any previous presidents and family travel costs. Why is that...?
At least barry got some golf in today...

It's so rare he finds the time to practice his putts...
I have never heard anyone raise similar concerns about any previous presidents and family travel costs. Why is that...?

Oh please. Every single anti-Bush site, and there were lots and lots and LOTS of them, were tracking his every move, every trip to Crawford, how many miles it was, how much it cost, how many days he spent there, how much more time away from the White House he spent than any other President, yadda yadda. They still do that every time one of Obama's lavish vacations comes up.
Obama says if Americans are upset about this, "Let them eat cake".

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