Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?

Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
I didn't see anything racist, bigoted, or misogynist in his post....where is it?
I wouldn't expect you to. You kids basically share a brain.
Or could it be because these things you talk about are either just made up, or it's what the talking heads on the left tell you, and you believe it?

The fact is, I hear it daily on left wing radio, and here on usmb, and they all use the same talking points, being, "the right want border security, so they must be racist", which is false, but it doesnt stop them from using that narrative day after day.

The simple truth is, nobody can actually point to any data or factual accounts of wide spread racism or bigotry in the right wing. All they can do is use false equivalencies, saying that since the right wants border security, then that makes them racist and bigoted, which it doesnt.

So, my question still stands. Show me this racism that is wide spread in the right. Show me where, on a whole, the right wing is actively engaging in racism, misongeny, and bigotry.

It doesnt exist...
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Much like people do when they watch CNN or MSNBC.
Your response makes no sense in context.
You were talking about talking heads, i.e. the media
No. I was talking about talking heads. Entertainers like Limbaugh, Jones, and Hannity. Not media.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
I didn't see anything racist, bigoted, or misogynist in his post....where is it?
I wouldn't expect you to. You kids basically share a brain.
Or could it be because these things you talk about are either just made up, or it's what the talking heads on the left tell you, and you believe it?

The fact is, I hear it daily on left wing radio, and here on usmb, and they all use the same talking points, being, "the right want border security, so they must be racist", which is false, but it doesnt stop them from using that narrative day after day.

The simple truth is, nobody can actually point to any data or factual accounts of wide spread racism or bigotry in the right wing. All they can do is use false equivalencies, saying that since the right wants border security, then that makes them racist and bigoted, which it doesnt.

So, my question still stands. Show me this racism that is wide spread in the right. Show me where, on a whole, the right wing is actively engaging in racism, misongeny, and bigotry.

It doesnt exist...
there is data here showing how racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism or income inequality.
However, the data appears to show racism among conservatives remaining static, but instead the disgust of racism among democrats has increased.
Guys he means, being a bigot, racist and full of hate.
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....

Nobody thinks the children should be killed for behaving as their programmers intended. After all, these tweenagers were in Washington to march against women's rights. How enlightened of the little Republicans. But I question where their chaperones were.
Wrong, idiot.

There are plenty of people who wanted to kill them. That is why they had to shut the school down.

Don’t use absolutist terms like “nobody” when you have no clue what you are talking about.
Your orange uses absolusist terms all the time. He is the best at everything and then least agree ?
Start spinning.
He is a narcissist. He is not doing anything but selling himself. That is far different from using it to dismiss entire events of history because they are inconvenient or show what the Democrats really are.

Dragonlady is trying to dismiss the fact that fucking CNN and others dared to defend black supremacist thugs(even saying they were preaching Bible verses about “oppression”)who were there to directly protest the Native Americans and were hurling racist insults at white high schoolers while the media also justified insane rhetoric launched at innocent kids over social media just because they go to a private school, are white males, some were wear MAGA hats and because the kid was fucking smiling to the point that they shut down the school.
I dont Cate for CNN, Hillary or politics in general...I just hate that a **** like trump has a platform and a dangerously powerful one....he represents everything that's wrong himans....bullying, fraudulent. Narcissist, arrogant and the lost goes on. He is what we tell our children not to be....he emboldened the racists and bigots...and that has to stop
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....

Nobody thinks the children should be killed for behaving as their programmers intended. After all, these tweenagers were in Washington to march against women's rights. How enlightened of the little Republicans. But I question where their chaperones were.
Wrong, idiot.

There are plenty of people who wanted to kill them. That is why they had to shut the school down.

Don’t use absolutist terms like “nobody” when you have no clue what you are talking about.
Your orange uses absolusist terms all the time. He is the best at everything and then least agree ?
Start spinning.
He is a narcissist. He is not doing anything but selling himself. That is far different from using it to dismiss entire events of history because they are inconvenient or show what the Democrats really are.

Dragonlady is trying to dismiss the fact that fucking CNN and others dared to defend black supremacist thugs(even saying they were preaching Bible verses about “oppression”)who were there to directly protest the Native Americans and were hurling racist insults at white high schoolers while the media also justified insane rhetoric launched at innocent kids over social media just because they go to a private school, are white males, some were wear MAGA hats and because the kid was fucking smiling to the point that they shut down the school.
I dont Cate for CNN, Hillary or politics in general...I just hate that a **** like trump has a platform and a dangerously powerful one....he represents everything that's wrong himans....bullying, fraudulent. Narcissist, arrogant and the lost goes on. He is what we tell our children not to be....he emboldened the racists and bigots...and that has to stop

Yea howdy, nothing worse than some of that Cate.
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....

Nobody thinks the children should be killed for behaving as their programmers intended. After all, these tweenagers were in Washington to march against women's rights. How enlightened of the little Republicans. But I question where their chaperones were.
Wrong, idiot.

There are plenty of people who wanted to kill them. That is why they had to shut the school down.

Don’t use absolutist terms like “nobody” when you have no clue what you are talking about.
Your orange uses absolusist terms all the time. He is the best at everything and then least agree ?
Start spinning.
He is a narcissist. He is not doing anything but selling himself. That is far different from using it to dismiss entire events of history because they are inconvenient or show what the Democrats really are.

Dragonlady is trying to dismiss the fact that fucking CNN and others dared to defend black supremacist thugs(even saying they were preaching Bible verses about “oppression”)who were there to directly protest the Native Americans and were hurling racist insults at white high schoolers while the media also justified insane rhetoric launched at innocent kids over social media just because they go to a private school, are white males, some were wear MAGA hats and because the kid was fucking smiling to the point that they shut down the school.
I dont Cate for CNN, Hillary or politics in general...I just hate that a **** like trump has a platform and a dangerously powerful one....he represents everything that's wrong himans....bullying, fraudulent. Narcissist, arrogant and the lost goes on. He is what we tell our children not to be....he emboldened the racists and bigots...and that has to stop
Democrats ARE the racists and the bigots.

Every single article out of the New York Times empowers and emboldens racists.
Nobody thinks the children should be killed for behaving as their programmers intended. After all, these tweenagers were in Washington to march against women's rights. How enlightened of the little Republicans. But I question where their chaperones were.
Wrong, idiot.

There are plenty of people who wanted to kill them. That is why they had to shut the school down.

Don’t use absolutist terms like “nobody” when you have no clue what you are talking about.
Your orange uses absolusist terms all the time. He is the best at everything and then least agree ?
Start spinning.
He is a narcissist. He is not doing anything but selling himself. That is far different from using it to dismiss entire events of history because they are inconvenient or show what the Democrats really are.

Dragonlady is trying to dismiss the fact that fucking CNN and others dared to defend black supremacist thugs(even saying they were preaching Bible verses about “oppression”)who were there to directly protest the Native Americans and were hurling racist insults at white high schoolers while the media also justified insane rhetoric launched at innocent kids over social media just because they go to a private school, are white males, some were wear MAGA hats and because the kid was fucking smiling to the point that they shut down the school.
I dont Cate for CNN, Hillary or politics in general...I just hate that a **** like trump has a platform and a dangerously powerful one....he represents everything that's wrong himans....bullying, fraudulent. Narcissist, arrogant and the lost goes on. He is what we tell our children not to be....he emboldened the racists and bigots...and that has to stop
Democrats ARE the racists and the bigots.

Every single article out of the New York Times empowers and emboldens racists. a minority and every minority I talk to confirm the GOP, cons are the racists....this forum is a prime example. That's why we overwhelmingly vote anti GOP....the right is racist and facist in most countries.
“Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?”

No, not at all.

In fact, it’s easy to be a conservative and just give into your fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

If you are so confident and secure in your views and opinions. Why are you running from my challenge to you in the Bull Ring?

I would have hoped that this crazy woman would gotten some help by now. You know. The woman in the green jacket and glasses.
“Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?”

No, not at all.

In fact, it’s easy to be a conservative and just give into your fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

If you are so confident and secure in your views and opinions. Why are you running from my challenge to you in the Bull Ring?

I would have hoped that this crazy woman would gotten some help by now. You know. The woman in the green jacket and glasses.


She likes the attention.
“Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?”

No, not at all.

In fact, it’s easy to be a conservative and just give into your fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

If you are so confident and secure in your views and opinions. Why are you running from my challenge to you in the Bull Ring?

I would have hoped that this crazy woman would gotten some help by now. You know. The woman in the green jacket and glasses.


She likes the attention.

She would do a lot better on medication.
“Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?”

No, not at all.

In fact, it’s easy to be a conservative and just give into your fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

If you are so confident and secure in your views and opinions. Why are you running from my challenge to you in the Bull Ring?

I would have hoped that this crazy woman would gotten some help by now. You know. The woman in the green jacket and glasses.


She likes the attention.

She would do a lot better on medication.

I'm betting she is already way ahead of you on that.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Much like people do when they watch CNN or MSNBC.
Your response makes no sense in context.
You were talking about talking heads, i.e. the media
No. I was talking about talking heads. Entertainers like Limbaugh, Jones, and Hannity. Not media.
In the end, are they not all talking heads?
The simple truth is, nobody can actually point to any data or factual accounts of wide spread racism or bigotry in the right wing.
You're kidding, right?
No, I'm not kidding. I hear it every day, but nobody ever cites examples. They all just point to the right wing advocating for border security and say "they are racist".

I want to see actual examples where the overall mantra of the right wing is how they are hateful of another group of people because they dont look the same.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
I didn't see anything racist, bigoted, or misogynist in his post....where is it?
I wouldn't expect you to. You kids basically share a brain.
Or could it be because these things you talk about are either just made up, or it's what the talking heads on the left tell you, and you believe it?

The fact is, I hear it daily on left wing radio, and here on usmb, and they all use the same talking points, being, "the right want border security, so they must be racist", which is false, but it doesnt stop them from using that narrative day after day.

The simple truth is, nobody can actually point to any data or factual accounts of wide spread racism or bigotry in the right wing. All they can do is use false equivalencies, saying that since the right wants border security, then that makes them racist and bigoted, which it doesnt.

So, my question still stands. Show me this racism that is wide spread in the right. Show me where, on a whole, the right wing is actively engaging in racism, misongeny, and bigotry.

It doesnt exist...
there is data here showing how racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism or income inequality.
However, the data appears to show racism among conservatives remaining static, but instead the disgust of racism among democrats has increased.
Ok, so in the first section of the article, based on income, the writer says "to most directly test the income hypothesis, I restrict the analysis to white voters".

Then he goes on to say that the study showed that in 2016, the analysis shows the wealthy have a "disdain" for trump, and the poor were more likely to vote for trump.

The second part, about authoritarian, again, the author is just using white voters for the study. It showed that trump voters tend to be less authoritarian.

Again, in the the third segment, he uses only white voters. The question he posed was not about whether trump voters felt black people "blacks are lazy". Rather there were 4 questions:

"Italians, jews,and many other minority groups overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without special favors"

Second question: "over the last few years, blacks have gotten less than they deserve"

Third question: "it's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough. If blacks would only try harder, they could be as well off as whites"

Fourth question: "generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class"

In each of the graphs to you see a slight increase in the way repub voters feel vs democrat, but in all cases, the separation between the two is not that wide. Also, the author says they used a "symbolic racism scale", which means they take other viewpoints on other factors, and then tie them to racism.

At the end of the day, this article shows a prevailing ideology more than anything. It shows that most trump supporters simply view personal responsibility more than anything.

Also, since the question was not about whether white people like or dislike black people based on their skin color, this study is not actually about race as it is about the general way Republicans and Democrats think and vote. More often, a repub will vote for smaller government, less entitlement, and people taking responsibility for their own actions, where Democrats will vote for more.government influence, more entitlement, and community constructs to help support the group as a whole.

These are not racist viewpoints. A lot of what people think today is formed by the news and talk radio they hear. Most of your right wing radio is going to be centered around freedom, liberty, and keeping government out of your life. Most Democrat talk radio is about blaming white people for the problems in America, and how all whites and repubs are racist. These are facts. I listen to a lot of both right and left leaning radio. The difference is stark.

None of what the article alludes to is racism though, because the question was not about "racism" but rather personal responsibility. The author even admits he didnt want to ask an overtly racist question. Instead, he used the question of how trump supporters view the plight of minorities, in that they believe they should work harder to get out of their situation. If anything, it may present a slight stereotype, but not racism.

Also, I bet if you asked them the same questions about white people who are poor, youd likely get the same responses.
The simple truth is, nobody can actually point to any data or factual accounts of wide spread racism or bigotry in the right wing.
You're kidding, right?
No, I'm not kidding. I hear it every day, but nobody ever cites examples. They all just point to the right wing advocating for border security and say "they are racist".

I want to see actual examples where the overall mantra of the right wing is how they are hateful of another group of people because they dont look the same.

tRump's refusal to condemn white supremacists, this whole made up "border crisis" nonsense, claims that all mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers, eight years of attacking the president because he was black, comparing his wife and children to monkies and apes, the "shit hole countries" remark, "there are fine people on both sides"....

How much more do you need? Should we get into voter suppression? Republican hatered for affirmative action programs? The whole "welfare queen" meme thing?

The whole party, from the bottom to the top, is infested with racists and racism.
The simple truth is, nobody can actually point to any data or factual accounts of wide spread racism or bigotry in the right wing.
You're kidding, right?
No, I'm not kidding. I hear it every day, but nobody ever cites examples. They all just point to the right wing advocating for border security and say "they are racist".

I want to see actual examples where the overall mantra of the right wing is how they are hateful of another group of people because they dont look the same.

tRump's refusal to condemn white supremacists, this whole made up "border crisis" nonsense, claims that all mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers, eight years of attacking the president because he was black, comparing his wife and children to monkies and apes, the "shit hole countries" remark, "there are fine people on both sides"....

How much more do you need? Should we get into voter suppression? Republican hatered for affirmative action programs? The whole "welfare queen" meme thing?

The whole party, from the bottom to the top, is infested with racists and racism. trumps refusal to condemn some knuckleheads in Charlottesville doesnt mean the entire right wing is racist.

Trump never claimed all mexicans are rapists and criminals. He said some were and the times he didnt say some, he was referring to the cartels. Left leaning talk show didnt waste any time pushing that narrative though.

Who attacked obama because he was black? If you are referring to right wing disagreeing with his policies as being racist, well, again, MSM pushed that lie. Maybe a few non relevant people made some racist comments, but you'll not find any prominent people who made comments like that.

Again, show me the main right wing talking heads who compared Michelle to monekys... its not there.

And lastly, there were may have been fine people on both sides. Simply because you want him to blanket condemn everybody doesnt make him a racist.

Beyond all of that, you have pointed out things that are pretty much centered around trump. It, in no way, reflects on the majority of Republicans.

I'm not saying racism doesnt exist, it absolutely does, on both sides. However, this blanket statement that the right wing party is filled with racism and bigotry is false.

You need to look past what the left talk hosts tell you, I know, I listen to them as well, and learn to see the truth. CNN and MSNBC are right along with them in pushing this "right wing, white supremacist" lie. Again, they are out there, but you are talking about a few fringe people.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
"conservative values".....:71:
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
Typical reactionary nonsense response. I am not even religious. You just can’t stand that I have the gall to defend Christians from YOUR religious bigotry.

And no, Democrats are 100% reliant on non-whites to win elections. Yes, if white Democrats grew a brain and voted Republican in large numbers that would tilt the election, but election by election cycle that number would have be significantly bigger than the last to make that much of a difference. Democrats are a completely non-white focusing party now and that leaves white people with no choice but to vote Republican.
Imagine a country where conservative republicans actually DO something to attract minority voters......but I guess that would cut against their grain.

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