Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?

Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
You are absolutely correct, we hate pukes like you who expect a free ride...dumbass.

Me getting a free ride? I paid off my mortgage a few months ago; over $110 large.

How in Hell could any one taking a "free ride" as you say do that?


Seriously?! Free healthcare, free college. Great you managed to pay off your house. Now you can save up for a truck in case you want to move your house to a different neighborhood.

"Free healthcare, free college." I said nothing about those items. YOU need to stop doing ALL of those drugs. this must be the very first time you've heard of those....dumbass.

YOU brought those things into the conversation; not me you fvcking idiot.

Yes, and you didn't deny wanting them...idiot.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.

That’s weird...I thought smart people are wealthy...I thought wealthy people vote Republican...Is this chart bullshit?
Me getting a free ride? I paid off my mortgage a few months ago; over $110 large.

How in Hell could any one taking a "free ride" as you say do that?


Seriously?! Free healthcare, free college. Great you managed to pay off your house. Now you can save up for a truck in case you want to move your house to a different neighborhood.

"Free healthcare, free college." I said nothing about those items. YOU need to stop doing ALL of those drugs. this must be the very first time you've heard of those....dumbass.

YOU brought those things into the conversation; not me you fvcking idiot.

Yes, and you didn't deny wanting them...idiot.

I never said anything about that, you did so, GFYSYGOC, and enjoy your HATE too.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Liberals believe in hard work and paying your own way. That's why we want corporations to pay their employees a living wage instead of relying on the middle class to subsidize starvation pay.

liberals believe in paying their own way by forcing companies to pay more for the same amount of work. People can increase their pay by finding jobs that pay more. Working in a department store may not pay enough to raise a family, but there are jobs out there that do, and a lot of them dont even require a college degree.

Also, personal responsibility has to come into play. People dont live within their means. They dont need the newest iphone, or a 70" TV when that 55" TV they have still works fine. They dont need to drive a BMW when what they really can afford is a Chevy. People will max out credit cards and car loans, and then all of the money they make is tied up in bills, and then they get mad because they dont make enough money

Liberals believe in teaching core family values: That ALL families have value, and all law abiding people are deserving of respect and dignity. Liberals also believe in personal accountablility, and that adults accept and acknowledge responsibility for both their success, and their errors. Conservatives only want to accept their successes. Their failures are someone else's fault.

accepting gay marriage and illegals immigration, and taking from the rich is not a core family value, that is a personal preference. You say liberals believe personal accountability, but you blame the rich for not paying enough, or that your life is somehow worse because the rich didn't do enough. Personal accountability is about owning your mistakes, and making your way in the world based on the means you have available. Not getting angry at someone else because they have more than you.

Again, you say liberals acknowledge their success and their errors, but then you blame the rich for all of our problems.

Conservatives actually are more accountable because they want to be left alone and have people live their own lives rather than someone trying to dictate how they live theirs.

Liberals embrace the US Constitution and law and order. To deny that they do, is simply partisan bullshit.

liberals, daily try to eradicate the constitution and ignore its laws. From taxation, immigration, gun control and freedom of speech, they want to enforce what they want the constitution to say rather than what it does say

The same with societal boundaries. It is the extreme right wing of the Republican party that denies reality in societies boundaries. It's like the entire country having to embrace the societal limitations of Orthodox Judaism. If these are YOUR beliefs, keep to yourselves. Don't mingle with the rest of society. Become like the Mennonites.

actually, it it liberalism that denies societal boundaries by trying to force others to accept things they dont want or agree with.

If someone doesnt agree with your lifestyle, dont sue them when they dont want to bake a cake for you, go somewhere else. Liberals dont like this, they want the courts to force people to be accepting of their lifestyle.

Same with transgender. If you walk into and store and they can clearly see you are a man in womans clothing, dont get pissed when they dont address you by the pronoun that you want. Biologically, you are a man, you should expect people to address you as such.
Guys he means, being a bigot, racist and full of hate.
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....
Killed? Quit smoking that stuff.
Who hates latinos? Cons
Who hates Muslims ? Cons
Who hates Blacks? Cons.
Who hates refugees ? Cons.
Hate is your trademark.

A Democrat Politician's worst nightmare is racial harmony.
That is why they send so much time fanning the flames of hate.
The Democratic Party is a coalition of hate. Nation of Islam, La Raza, Klan, Black Panthers, BLM, Antifa, Aztlan Nationalist, Muslim Brotherhood ....
Guys he means, being a bigot, racist and full of hate.
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....
Killed? Quit smoking that stuff.
Who hates latinos? Cons
Who hates Muslims ? Cons
Who hates Blacks? Cons.
Who hates refugees ? Cons.
Hate is your trademark.
I have never smoked anything in my life, you are just exceptionally ignorant about what has been said to and about the Covington boys and their school.

They had to fucking shut down the school for the students’ safety.

YOU hate white people.
YOU hate men
YOU hate Christians

Without that hate it wouldn’t take long for the entire Democrat coalition to collapse and turn on each other. That is the reality that your media masters can’t afford to tell you.
I'm not a Democrat.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
To think? Conservatives do not have that ability all they can do is stay the course. They could be sinking and would say that the water is fine.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
I am a white democrat and only despise conservatives for their inability to think and grow as humans.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
We are bombarded from all sides by Liberal/Progressive DRECK. The Media, Education, most of Government, Tech, Social Media, and Corporate America. It is easy to go along with the Liberal mantra as it seems it is promoted everywhere. To have American values today is to be racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. You know Hillary's deplorables.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Much like people do when they watch CNN or MSNBC.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
Typical reactionary nonsense response. I am not even religious. You just can’t stand that I have the gall to defend Christians from YOUR religious bigotry.

And no, Democrats are 100% reliant on non-whites to win elections. Yes, if white Democrats grew a brain and voted Republican in large numbers that would tilt the election, but election by election cycle that number would have be significantly bigger than the last to make that much of a difference. Democrats are a completely non-white focusing party now and that leaves white people with no choice but to vote Republican.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Who knows what you are talking about?

Roger Stone adds even more nasty and disgusting sexual behavior to the GOP leadership.

This part is hilarious: To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control

Especially since we know the GOP leadership are just outright nasty.

And this: To have an expectation of fellow human beings

This means they want blacks to behave like slaves and they want gays either dead or buried in a closet.

Republicans have lost the right to demand people tow what they imagine is the morals and values line when so many right wingers appear to follow the teachings of Satan.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
I didn't see anything racist, bigoted, or misogynist in his post....where is it?
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Much like people do when they watch CNN or MSNBC.
Your response makes no sense in context.
Of course it's difficult. In order to be a conservative and vote republican one has to overcome common sense and self preservation as well as suppressing ones intelligence to a thrid grade level so one can embrace outrageous conspiracy theories without question as well as believing and repeating anything and everything a conservitard talking head tells one to.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
Typical reactionary nonsense response. I am not even religious. You just can’t stand that I have the gall to defend Christians from YOUR religious bigotry.

And no, Democrats are 100% reliant on non-whites to win elections. Yes, if white Democrats grew a brain and voted Republican in large numbers that would tilt the election, but election by election cycle that number would have be significantly bigger than the last to make that much of a difference. Democrats are a completely non-white focusing party now and that leaves white people with no choice but to vote Republican.
Nothing "reactionary" about telling the truth, although I can see why a lying conservitard might think that.

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