Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?

Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Conservatives didn't conserve anything, that's why we are in the mess. I would steer clear from this ideology and pick up something more performant.

Of course they are better people than the leftists, but that's not saying much.

If you were serious, you would post any real point, in text.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

I don't see it as difficult at all, merely inevitable, even NECESSARY if you live in the world of facts and reality rather than in the world of fears and feelings.
“Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?”

No, not at all.

In fact, it’s easy to be a conservative and just give into your fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

Judging by your response you are not a liberal but just another lefty that doesn’t know what real conservatives and real liberals believe.

There are none left, america sodomized the terms.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

You're a victim aren't you shoog.

Lol well, well, well how ya doing Fenton?
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

I have no issue with real conservatives and real liberals, they are both consistent, respectful and principled. The left and the right are like the flowers in the wind and will blow which ever way their respective party blows.
I don't see it as difficult at all, merely inevitable, even NECESSARY if you live in the world of facts and reality rather than in the world of fears and feelings.

A world of labels, bumper stickers, and sound byte attention whores, who fold at the first offerings of fact and reality

Another bizarre and wietd op. Please explain white heterosexual married business owning people that don't vote in favor of big corporate America.
Another bizarre and wietd op. Please explain white heterosexual married business owning people that don't vote in favor of big corporate America.

What percentage of Mexicrat voters do you think fits your description? Link?
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Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

You're a victim aren't you shoog.

Aren’t all good, productive, legitimate folks victimized by piece of shit lowlife degenerates?
“Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?”

No, not at all.

In fact, it’s easy to be a conservative and just give into your fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate.

Judging by your response you are not a liberal but just another lefty that doesn’t know what real conservatives and real liberals believe.

There are none left, america sodomized the terms.

Just how do you do that? I mean, sodomize a term? Sounds like you'd have to have a lot of experience with that sort of thing in order to KNOW that.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Liberals believe in hard work and paying your own way. That's why we want corporations to pay their employees a living wage instead of relying on the middle class to subsidize starvation pay.

Liberals believe in teaching core family values: That ALL families have value, and all law abiding people are deserving of respect and dignity. Liberals also believe in personal accountablility, and that adults accept and acknowledge responsibility for both their success, and their errors. Conservatives only want to accept their successes. Their failures are someone else's fault.

Liberals embrace the US Constitution and law and order. To deny that they do, is simply partisan bullshit.

The same with societal boundaries. It is the extreme right wing of the Republican party that denies reality in societies boundaries. It's like the entire country having to embrace the societal limitations of Orthodox Judaism. If these are YOUR beliefs, keep to yourselves. Don't mingle with the rest of society. Become like the Mennonites.
/——/ Not even you believe that bilge
Conservatives didn't conserve anything, that's why we are in the mess. I would steer clear from this ideology and pick up something more performant.

Of course they are better people than the leftists, but that's not saying much.

They're conserving fuel on the road to serfdom....And that's about it.

Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Liberals believe in hard work and paying your own way. That's why we want corporations to pay their employees a living wage instead of relying on the middle class to subsidize starvation pay.

Liberals believe in teaching core family values: That ALL families have value, and all law abiding people are deserving of respect and dignity. Liberals also believe in personal accountablility, and that adults accept and acknowledge responsibility for both their success, and their errors. Conservatives only want to accept their successes. Their failures are someone else's fault.

Liberals embrace the US Constitution and law and order. To deny that they do, is simply partisan bullshit.

The same with societal boundaries. It is the extreme right wing of the Republican party that denies reality in societies boundaries. It's like the entire country having to embrace the societal limitations of Orthodox Judaism. If these are YOUR beliefs, keep to yourselves. Don't mingle with the rest of society. Become like the Mennonites.

WOW. Talk about having a disconnect from reality and living in a bubble!
Liberalism is conservatism.

The opposite of conservatism is statism.

Stop referencing statists as liberals. Call a spade a spade. Statists are statists.
Liberalism is conservatism.

The opposite of conservatism is statism.

Stop referencing statists as liberals. Call a spade a spade. Statists are statists.
Their echo machine forgot to decipher that before putting out the marching orders..
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Liberals believe in hard work and paying your own way. That's why we want corporations to pay their employees a living wage instead of relying on the middle class to subsidize starvation pay.

Liberals believe in teaching core family values: That ALL families have value, and all law abiding people are deserving of respect and dignity. Liberals also believe in personal accountablility, and that adults accept and acknowledge responsibility for both their success, and their errors. Conservatives only want to accept their successes. Their failures are someone else's fault.

Liberals embrace the US Constitution and law and order. To deny that they do, is simply partisan bullshit.

The same with societal boundaries. It is the extreme right wing of the Republican party that denies reality in societies boundaries. It's like the entire country having to embrace the societal limitations of Orthodox Judaism. If these are YOUR beliefs, keep to yourselves. Don't mingle with the rest of society. Become like the Mennonites.

Yea, not sure how it works in your county, but it sure don't work that way here...dumbass.
It's impossible if you're without a moral foundation or indoctrinated by the public school system. You also have to ignorant of science and biology to be a leftist.
Guys he means, being a bigot, racist and full of hate.
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....
Killed? Quit smoking that stuff.
Who hates latinos? Cons
Who hates Muslims ? Cons
Who hates Blacks? Cons.
Who hates refugees ? Cons.
Hate is your trademark.
Guys he means, being a bigot, racist and full of hate.
The irony....

The same people who think white high school boys should be killed for “smirking” or wearing MAGA hats are now talking about racism and bigotry and “hate” again....
Killed? Quit smoking that stuff.
Who hates latinos? Cons
Who hates Muslims ? Cons
Who hates Blacks? Cons.
Who hates refugees ? Cons.
Hate is your trademark.

Who hates illegal wetbacks? Cons
Who hates Terrorists? Cons
Who hates criminal Nuggas? Cons
Who hates illegal wetbacks pretending to be refugees? Cons

I fixed your lies for you...See, cons have standards and expectations...they expect more from fellow human beings and they’ll quickly denounce those who are filthy pieces of shits regardless of color. You classless pukes fit right in with degenerates, criminals, wetbacks and filth.

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