Is it difficult to be a Conservative, to think like a Conservative, to embrace Conservative values?

Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

You voted for trump

I piss on YOU and your fkn conservative family values.

Is it conservative christian family values to put innocent children into cages?

Now I fart in your general direction.
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
"I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
“You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that."
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

You voted for trump

I piss on YOU and your fkn conservative family values.

Is it conservative christian family values to put innocent children into cages?

Now I fart in your general direction.

Obama was president when they were locking kids in cages. You are one sad loon.

How Liberals Got Lost on the Story of Missing Children at the Border

Obama officials rushed to explain photos from 2014 that went viral showing locked-up immigrant children — and Trump's facilities look the same

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies

AP FACT CHECK: 2014 photo wrongly used to hit Trump policies |

To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

VA chief doctored email so wife could travel on taxpayer dime: watchdog

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

Rob Porter's ex-wives detail abuse allegations

Ryan Zinke’s Rocky, Scandal-Ridden Year at Interior

Scott Pruitt’s bizarre condo scandal and mounting ethics questions, explained

Tom Price, Trump’s scandal-plagued HHS secretary, is stepping down

Trump frustrated with Hicks' role in Porter scandal

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea

Karen McDougal tells CNN Trump once tried to pay her after sex

Stormy Daniels describes her alleged affair with Donald Trump

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

HUD spent $31,000 in 2017 on new dining room set for Carson's office

The 7 trips Steven Mnuchin took on government planes for $811,800

Trump's top health official traded tobacco stock while leading anti-smoking efforts

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to making false statements to Congress

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”
Even when trump is raw doggying porn stars while his wife and kid are sleeping in the other rooms?

Even though trump got rich on the backs of contractors he never paid? Or by conning corrupt politicians to give him special tax breaks? He’s a con man snake oil salesman and you bought it.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Dear BrokeLoser
If Liberalism is so wrong, then why are so many
Conservatives and pro-Trump advocates
relying on Trump and govt to make all the changes from top down?

Where are the Conservatives investing in education,
training and mentorship to build solutions from the ground up?

Do you understand that in order to help Liberals to build
universal health care and better schools etc. that means
MENTORING and investing MICROLOANS into business plans
to help these people to LEARN, DO and CREATE/MANAGE for themselves?

If just sit there and expect to "vote liberals out of office"
that's NOT teaching or helping them to build create own and manage
their own programs outside of govt. It just fuels more and more
dependence on "big party leaders" such as Obama, Clinton or Beto
to sell them the idea they will get this help "through govt."

Where are the conservatives collectively teaching and reforming
the mass mentality? Not only by building and doing things directly,
but helping to finance and mentor LIBERALS to be in charge
of their own business plans, finances and resources so they
QUIT depending on party politics and govt thinking that's the only way?
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Dear BrokeLoser
If Liberalism is so wrong, then why are so many
Conservatives and pro-Trump advocates
relying on Trump and govt to make all the changes from top down?

Where are the Conservatives investing in education,
training and mentorship to build solutions from the ground up?

Do you understand that in order to help Liberals to build
universal health care and better schools etc. that means
MENTORING and investing MICROLOANS into business plans
to help these people to LEARN, DO and CREATE/MANAGE for themselves?

If just sit there and expect to "vote liberals out of office"
that's NOT teaching or helping them to build create own and manage
their own programs outside of govt. It just fuels more and more
dependence on "big party leaders" such as Obama, Clinton or Beto
to sell them the idea they will get this help "through govt."

Where are the conservatives collectively teaching and reforming
the mass mentality? Not only by building and doing things directly,
but helping to finance and mentor LIBERALS to be in charge
of their own business plans, finances and resources so they
QUIT depending on party politics and govt thinking that's the only way?

Soooo, aside from LIBERALS wanting free stuff, it should be someone's responsibility to hold their hands?
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

Dear BrokeLoser
If Liberalism is so wrong, then why are so many
Conservatives and pro-Trump advocates
relying on Trump and govt to make all the changes from top down?

Where are the Conservatives investing in education,
training and mentorship to build solutions from the ground up?

Do you understand that in order to help Liberals to build
universal health care and better schools etc. that means
MENTORING and investing MICROLOANS into business plans
to help these people to LEARN, DO and CREATE/MANAGE for themselves?

If just sit there and expect to "vote liberals out of office"
that's NOT teaching or helping them to build create own and manage
their own programs outside of govt. It just fuels more and more
dependence on "big party leaders" such as Obama, Clinton or Beto
to sell them the idea they will get this help "through govt."

Where are the conservatives collectively teaching and reforming
the mass mentality? Not only by building and doing things directly,
but helping to finance and mentor LIBERALS to be in charge
of their own business plans, finances and resources so they
QUIT depending on party politics and govt thinking that's the only way?

Soooo, aside from LIBERALS wanting free stuff, it should be someone's responsibility to hold their hands?

Dear Thinker101
Look at the Habitat for Humanity model for teaching
and financing first time home ownership.

They don't just expect people to jump in without support.

This takes a whole team to learn the cost, logistics and planning
of building or renovating a house, and also sustainability where
once a team learns, and someone receives help that person
and team helps the next person or team to learn, so it multiplies
and is sustainable growth, education training and development.

Microlending programs that succeed work the same way.
You don't just handout money to people.
They earn the loan by receiving business training,
and usually have to have business plans approved
in order to qualify for the next level of grant or loan,
until they work their way up to larger and larger budgets.

That's how you replace welfare handouts and mentality
with independence financial viability and sustainable growth
where the next set or generation learns as the program expands.

Interestingly enough, both Obama and Ben Carson
advocate for microlending and business training
as the key to replacing welfare and breaking the poverty cycle.

What's missing is the collaborative relationship
between the people with knowledge and experience
of property and financial management reaching the
people MOST in need of this support.

Instead of dividing and blaming parties by class,
the solution is actually to take the best and worst
of both, and bring them together to SOLVE those problems!

Why not give tax breaks to business owners that
lend and mentor to new interns learning to manage
their own business or rental property so no money is lost or wasted?

Then the money saved on interest or on business loss
can be invested in building more schools, more teaching
hospitals, clinics and hiring more teachers or police to
serve the community instead of paying thousands more for
crime or corruption because people aren't learning to follow laws
and invest in their own communities, businesses and programs.
Nope, that is literally what Democrats do.
Ah, the tried and true "I know you are but what am I?" Defense.

A classic, true. But a classic for grade schoolers.

Time grow up.
Democrats hate white people, Christians and men. Every single media outlet and “comedian” that is a Democrat perfectly illustrates this every single day.

Telling white people that they don’t have a sense of self preservation or common sense because they don’t vote for a party that increasingly wants them and their children dead is the ultimate example of irony.

Other than dumbass boomers who think this is all a question of “work ethic” or “taxes” or some other long decided political and social debate, every Republican by and large votes against Democrats out of a sense of self preservation.
You idiot, Democrats are mostly white people, and christians, and at least half male.

Take your misogynistic, racsist, religious bigotry and crawl back under your rock.
Typical reactionary nonsense response. I am not even religious. You just can’t stand that I have the gall to defend Christians from YOUR religious bigotry.

And no, Democrats are 100% reliant on non-whites to win elections. Yes, if white Democrats grew a brain and voted Republican in large numbers that would tilt the election, but election by election cycle that number would have be significantly bigger than the last to make that much of a difference. Democrats are a completely non-white focusing party now and that leaves white people with no choice but to vote Republican.
Imagine a country where conservative republicans actually DO something to attract minority voters......but I guess that would cut against their grain.
Imagine a country where the “progressive” Democrats actually gave even one tenth of a shit about white people as Republicans do about minorities. That would be the day.

You don’t see Republicans calling black people racists for voting against them. You don’t see Republicans treating black Christians like extremist terrorists. You don’t see Republicans calling completely innocent black gatherings and organizations hate groups for simply being all or mostly black solely because of the location. Republicans are completely and naively committed to civic nationalism. Democrats are completely beholden to every non-white racist in the country and in the world or they will literally lose millions of votes from members of those racist groups, the family members of those racist groups, the sympathizers of those racist groups, and those who are paranoid that cracking down on black racist groups for once would somehow start up Jim Crow again.

If white people were smart we would vote 90 to 98% Republican every year and eliminate the Democrats completely to get some real racial progress going, but sadly white Democrats are literally the least intelligent people in the world.

White liberals are too busy trying to bow down to non-whites to see the constant barrage of racism that their own family members endure from the Democrats on a daily basis. “Whitelash” my ass, Van Jones is just a racist idiot hired by the black supremacist channel known as CNN.
Hell yes it is....when compared to the level of difficulty required to embrace Liberalism.
To embrace conservatism is to believe in hard work and paying your own way
To establish and teach a foundation of core family values and personal accountability
To embrace the U.S. Constitution, law and order
To embrace a level of normalcy and societal boundaries
To have an expectation of fellow human beings
To oppress sexually deviant thoughts and temptations through self control
I could go on and on...these are all things Liberals do not need to think about....their mantra is quite simple....”Live And Let Live On Your Dime”

You voted for trump

I piss on YOU and your fkn conservative family values.

Is it conservative christian family values to put innocent children into cages?

Now I fart in your general direction.
Democrats are trying to destroy white Christian values and communities.

Voting for Trump is by far a better option for white Christians than Democrats.

Maybe you pieces of shit should make your party an actual better option for those people instead of attacking them for picking their only real option.
Notice the Republicans don’t defend their racism nor the hatred of women.

Nor their hatred of America nor there desire to see people shot?

What they do instead is attack Democrats.

I’m not even sure they know what made them so awful.

But I believe they do know they’re awful.
Notice the Republicans don’t defend their racism nor the hatred of women.

Nor their hatred of America nor there desire to see people shot?

What they do instead is attack Democrats.

I’m not even sure they know what made them so awful.

But I believe they do know they’re awful.
Says the dumbass hick who has a disgraceful picture of a Supreme Court justice as his avatar....

All you idiots do is attack the right and all of their voters, you have no solutions to anything.

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